Lin Qiong couldn't help but plucked out his ears, pouted and said, "I didn't tell you not to use it? Just use it if you use it!"

"Huh? Why is Brother Qiong so understanding today?"

Loki showed a surprised expression, then touched his chin in a serious manner, and said to himself: "Is it because I want to ask for something? Wuhu! Then I can bully him severely!?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He glanced at Loki and said, "I just want to say, if you think this method of cheating can bring you happiness, then go ahead and cheat."

Loki: "..."

She sat back on the chair with her mouth pursed, then picked up the apple on the table and took a bite, and said, "You kid is really boring—tell me, what do you want from me?"

"Looking for you to watch a movie, okay?"

Lin Qiong supported his chin and said, "Although it's an old movie, I think it should suit your taste."


Loki raised his eyebrows, and she casually grabbed a square pillow with a photo of Ai Si in her arms, then held a squid whisker in her mouth, and said impatiently: "Why don't you open it, let me have a good taste? "

"Clothes go!"

Lin Qiong quickly opened the Tricky Expert starring Master Xing, and then began to appreciate this romantic comedy film released in 1991-it's a pity that it is not a romantic action film!

My evaluation is not as good as Unstoppable Madness.


After about two hours, the film ended.

Lin Qiong looked at Loki and asked, "How do you feel?"

"Overall, the flaws do not hide the strengths."

Loki touched his chin, then looked at Lin Qiong with a smile, and said, "However, it's almost time to tell your real purpose, right? Or do you want us to tell you your analysis?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

I was careless, I didn't expect that Loki with an online IQ would not be so easy to fool.

He raised his hands helplessly, and said, "Okay, let me say—actually, I want to ask, can you reproduce props such as honest bean paste buns in the movie?"

Chapter 0685 Treated differently!

"Hmph, it's exactly what we thought—"

After hearing Lin Qiong's words, Loki immediately showed a clear smile, and said, "You want to use honest bean paste buns to distinguish the moths in this world, right?"

Lin Qiong nodded helplessly, and said, "It's like this—you, who have been in the Fishman Island for a while, should be very clear about how many disgusting things exist in this world, right?"

After all, you can’t judge a person’s good or evil just by their appearance—who would have imagined that a beautiful, holy, and beautiful Carmelite nun (when she was young) was essentially a black-hearted human trafficker?

Loki: "..."

She twitched the corners of her mouth, then couldn't help but gritted her teeth and said: "We have a deep understanding - those bastards who don't know how to pity women and women dare to do such excessive things to beautiful mermaid girls!"

You deserve death!

Lin Qiong looked at Loki and said, "Then?"

Loki nodded vigorously and said, "Fine!"

If it is any other situation, then we must ask Brother Qiong to rub our shoulders, beat our backs and pinch our legs for one-stop service before we reluctantly nod and agree to help him, but for the sake of beautiful girls...

Hmph, it's cheap for you!



After being kicked out by Loki on the grounds that "we're going to retreat to study the props, you're fine, don't be an eyesore here", Lin Qiong squatted helplessly on the street of Fishman Island, watching with probing eyes. Looking at the mermaid lady who is coming and going on the street ahead.

"One thing to say, the young ladies on Murloc Island are really high quality."

With a lollipop in his mouth, Lin Qiong said to Feng Wang who was squatting on his finger: "Tsk tsk, look at this long hair, this delicate face, this surging heart, this slim waist—"

"You said that I don't understand."

Phoenix King trimmed his feathers with his beak, and said innocently: "Because I'm just a Phoenix King, and I don't have your human aesthetics."

Lin Qiong said indifferently: "It's not a big problem, I'm just talking to myself."


Feng Wang shook his feathers and said to Lin Qiong, "Give me some French fries."

Lin Qiong, who was admiring the fish tail: "..."

He twitched his lips: "No, can French fries be carried with you?"

There is one thing to say, French fries are only a delicacy when they are just out of the oven. Once they are left for more than 10 minutes, they will become something that dogs will not eat.

Phoenix King: "..."

She nodded sadly, and said, "You're right, then bring me some potato chips, shrimp crackers, Langmixian, snow cakes, chocolate, marshmallows, and cookies."

Lin Qiong: "?"

While he was cursing and taking things out, he complained: "You are eating so many snacks and you are not afraid of gaining weight? Be careful, you fat bird will die!"

"What kind of banana spiral stick stick hammer pig's fart do you put?"

King Feng raised his eyebrows, and then he said confidently: "I am the god of life, how can it be possible for King Feng, who has the most beautiful appearance, to gain weight?"

Lin Qiong sneered and said, "How long has it been since you weighed yourself?"


King Feng trembled all over, and then said with erratic eyes: "I, I, I, I can control my appearance, everything, so my weight has no effect on me at all!"

"Hehe, you're right."

Lin Qiong let out a sneer of disdain to argue, then put the snacks Feng Wang asked for on the tablecloth beside him, and said with "concern": "Eat slowly, don't choke to death!"

"do not worry!"

Feng Wang didn't realize Lin Qiong's viciousness at all, but said proudly: "Don't worry about my food, there will be no problems!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He gave up arguing with Feng Wang, but refocused his attention on the mermaid lady who was fighting in the square in front of him, expressing emotion.

'But there is one thing to say, this guy Oda is really hostile to beautiful women. '

'Whether it is Lieutenant General He, Grandma Ke Keluo, Carmelite nun or even Miss Ba Jin, they are all exquisite beauties when they are young. '

'As a result, after getting older...'

The conscience of heaven and earth!When Lin Qiong found out that Miss Ba Jin, that old, short, ugly bitch, was actually Stussy's clone body, he almost stopped cosplaying Enero in real life! !

Suddenly, Lin Qiong noticed a fiery gaze, and he couldn't help but look in the direction of the gaze——behind a giant coral, a figure in a purple-blue hood was looking at him eagerly ...

The Phoenix King next to me...

Snacks in front of you.

'Well?Looks a bit familiar...'

Seeing this, Lin Qiong couldn't help raising his own eyebrows, then walked behind the other person, lightly poked the person's shoulder with his finger, and said, "Hello, little lady."


The other party trembled in fright, then rushed to the side in a flurry of hands and feet, looked at Lin Qiong who appeared behind him with a look of horror, and stammered: "You, you, you..."

"Calm down, calm down—"

Lin Qiong showed a harmless smile towards the other party, then took out a big white rabbit toffee from his arms and handed it to the other party, and asked softly, "Do you want to eat?"


Looking at the toffee in Lin Qiong's hand that exudes a faint milk fragrance, the little girl couldn't help but swallowed, then shook her head vigilantly, and said, "No, no! Boss Tiger said, I said, I can't accept strangers food!"

Especially humans!People, human beings are greatly corrupted!

"Eh? Then how about—"

Lin Qiong touched his chin, then pointed to himself, and said, "My name is Lin Qiong, and I come from Sky City. How about you?"


It was impossible to introduce herself to the little girl when she got up suddenly, she subconsciously replied: "I, I am Xia Li, from Murloc Street."

'oh!Shirley... No, this is Shirley! '

After Lin Qiong heard the name, he looked at the other party's dark blue eyes and the fish tail behind him, and immediately understood why the other party looked familiar—isn't this the future manager of the Mermaid Cafe, who has the ability to predict? Mrs. Charlie?

"I know Charlie's name, and Charlie knows mine, so we're already friends—"

Lin Qiong handed the toffee to Xia Li again, and said with a smile: "The food of strangers is not acceptable, so the food of friends is fine, right?"

Charlie: "..."

She frowned, then hugged her head with both hands, and after thinking for a few seconds, said decisively: "Mm! No problem!"

Little girl Charlie, good friend +1.




Sitting at the small low table, Xia Li stuffed delicious cookies into her mouth with excitement on her face, and in her hand, Feng Wang was pecking away at the speed of all the martial arts heroes who appeared on the stage. The "Da Huan Dan" of the TV series and the "Spiritual Pill" of the Xianxia TV series-I mean, Mai Lisu.

"Little Charlie, eat slowly."

Lin Qiong held his chin, looked at Charlie in front of him with a smile, and said: "Don't just eat biscuits, they are easy to choke - drink some drinks! Orange juice? Or coconut milk? Wangzai milk?"

"Coconut, coconut milk!"

Xia Li struggled to swallow the biscuit in her mouth, then hurriedly took the coconut milk handed over by Lin Qiong, drank half a glass of it, then hiccupped contentedly, and said, "Why, how can it be so delicious? s things!"

"There are so many delicious things—"

Lin Qiong picked up chocolate wafers, Oreos and Fun Duoduo and put them in front of Xia Li, and said boldly: "Come on, let's make it with strength, don't be polite to brother!"


Looking at the snacks in front of her, Xia Li felt that her saliva began to secrete again. Not only did she stretch out her sinful hand, she said, "Then, then I'm not welcome!"

"Why are you being polite? Children just want to eat more!"

While holding snacks for Xia Li, Lin Qiong persuaded, "You are just at the age when you are growing your body. Only when you are full can you grow taller and grow faster!"

King Feng: "?"

She stopped eating, then tilted her head to look at Lin Qiong, and said, "Aqiong, don't you think you're going too far?"


Lin Qiong stopped feeding, then looked at Feng Wang with a strange look, and asked, "Oh, my dear Ah Feng, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

"Oh, my dear friend, if you speak in this damn interpreter's voice again, I can assure you, I will definitely, I will kick your ass hard with my leather boots!"

Feng Wang glared at Lin Qiong, then pointed at Xia Li with his beak, and said, "I eat snacks, and you say I'm not afraid of getting fat; she eats snacks, and you say she is growing up?"

Lin Qiong propped his chin, squinted at King Feng, and asked, "Am I wrong? Isn't she growing up?"

"The point is not whether she is growing!"

Feng Wang shook his voice: "It's your attitude! Don't you think you're too unkind to me?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He pointed at Charlie: "On the other side is a good loli who calls me Unnie-chan with a milky voice and a lolita sound."

Pointing to Feng Wang again: "On one side is a dead fat bird that has no use for farts except eating and sleeping."

Then spread his hands: "If it were you, you would treat these two people differently."

King Feng: "!?"

She showed a shocked expression: "You're treating it differently! I'm fucking hurt inside, do you know that?"

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