Dong Li put Lin Qiong and others on the ground, and said loudly, "I will be your first opponent!"

"Climb, why not me?"

Broki's brain is particularly effective when he is angry with Dongli, "I want to be the first to fight!"

"I proposed it first!"

"None of my business?"

"Do you want to fight?"

"Hit it, hit it, whoever loves it is an idiot!"

"Wait, wait! Stop, stop, stop!"

Lin Qiong looked at the two people who had a disagreement and were about to fight, and couldn't help but said: "Can you two calm down for a while? The purpose of my treatment is to watch you fight!?"

The two giants, who knew they were wrong, lowered their heads obediently, as if they were wronged like two children over 20 meters long and over 100 years old.

Lin Qiong looked at the two well-behaved people and said with a smile: "I don't think you need to compete for precedence. After all, I plan to let you two play together at the same time."


Hearing Lin Qiong's words, Dongli and Broki suddenly showed question mark.jpg expressions.

"My friend, are you serious?"

"My friend, are you kidding me?"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not planning to fight two against one."

Lin Qiong looked at the two surprised and angry giants, and couldn't help comforting him: "I mean, we also send two people here to fight separately, how about it?"


The two giants looked at each other, and then asked: "Then who of us will fight you?"

"Fight me? No, no, I won't fight."

Lin Qiong waved his hand, and said with a straight face: "The ones who want to fight you are Fei Shazi and Alice."

"Huh?" x4

"Huh!?" x4

Dongli, Broki, the secretary and the sister-in-law all made shocking voices at the same time.

"Please, don't underestimate my secretary, okay? She is very powerful."

Lin Qiong looked at Dongli and Broki seriously, and said, "Although Alice has only started practicing for a short time, her strength should not be underestimated."

What my sister-in-law lacks is fighting skills and fighting qualities, not physical fitness - her physical fitness is already strong enough under the strengthening of gourmet cells and monster hunters (the blessing of God in Suqing World).

"How do you feel?"

Lin Qiong looked at the secretary and sister-in-law, and asked, "It doesn't matter if you don't want to fight, just me and Erina fight."

Facing Lin Qiong's inquiry, the secretary and sister-in-law looked at each other, and said in unison, "No! I am willing!"

Secretary: "How can the eldest lady fight instead of me!" ? '

Sister-in-law: "I won't let that fellow Erina save the game for me!" '

Isn't it a giant?Just do it!

Chapter 0697 Showdown

small garden.

East side.


Dong Li, who is 22.6 meters tall, looked delicately at his sister-in-law who was wearing a small skirt on the ground and was doing warm-up activities, and couldn't help saying: "Are you really going to fight me? I'm very strong oh?"

"Big man, I am very powerful!"

While moving her wrists and ankles, the aunt raised her eyebrows at Dongli and said, "Don't let me easily defeat you later just because you underestimated me?"

"Hmph! No great warrior will underestimate any enemy!"

Dong Li snorted coldly, then raised his long sword and asked, "Little human, are you ready?"

"Phew, get ready!"

The aunt let out a long breath, then waved her right hand, summoned her demon armament, and said in a low voice, "Pierce through everything, Nakiri!"

That's right, the sister-in-law's demon armament was also named Nakiri by her. In her words: "Why, your Nakiri Erina is Nakiri, but I, Nakiri Alice, is not Nakiri?"

"Now that you are ready, let's start fighting!"

Dong Li bent down and picked up a stone on the ground, and asked in a deep voice, "The moment the stone hits the ground, it means that the battle has begun. Do you have any objections?"

"No, that's fair."

The aunt pursed her lips, and then said loudly, "Let's start!"

The next moment, Dongli threw the stone in his hand.

The irregular stone rose slowly in mid-air, and after reaching the apex of the parabola, it fell to the ground following the laws of physics.


The stone fell to the ground.


Dong Li roared, then raised the big sword covered in jet-black armor, and slashed at his sister-in-law from top to bottom, "My friend! If you die, don't hate me!!"

"Although I really want to try to carry it down, but don't take risks..."

The sister-in-law looked at the giant sword coming towards her, threw aside some dangerous thought in her mind, and quickly jumped up the tree nearby, avoiding Dong Li's force to chop Huashan.


The big sword wrapped in armed colors hit the ground, making the whole island tremble.

"Jack ga ga ga!"

Feeling the power coming from his body, Dongli couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh: "I haven't swung the sword with all my strength for a long time. This feeling is really great!"

Auntie: "..."

She glanced at the ground where there was a big hole, couldn't help raising her eyebrows, and said, "Big man, no matter how powerful your attack is, if you can't hit me, it's meaningless, okay?"

"Ji Jia Jia Jia Jia! The attack just now was just a test!"

Tori puffed up his muscles, laughing wildly as if he had turned into Uchiha Tori, and said, "The next thing is the main event - let's take it!!"

This time, it was no longer a downward chop, but a horizontal slash.

"I will not stand by and watch you attack!"

The aunt stepped on the tree trunk, turned into a white shooting star and rushed towards Dongli's face, and shouted in a low voice, "Take me! A shooting star——"

Dong Li, who sensed his sister-in-law's movements through his knowledge and knowledge, raised his left hand without hesitation, and slapped the shield covered with armed domineering force towards his sister-in-law like a mosquito.

"It's just covered with an armed shield—"

The auntie looked at the shield in front of her, and a flash of excitement flashed in her eyes. She shouted with high spirits: "I can easily penetrate it!!"

Don't underestimate my Nakiri, you bastard!


small garden.

west side.

"Hmph, has it started over there?"

Broki, who was only 21.6 meters tall, glanced at the east side of the small garden, then put his gaze on the secretary, and said, "Then let's start too!"


The secretary folded his hands in front of his lower abdomen, bowed slightly towards Brockie and said, "Then, I'll ask Mr. Brockie for your advice."

"Ah, no, my side also, more, more advice on that..."

When did this big bastard Broki see such a battle?Immediately, he froze on the spot, and then imitated the secretary with hands and feet, "Anyway, anyway, let's start a duel!"


The secretary nodded lightly, then clasped his right hand in front of him, and said in a low voice: "Illuminate all things, the scepter of holy light!"

A ceremonial scepter made of gold and white, dotted with bright gemstones, which seemed more decorative than practical, appeared in the secretary's hand.

Brocky: "..."

He looked down at himself, who was tall and strong, holding a one-handed ax more than ten meters high, and then at the thin secretary, who was holding a scepter like an ornament, and couldn't help but muttered: "It's really no problem. Is it? Why do I feel like she's gone with the axe?"

The secretary couldn't help but touched his head and asked with some confusion: "Mr. Brockie, do I look very weak?"


Brockie nodded in a muffled voice and said seriously: "Your arms and legs are so skinny that I feel like your bones will break if I pinch them."

"Well, do I look so weak?"

The secretary looked at his attire in distress, and said, "Then what if it looks like this? Swastika! Holy Light Scepter Thor's Hammer!"

Brocky: "Huh?"

Brocky: "Yeah!"

Under Broki's staring gaze, a set of gilded heavy knight armor with a height of more than [-] meters and a halo flowing on the surface appeared on the surface of the secretary's body, and her hands were originally biased towards decoration. His scepter also turned into a giant golden double-headed hammer.

"Mr. Broki, is this okay now?"

The secretary who had turned into a heavy knight waved his right hand at Broki and said, "It looks stronger than before, right?"

Damn, is this more than a little stronger?

"Yes, it should be fine..."

The somewhat dumbfounded Broki clenched the ax in his hand, and said blankly: "Then shall we start?"

"Then, I'm going to go——"

After the secretary's words fell, he bent his legs and kicked on the ground, rushing towards Broki like a fired shell, "Mr. Broki, accept!"

"Hmph, let the horse come here!"

Brocky snorted coldly. He raised the small buckler covered in pitch black military color in his left hand and shouted: "An attack of this level cannot hurt me..."

The next moment, the small round shield in his right hand was shattered under the hammer of judgment by the secretary, and even the bones on his arm were shattered.

Brocky: "?"

Fuck, what kind of monster is this?

Secretary: "!"

She incited the three pairs of wings of light behind her to suspend in mid-air, bowed apologetically, and said, "Mr. Broki, I'm really sorry, I accidentally hit harder."

Brocky: "??"

You actually apologized to me for breaking my arm bone! ?What an ultimate insult—

"How about I cure you first?"

The secretary looked at Broki who was silent, and couldn't help asking with concern: "How about we continue fighting after you recover?"

"No, no need."

Brocky raised his ax in a muffled voice, and said in a deep voice, "You will penetrate the defense because I haven't cultivated enough weapons! This is my own problem!"

"Is that so? Then I'll continue?"

The secretary raised Thor's Hammer in his hand again, and said seriously: "The next blow will be stronger than the previous one! Please be careful, Mr. Broki."

Brocky: "..."

Qianlue, Dongli of the kingdom of heaven, if I die, I will definitely kick you down from the kingdom of heaven!

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