He slapped himself on the face, and mourned in his heart: "Rab! !Why did it happen at such a time! ? '


Lin Qiong elongated his voice, then looked at Kurokas with a smile, and said, "What did you just say? This is a rumor..."

"...Sorry! Please, please don't take Rab away!"

Kulocas lowered his head, clenched his fists, and said in a begging tone: "Rab, Rab has a promise to meet again!! If you take him away, he will go crazy and die ..."

"Well, what should I do?"

Lin Qiong took out his mobile phone pretending to be distressed, then turned on the camera and pointed it at Kulocas, and said thoughtfully: "Well, if you can scold Roger for 5 minutes without repeating words, I will How about letting Rab off?"

Kurokas: "?"

He looked at Lin Qiong in confusion and asked, "Do you have any grudge against Roger?"

Lin Qiong stretched out his right hand: "Five hundred Baileys."

'Is this setting still there? Hello! '

Kurokas put on a mask of pain, then tremblingly took out five hundred beli and said, "I'll give it!"

Lin Qiong took Bailey with a happy face and replied, "No grudge."

Kulocas: "..."

He covered his face with his hands and groaned in pain.

'Ahhh, I'm such an idiot ahhh-'

Kulokas was in so much pain that he wanted to beat himself to death a few seconds ago: "Why don't you just ask [the reason why I scold Roger]!" ! '

No, calm down, you have to calm down, Kulocas!

The old boat doctor took a deep breath, then rubbed his face vigorously, handed out five hundred Baileys again, and said, "Phew, my next question—what is the reason why you want me to scold Roger?"

Lin Qiong took Bailey, and then said seriously: "Because when he was washing the dishes a few days ago, he accidentally broke my favorite dinner plate with the picture of Fairy Eevee."

'Are you a child! ! '

Kulocas raised his head with a desolate face, then looked at the clear sky with dull eyes, and murmured: "I, what an idiot."

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

"No, nothing."

Kulocas sighed, and then said in a deep voice, "When will you start scolding?"


Lin Qiong pressed the record button and said, "You can start performing."


Kulocas took a deep breath, and then said with a veiny face, "Roger, you idiot who never flushes the toilet when you go to the bathroom—"

Lin Qiong: "!"

Wow, isn't this the unexpected harvest?


After five minutes.


After scolding Roger for 5 minutes, Kurokas, who was a little short of breath, put his hands on his knees, panting heavily, and asked: "How about it? Are you qualified?"

"Well, I'm qualified, I'm very satisfied."

Lin Qiong looked at the many scandals about Roger exposed in the video, nodded in satisfaction, and said, "I wasn't going to take Raab away, but now I can get access to Roger's dark history, which is considered a windfall."

Kulocas: "..."

He recalled Lin Qiong's expression since his debut, and couldn't help but cover his chest in pain, and then tremblingly held on to the railing beside him.

Why are there such inhumane people? ?He now desperately needed a word more offensive than birth.

Chapter 0693 Rabke only has two relatives left

Or Twin Point.

It's still the shore.

Still those people.

"Eat slowly—"

Lin Qiong looked at a grilled fish in his left hand, and a grilled fish in his right hand, and Kurokas, who was devouring left and right, said, "The fish is right here, it can't run or jump—so don't get stabbed to death. "

"The man at sea, how could he get stuck with a fishbone?"

Kurokas raised his head and glanced at Lin Qiong, then lowered his head and continued to work hard, muttering: "I want to eat more to make up for the loss!"

The loss refers to the [-] Baileys that were tricked away in order to consult Lin Qiong.

What?You said [-] is very little?

hateful!Iron Baa, don't underestimate the [-] Bailey mouth teeth!He can buy thirty early Choppers, fifteen mid-term Choppers and three White Bear PayPals! ?

"Okay, just enjoy it."

Lin Qiong propped up his chin, turned to look at Rab, the big whale floating on the water not far away, and asked, "Rab, do you want to eat something too?"

Brocas: "???"

He looked at Lin Qiong with a question mark on his face, then raised the grilled fish in his hand and said, "Are you serious?"

You feed Rab, who is an island whale, such a small fish, can he taste it?What is the difference between you and feeding people to eat dust?

Lin Qiong: "???"

He looked at Kulocas with a question mark on his face, and asked: "Is there a possibility? What I want to say is that if Rab wants to eat, I will roast a sea king for him."

Kulocas: "..."

The old ship doctor who found himself mentally handicapped buried his head again, saying that he was just a cook who kept his ears shut and only cared about the food in front of him.

"hold head high!"

Rab swung his fish tail happily, splashing water all over the sky behind him, and then made a voice of expectation: "Is it okay? I want to eat—"

There is one thing to say, the grilled fish cooked by the eldest lady is so fragrant that it almost bursts Rab's nose.

Can't stand it, can't stand it at all.

"Okay, then you wait."

Lin Qiong stood up with his hands on his knees, and said to the eldest lady, "Erina, I will go to the bottom of the sea, and I will trouble you later."

"No, nothing!"

The eldest lady rolled up her sleeves with a little excitement, and said with burning eyes: "Cooking a huge Neptune is a test of my culinary skills! It's too late for me to be happy, how can I find it troublesome?"

The secretary on the side also rolled up his sleeves and volunteered: "Miss Erina, I'm here to help you too!"

"And I!"

The aunt hurriedly raised her hand, for fear that the eldest lady would drop it: "Erina, you must not take me with you!"

"how could be?"

The eldest lady smiled sweetly, and then eagerly said: "Let us work together to present a feast for Rab!"

"Oh!" x2


She silently swallowed the grilled fish in her mouth, and then comforted herself: "It's okay, Yoyo, although you can't cook, you can eat!" '

Ahhhhhh, this fish is so delicious!



Lin Qiong gave a bird with the upper body of a cow and the lower body of a fish... uh...

"Bull fish? Fish cow?"

Lin Qiong scratched his head, looked at the strangely shaped Neptune that he had thrown onto the shore, and said, "I don't know if this thing tastes good, but it looks pretty big anyway, so I'll grab it gone."

"This, this, this..."

Looking at the huge Neptune in front of him, Kurokas showed a three-point surprise, three-point shock and three-point serious expression, and murmured: "Could this be the legendary..."


Lin Qiong's eyes lit up, and then he looked at Kurokas expectantly and said, "Can it be said that I am so lucky that I caught some legendary ingredient just by fishing?"

Facing Lin Qiong's expectations, Kurokas picked his nostrils and said, "No, this is just a very ordinary large-scale sea king."

Lin Qiong: "?"

He tilted his head and looked at Kurokas, and said, "Since it's just an ordinary sea king, why did you show a shocked expression just now!?"

Kurokas grinned at Lin Qiong and said, "The main thing is that I think you will be very happy if you show that expression."

Lin Qiong: "..."

Thank you so much, I'm so happy!

He pointed at Kurokas and said, "Very good, how many times do I have to hate you for this?"

The old ship doctor: "..."

He glanced at Lin Qiong, who was cursing, and couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

Bad, this man...cough...I mean small-minded!



After the last piece of meat, Rab let out a contented belch.

"Ha, it seems Rab is very satisfied with your cooking~"

Lin Qiong turned his head and looked at the eldest lady beside him, and said with a smile: "Congratulations, Miss Erina, for conquering a new diner with your cooking skills."

"This is not the result of me alone."

The young lady put her arms around the arms of the secretary and sister-in-law, and said with a smile: "Thanks to Fei Shazi and Alice, I was able to make this dish in such a short period of time."

"No! We and Miss Alice have only made some small contributions."

The secretary shook his head modestly, and said seriously: "There is no doubt that the biggest credit is indeed Miss Erina, who is the chef."

"Hmph, Fei Shazi is right~"

The aunt snorted a little arrogantly, and said, "I'll give you the credit for this time—but it's agreed, next time it's my turn to be the chef!"

"Okay~ Fei Shazi and I will help you next time."

The eldest lady looked at her sister with a smile, and said, "When the time comes, you have to show off your cooking skills."

"Hmph, you look good!"

The aunt showed a confident expression. She raised her right hand, made a strong gesture, and said, "Even if you use the tongue of God with all your strength, I will definitely satisfy you!"

"Oh? That's what you said—"

The eldest lady narrowed her eyes, showed a playful smile, and said, "Then I will show the most critical attitude to comment on your cuisine?"

Auntie: "..."

She twitched the corners of her mouth, then looked at the eldest lady with her mouth bulging, and said, "Come on! Hmph, let you see my progress during this time!"

"Then I'm looking forward to—"

The eldest lady smiled sweetly, and then looked at Rab, who was starting to feel a little uncontrollable after eating and drinking, and said, "Aqiong, it's about time we set off? Look, Rab can't wait."


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