Dongli: "Look at—"

Broki: "Watch—"

The two giants stared at their old opponent with their eyes wide open, without backing down even a single step.

One second, five seconds, ten seconds...

As time passed, the expressions of Dongli and Brockie gradually became ferocious, and their eyelids began to tremble unconsciously.

"Kababababa! Dongli, can you not hold on any longer?"

Broki grinned and said, "Just blink if you can't hold on!"

"Jijiajiajia! You're the one who can't hold it in, right?"

Dong Li sneered and retorted: "Look, your eyes are all bloodshot!"

"You fart, I can last another day!"

"Two days for me!"

"I have ten days!"

"My 20 days!"

The two giants once again pressed their foreheads against their foreheads, staring at each other panting.

"No, are these two fighters that Elbaf is really proud of?"

At this time, on the tree trunk next to the two of them, there was a voice that was a bit dumbfounded: "Why do I feel as if I am watching two elementary school boys fight?"

"Aqiong, are you really qualified to say such things?"

The eldest lady twitched the corners of her mouth, then squinted at Lin Qiong, and said, "If I remember correctly, someone seems to have tried this with Feng Wang before."

Lin Qiong: "Of course not!"

Feng Wang: "Absolutely not!"

Lin Qiong: "I think Feng Wang is right."

Feng Wang: "I think Lin Qiong is right."

The eldest lady glanced at Lin Qiong, then nodded perfunctorily, and said, "Ah, yes, yes, you are right!"

"Where did the little bug come from!"

While several people were discussing, Dongli and Broki, who had been interrupted from the "duel", turned their heads to look at the branch where Lin Qiong was, and said angrily, "How dare you interrupt the sacred duel of the great warrior!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He picked out his ears and said with a confused look, "No, do you giants call staring as a sacred duel?"

Dongli & Brockie: "..."

Ahem, looking back now, the act of staring seems really stupid.


The two looked at each other.

Tori: "The sanctity of a duel is not about the content, but about the person who is dueling!"

Brocky: "To a great giant, how to duel is sacred!"

"I see, then can I think..."

Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds and then continued: "Who urinates farther, who farts longer, whose farts stink more - are these duels also sacred to you?"

The two giants: "?"

Damn it, where did this madness come from! ?How could anyone do such a boring thing as a duel!

Get sick, get sick, get sick!

Chapter 0695 You are my best friends

"No, what are you doing looking at me like this?"

Lin Qiong looked at the two giants with complex expressions in front of him, and couldn't help but said: "Let's not talk about the latter two for now, but you don't really have no one to piss farther than anyone!? Are you still men—— "

Dongley & Brokey: "?"

The two giants widened their eyes and looked at Lin Qiong in disbelief.

Dongli: "Can you human males pee farther than anyone else?"

Brockie: "Who's fart smells worse?"

"I have one thing to say, don't underestimate the diversity of human beings."

Lin Qiong put his hands behind his back, and said with emotion on his face: "There is even a way to fight with a sip of water in your mouth, and then make faces at each other to see who can't help but laugh first!"

Donley and Brockie didn't understand, but they were shocked.

"Man, man, what a wonderful creature."

"Indeed! Can come up with so many strange confrontation methods!"

Miss & Aunt & Secretary: "..."

What to do, the giant is about to have a strange impression of humans!

"Ahem! In fact, not all human beings are like this!"

The eldest lady couldn't help coughing a few times, trying to restore the image of human beings, and said: "Humans have many other normal duels—for example, to see who can jump farthest, who can jump high, and who can run faster. Just wait!"

The sister-in-law and the secretary at the side immediately cheered in their hearts after seeing the young lady successfully restored the image of a human being——Missy, you did a good job!

Dongli and Broki looked at each other, and then turned their eyes back to the eldest lady.

"Why do you humans go to these weird places?"

"If we want to see who is stronger, wouldn't it be better to just fight?"

"The victor is strong, and the loser is weak."

"This is how warriors fight!"

The two giants expressed their opinions one by one - in this regard, these two people had a tacit understanding.

"No, is your giant's thinking really so straightforward?"

Lin Qiong was shocked, "Is strength really equal to everything?"

The two giants looked at each other again, then nodded in unison: "Yes."

Lin Qiong: "..."

He thought for a while, and then asked tentatively: "Then if I am stronger than you, would you accept me as the boss?"

Dongley & Brokey: "?"

The two giants looked at each other for the third time, and then burst into piercing laughter.

"Crack, blah, blah—"


The characteristic strange smiles of the two echoed over the small garden, causing a vein to pop out of Lin Qiong's forehead.


The eldest lady even gloated and began to add fuel to the fire: "Aqiong, aren't you completely underestimated?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Hi, I'm so angry!

He really had the urge to directly activate the Swastika and rush forward to beat these two giants to the ground—don't ask why he swastikaed it, it was because the armor was so damn handsome, he wanted to pretend!


Lin Qiong glanced at the two giants who were all dirty and their equipment was in tatters. He couldn't help but pursed his lips and said: "Forget it, I will wait until your physical strength and energy have recovered before I teach you a lesson. Lest you say I bullied you and was out of shape!"

"Huh?" x2

The two giants raised their eyebrows and raised their weapons.

"A great giant warrior, never afraid of any challenge!"

"If you lose, you lose. We will never make excuses!"

"No, no, no! Put yourself in your shoes and think—"

Lin Qiong looked at the two giants with dissatisfaction, and asked back: "If it were you, do you want to fight against opponents who are in their prime? Or do you want to fight against opponents who are exhausted?"


The giant couldn't help but fell into a brief silence, and then burst out into hearty laughter.

"Ka-ba-ba! Human, you are a great warrior!"

"Chigagagaga! Human, you have gained the friendship of a giant!"

Obviously, Lin Qiong's speech just now won the hearts of these two giant warriors.

"Then, how about asking the two soldiers to rest temporarily?"

Lin Qiong looked at the two giants, with a smile on his lips, and said, "Then, after you fully recover, how about having a hearty battle with us?"


After half an hour.


The great giant warriors, Dongli and Broki, were staring intently at the roasted sea kings by the campfire at this moment—they didn't understand, how could it be so delicious?

This scent is as if a beautiful girl wearing JK pantyhose takes you to the hotel and then transforms into a Kamen Rider in front of you - is there anything more fragrant than this?It really is, that is, the other party handed you another belt, so that you can also transform into a Kamen Rider.

"Yes, suck, can I eat?"

Dong Li sucked a mouthful of saliva very spinelessly, and stammered, "I, I'm so hungry."

"Me, me too."

Brocky nodded his own melon seeds on the side, fidgeting and said: "Also, how long will it be roasted?"

To be honest, the feeling of Dongli and Broki at this time is like you have finally married your beloved goddess. When preparing to consummate the house on the wedding night, the goddess said to you: "Don't move until I'm ready~"

So, you can only sit on the bed and watch the goddess take off her clothes and walk into the bathroom, take a shower without any concealment, then apply body lotion, and finally put on a series of preparations for stockings and nightdress...

please!Niu Niu is about to explode!

"Don't worry, it's not the best time yet."

The eldest lady glanced sharply at the giant who couldn't bear it, and said in a tone that would never allow disobedience: "No one is allowed to move until my cooking is finished!"


The two giants shuddered, and then some Asami-senpai looked at each other in confusion—it's strange, why do you feel a chill down your spine?

Time passed by, and the roasted Neptune by the campfire exuded a more attractive aroma after the eldest lady turned it over and sprinkled some seasonings on it.

How tempting is it?

"Abba, abba aba—"

Dongli and Broki stared at their roasted sea kings with straight eyes, and the saliva from their mouths flew down three thousand feet, suspecting that the Milky Way fell nine days.


"Well, all right."

The eldest lady chewed the roast meat in her mouth, nodded in satisfaction, and said, "You can eat it."

"Oh oh oh!!!"

The two giants cheered as if they had won a battle, and then they couldn't wait to pick up their own "Erinette Made Super-Satisfied Roast Neptune", and opened their mouths to swallow it.


The moment the grilled meat entered their mouths, the two giants' eyes widened - it was as if they had been punched by a 49-meter-tall, 5000-million-weight giant with these "delicious" faces.

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