"Well, almost?"

The eldest lady tilted her head and thought for a while, then looked at the secretary and asked, "Fei Shazi, is there anything else we forgot?"

"Forgotten things?"

The secretary took out his handheld computer, opened the memo, glanced at it, and said, "Master, you forgot to deal with Brooke and Whale Rab."

Lin Qiong: "!"

He patted his forehead, and said dumbfoundedly: "Good guy! I really forgot about that perverted skull—"

Color batch skeleton?

When the eldest lady heard this subtle title, she couldn't help but glance at Lin Qiong, and said with a smile: "If A Qiong also eats the underworld fruit, will he become Brooke No. [-]?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

The secretary kept nodding his head and said: "Yes, yes! The young master will definitely become a sex skeleton -"

Lin Qiong: "??"

Youyou blinked, then glanced at Lin Qiong cautiously, and said in a low voice, "Youyou thinks so too."

Lin Qiong: "???"

He clutched his chest in pain and fell on the carpet, saying, "My heart hurts so much! How can you confuse me with Brooke's perverted skeleton?"

"Well, you really can't be confused with that afro-headed skull!"

The eldest lady pinched her chin, nodded her head with a serious face, and said, "If it's A Qiong, it must be looking at the legs, not the underwear."

The secretary nodded and clapped her hands and said, "As expected of the young lady, she really understands the young master!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He pondered for a few seconds, then sat up as if nothing had happened, leaned back into the arms of the wind speed dog, and said: "It happens that there is nothing to do this afternoon, why don't we go and deal with it?"

Missy: "Aqiong is pretending nothing happened."

Secretary: "The young master has clearly changed the subject."

"No Road Race! What's wrong with men liking beautiful legs!"

Lin Qiong raised his hands in embarrassment and pinched the eldest lady's soft face, and said, "Besides, who wears it every time..."

"Don't say it, don't say it—"

Realizing what Lin Qiong was going to say, the eldest lady hurriedly raised her hands to cover Lin Qiong's mouth, and said blushingly, "Idiot! What do you want to say in front of Yoyo!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He glanced at the scenery outside the window in a serious manner, trying to pretend that he didn't hear anything, but the tips of his ears were starting to turn red, he couldn't help but clenched his right hand into a fist, and coughed dryly in front of his mouth: "cough cough , Then what! Let’s go after lunch break in the afternoon, okay?”

"Take Alice with you, too?"

The eldest lady looked at Alice who was sweating in the training ground through the window, and said, "She has been training recently, so it's time to give her a vacation."

"Master, I can prove it too!"

The secretary echoed from the side: "Miss Alice spends at least twelve hours a day in the training ground now!"

"Good guy, has Alice worked so hard these days?"

Lin Qiong showed a surprised expression, and said: "Then it is indeed time to give her a vacation-don't let the child fail in training."

After hearing Lin Qiong's words, the secretary quickly stood up from his seat and ran happily towards the door, saying: "Then I will go and tell Miss Alice the news now -"


"So, do you have to pursue this so-called sense of ritual?"

Lin Qiong put his hands on the fence of the boat, looked at the Gemini Cape that was getting closer and closer, and said: "Not only do we need to take a wooden sailboat, but also enter the great route from the Upside Down Mountain, and then go to Gemini Cape to meet Rab -"

"Master, don't you understand this?"

The secretary looked at Lin Qiong shaking his head, and said with a smile: "You don't need to pursue a refined life, but you can't live without a sense of ritual!"

What is a sense of ritual?

That is to send a small gift on birthdays, wedding anniversaries or major festivals-it doesn't need to be expensive, it can be an invitation to a movie or an invitation to dinner.

"Huh, okay! I agree with your idea of ​​pursuing a sense of ritual, but have you ever thought about one thing?"

Lin Qiong covered his forehead helplessly and said: "The Devil's Triangle is at the end of the first half of the Grand Route, which is close to the Chambord Islands - that is to say, you are planning to walk the first half of the Great Route. part?"

Miss: "..."

Auntie: "..."

Secretary: "..."


The four girls looked at each other, and then showed a guilty yet polite smile at the same time.

"It looks like I haven't thought about it..."

Lin Qiong looked at the four of them dumbfounded and said, "So what are you going to do? Just walk the first half of the trip and enjoy the scenery? Or skip the process and go directly to the Devil's Triangle after meeting Rab?"


Facing Lin Qiong's inquiry, the girls all showed tangled expressions.

"Fei Shazi, have you recorded the route of the Straw Hats?"

At this moment, the eldest lady looked at the secretary, and asked expectantly, "I want to see if there are any interesting places along the way."

"Yes! Miss Erina, wait—"

The secretary took out his handheld computer, looked down for a few seconds, then raised his head and said, "Well, the route map of the Straw Hats is Whiskey Peak, Little Garden, Magnetic Drum Island, Alabasta, Sky Island..."

The eldest lady: "I want to go to the small garden to see the giant above."

Sister-in-law: "I'm interested in the running ducks and sea cats in Alabasta!"

Yoyo: "I'm a little interested in the special shellfish in Sky Island."

"In that case, let's just take a trip to the first half of the Grand Line and experience the customs and customs of the pirate world!"

Hearing the thoughts of several people, Lin Qiong couldn't help snapping his fingers, and said: "By the way, check whether the group of dragons are working hard-hmph, if I catch them fishing, Jie Jie Jie!! "

Miss: "..."

From Lin Qiong, she seemed to see the figure of the company boss who was patrolling the office during working hours to see if any employees were fishing.

Chapter 0690 is great, I gradually understand everything

West Sea.

Upside down mountain entrance.

"Oh oh oh! Is this the Upside Down Mountain?"

My sister-in-law stood on the deck, looking at the "Pirate World Special Attraction" in front of her with bright eyes, and shouted: "The sea water is really pouring in, this is too incredible!!"

"It's not a big deal."

Lin Qiong crossed his arms, looking like a tough guy, and said disdainfully: "Actually, these special natural phenomena can be explained by scientific evidence."


The aunt raised her eyebrows, then said with her hands behind her back, she leaned her upper body forward, revealing her bottomless abyss calmly, and said, "Then tell me, Aqiong, how to use the sea water to pour back." Scientific basis to explain?"

"This question is very simple... no, it's very big... no, it's very deep... it's not right, it's very simple!"

Lin Qiong looked away with great perseverance, and then said in a blunt and blunt tone: "The answer is--me! No! Yes!"

Miss: "..."

Auntie: "..."

Secretary: "..."


The four of them looked at Lin Qiong with very subtle eyes.

"Don't look at me with that look! You don't even think about it, how long has it been since I graduated from college?"

Lin Qiong stiffened his neck and said in a trembling voice: "Don't you know that the peak of human intelligence is six months before the college entrance examination? Once this period is passed, everything learned will be learned in just one month. You're all giving it to your teacher!"

Before the college entrance examination: I know 500 years in the past and 500 years in the future. I can watch the stars at night and make paper with my head down;

After the college entrance examination: I have a dollar, and then pick up another dollar, then I have... aba aba!

The eldest lady covered her forehead and said, "I really admire you for being able to say this kind of thing so confidently."

"Ahem, don't worship brother, brother is just a legend—"

Lin Qiong chuckled, then set his sights on the entrance of Upside Down Mountain, raised his right hand and said, "Young men! Set sail! Let's set off towards the great navigation!"

"Oh oh oh! Let's go—"

Following Lin Qiong's example, the aunt raised her right hand and said cheerfully, "Alice, let's go!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He paused, then looked at his sister-in-law and said, "Wait, when was this ship named Alice?"

"Just now, hey hey!"

The sister-in-law put her hands on her hips and said confidently: "Since we want to experience the journey of the Great Line, we have to give a name to the ship that will accompany us on the voyage, right?"

"I understand the truth, so why is it called Alice?"

Lin Qiong looked at his sister-in-law and said with a puzzled look on his face: "Why can't you call Young Master Qiong the most handsome person in the world?"

The eldest lady: "?"

Auntie: "?"

Secretary: "?"

The three of them looked at each other, and then said in unison, "Are you serious!?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He imagined for a moment, the scene when he met other people on this boat in the future——

"I am Lin Qiong from the City of Sky, and this is my love boat, Master Qiong, the most handsome ship in the world!"

grass!What kind of shame is this?No, absolutely not!

"No, no, no! Just pretend I didn't say it, just call it Alice——"

Lin Qiong waved his hands quickly, and said with a tense face: "Then what, let's hurry up and set off! The magnificent first half of the great route is waiting for us!"

"Speaking of departure..."

My sister-in-law turned her head to look at the upside down mountain where the ocean current was reversed, and said with some worry: "We don't seem to be navigators. Will the ship be destroyed accidentally without any loss of life?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He twitched the corner of his mouth and said with a speechless face: "So, who insisted on pursuing the so-called sense of ritual and rejected my plan to use magic to strengthen the hull?"

The aunt raised her right hand proudly and said, "Me!"

"What are you proud of! Idiot——"

Lin Qiong stared at his sister-in-law with a _ expression, and complained: "I understand that you want to pursue a sense of ritual, but why do you pursue this tiny sense of ritual?"

The sister-in-law crossed her arms and showed a distressed expression: "Hmm, how can I explain this...?"

"Miss Alice, let me do it."

The secretary stepped forward gracefully.

"The young master has played online games, right?"

"That must have been played!"

"Has the young master ever had such an experience? After the game entered the rough period, he recreated a trumpet to realize his dream, and then arranged all the novice graduation equipment that he thought were sky-high prices when he first entered the pit—"

Lin Qiong: "!"

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