"Come on!! Ulla!!!"

Broki let out a roar, and then attached all the armed colors he could call to the giant axe, and slashed at the secretary with all his strength, roaring: "Great giant warrior, never admit defeat!! "

"Hammer of Judgment!"

The secretary let out a low snort, and the giant hammer in his hand drew an arc in the air, colliding with Broki's axe.


The next moment, the broken ax flew out and landed on the side of the mountain.

Brocky, defeated.




"Injuryless Spear, Prestige Nakiri!"

Accompanied by the aunt's chanting, a set of light armor mainly made of silver appeared on the surface of her body, which added a bit of sharpness and a bit of sass to her temperament, "Big man, next, I will use all my strength!" !"

Dongli: "..."

He looked at himself with at least forty or fifty needle holes on his body, and then at Sister Alice Rong in front of him, feeling unspeakably complicated in his heart.

When he was fighting his sister-in-law, he had the feeling that Saitama had encountered a mosquito—no matter how much he swung his weapon, he couldn’t focus on the opponent, but the opponent could easily approach him, and then stabbed himself fiercely with the long spear in his hand .

Sorry, Ma Fei!

However, the giant warriors will never surrender!Ulla!

Armed color, harden!

Dong Ligao raised the one-handed sword in his right hand, slashed at his sister-in-law, and shouted: "Giant clan, never give up!!"

Facing Dong Li who launched a death charge towards him, the sister-in-law calmly raised the spear in her hand and said in a low voice: "Meteor chases the moon!"

Grip, step, twist, throw!

go with!


The spear shining with silver light cut straight through the sky, and Dongli only felt a light move on his right hand, and the upper half of the one-handed sword fell to the ground.

"Nakiri, return to your position."

Sister-in-law waved her right hand, and the majestic Nakiri that was thrown by her was held in her hand again, "Big man, I should be the one to win this duel, right?"

"……indeed so."

Dongli was silent for a moment, then calmly let go of his hands, letting the shield in his left hand and the dagger in his right fall to the ground.Then he opened his hands and said with the door wide open: "Come on! Use the decisive blow to establish your victory - leaving a mark on the loser is the honor that the winner deserves!"

Auntie: "..."

She took a deep breath, then firmly grasped the barrel of the gun in her hand, and said in a low voice: "If that's the case, then I will grant your wish!"

Profound Truth: A Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix!

The next moment, blood spattered everywhere.

Chapter 0698 next stop, Magnetic Drum Island

"No, I said, are you two stupid?"

Lin Qiong looked at Dongli and Broki who were lying on the ground with bandages on their bodies with a speechless expression, and complained, "If you lose, you lose. Why do you have to let them leave a mark on you?"

"This scar is the proof of the loser."

Dong Li looked at Lin Qiong confidently and said, "It's also the driving force for me to move forward!"

"Me too."

Broki nodded his head, indicating that he agreed with Dong Li's statement, "Every time I see this scar, I will recall today's defeat!"

Know your shame and be brave, right?

"Okay, as long as you are happy."

Lin Qiong rubbed the bridge of his nose helplessly, and asked, "Also, according to our agreement, should you recognize me as the boss?"


The two big, naive men looked at each other and nodded in unison.

Dongli: "Well, from today onwards, you will be my boss."

Brockie: "I will do whatever you ask me to do."

I asked you to lose weight in women's clothing, do you want to do it?

Lin Qiong complained in his heart, and then continued: "Then my first order as the boss is to ask you to stop fighting! Anyway, no matter who is better, you are not as good as me—do you have any objections?"


The two simple-minded people shook their heads in unison, then replied, "No."

"very good."

Looking at the two well-behaved.jpg, Lin Qiong nodded in satisfaction and said, "Then, you all leave the small garden with me—it's time to pick up your companions."

"Companion?" x2

The two giants sat up and looked at Lin Qiong with puzzled eyes—they had been fighting in the small garden for 78 years and were completely disconnected from the outside world. Naturally, they didn't know the situation of other giants.

What, you mean newspaper?

No, let me think about it, you expect a giant of more than 20 meters to stare at a newspaper no bigger than his finger to read the news, which is somewhat embarrassing for others.

"Well, in fact, the current situation of your giant race is not very good, let me explain to you in detail—"

Lin Qiong scratched his head, and then told what happened to the giants——

First, the remaining members of the Giant Soldier Pirates were arrested, and then they were deceived by the double-reed drama performed by the Navy and the Carmelite nuns, so that the nuns successfully broke into the giant family and steadily sent giant soldiers to the navy.

Secondly, the two silly giants left Elbaf in order to find the missing Dongli and Broki, and then they were fooled by the world government, and finally became the gatekeepers of Judicial Island.

In the end, it was the young Charlotte Lingling who went into a rampage due to cravings, and finally completely destroyed Elbaf.

——It was all said, "...It's probably like this."


After hearing Lin Qiong's story about what happened to other giants, Dongli and Broki's emotions became visibly irritable.

"They, they dare to..."

Dong Li gritted his teeth, smashed his fist on the ground in front of him with anger, and shouted angrily: "How dare you deceive us proud giant warriors like this!!"


Broki also transformed into an angry-faced Shura. He gasped and shouted: "I will cut off, cut and chop all the enemies who deceived the giant warriors! I will kill them a thousand times." , too! No! Enough!"

Looking at the two people who were so angry, Lin Qiong scratched his head in distress and said, "But the world government that deceived the giants has been destroyed by me."

Dongley & Brokey: "?"

Lin Qiong continued: "I also incorporated the navy by the way—now the navy can be regarded as my subordinate organization."

Dongley & Brokey: "??"

Lin Qiong said again: "As for the Carmelite nun, she died decades ago."

Dongley & Brokey: "???"

Two giants, two faces; one face confused, the other dumbfounded.

"So, so..."

Dong Li's voice stuttered, "So what can we do?"

"We have to do something for our people."

Broki showed a somewhat distressed expression, and said, "After all, the people of the tribe have encountered such things because of our relationship."

Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds and said, "Why don't you go back and dance for the giants?"

Two people: "?"

Lin Qiong continued: "How about pole dancing? I can provide the pole."

Two people: "??"

Lin Qiong continued again: "Or ballet? I can provide tutus to make you elegant and noble."

Two people: "???"

Lin Qiong thought for a while and said: "How about a striptease? I will give you a malfunction!"

"Aqiong, don't you really feel sick when you say this?"

The sister-in-law couldn't help but stretched out her hand and tugged at Lin Qiong's clothes, and said with a livid face, "I just imagined what you said just now, and I almost spit out the grilled fish I ate yesterday."

"Ah, is your body okay?"

Lin Qiong hesitated for a few seconds, and asked worriedly, "Why haven't you digested the grilled fish you ate yesterday?"

Auntie: "?"

She looked at Lin Qiong in front of her with a question mark on her face, and asked, "Ah Qiong, isn't your focus wrong!?"

"Okay! I admit, if I thought about the scene where they danced as much as you do, I'd feel a little bad too."

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders with an innocent face, and said: "So I never imagined that kind of hell picture scroll—how do you say it? If I think about it carefully, I will be afraid. No problem!"

Auntie: "?"

Covering her brow, she said, "So you choose to be a happy idiot, huh?"

"Huh? What's a happy idiot!?"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows and said, "This is obviously a smart choice, okay?"

"Indeed! I also think Aqiong's method is very useful—"

Feng Wang thought for a few seconds, then nodded his own bird's head, and said seriously: "As long as you don't think about it, you won't have troubles!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He subconsciously tucked his left hand under the right armpit, then put his right hand against his chin, pondered deeply for a few seconds, and said, "Alice, I have to admit that what you just said makes sense. "

Aunt: "Huh?"

Lin Qiong put his hands behind his back, then sighed with a vicissitudes of life, and said, "This is really a fool's plan."

After all, this is a plan that even King Phoenix approves of! !

The aunt nodded in relief and said, "Aqiong, I am very happy that you can wake up!"

King Feng: "?"

She couldn't help but said: "Is it my imagination? Why do I feel as if I have been despised again invisibly?"


Lin Qiong replied instantly: "This is your illusion."

Feng Wang asked again: "Really?"

Lin Qiong was convinced: "It's true."

"That's good."

King Feng let go of the doubts in his heart, shook his head contentedly, and said, "Then I can rest assured!"

Lin Qiong: Heh, Phoenix King.

The eldest lady: Oh, Phoenix King.

Secretary: Well, Feng Wang.

Sister-in-law: Ha, Phoenix King.

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