"Uh, uh, uh..."

After stuttering for a few seconds, the two giants raised their heads and let out an exclamation like a pig snort: "Wow!"


"It's delicious, it's delicious!"

Dong Li stared straight at the barbecue in his hand, and shouted in shock: "I can eat another ton of this barbecue!"


Broki frantically made the barbecue in his hand, and took time out of his busy schedule to deal with it: "Me too!"

"Humph! Is it delicious?"

Lin Qiong showed an expression of pride, patted his thigh with a look of dismay on his face, and said, "I'm not boasting, but my Erina's cooking skills are like those of a person who has been dictatorial for eternity, across the world, and all the worlds. I am the only one!"

Donley & Brokey: "Whoa-"

The two giants showed the same expressions that Naruto and his son had in Boruto Chapter 65 when they heard Sasuke explain why Boruto's Rasengan disappeared.

Dongli: 'Okay, great!Although I don’t understand it, I still think this passage is so powerful! '

Brocky: "I want to memorize it, and I will have a chance to say it in the future!" '

No one expected that this sentence would be spread to the giants through the mouths of Dongli and Broki, and become the "winner's declaration" passed down from generation to generation of the giants - only the winners are qualified to say this sentence!The loser only deserves to smell the fart of the winner!

All in all, Tai is handsome and hot!

"Speaking of which, you two—"

Seeing the two giants eating very happily, Lin Qiong propped up his chin and started chatting: "As the supernovas that Elbaf is proud of, have you mastered your domineering power?"

"Domineering is the ticket to the new world, and I will naturally master it."

Dong Li showed a natural expression, and said, "It's just that I can't use it now."

Lin Qiong asked strangely: "Why can't it be used??"

"Crack, blah, blah, of course it's because of the food, which leads to lack of physical strength!

Brockie laughed happily. He touched his belly and said: "There are only so many prey on this island, so we can only live frugally - in the beginning, we can still rely on hunting sea kings to fill our stomachs." Belly, but now there are fewer and fewer Neptunes around here."

Listening to Brockie's words, Lin Qiong felt sweat starting to form on his forehead.

That is to say, the two of you fought for 78 years without food and hungry?And if there is no accident, it will be marked for another 22 years in the future! ?

Wow, what a green grass, ordinary people would have destroyed their bodies long ago if they were tossing like this—it can only be said that the bodies of the giants were really built, and nothing happened after such tossing!

In one word, awesome!

"If that's the case, then I'll let you eat your fill today!"

Hearing this, the eldest lady stood up from the ground, then rolled up her sleeves again, and said heroically like a Ji knight who was about to go to the battlefield: "Ah Qiong, please go and catch a few more sea kings over here!" I'm going to show my skills today!"

Lin Qiong readily raised his thumbs up and said, "Leave it on me!"


Dongli and Broki were so moved that they were on the verge of tears.

"Kababa, you, you, from now on, you will be the best friend of the great warrior Broki!"

"Ji Gaga, you, from now on, will also be the best friend of the great warrior Dongli!"

Whoever dares to touch this group of cute little people, I will fucking dominate the country!

Chapter 0696 Your enemy is not me, but them


In the small garden, two giants over 20 meters tall were lying side by side on the ground, snoring loudly.


Lin Qiong looked at the secretary who had jumped from Broki to the ground, and asked, "Fei Shazi, how are they doing?"

"I can only say that it is worthy of being a giant family."

The secretary patted his hands, and said with a complicated and subtle expression: "Long-term malnutrition, muscle strain caused by excessive exercise, blood congestion left by injuries, and bone dislocation after fracture healing... ..."

Lin Qiong: "..."

He couldn't help but smacked his lips, and sighed again: "Fuck me! If ordinary people die this morning, I don't know how many times - the physique of the giants is so fucking resistant!" !!”

"Based on their current physical condition, I'm afraid they can only display [-] to [-] percent of their peak combat effectiveness."

The secretary scratched his face, then looked at Lin Qiong and said, "No wonder the giant received a bounty of 70 million more than [-] years ago."

Lin Qiong smiled, and then asked softly: "Can it be cured?"

The secretary showed a matter-of-fact expression: "Easy!"

So, the treatment begins!



after one day.


Dongli let out a low groan of unknown meaning, then opened his eyes drowsily, yawned and said: "Huh - I haven't slept so well in a long time! Jijiajiajia!"

"It's really bad luck to hear you laughing just after waking up."

Brockie, who was woken up at the side, glanced at Dongli dissatisfiedly and said angrily: "Shut up! Like a crow!"

"What did you say!?"

"I said what do you want?"

"Do you want to fight!?"

"Hit and hit, who is afraid of whom!?"

"Stop! Stop! Yabaa Nasai!"

Lin Qiong quickly appeared in front of the two giants, stretched out his hands to stop their quarrel, and said, "Calm down, both of you, can you sit down first and listen to me?"


"Since my friends have said so..."

The two giants glared at their rivals, then sat on the ground with their arms folded and their eyes fixed on Lin Qiong—from this point of view, the feeding plan had initially worked.

"Ahem, actually, my Feishao did a physical examination on the two of them when they were asleep - to put it bluntly, their physical condition is very not optimistic."

Lin Qiong coughed dryly, then looked at the two giants in front of him, and said, "Because I haven't had enough to eat for a long time, the two of you are suffering from severe malnutrition. Besides..."

Lin Qiong simply repeated the situation that the secretary had just checked out, and of course he received disbelieving expressions from the two giants.

"Yes, is it that serious?"

While checking his body, Dong Li muttered in bewilderment: "But I don't feel that my body is as serious as you said."

"Me too!"

Broki also slapped his body, and said with a puzzled face: "It's better to say, I feel very good now, it tastes good to eat!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Is there a possibility that you feel good now because Fei Shazi healed your bodies while you were asleep?"

Treatment refers to pouring the panacea into the mouths of the two giants, and then throwing a few holy healing spells at will to refresh the status.

That's called a ground... Authentic!

"Nani!" x2

The two big men showed shocked expressions. They hurriedly jumped up from the ground, and then moved their bodies very quietly to test what Lin Qiong said just now.

Then found out...

Good guy, it's true!

"The body is so relaxed!"

While shaking his hands, Dongli made a cry as if he picked up a straight branch without forks on the side of the road: "I don't feel any jerky at all! Sparasi, I feel like I'm older than 78 years old. The former self is stronger!"

"Me too!"

After jumping to the side a few times, Brockie clenched his fists with excitement and shouted: "The places that used to hurt when moving are now so easy! Oh! I have surpassed my past self!" "

Lin Qiong: "..."

Is not this nonsensical?Although these years of fighting have seriously damaged the big man's body, the fighting of a small fight for three days and a big fight for five days has obviously made the two of them have fully improved their combat experience.

Full of tiles!

"Little humans!"

Dong Li bent down, held everyone in his palm, and said seriously: "You shared delicious food with Dong Li and healed Dong Li's body! You are Dong Li's best friend!"

"Me too!"

Broki also approached the crowd, and said solemnly: "As long as I'm still alive, when you need help, just come to me! I will definitely do my best to help you!"

I have to say, this giant's fart... I mean he has a little heart!If you treat him well, he will treat you well!


"I'm very happy to be your friend."

Lin Qiong also showed a faint smile and said, "But have you two forgotten our original agreement?"

"The original agreement?"

The two giants looked at each other, their big eyes revealing the stupidity as clear as a college student.

Broki scratched his head and asked, "What kind of agreement is this tender talking about? I don't remember clearly."

Dong Li glanced at Broki with contempt, then revealed a wise look, and said, "Me too."

Lin Qiong: "..."

Forget it, I shouldn't have had hope for big fools like the Giants from the beginning - Lin Qiong remembered that in the original work, the Giants seemed to have always been fooled by iron fools.

First, the remnants of the Giant Pirates were captured by the navy after losing their two leaders, Tori and Broki. Then, under the double act of the Carmelite nuns and the navy, they became soldiers of the navy headquarters inexplicably.

Secondly, because they were worried about Dongli and Broki who had been missing for 50 years, the two giants in Elbaf decided to go to sea to find them—the result was that the world government said "Dongli and Broki have been arrested, if you are willing to The world government has been working for 100 years, and we let them go" to be the gatekeepers of Judicial Island.

Not really very smart.


Lin Qiong couldn't help sighing, and said, "If I can defeat you, you must recognize me as the boss and obey my orders!"


The two giants reacted suddenly, and then locked their eyes on Lin Qiong.

Broki looked at Lin Qiong and said seriously: "Little friend! Do you really want to fight us?"

"I help you recover your body, isn't it just to defeat you in your prime state and make you convinced that you lost?"

Lin Qiong showed a big smile and said loudly: "If you two treat me as a friend, then you can have a good showdown with me - aren't the warriors of the giant race never afraid of challenges?"

"Jijiajiajia—little friend—"

Dong Li looked at Lin Qiong and showed a joyful smile. He laughed loudly and said, "You have not only gained Dong Li's friendship, but also Dong Li's respect!"

"Crack-blah-blah--me too--"

Brockie laughed and touched his belly, and said with enthusiasm: "I will do my best to show my respect for you!"

"Hahaha, I wish I could!"

Lin Qiong let out a joyful laugh, and then said loudly: "Then, let's start fighting!"

"it is good!"

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