He couldn't help covering his face and said, "Fuck, I really did this kind of thing!"

That summer, Lin Qiong accidentally rescued a girl named Celia, and since then embarked on the road of no return to save Arad.At the end of Anton's version, Lin Qiong, who had nothing else to do except play a group, opened a trumpet, and filled up all the inherited armor, jewelry, and powder weapons, allowing him to live a happy childhood.

"If I guessed correctly, the young master should have only prepared the novice stage graduation equipment for that trumpet - compared to the complete graduation equipment, the novice stage graduation equipment requires much less energy."

The secretary showed a shallow smile, and she said: "For the same reason, is it easier to 'enter the great route through the upside-down mountain' than 'find OnePiece by collecting four pieces of red history text'?" ?”

"Okay, I think I see what you mean—"

Lin Qiong rubbed the bridge of his nose, and then said sincerely: "But one thing to say, in the end, my trumpet became the main C number with a red 10 in the whole body and a 12 in the weapon earring white—almost completely graduated. .”

Secretary: "..."

She looked at Lin Qiong angrily and said, "Young master is evil!"

"Hahaha, just kidding! Don't you just want the so-called sense of ritual? Let me satisfy you!"

Lin Qiong smiled and patted his chest, then covered his eyes with his right hand, and said loudly: "Lafite sitting under the sky, please listen to my call! Burst, reality! Crush, spirit! Banish this world—appear, True Eye of the Evil King!"

Miss: "..."

Auntie: "..."

Secretary: "..."

Yoyo: "Σ( ° △ °|||)"

Under the stunned gaze of the three people, with their heads in their hands, Lin Qiong, whose eyes turned golden, raised his head to look at the Reversing Mountain in front of him, and said softly, "Let's go, I have understood everything."

Auntie: "..."

She opened her mouth and said doubtfully, "A Qiong, are you really okay?"

"Humph, Alice! Now I have gained the knowledge of Miss Know-It-All——"

Lin Qiong raised his right hand and pointed at his temple, then showed a confident smile and said, "You are questioning Miss Know-It-All's wisdom, do you understand?"

Miss: "..."

Is there a possibility that Alice is not questioning Miss Know-it-all, but you?

"Don't worry, I have everything!"

Lin Qiong gave his thumbs up to several people confidently, and said, "Let's set off on the great route!"

start sailing!


40 seconds later.

Lin Qiong, eldest lady, sister-in-law, secretary and Youyou sat expressionlessly on a protruding reef on the mountainside of the inverted mountain, watching the sinking Alice in front of them, and fell silent.


The sister-in-law looked at the Alice who had died before she left the school with a complicated expression, and couldn't help but ask, "Didn't you say that everything depends on you? Didn't you say that you have obtained the wisdom of Miss Know-it-All?"

"I think I can explain that."

Lin Qiong showed an awkward and impolite smile, and said a little embarrassedly: "To put it simply, my brain tells me it will, but my hand tells me it won't."

"I shouldn't have believed you!!"

The aunt put her head in her hands and said regretfully, "Wow! If I knew it earlier, I should have strengthened the hull with magic power to increase the fault tolerance rate!"

Careless, no flash.

"It's not a big problem, I still have alternatives!"

Lin Qiong put up his thumbs up pretending to be calm, and said, "I promise that we will be able to reach the great route smoothly!"

"Alternative plan?" x4

Under the slightly curious gazes of the four, Lin Qiongping raised his right hand and said, "No matter what shape you can change freely, this is [water]!"

Accompanied by the surge of magic power, a large amount of sea water gushes out from the rushing river, and then quickly freezes into a gorgeous and exquisite sailboat made of ice.

"Is this Crystal Alice still satisfactory??"

Lin Qiong turned around, raised his eyebrows at several people, and said, "Okay, let's start again!"


After abandoning the meaningless sense of ritual, the Crystal Alice galloped in the torrent of the Upside Down Mountain, easily merged into the main stream from the four branches, and then galloped down to the entrance of the first half of the great route - Gemini Cape .

"After going through all kinds of accidents, I finally arrived here—"

The sister-in-law propped her hands on the fence of the ice boat, with a blush still on her face, and said excitedly: "The great route, I cut Alice, here I come!"

"Papa papa papa—"

Lin Qiong and the eldest lady clapped their hands in a very face-saving way.

Lin Qiong: "Welcome to the Grand Route, Lady Alice!"

Miss: "The great route has entered a new chapter!"

Lin Qiong: "She punched Donghai and kicked Nanhai to suppress the first half!"

Missy: "She is invincible!"

The two said, "Master Alice will rule the world forever!"

Auntie: "..."

She turned around expressionlessly, looked at Lin Qiong and the eldest lady who were smiling and clapping their hands behind her, and the secretary and Yoyo who were blushing beside her, and raised her hands in anger.

"Shut up both of you—"


Chapter 0691 you byd really are fooling me

My name is Kulocas.

You may not have heard the name, but all you need to know is that I used to be the ship's doctor on the ship of One Piece, Gol D. Roger, to know how awesome I am.

I followed One Piece through the mountains and rivers, conquered the great route, and arrived at the end of the legendary great route - Raftan Road.

After that guy Roger decided to surrender himself due to an incurable disease and use his life to start the era of great pirates, I returned to Cape Twins and took care of the island whale Rab here.

Why should I suddenly introduce myself?

In fact, I just want to tell you that after experiencing such a magnificent life, what scenes have I not seen?

"I've never seen this scene..."

Kulocas stood on the shore of Gemini Cape, staring dumbfounded at a boat made of ice crystals that descended from the sky and then hovered at a height of one meter above the sea.

Wait, suspended at a height of one meter above the sea?

Kulocas couldn't help but raised his hands and rubbed his eyes, then looked at the crystal ship again.

Well, it really is suspended at a height of one meter above the sea.

"Could it be Shiji? But hasn't he been defeated by the navy and captured into the city of advancement?"

Kulocas looked blankly at the ice ship that was getting closer and closer to him, and murmured: "So, what is it... Wait, is it getting closer to me!?"


Kurokas jumped up in a hurry, then hurriedly ran towards the inside, shouting: "Wait, wait! What do you want to do? I, I am just a helpless person responsible for maintaining the lighthouse. It's just an ordinary old man with the power—"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Standing on the deck, he looked at the pretending Kulocas with disgust, and said, "Can you stop pretending? I know you were on the ship of the Pirate King Gol D. Roger..."

'This kid actually knows me? '

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, Kulocas couldn't help being stunned for a moment, then straightened his body involuntarily, showing a reserved and proud expression, waiting for Lin Qiong to reveal his identity.

Lin Qiong continued: "...the toilet cleaner who washes the toilet! Crow Reed!"

Kulokas nodded gracefully: "Yes, I am Hai...what a fart! Who is the toilet cleaner? Hey! And who is Crow Reed!!

"Crow Reed is a powerful magician. Before he died, he created 52 cards containing all his powers, and left his last words - my power? I can give you all if you want, Go collect it! Everything in this world is in the Clow card!"

Lin Qiong put his hands behind his back, looked at the distant sky with a deep expression, and said: "The cards all over the world have come to collect the lost Clow cards, and they have stepped on the great route——so far, this world has officially entered ushered in the era of big cards!"

Kurokas: "????"

He froze on the spot, and then a series of pictures of the origin of the universe, the birth of galaxies, the evolution of organisms, etc. appeared in his mind, and then fixed on the cheese snow leopard.

"Wait wait wait wait—"

Kulocas raised his hand, covered his head with doubts on his face, and said, "I know every word you said, but why can't I understand it at all after they are combined together?"

"Is there a possibility—"

Lin Qiong squeezed his chin, lost in thought, and said, "Because you are already old, so you can't keep up with the times?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Kurokas stared at Lin Qiong with beard blowing, and shouted: "It must be you, a young man who doesn't talk about martial arts, and deceived me, an old man! There is no such thing as a Kulo card!"

"Hmph, that's why you, an old man, are inferior!"

Lin Qiong looked at Kuluokas with disdain, then took out an exquisite card from his arms, and said, "See? This is the [Wind] in the 52 Kuluo cards. It has the ability to manipulate The power of [wind]!"

Kulocas: "..."

He looked at the card in Lin Qiong's hand with a speechless face, and complained: "You think you can fool me by just taking out a card? If this card is really the Clow card in your mouth, then you can use it Control the wind and show me!"

"no problem!"

Lin Qiong nodded without thinking, and then with Kulokas' expression of "I'm super, are you serious?", he held the Kulo card upright in front of him with his left index finger and middle finger, and said: "The key that hides the power of darkness, show me your true power! In the name of hitting the card face, the seal will be lifted—Guang Feng, listen to my orders, and rise up!"



The strong wind visible to the naked eye swept across Cape Twins, and Kulocas looked like Enilu saw Luffy and kept the railing around him, and shouted in panic: "Wait, wait! Stop! Stop quickly! ah--"

Hearing Kuluokas' cry, Lin Qiong waved his right hand in the air a few times, and then said in a deep voice, "Guangfeng, listen to my order, stop!"

After receiving the order, Yoyo, who was squatting on the deck, immediately shook the staff in his hand, stopped the magic at hand, and let the strong wind that enveloped Cape Twins dissipate slowly.

Kulocas: "..."

He let go of his hands, slowly slid down from the railing, then raised his hand to wipe the snot from his nose, and said dumbfounded: "It's actually true!?"

Lin Qiong held his head high and said confidently: "Of course it's true! It's my way of tolerance to never lie or deceive!"

Auntie: "..."

A few days ago, did you still keep your word in your ninja way?

It's a little hard to break.

"No, no! This is the ability of the devil fruit—"

Kulocas "reacted" and retorted loudly: "You must be a superhuman - Gale fruit ability user!"

"Hmph, it looks like you won't give up until Wufeng takes you!"

Lin Qiong snorted coldly, and then in the shocked expression of "You're still here" on Kuroras's face, he took out another Kuroro card from his arms, held it up in front of him, and said loudly: "Hide (below) abbreviated), the seal is released—turbulent flow, listen to my orders, get up!"


big waves!

In the expression that Kulocas almost stared out of his eyes, a huge wave up to ten meters rose from the sea below Gemini Cape, and then pressed towards him.

Kulocas circled anxiously on the spot: "Wait, wait! Stop! Stop quickly——"

Lin Qiong snorted softly, then raised his right hand again, waved it in front of him a few times, and said, "Turbulent, listen to my order, stop!"

Following Lin Qiong's instructions, Yoyo waved the staff in his hand again, causing the waves that were about to submerge Kurokas to recede quickly.

Kulocas: "..."

Dumbfounded, completely dumbfounded.

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