Ace: "..."

Riviria: "..."

Several people in the room looked at each other with complicated expressions, and then sighed in unison.

"Loki, Loki—"

Finn covered his face and said with a look of despair: "Why are you being fooled again and again for such an obvious lie?"

"Finn, I think you don't understand at all?"

Loki returned to the room, looked at Finn with contempt, and said, "Of course I know that A Qiong is lying to me, but what if? If there is a crush, wouldn't I make a lot of money?"

Finn: "..."

"Anyway, there's nothing to lose by being cheated by him, right?"

Rocky was sitting on the sofa, talking transparently, "What's that sentence called? Oh yes, it doesn't cost money anyway, just believe it!"

Lin Qiong: "Fuck!"

He gave a thumbs up to Loki and said from the bottom of his heart: "Loki, Hot Nicole Beef Beer!"


Loki sold a cute one, then smiled and took a bite of the fruit on the table, and said, "So, how are you going to deal with this matter? Let me know, and I will cooperate with you."

"I've sent King Neptune to the polls."

Lin Qiong also reached out and picked up an apple. After taking a big bite, he chewed and said, "I will bring the mermaids and murlocs who are willing to accept help to migrate to the vicinity of O'Hara and let them live in the shelter of the Sky City." Next, and those who are unwilling to accept help, stay on Fishman Island and fight hard on their own."

"It's pretty good."

Loki nodded at first, but soon realized something was wrong, "Wait a minute, wait a minute! If you do this, won't my Loki Familia have no use for it!?"

When the areas they were responsible for were allocated, Loki volunteered to be the protector of Fish-Man Island, but if all the residents of Fish-Man Island were moved to the protected area of ​​Sky City...

"It's not a big problem, you are still responsible for the new Fish-Man Island——"

Lin Qiong patted Loki on the shoulder and said with a sassy face: "Because you supported me so much this time, I won't cheat you!"

"Oh oh oh!"

When Luo Ji heard Lin Qiong's words, he immediately patted his belly happily: "Good! I can live with the mermaid crush again!"



A week later.

"Come, come, members holding green cards, please board the ship one by one—"

Standing on the edge of a huge ship, Lin Qiong looked at the murlocs and mermaids in front of him with a smile, and said, "Don't rush and don't squeeze, we have enough space for every resident who is willing to accept help to leave together. .”

"Yes——" xN

The residents of Murloc Island who were eager to land made obedient voices. They lined up obediently under the guidance of Finn, Riveria, and the guards of Dragon Palace City, and then got into the cabin one by one.

"Your Excellency Lin Qiong, thank you very much."

The petite Otohime—she has not yet become a princess at this time—stands beside Lin Qiong, and said gratefully: "Without your help, we don't know how long we will have to work hard to move to land. ..."

"Miss Otohime is amazing! I believe that even without the help of Sky Castle, everyone will be able to move to land sooner or later."

Lin Qiong smiled at Yi Ji, then sighed in the direction of Murloc Street, and said, "Unfortunately, some residents have too deep prejudices against humans, and I can't help them."

"This is not the fault of Your Excellency Lin Qiong, but that they themselves cannot recognize who they should be grateful for and who they should be hostile to."

Otohime shook her head lightly, and said in a firm tone: "Your Excellency Lin Qiong has done enough for our Murloc Island! It would be too shameless for us to ask for more———"

"Hmph, I didn't help you unconditionally, did I?"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, looked at Otohime proudly, and said, "You murlocs and mermaids who came out of the murloc island, just work for me honestly!"

Otohime: "!"

She covered her small mouth in surprise, and said in disbelief: "Are you not only willing to shelter us to live on land, but also provide us with jobs?"

Your Excellency Lin Qiong, he really, I cried to death! !

Lin Qiong: "..."

He glared at Otohime, and said, "If you're free, go help that big man Neptune!"


Otohime drew out her own voice, and walked to King Neptune with cheerful steps, helping him to maintain the continuity of the team—the big man almost broke his excited tail.

Lin Qiong: "..."

Where did the dog come from?


A single dog is also a dog, lol.


Fish Street.

"Boss Tiger—"

The chubby whale shark man Jinbe ran back to Murloc Street unsteadily, then looked at Tiger who was sitting on his seat, and said, "Boss, the boat has set sail."

"...are they all gone?"

Tiger raised his hands and rubbed his face, then sighed with regret, and said in a low voice: "In the current Murloc Island, only us... people who don't want to leave are left."

"Boss Tiger, don't be sad."

Jinbei scratched his head and said seriously: "We will all work hard with you!"

"That's right! Brother Tiger——"

The evil dragon with a bruised nose and swollen face knelt in front of Tiger, patted his chest with a serious look on his face, and said, "Even without the help of those hateful humans, we can still live a good life with our own hands!"

"That's right! We don't need human help!—"

"Please lead us forward, Boss Tiger!"

"Stupid! Boss Tiger stayed here just to lead us!:

The members of Murloc Street knelt on the ground one after another, looking at Fisher Tiger sitting on the seat with fiery eyes.

Tiger: "..."

Damn, I don't want to stay at all, okay?I would love to go to land with other people and enjoy the flowers, trees, sky, breeze, clouds, sun, rainbow, ocean, sand, forest, pebbles, gravel and earth! ! !



Tiger sighed helplessly, then scratched his head, and stood up from his seat.


He looked at the fish-men in front of him and whispered: "As you can see, the mermaids and fish-men who are willing to accept human help have left the fish-man island.

Today, we are the only remaining residents on this island.

We will create our own future on this island with our own hands! "

Hearing Tiger's words, the murlocs below burst into applause.

"Oh oh oh-"

"Long live Boss Tiger!"

"I will follow Boss Tiger to the death!!"

The merfolk and murlocs who were willing to accept help went to land, while the murlocs and merfolk who were unwilling to accept help stayed at the bottom of the sea.

We all have a bright future...

Hope so.

Chapter 0689 The so-called sense of ritual

"World Economic News".

This is something that the entire pirate world—including the Navy, Pirates, and Revolutionary Army—are all too familiar with.

It is a worldwide newspaper founded by Morgons, the eater of bird fruit and albatross—its business includes but not less than the dissemination of various lace news, major events, and supernova reward orders.

By the way, Morgons has a creed that is self-fulfilling, and that is...

[I don't like others forcing me to publish news that I don't want to publish, I only want to publish news that I want to publish! ] (strike out)

【I am Master Lin Qiong's loyal dog, I will publish whatever news he asks me to publish! 】


Morgans squatted on the shore, holding a digital camera [Sora Z1 type] provided by Lin Qiong and manufactured by Heathcliff that can support [-] times zoom and [-] million effective pixel output, jumping up and down to take pictures. The murlocs on the deck said excitedly: "It is so right to follow Master Lin Qiong! The world's big news just comes one after another!"

Cool! !

"Take it easy, don't get too excited—"

Lin Qiong stared at the excited Morgons with a blushing face, and reminded: "There will be more big news in the future, but now you won't be able to see it. Is it a loss?"

"Quack! Master, please be at ease!"

Morgans patted his chest and said with a red face: "Our body is extremely healthy. We will definitely report all the big news in the world before we die in peace, quack quack!"

"Tsk, tsk, then you have to take good care of your health."

Lin Qiong patted Morgans on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Come on, live a few more years, and report more shocking melons!"


Morgons nodded his head, and then he couldn't hold back and said, "Master, can I go and interview the king of Fishman Island?"

"go Go--"

Lin Qiong waved his hand, and then remembered that this chocobo, which obviously ate the fruit of the bird but could not fly, had the fault of fabricating news for the sake of attracting people's attention, and quickly ordered: "I warn you not to exaggerate and fabricate news, Otherwise, we'll eat grilled albatross tonight!"

Morgans, whose mind was exposed: "..."

He shrank his neck, laughed, and said, "Master, you are joking! Who in the world doesn't know that I, Morgens, never exaggerate my reports? Cough cough, I went to interview first——"

The white-haired chocobo jumped up in front of King Neptune, chatted with excitement, and from time to time recorded something in his notebook with a look of surprise and excitement on his face.

All I can say is, very professional.


the next day.

A piece of news titled "New Fishman Island Established" hit the headlines of the World Economic News.

All of a sudden, residents all over the world are talking about it.


"The world's largest water park!? Seems interesting—my dear, shall we choose the new Fishman Island next time?"

"Mermaid Café? You can enjoy the warm hospitality of the young and beautiful mermaid lady!? I'm going, I'm going!"


"Cut! A group of inferior people full of fishy smell have landed on land? It's disgusting!"

"Damn the city of the sky! They have made this king unable to buy human efforts, and now they are going to deprive even the murloc slaves!?"

In short, under the guidance of Lin Qiong, the new Fishman Island has officially entered the sight of everyone—of course, guests may have to wait until the construction of the Fishman Island is completed and the water park is officially opened before guests can come to play.

I believe that day is not too far away.


"Tezolo has placed an order for Gulan Tezolo from the capital of seven waters, the construction of the new Murloc Island has also been taken over by the Hephaestus Familia, and Loki's honest red bean paste has also been put into use. -"

Lin Qiong leaned lazily on the soft belly of Feng Su Gou, humming and looking at the newspaper in his hand, and said: "Is there anything wrong with me saying, 'Everything is on track'?"

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