On appearance?

If you say he lied to the mermaid, some people will believe him, but you want to say that he lied to the murloc?You can pull it down!

On force?

All the combat forces on Murloc Island were bundled together, and Lin Qiong was no match for him alone.

In terms of financial resources?

Lin Qiong, who has the power to destroy the world government, still lacks the means to obtain money?

"Do you know who in this world is most likely to let the residents of Murloc Island walk in the sun? It's not the navy, it's not the world government, it's not the Tianlong people, it's His Excellency Lin Qiong!!"

Looking at the distraught evil dragon, Tiger couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said, "Evil dragon, if His Excellency Lin Qiong gave up on Murloc Island because of your attitude just now, I will never forgive you!"

What sets Fisher Tiger apart from the other residents of Murloc Street?It is his vision, his perception of the world.

From the words of the evil dragon, it can be seen that most of the murlocs in Murloc Street have an inexplicable pride—our murlocs are naturally ten times stronger than humans, and we are an amazing race!

But these murlocs didn't realize that if they were really amazing, why would they shiver in the murloc island?

Nowadays, there is finally an opportunity to improve the survival status of murlocs/merfolk on Murloc Island, if it is destroyed by the reckless, stupid and brainless attitude of the evil dragon...

Tiger, I am really going to be angry!


The evil dragon looked at the slightly humble figure of his respected elder brother kneeling on the ground, and his bloodshot eyes, and then at Lin Qiong behind him with a cold face and indifferent eyes, and couldn't help clenching his fists.

"Boss Tiger, it doesn't make sense for you to do this."

Lin Qiong stood where he was, looked at Tiger without any emotion, and said, "My goodwill has been trampled on, and it cannot be made up for by someone else's 'I'm sorry'."

The evil dragon clenched its teeth, then tightly clenched its fists, looked at Lin Qiong with stubborn and unyielding eyes, and said, "We don't need your kindness..."

"Evil dragon——"

Along with Tiger's roar, his fist hit the evil dragon's face hard and smashed him into the building on the street. "Do you know what you are talking about!"

"Big brother, I don't understand!"

The evil dragon struggled to get up from the ruins, then covered his face, stared at Tiger with resentment, and said: "We murlocs are united, and we don't need to rely on the power of this human being to protect ourselves." !!"

"Well said! Well said!"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but clapped his hands vigorously, and then sighed sincerely: "I am deeply excited by Mr. Evil Dragon's speech - I will roll with the flags of the Rocky team and the city of the sky!" Get out of Fishman Island!"

"Get out, get out now—"

The evil dragon pointed at Lin Qiong with its slender fingers, and angrily said: "Don't think that we will accept human help! We will never forget what you humans have done to us!"

This time, Lin Qiong didn't say anything, but looked at the dragon very calmly, and then disappeared in place.

Tiger: "..."

He knelt down on the ground again, and murmured, "Dragon, what have you done?"




Feng Wang hugged Lin Qiong's finger, looked at him worriedly, and said, "Are you angry?"

"That's not it."

Lin Qiong shook his head lightly, then thought for a while, and added: "Well, I was really angry at the beginning - after all, I went there with good intentions, but was attacked by someone with a knife, you said Am I angry?"

"It's me, I'm angry too!"

Feng Wang nodded his head, then tilted his head and said, "Then don't you get angry now?"

"Now... rather than anger, it should be more of a kind of pity or understanding?"

Lin Qiongji sat on a chair by the side of the road, supported his head with his right hand, and said a little absent-mindedly: "Imagine, suppose there is a Shining Xanadu, because of its rare appearance, it will be picked up by Pokémon every now and then. Dream Hunter attack—then after fully feeling the evil of human nature, will she continue to trust humans?"

"Will do."

Feng Wang nodded vigorously, and she said seriously: "I don't know about other creatures, but Pokémon will definitely!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He scratched his head, and then said helplessly: "Well, maybe I shouldn't use Pokémon as an example - because there is no simpler and cuter creature in the world than Pokémon."

If so, it must be my own Pokémon.

Feng Wang puffed out his chest proudly: "Hmm! Keep on boasting, don't stop!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He glanced at the proud Feng Wang speechlessly, and complained, "What are you fussing about? I'm praising the Pokémon, not you?"

Feng Wang had a question mark on his face: "What do you mean? Is it issued my Pokémon membership?"

"That's not it."

Lin Qiong shook his head, and said with an innocent face: "It's just that I remember a certain shining toucan who didn't want to be named, after being betrayed by humans, he hid himself for hundreds of years."

"No road race no road race no road race!"

Feng Wang rushed up to Lin Qiong's head in anger, then pecked at his hair with his bird's beak, and shouted: "Don't say anything about my history, don't say it, don't say it!"

"Feng Wang started pecking my hair again. Ye Qing is back -"

Lin Qiong grabbed the swollen Phoenix King, dumbfounded, then poked her deliberately swollen chest with his hand, and said, "Okay, don't be angry! Elbow, let's go to the Dragon Palace to inform King Neptune first." , and then go back and find Erina to order fried chicken!"

"Huh? Fried chicken?"

Feng Wang paused, then turned his head as if nothing had happened, and said calmly: "I want a combination of honey mustard and heavy spicy amber!"

"Yes! Both are fine! Then I want a combination of milky cheese and sweet and sour tomato!"

Lin Qiong walked towards Longgong City with a smile, and said, "We are fighting together! Brightness and beauty!"

Feng Wang closed his eyes with a happy face: "Bright and beautiful!"



"Red bean paste, private masai!"

King Neptune bent his tall body, and his voice was full of fear and anxiety: "Your Excellency Lin Qiong! The attitude of the evil dragon definitely does not represent our Fishman Island, we..."

After returning to the Dragon King's Palace, Lin Qiong told King Neptune what happened just now, but before he finished speaking, the other party came to show the spirit of craftsmanship.

"Okay, okay, King Neptune! Please calm down—"

Lin Qiong waved his hands dumbfounded, and said, "I admit that I was a little angry at the beginning, but looking at the tired eyes of the murlocs in Murloc Street, I suddenly realized—in the final analysis, these are all human beings. crimes committed by oneself."

"It is the pirates who do all kinds of evil, the lackeys of the world government, and the slave hunting team of Tianlong who commit crimes, not Your Excellency Lin Qiong—"

King Neptune raised his hands and pressed Lin Qiong's shoulders, looked at him with burning eyes, and said seriously: "We absolutely, absolutely, absolutely must not blame the benefactors of Murloc Island because of other people's evil deeds! It's not right, it's wrong!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He scratched his hair helplessly and said: "King Neptune, you have said so, how can I have the nerve to teach Fish-Man Island a lesson?"

King Neptune: "..."

Although you say you are not angry, you are actually planning to take revenge on us, right?Are you the abbot?Horse... What a small mind!

"Don't look at me like that!"

Lin Qiong waved his hands with a smile, and said, "After all, there is such a saying in my hometown - why should a good person be pointed at by a gun? Right?"

"That's true."

King Neptune sighed softly, then sat in front of Lin Qiong in a respectful manner, and said in a low voice: "Then, Your Excellency Lin Qiong, how are you going to solve this matter?"

"I think helping and being helped is a two-way choice, so..."

Lin Qiong showed a gentle smile towards King Neptune, and said, "Since the evil dragon doesn't want me to help him, then I will only help those who are willing to let me help."

Chapter 0688 is worthy of it, Rocky!

"Good boy, you are right! Why should a good man be pointed at by a gun?"

Loki patted Lin Qiong's shoulder hard, and said cursingly: "His grandma! What kind of virtue? Submissive in front of the slave hunting team, punching hard in front of the rescue team? What a stinky brother—"

"Good guy, why are you more angry than me?"

Lin Qiong leaned on the sofa, looked at Loki dumbfounded, and said, "You guys must be secretly in love with this young master, so you hate the house, right?"

"What kind of pig fart are you talking about? I have a crush on you?"

Loki suddenly showed an expression as if he had eaten a nine-turn intestine, and he couldn't stand it anymore, "Even if I have a crush on that little dwarf, I won't have a crush on you!"


Lin Qiong was stunned, then looked at Finn, and said, "Rivelia, Finn, did you hear that? The goddess Loki has a crush on the goddess Hestia."

Loki: "?"

Riveria nodded: "I did hear that."

Loki: "??"

Finn: "I thought she really hated the goddess Hestia, but I didn't expect..."

Loki: "???"

Lin Qiong: "Don't you understand? Primary school boys are like this—they are not good at expressing their liking, so they can only use pranks to attract girls' attention."

Loki: "????"

Finn: "I see! So, did Loki's concept of love stay at the stage of elementary school boys?"

Loki: "??????"

She couldn't hold back anymore, and said, "No, no, no! Why do you talk more and more outrageous? You will be responsible for your nonsense in the future, do you understand?"

"You mean, make me responsible for you?"

Lin Qiong's eyes widened, and he suddenly said: "Good guy, Loki, you still say you have no crush on me?"

"I fucking—"

Loki was in a mess, "The topic is fucking around again, right? The dog deliberately disgusts people, right?"


Lin Qiong wiped the corners of his eyes pretending to be wronged, and said, "Kiki, you have changed! You used to call me dear, but now you call me a dog!"

"Whoa, whoa whoa—"

Loki stood up in pain, clutched his chest and struggled for a few times, then fell down towards Ais and said: "I, I can't, I... ugh!"

"Don't come near me—"

Ais held the rapier in her hand expressionlessly, looked at Loki in front of her with vigilant eyes, and said, "Loki, you need to be on guard!"

Loki: "..."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha--"

Lin Qiong clutched his stomach and fell on the sofa, out of breath and said: "Luo, Luoji! You shameful thing, hahaha—"

"Ugh, Kurusi—"

Loki fell down on the sofa, like Hinata who hadn't sucked meow for a week, looked at the decoration on the ceiling hopelessly, and murmured: "The air is shaking and cold, why is this world full of oppression for me?" ? I'm a dignified Loki—"

Lin Qiong leaned into Loki's ear and whispered, "Outside the door is a girl with long purple hair wearing a blindfold and measurements of 88/56/84."

"Where!? Where is the beautiful girl?"

Loki sat up in shock as he was dying, and rushed to the door with a stride, scanning back and forth with shining eyes: "Purple long-haired beauty, where are you!? Come out and let me give you a massage, hehehehe... ..."

Lin Qiong: "..."

Phoenix King: "..."

Finn: "..."

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