
Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, looked at Kurokas with his head held high, his toes high and straight, and said, "Now believe that I didn't lie to you, right?"

"No, this, wait a minute, this, it's not..."

Kulocas felt that there was something wrong with his language function. He held his head in his hands and sighed like "Eh? Huh? Ah?"--To be honest, if he was a modern person, he would probably be a The man with a face full of doubts about life said: "Did I travel through time without knowing it?"

"Huhhahahaha! How are you? Are you intoxicated by the power of the Clow card?"

Lin Qiong folded his hands on his chest and let out a laughing voice: "Do you want it? If you want it, go find it—the Clow cards are scattered in various places on the Great Airway!"

Kulocas: "..."

He held his head tightly, and then racked his brains to think about the series of things that happened just now - suddenly, a silver flash flashed across his mind.

"Wait! Didn't you initially say that Crowley was the toilet cleaner on the Pirate King's ship?"

"Why did he become a powerful magician who invented the Clow card in a blink of an eye?"

"This is not contradictory!? So you are still lying to me!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He looked embarrassed, and after thinking distressedly for a few seconds, his eyes lit up, and he said loudly: "Claude was indeed the toilet cleaner on the ship of the Pirate King Gol D. Roger at the beginning, but he arrived with the Pirate King. After going to Raftan Road, he got a [Book of Night Sky] that recorded all magic from there - it was Clow Reed who practiced the magic recorded in the Book of Night Sky and created the Clow Card! "

"Did such a story actually happen back then? You've been taught a lesson - what a piece of shit!"

Kurokas nodded thoughtfully, then threw the sunhat on his head on the ground with veins on his face, and said: "That's weird! I'm a fucking person on the Pirate King's ship, how come I don't know that I'm still alive?" Are you talking about Crowley!? You are here to fool a fool!!"

"Sure enough, you are Crowley!"

"Do you fucking want to look back and see what you just said!?"

"What did I say?"

"You said that Crow Reid created the Clow card before he died!"

"It's reasonable."

"Reasonable hammer! Why did Crow Reed, who is already dead, appear in Twin Point as a lighthouse maintainer!"

"You don't understand this - according to the literature, because Crowrid's body contains a lot of magic power, it did not corrupt after death, but a new consciousness was born over the long years!"

Lin Qiong raised his right hand, pointed at Kurokas with a Conan face, and said, "Obviously, you are the newly born consciousness!"

"Stinky boy, don't be so ridiculous!"

Kulocas's fist hardened, he gritted his teeth and said: "One Piece arrived on Raftan Road last year, you call a year 'a long time'?"

"Ah this..."

Lin Qiong froze for a moment, then crossed his arms and thought for a few seconds, and said, "How dare you assume that only one year has passed? Maybe you have been asleep for 800 years..."

Kulocas: "..."

He took out a newspaper expressionlessly and said, "This is the newspaper I bought some time ago, and the time is written on it."

Lin Qiong: "..."

He turned his head and gave a "tsk", and said angrily: "Damn Morgons, you ruined my plan, and you will be stewed when you go back!"

Kulokas: (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

You kid, you really are fucking fooling me! ! !

Chapter 0692 How could there be such an inappropriate person?

Twin Points.


Kulokas sat cross-legged on the shore, looked at Lin Qiong, who had a hippie smile, and the four girls behind him with a blank expression, and said, "Smelly brat! Please explain it to me!"

Lin Qiong tapped himself on the head: "Hey——"

"What the hell is 'Hey--'!"

Kurokas looked at Lin Qiong with veins on his face, gritted his teeth and said: "You brat, you actually deceived an old man like me, you don't have martial ethics!"

"Ahem, mainly because I didn't expect that you actually believed it..."

Lin Qiong looked at Kurokas delicately, and asked strangely: "By the way, you didn't recognize who I am?"


Kukaros raised his eyebrows and asked in a very rude tone: "Why should I recognize who you are? Who do you think you are? Are you famous?"


Lin Qiong glanced at the four people who were holding back their laughter, showed an awkward yet polite smile, and said, "Hehehehe, in a universal sense, I should be relatively famous—by the way, you have been Don't you read newspapers?"

"Not a single one! The latest issue of the newspaper I ordered was the one in which Roger was arrested and about to be executed!"

Kulocas crossed his arms and said angrily: "Hmph! I don't want to see the news of Roger's death in the newspaper!"

"Oh—that's why you don't know me!"

Lin Qiong showed a dazed expression, no wonder this guy didn't recognize him at first glance, so he was here to escape reality?That won't work, I have to give him a little reality shock!

"Roger is not dead, he was rescued."


"And he was cured."


"His wife is also protected."


"By the way, the World Government was destroyed not long ago."


"The five old stars are all dead."


Just a few words brought Kurokas a shock beyond the first half of his life.He stared blankly at Lin Qiong, and couldn't help but said, "Little brother, let me elaborate-"


"So so, so and so, above and above..."

Lin Qiong succinctly talked about what happened in the past period, and also took out the World Economic News printed by Morgens as evidence, "...As you can see, the current world pattern has changed .”

Kulocas: "..."

He stared at the sky blankly and murmured: "No wonder there have been so few people heading to the Grand Route through Twin Capes in recent times. Is this the reason?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

A question mark popped up on his head, and he couldn't help but ask strangely: "Absolutely! I just told him such information, why did he lament such a thing?"

The secretary leaned into Lin Qiong's ear and whispered, "Master, when you are doing the test paper, if you encounter a difficult question, should you stick to it or skip it first and go to the easier question instead?"

Lin Qiong replied without thinking: "Of course we should do the simple ones first."

The secretary blinked and said, "Mr. Kulocas did the same."

Lin Qiong: "..."

Fuck, he got it!

"Nobody passed Twin Point" was the easiest question for Kulokas, so his brain chose to deal with it first, and the next question...

"Gee oh oh oh—"

Mr. Ship Doctor held his head in both hands, rolling on the ground like a maggot, "My world view is about to collapse!!"

Lin Qiong nodded contentedly, and said, "That's right!"

Jie Jie!Let's immerse ourselves in the pain of the collapse of the three views!


15 minute later.

Kulocas: "..."

After reshaping the Three Views, he looked at the group of five sitting on the shore of Shuangzi Cape grilling fish, and couldn't help but said, "Then what, can I ask you a question?"

"Shenghui five hundred Baileys."

"Do you want more money?"

"Standing in front of you is the new king of the world, the destroyer of the world government, the immediate boss of One Piece, and the new partner of the navy..."

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, flung out a lot of titles arrogantly, and asked, "The consulting fee is only [-] Baileys, so why are you dissatisfied!?"

Kukaros: "..."

Bad, I actually think what he said makes sense!

The old man took out five hundred Baileys from his pocket and handed it to Lin Qiong, saying, "Then can I ask questions now?"

Lin Qiong took Bailey, put it in his pocket, and replied, "Yes."

Kurokas rubbed the bridge of his nose and said, "Then, may I ask..."


Lin Qiong interrupted Kurokas's speech, then stretched out his right hand again and said: "Sheng Hui, one question costs five hundred beli."

Kurokas: "???"

He violently overturned the tea table in his heart——

(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

——and said loudly: "Didn't I just give you five hundred Baileys!"

Lin Qiong asked with a puzzled look on his face: "Didn't I answer your question just now?"

Kurokas: "???"

He recalled the conversation just now, then spit out a mouthful of old blood with a "Wow!" and said: "Then that's a fucking problem!?"

Lin Qiong nodded, and said, "To the point, right, and to the point—it counts."

Kurokas: "ヽ(Д)ノ——"

Hard, fist hard!

Kulocas looked at Lin Qiong angrily, then suddenly raised his right fist and swung it towards Lin Qiong's face.

Kulocas: "..."

He stopped his fist in front of Lin Qiong, looked at the unmoved Lin Qiong, couldn't help but pouted, and said, "Take the money—"


Lin Qiong took the coin from Kulocas's hand with a smile, and said enthusiastically, "Excuse me, the second question!"

Kulocas pursed his lips and asked softly, "Did you come to Cape Twins through the Upside Down Mountain to formally conquer the Great Route?"

This is a test.

He was worried that Lin Qiong's purpose was the island whale Rab, so he deliberately asked Lin Qiong's purpose by insinuating - he only hoped that Lin Qiong didn't know the existence of Rab.

"Conquering the Great Route? Geez, I'm not interested in such things."

Lin Qiong waved his hands with a smile, and said very naturally: "Actually, the purpose of my coming to Gemini Cape is because I heard that there is a very rare island whale living here, so I want to take a look."

'Is that so?No, Raab must not be reduced to someone else's collection! '

Kurokas pursed his lips and said calmly: "No, this is a rumor..."

"hold head high!"

The next moment, accompanied by a whale cry, the huge island whale with a scar on its forehead rushed out of the sea, and then crashed into the red continent in front of it.

Kulocas: "..."

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