
Two giants: "..."

So what, as the parties involved, are we being ignored?


That night.

small garden.

"No, no, no—"

Kuluokashi raised his hands and hugged his head, showing an unbelievable expression, and said, "Why didn't you see me for a while, you have two more giants beside you!?"

Why do I feel like I missed a dozen chapters?

"Don't worry about the details."

Lin Qiong waved his hand nonchalantly and said comfortingly: "This kind of thing will happen often in the future - maybe next time you come out of Labu's belly, you will find that there are several foodies around me. The one with the ability to obtain the phantom beast seed fruit."

Kulocas: "..."

He looked at Lin Qiong speechlessly, and said: "You are exaggerating too much, right? The phantom beasts in the animal department are known as the 'magical fruits' that are rarer than those in the natural department. Thank goodness for one, how many more do you want to meet?"

Lin Qiong pondered for half a second, then asked: "Is there a possibility, I mean possibility, I am very lucky?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Kulocas waved his hand and said solemnly: "Even if I followed Roger to conquer the great route, I have seen only a handful of Phantom Beast fruits so far!"

The number of phantom beasts is too small!

"Why don't we make a bet?"

Lin Qiong couldn't help touching his chin, and then said with a smirk: "If I can find three phantom beast species in the first half of the great route, you have to do one thing as I said, how about it?"

Kulocas hesitated for a few seconds and asked, "What if you don't find it?"

Lin Qiong said matter-of-factly: "Then I will do three things for you, how about it?"

Kulocas confirmed: "I lose and do one thing, you lose and do three things?"

Lin Qiong nodded: "Exactly! Bet or not?"


Kurokas waved his hand and said excitedly: "Starve the timid to death and starve the bold to death! Stud Richard to ruin your fortune!"

"Very good, Dashan!"

Lin Qiong smiled and nodded, and said: "Okay, let's go to bed early tonight! We will set off early tomorrow morning to the next destination."

Drum Island!

"Unfortunately, at this point in time, the cutie Chopper shouldn't have been born yet, it seems that the little reindeer won't be available..."

'But at this time, it seems that Chopper's silly father, Hiruruk, is still alive?You can heal him easily. '

While Lin Qiong was thinking about things on Cigu Island, he leaned against Feng Sugou's warm belly, sniffing the fragrance of the eldest lady and secretary who were leaning against him, and closed his eyes in a daze.

'Oh yes, and Tun Tun Fruit—'

Lin Qiong opened his eyes again, "That's a good thing, it's too wasteful to leave it to Wapole's garbage to eat, so I'll accept it bluntly—"

Well, this time I really fell asleep!

good night.


Chapter 0699 Lord Feng Wang, he is in NFC you!

Day two.

on the sea.

Lin Qiong was leaning in the arms of the wind speed dog, and had a Pokémon battle with Feng Wang, who was huddled in the arms of Emperor Yan, on the opposite side.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

Lin Qiong let out an evil smile, then pressed the button in his hand, and said, "Accept the trick, I'm power grid!"

"Do not--"

Amid Phoenix King's screams, Rayquaza, with only a drop of blood left on her screen, was hit by the green caterpillar's power grid, and fell in front of it, "My Rayquaza!"

"Hahahaha, it's cool, it's so cool! Hahaha——"

Lin Qiong was leaning against the wind speed dog's arms and his belly was about to cramp, "Oh my stomach! Feng'er, do you remember how you mocked me? Let me repeat it to you——

Ha, Aqiong, why did you bring a green caterpillar?What can this green caterpillar do?

What a coincidence, isn't it?On my side corresponding to the green caterpillar, there is also a green Pokémon that looks alike!

Hey, but I brought Rayquaza!

You green caterpillar with [-] racial value, how can you compete with my [-] racial value Raygon?You hit me with the head?

If you, the green caterpillar, can give me Liekong to sit in pieces, when I go back to the world of elves, can I live broadcast the face to make the finishing touch, right?

Come on, show me the win!

——Hahaha, I’m waiting for your live broadcast to add the finishing touch! "

Phoenix King: "..."

She looked at Lin Qiong angrily and chirped, "No, how could someone put an electric grid on a green caterpillar!?"

"What do you care what I bring? It's not illegal—"

Lin Qiong straightened his legs uprightly, then shook the NS in his hand with a proud face, and said, "You just say whether you lost or not?"


Feng Wang was so angry that her expression was distorted. She looked at Lie Kongzao in the team who was already in a dying state with red eyes, and said through gritted teeth: "Liekongzuo is a big waste! I am so disappointed by Feng Wang!"

"Yes, yes, Rayquaza is indeed a hot chick!"

Lin Qiong nodded his head seriously, then looked at Feng Wang with a smile, and said, "So our super powerful Lord Feng Wang will definitely fulfill his bet and meet the finishing touch, right?"

Phoenix King: "..."

Cold sweat dripped down her head: "This, this, Aqiong, listen to my explanation..."

Finishing touch is Rayquaza's signature skill!

"No way? Are you going to renege on your debt!?"

Lin Qiong covered his mouth with his hands in surprise, and exclaimed: "My God! The legendary God of Life, Lord Feng Wang, is actually going to renege on his debts? No way, no way, no way? No way! Are there really legendary Pokémon who don’t count their words?”

Phoenix King: "..."

She gritted her teeth and said, "Damn it! Isn't it just the finishing touch?! I'll take it!!"

"Okay, I was joking with you just now."

Lin Qiong stretched out his left hand and waved towards King Feng, and said, "How could it really make your face look like a finishing touch?"

"Are you serious?"

Feng Wang flapped his wings and landed on Lin Qiong's finger, looked at him suspiciously, and said, "You don't mean to laugh at me afterwards, do you?"

"Please, is your elder brother Qiong such a person?"

Lin Qiong flicked Feng Wang's head with his index finger dissatisfied, and said, "I'm afraid that something will happen to your face, so I feel sorry for you?"

"Aqiong, you..."

After hearing Lin Qiong's words, King Feng couldn't help showing a moved expression, "I didn't expect you to have such a gentle side! Woohoo, you are so kind to me!"

The three dogs in the back: "..."

The three of them couldn't bear to look directly at them, covering their faces, and screamed inwardly.

Master Feng Wang, he is in UFO you, don't be fooled! ! !



Drum Island.


"Hiss, it's really cold in here."

Wrapped in a padded jacket, Kulocas stomped his feet bitterly, and said, "Fortunately, Rab was kept away from the nearby sea in advance, otherwise he would definitely catch a cold!"

"No, are you serious?"

Lin Qiong looked at Kurokas who was frozen into a quail with a speechless face, and complained: "Rabb is an island whale, and the zero-degree sea water has no effect on it at all, okay? You should take care of yourself, frozen Like what."

"You you you, what do you know?"

Kulocas sucked his nose and said angrily, "I'm just more afraid of the cold!"

"You guy has the toughest mouth all over your body."

Lin Qiong couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said, "I'm serious, if you really can't hold on, just go back to Labu's body and stay there."

"No, no, no!"

Kulocas's main focus is companionship, "What if you tell me later that you found a phantom beast on Magnetic Drum Island? I will supervise you!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Okay, then you can follow."

"Aqiong, don't just stand here and chat—"

The aunt leaned in front of Lin Qiong, pouting and said, "Hurry up and go to the Magnetic Drum Kingdom!"

"Okay, let's go."

Lin Qiong nodded with a smile, and asked, "Shall we walk there and enjoy the scenery along the way, or let Dongli and Broki drive us there?"

Kurokas: "Huh?"

He immediately looked at his sister-in-law as if he saw the golden light coming out of Xiao Baodi's [-], and prayed that Xiao Baodi would not be crooked: "Carry it over!"Of course, take it there! '

Please, this is a world of ice and snow, can you walk over to freeze the skr people?

"Of course I walked over!"

The aunt jumped up and down in the snow with a cheerful face, and said, "Wouldn't it be a waste if you don't appreciate such a beautiful snow scene?"

"I think so."

The eldest lady smiled and said softly: "The snow scenery on Cigu Island is quite beautiful, how about taking a look at it? It's not that far away anyway."


The eldest lady’s loyal dog secretary nodded happily and said, “I think Miss Alice and Miss Erina are right!”

Yoyo also said: "I have no objection either."

"it is good!"

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "Everyone, let's head towards the Magnetic Drum Kingdom!"

"Oh!" x4

Amidst a burst of cheers, Kurokas showed a look of despair that not only the small guarantee was crooked, but also that the next few card draws had filled up the big guarantee.

I feel like I won't love anymore.



In the depths of the castle of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, a giant ice-blue dragon is taking a nap in it.

"Report, report, report, report—"

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