"A-Feng, you asked for this. When you see hell later, don't blame me -"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but sigh, and then, with King Feng's face filled with questions, he gently lifted her in his palm, gently placed a potato chip in her mouth, and said softly: "Come on. , Fengfeng, it’s time to eat potato chips.”

Phoenix King: ヽ(Д)ノ

The frightened King Feng rushed out of Lin Qiong's palm in a hurry, then stood on the table and looked at Lin Qiong in shock, and said with a livid face: "You, you, can you not be so disgusting!? I him Mom just finished eating and nearly threw up—"

Chapter 0686 does not need your human help

"That's why you dead fat bird is a boar that can't eat fine chaff—"

Lin Qiong looked contemptuously at Feng Wang, who almost gave him a hard time, and complained, "Will you let me treat you with kindness?"

"Sorry, I admit that I spoke a little louder just now."

Feng Wang flapped his wings and landed back on Lin Qiong's finger, then wrinkled his little face and said with a mask of pain on his face: "I think your attitude towards me was very good before, really very good. of."

Imagine that you open your eyes and find yourself lying in the arms of the upper bunk brother, and he is looking at you with tender eyes and affectionate eyes, and gently rubbing your cheek with his fingers...

Your fucking hairs stand on end, okay?


Lin Qiong curled his lips, then turned his attention to Xia Li who was quietly observing him and Feng Wang, and asked with a smile: "I remember Xia Li said just now that you are from Murloc Street, right?"


Xia Li nodded obediently, then bit her mouth in small bites, and said, "When I was three years old, I was abandoned by my father in Murloc Street and lived with my brother."

By the way, her elder brother is the murloc and evil dragon who caused troubles to Donghai and oppressed Nami's family in the original book-but now this little boy is just a rebellious teenager in adolescence.

"Is that so-"

Lin Qiong supported his chin and said, "When Xia Li finishes eating, can you take me to Murloc Street?"

Charlie: "..."

She paused for a while while eating snacks, then stared at Lin Qiong with wide eyes, and said solemnly: "Murloc Street is the most chaotic and poorest place on Murloc Island, and it is a gathering place for 'lower people'."

The subtext is: Murloc street thieves are poor, there is really no fun.

"Don't worry, I have no ill intentions towards everyone in Murloc Street."

Lin Qiong supported his chin, squinted his eyes and said, "It's better to say that I can give them a bright future."

Charlie: "..."

She was silent for a long time, then nodded slightly.


Fish Street.

If the terminus of uncertain objects is the garbage dump of the Goa Kingdom, then Murloc Street is undoubtedly the garbage dump of Murloc Island—a gathering place for orphans, human scum, and garbage.

"Is this Murloc Street? It really looks like a slum—"

Lin Qiong, who was holding Xiali in his left hand, was walking on the streets of Murloc Street, looking at the Murlocs around the street and corners, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said: "Besides, the gazes of these friends are all Very unfriendly."

"Murloc Street is the focus of the slave catchers, so the residents living here are very hostile to humans."

Xia Li grabbed Lin Qiong's clothes with her small hands and explained, "However, because of Lord Loki, the slave hunting team has disappeared from Murloc Island."

"Don't worry! There will no longer be such scum as slave catchers in this world."

With a smile on his face, Lin Qiong said softly: "Everyone on Fishman Island will live a prosperous and happy life, and no longer have to live in fear."


Xia Li looked at Lin Qiong who was hugging her with shining eyes, and asked expectantly, "Brother Lin Qiong didn't lie to Xia Li?"

"Don't worry, although this guy has worrying integrity, he never deceives his own people—"

Feng Wang flapped his wings and landed on Xia Li's hand, comforting softly: "What he said will definitely come true."

"You fat bird, who are you saying that integrity is worrying? Who in the entire sky city doesn't know that my integrity is almost overflowing?"

Lin Qiong rubbed Feng Wang's head with his fingers angrily, and then said with a smile: "But you are right - brother Qiong never lies to his own people!"

When Charlie heard this, she immediately showed a sweet smile to Lin Qiong and said, "Lin Qiong, Onii-chan, thank you~"

"It's just a little effort~"

Lin Qiong waved his hands, then turned his gaze to the depths of Murloc Street, and said, "Then, let's go visit the boss of Murloc Street."


Fisher Tiger.

The boss of the Murloc Street, the founder of the future Sun Pirates, and the savior of the three sisters of the pirate empress Boa Hancock and Kerla, a member of the Revolutionary Army.

"Nice meeting, Mr. Fisher Tiger—"

Lin Qiong looked at the tiger fish and murloc in front of him, smiled and said, "I am Lin Qiong, Lin Qiong of the Sky City."

"Nice meeting, Your Excellency Lin Qiong."

Different from Lin Qiong's casual attitude, Fisher Tiger's attitude was much more serious and solemn, "I don't know what the owner of Sky City is talking about when he came to Murloc Street?"

While asking, his eyes could not help but drift to Xia Li in Lin Qiong's arms - the little girl blinked at him, which made him feel a little more relaxed.

Apparently, the other party didn't come here with any ill intentions, right?

"Don't be so nervous, I just happened to meet little Xia Li, so I decided to come to Murloc Street to have a look."

Lin Qiong glanced down at Xia Li in his arms, then raised his head to look at Tiger again, and said, "Then I felt that since we all came to Murloc Street, wouldn't it be nice if we didn't pay a visit to the boss here?" Polite, so I came to see you."

Fisher Tiger: "…"

To be honest, he felt that Lin Qiong could be a little rude and just pretend that he, the boss of Murloc Street, didn't exist.

"Ahem, the name of the boss of Murloc Street is only called by the brothers of Murloc Street for the sake of face!"

Tiger coughed dryly, and then said with some embarrassment: "How dare His Excellency Lin Qiong come to visit? It should be an inspection, an inspection!"

Unlike those murlocs lying on the ground outside, Fisher Tiger, who calls himself an adventurer and is ready to travel around the world, is always paying attention to the trends in the outside world.

Then he took it for granted that Mr. Lin's tough record, including but not limited to - overlord color suppressed a city, easily defeated One Piece; foiled the navy's general attack by himself; killed five sharks in three days. The old star and their ashes; destroyed the world government that controlled the world for 800 years.

Damn, this is equivalent to returning home to take a sip of water, and then turning around to find Wesker, Guda, and Adam Hammer fighting the landlord in your living room.

Tiger was so scared that he almost shrank his eggs.

"Boss Tiger, you are too nervous! Relax—"

Lin Qiong comforted the tiger fish and murloc, and said with a smile: "What's more, if I really plan to do something to you, with my strength, you can't resist, right?"

Tiger: "..."

Damn, what this person said makes sense!Reasonable——

Fishman Island trembles in front of the big pirate;

The great pirate trembles before the great navy;

The big navy trembled in front of the Five Old Stars;

Wulaoxing trembled in front of Immon;

Im blamed trembling in front of Master Qiong.

Rounding things up, the total combat power of the Fishman Island is roughly equal to nothing in front of Master Qiong? ? ?

"Well, you have a point."

Tiger rubbed the bridge of his nose with his hands helplessly, and then smiled wryly: "Could it be that His Excellency Lin Qiong just came to see me and satisfy his curiosity?"

"Yes, but not all—"

Lin Qiong blinked his eyes, then looked at the tense Tiger, touched Xia Li's head with a smile, and said: "The main purpose of my coming here is that I think places like Murloc Street are already There is no need to exist anymore..."

"You bastard—"

Before Lin Qiong finished speaking, a blue figure jumped out from the window on the second floor of the nearby building, slashed at Lin Qiong's neck with a machete in his hand, and shouted: "Give me death!" Bar!"


The corners of Lin Qiong's mouth couldn't help but slightly raised. Just when he was about to make a move to teach the evil dragon a lesson, a red figure flashed past him, pinning the evil dragon firmly to the ground.

"Big brother, let me go!!"

The evil dragon who was pinned to the ground by Tiger struggled angrily. He stared at Lin Qiong and shouted: "I knew this human being had no good intentions! He really came to destroy us! Let me kill him--"

"Shut up, dragon!"

Tiger looked at the dragon under him angrily, and growled, "If Your Excellency Lin Qiong really plans to do something to us, then..."

"Forget it, Boss Tiger! Let's stop talking between us—"

Lin Qiong put Xia Li in his arms on the stool, then stood up, straightened up with a "disinterested" face, and said, "Originally, I was going to protect everyone on Murloc Island in the name of Sky City." , so that everyone can live freely on the sea, but it seems that I am not welcome here, so let’s forget about it——I wish you a happy life at the bottom of the sea, and goodbye forever.”

Tiger: "!?"

When he heard the first half of Lin Qiong's sentence, his heart almost jumped out of his chest with excitement, but when Lin Qiong said the second half of his sentence, he suddenly felt a feeling of cardiopulmonary arrest.

The residents of Fishman Island, the opportunity to live in the sun aboveboard, was ruined like this? ?

"You hateful human being! Don't you try to deceive us—"

Taking advantage of Tiger's distraction, the evil dragon broke free from his oppression, then got up and shouted at Lin Qiong: "A despicable and shameless human being like you must be planning something..."


Lin Qiong couldn't help but let out a contemptuous sneer. He glanced at the evil dragon with the eyes overlooking the insects, and said with extreme disdain: "What are you, and you deserve to be tricked by me? Heh——"

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the exit of Murloc Street without looking back, and the Murlocs who heard the noise and ran over to join in the fun all looked at a loss.


At this moment, a muffled low sound attracted the attention of everyone in Murloc Street.When they looked in the direction of the sound, they all showed expressions of pupil shock.

The most revered Tiger Boss in Murloc Street...

Kneeling on the ground.

Chapter 0687 really small-minded

At this moment.

Under the stunned gazes of hundreds of fishmen in Fishman Street, the boss of Fishman Street, Tigerfish Fisher Tiger, was pressing his forehead to the ground, making a pleading gesture to Lin Qiong.

"Your Excellency Lin Qiong, please stop!!"

Tiger kept doing this and said loudly: "We have no intention of not welcoming you!!"

"Boss Tiger, what are you doing!!"

The evil dragon looked at Tiger who was kneeling on the ground, showing an expression of disbelief, he stretched out his hands and grabbed Tiger's arm, trying to pull him up from the ground, "Why do you kneel down to that hateful human! He must be deceiving me on purpose..."

"shut up!!!"

Tiger's angry voice froze the dragon's movements. The red tiger fish raised its head, looked at the dragon with eyes that hated iron and steel, and said, "Just like what Your Excellency Lin Qiong said, What do you think we, the 'trash' who live in Murloc Street, have the right to be counted by him!? To be deceived by him!?"


The evil dragon who was reprimanded by Tiger stood up a little helplessly, he opened his mouth, then poked his neck and said, "We murlocs are born with strength ten times stronger than humans..."

"Then tell me! Why can't a murloc, who has ten times the power of a human being, even be able to protect his own compatriots!?"

Tiger looked at the evil dragon with red eyes, and roared: "Because behind those slave catchers are Tianlong people! It's the world government! It's the navy!!"

Evil Dragon: "..."

"The navy, world government, and Tianlong people that our Fishman Island can't resist at all, are vulnerable in front of His Excellency Lin Qiong!!"

Tiger stared at the dragon's eyes, panting heavily: "Tell me, what do we have, are you referring to him to deceive? Tell me—"

Evil Dragon: "..."

He opened his mouth—

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