Rab shook his body in embarrassment and whispered: "I, I just miss Brooke so much..."

By the way, during the previous exchange, Lin Qiong told Rab about the status quo of the Rumba Pirates, and Rab was sad for a while after hearing that all the members except Brook had died—fortunately Brook was still alive, which brought Raab the last sliver of comfort, and Foze, the island whale, might have committed suicide.

"Hahaha, since that's the case, let's go!"

Lin Qiong raised his hands and said in a high-spirited tone: "E·M·T Adventure Group, officially set off!!"

Missy: "???"

She looked at Lin Qiong in shock and said, "Wait for me! A Qiong, please explain to me the name of the adventure group!"

Lin Qiong & Sister-in-law & Secretary & Youyou: "?"

The four looked at each other, and said in unison in a natural tone: "Because Erina is really an angel!"


Missy, sunk confirmed.


Under the control of Lin Qiong's magical power, the Ice Alice resurfaced, exuding magnificent colors under the sun.

"Hey, Kurokas—"

Lin Qiong stood on the deck of the Alice, looked at Kurokas standing alone on the shore, and said, "Do you want to follow us to find Brooke?"

Kulocas: "..."

He scratched his head and said hesitantly: "I don't have to go, right? Rab and Brooke are reunited after 50 years. Why should I be a light bulb?"

"Why are you still making trouble here despite your age? You just heard that Brooke is the only one left in the Lumba Pirates."

Lin Qiong looked at Kulocas dumbfounded, and complained: "In other words, the only relatives of Rab in this world are Brooke and you—so what are you eating?"

"No Road Race!"

Kurokas, who had his secret revealed, looked at Lin Qiong angrily and said harshly: "I am the ship's doctor of the Pirate King, and I will never get on the second person's ship in my life! Unless..."

"Unless you beg me -" Before he could finish the words, he heard Lin Qiong's answer.

"A grown man like you, you still want to board my ship? What a dream -"

Lin Qiong looked at Kulocas with contempt, and said, "Get into Rab's mouth honestly, and let him take you on a trip!"

Kulocas: "..."

He almost forgot that the man in front of him was not a human being.


Without waiting for Kurokas to answer, Lin Qiong ran behind him, grabbed his collar and threw him towards Rab, laughing loudly: "Swallow him! Then go!!"

Rab: "Ang!!"

The island whale happily opened its mouth wide, swallowed him in one gulp amidst Culocalo's cry of "Ah, you bastard—" and happily dived into the bottom of the sea.

OK, time to meet Brooke!


the other side.

The first half of the Grand Line·The Kingdom of Alabasta.

"Pu p p p p p p p -"

Along with the ringing of the phone bug, a slender arm stretched out from the bed, then grabbed the phone bug that kept ringing, hummed and answered the phone, muttering: "Who is so free to call so early in the morning? ah?"

"Aisha! Have you heard?"

With the voice of the red dragon Peda, the face of the phone bug was filled with majesty and pride, "The young master seems to be on vacation on the Great Airway! It is estimated that he will arrive in Abras soon..."


Before Peda could finish speaking, Desert Dragon Ayisha hung up the phone with a "snap", then threw off the quilt and jumped to the ground, and hurriedly ran towards the door.

Young master is here!Yes, you have to find someone to entertain him!

Aisha, Waku Waku!

Chapter 0694 Kindergarten level quarrel

Great route.

This is an important route around the Pirate World, and its status in the hearts of everyone in the Pirate World is no less than Captain Qin's buttocks, cat-carved black silk, shaving fox's tail, and Naxida's bare feet.

For hundreds of years, countless pirates, adventurers and archaeologists have set sail and embarked on the road to seek the truth.

But today, it ushered in an unusual guest.

"Oh shit, Whiskey Mountain!"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, looked at the island in front of him, and said expectantly: "I wonder if there will be bounty hunters laying traps waiting for us to pinch? Vaku Vaku!"

"Master, have you forgotten that we arrived in the Pirate World 20 years ago?"

The secretary said dumbfoundingly, "The reason why the Whiskey Mountain in the original book became the base camp of bounty hunters is because of the Baroque studio's interference."

"Ah, that means, the current Whiskey Mountain is just a very ordinary city?"

Lin Qiong glanced at the brightly lit island, and said with some disappointment, "Hey, I thought I could experience the feeling of being sent to the Navy branch by a bounty hunter."

The eldest lady: "?"

You want to experience everything, right?

"If the young master really wants to experience it..."

The secretary thought for a while, and the holy light surged in his hand, forming a chain that dragged to the ground, "Isn't it impossible to experience it?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He glanced at the black-and-white impermanent secretary who seemed to be dragging a chain, and couldn't help but said, "Fei Shazi, can you tell me what your magic is going to do?"

"This one……"

The secretary rubbed his hands secretly, glanced at the eldest lady quietly, and said innocently: "Of course it is to restrict the enemy's movement! After all, I am not good at dealing with speed-type opponents!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Don't mention it, the secretary really can't refute this reason!

After all, when Lin Qiong used to play short-handed top laner, when he saw the long-handed top laner with its own displacement, he had an urge to wait for the public screen to buckle the word——damn you, you wait for me to go to the later stage and chase you Cut off a turtle grandson!

Of course, it is often the case that the game has not yet developed to the late stage, and Lin Qiong chooses to surrender humiliatingly, and then quickly moves to the next move.

"Forget it, let's not discuss this issue."

Lin Qiong waved his hand, skipped the topic that the truth might not be very good, and suggested: "I feel that Whiskey Mountain doesn't seem to have anything to stay in. How about going directly to the small garden?"

"I agree!"

My sister-in-law was the first to raise her hand and vote in favor. She said impatiently: "Let's go see the Giants quickly!"

Miss: "..."

She twitched the corners of her mouth subtly and said, "Alice, your behavior just now is very like the kind of kid who can't wait to drag his parents to see the panda in the zoo."

"Huh? Are you kidding me!?"

The aunt frowned, and said a little unhappy: "How can you confuse a giant with a panda? The panda is so cute!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He covered his face, and said dumbfoundedly: "So, this is what you care about?"


small garden.

When the Ice Alice was still some distance away from the small garden, everyone on board heard the heroic laughter from the island, as well as the golden cries of weapons colliding.

Obviously, the giant Dongli and the giant Brocky are engaged in a duel that has lasted for 78 years.

By the way, the reason for their duel is very childish——

78 years ago, the Giant Pirates who roamed the sea stopped at an island near the small garden to rest, and a local little girl proposed an idea after seeing Tori and Brocky returning with their prey. Pandora's Box question: "Na na! Between the two of you, who caught the bigger prey?"

Dongli: "It must be mine!"

Broki: "You fart, it's me!"

Dongli: "You're the one farting! If you don't accept it, let's fight!"

Brockie: "Just fight! Whoever wins will have a bigger prey!"

Therefore, the two giants announced that they would leave the giant soldier pirate group, stay in the small garden, and made a decision that "when the volcano on the small garden erupts, it will be the signal for us to start the duel".

This duel lasted for 78 years - without Lin Qiong's intervention, their battle would have continued until 22 years later, when Wang Lufei took Liu Suolong, Mao Namei and other companions to the island to usher in the end .

"Oh yo yo!"

Lin Qiong stood on the shore, looking at Dongli and Brockie who were clashing fiercely in the middle of the island, and said: "Although the strength of these two giants is not that good, the sound of fighting is really big."

The main reason is that the movements of these two giants when they fight are the same as the barbarians in Diablo. Every attack is often accompanied by shouts such as "ha" and "drink".

"Speaking of which, will these two big men be domineering?"

The aunt tilted her head, put her finger on her lips, and said with a puzzled look: "You said they wouldn't? But anyway, they were the big pirates who offered a bounty of 70 million 3 years ago, and they were the elites of the kingdom of giants! You Said they would? Then why would they be defeated by a mere MR[-]?"

"Bold! Alice, who allowed you to use 'a mere MR3' to describe the emperor's mate of the Four Emperor Bucky, Master ME3!"

"But Bucky's Four Emperors were forcibly pushed up by his subordinates. They are essentially a shield for Hawkeye and Sand Crocodile!"

"What? A shield? Ha, just an MR3!"

"That's it, just an MR3!"

The eldest lady at the side looked at Lin Qiong and sister-in-law who were singing and playing the oboe, and said, "No, aren't you two discussing the fighting power of Dongli and Broki? Why are you making fun of MR3?"

"No way, who made these two giants lose to MR3?"

Lin Qiong innocently shrugged his shoulders and said, "Okay, let's stop guessing, and just ask the person concerned?"

"Then what are you waiting for?"

The aunt blinked her eyes and urged: "Let's get to the shore quickly!!"





Accompanied by the crisp golden sound, the long sword in the hand of the thin giant Dongli collided with the ax in the hand of the fat giant Brocky again and again, and little sparks splashed out from the position where the blades of the weapons collided.

"Crack, blah, blah—"


After looking at each other for a few seconds, Brockie and Dongli burst into hearty laughter.

"Hoo, ho, it looks like there is no winner this time."

Brockie stopped laughing, and then after taking a few breaths, he grinned and said: "Kababababa! Dongli, when the volcano erupts next time, we will fight again!"

"Jiggagagaga! I'm waiting for that day—"

Dong Li showed a heroic smile and said loudly: "Next time, it will definitely be my victory!"

"You fart, next time I will definitely win!"

"it's me!"

"It's me! It's me!"

"Tie Baa, do you want to fight?"

"Fight, fight, whoever is afraid!"

Although no one would give in, the two men who had exhausted their physical strength were obviously unable to pick up their weapons and continue fighting - but it didn't matter, they had other ways to duel.

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