At this time, accompanied by the sound of messy footsteps, a panic-faced soldier staggered in and stammered, "Qi, Mr. Guy, it's not good!"


The awakened Ice Dragon Guy opened his eyes, looked coldly at the soldier who was stiff from his movements, and said, "What happened?"

"Yes, there are two giants walking straight towards the palace."

Although being stared at by Guy's vertical pupils gave the guard the illusion that he was lying on the chopping board being made into sashimi, he still said bravely: "Captain Dalton has gone to meet..."

Before he finished speaking, another guard ran in and said in a panic, "Guy, Master Guy! Master Dalton was sent flying back and fell into a coma!"

Guy: "..."

Why is this Dalton so good and playful?

Dalton is the captain of the Drum Kingdom Guards—although this kid is only 11 years old, his physical fitness is much stronger than many adults due to his eating of the animal system, the bovine fruit, and the bison form. .

Uh, just a little bit (singular language).

Thinking back to the time when Qiqi just came to the Drum Kingdom and was about to regard it as his base camp, Dalton raised his shovel and rushed towards him shouting "Brave and brave, not afraid of difficulties".

Then he was knocked to the ground with a slap.

Now again...

"I see."

Guy stood up, walked towards the door, and said calmly: "You take care of him, I'll come as soon as I go."

It's just a cricket giant. Can you still surprise me with a big treasure?




"By the way, did I see a familiar figure?"

Lin Qiong stood in the open space of the snow field, looked suspiciously at the figure that soared from the top of the mountain, and said, "If I'm not mistaken, is that Guy?"

"If there's nothing wrong with your eyes or mine..."

The eldest lady pondered for a few seconds, and said with certainty: "That seems to be Guy."

"Hiss! That's right! This guy is an ice dragon. It's not surprising that he would go to Drum Island -"

Lin Qiong scratched his head, then raised his right hand and waved in the direction of the ice dragon, and said loudly, "Guy! This way! Look over here——"

Guy: "..."

Who in the family knows?He went out in anger to beat someone up, but when he opened the door, he found out that it was his boss.

He landed in front of Lin Qiong with a delicate expression, then turned into a man with light blue long hair, and said softly, "Master, why are you here?"

"I'm on vacation at the Great Airline."

Lin Qiong blinked, took out a pack of chicken jerky from his arms, handed it to Guy, and said, "Is this the habitat you chose?"

"Well, the environment here is very suitable for me."

Qi Yi reached out and took the chicken jerky handed over by Lin Qiong, and then said hurriedly: "I have sunk five pirate ships during this time."

"Okay, okay, I know you didn't touch the fish."

Lin Qiong quickly comforted Guy, and changed the subject: "Come on, let me introduce you to the new partner I met during this trip!"

"This is Dongli, a warrior of the giant race."

"This is Broki, also a warrior of the giant clan."

"This is Kulocas, it's a... Fuck, what's your expression?"

When Kurokas was introduced to him, Lin Qiong was immediately startled by the expression on this guy's face - Kurokas was like a unique non-chief who drew cards repeatedly and guaranteed to win. , seeing someone with ten pieces of hardware next to him, his face was full of distortion.

"No, I, this, he..."

Kulocas pointed at Guy, and said with an unbelievable expression: "Phantom, Phantom Beast!?"

Chapter 0700 Feng Wang: more boast

Lin Qiong nodded: "Yes, the phantom beast species."

Kulocas had a troubled expression on his face: "No, is it really a phantom beast?"

Lin Qiong nodded: "Otherwise? This is a giant dragon, isn't it a phantom beast?"

Kulocas looked at Guy with blank eyes, and murmured: "This is wrong! This is unreasonable! I don't understand! Why is it a phantom beast?"

You must know that in the original manga, there are twelve fruits of the natural system, but only nine of the phantom beasts. There is no doubt that the phantom beasts are rarer than the natural ones.

So, so, so how could it be such a coincidence that a phantom beast suddenly jumped out! ?

It's not science and it's not magic!

"There are so many things you don't understand."

Lin Qiong patted Kulokas on the shoulder and said, "For example, the Superman-Kuro brand fruit I eat, have you heard of it?"

Kurokas shook his head blankly and murmured: "I haven't heard of it yet."

"You've never heard of it."

Lin Qiong smiled and said, "Because I made it up."

"You guy-"

Kuroka was furious immediately, he raised his hands and rushed towards Lin Qiong, shouting angrily: "I want to show you the power of the former ship doctor of One Piece!"

"Speaking of which, I seem to have killed Steel Bone Kong in one move."

Lin Qiong moved his shoulders as if nothing had happened, and said casually: "It's okay to punch an admiral."

"What, how is it?"

Kulocas lightly landed behind Lin Qiong, rubbed his shoulders for him with a smile on his face, and said flatteringly: "The massage skills of the former ship doctor of One Piece are very good, right?"

"It's really great."

Lin Qiong nodded sincerely and said with admiration: "Most people really can't change their faces in an instant like you. You are worthy of being the doctor on the ship of One Piece. It's so scary~"

Miss: "..."

Aqiong, why are you so ape-like?I don't want my boyfriend to become a wretched man like Huang Yuan (?;ω;`).

Kulocas: "..."

Hey, I'm so angry!

If it wasn't for your guy's over-exaggerated fighting power, how could I be cowardly?Damn, if I can't beat you...

Wait! ?

Kulocas paused when he rubbed his shoulders, then looked at Lin Qiong twitchingly from the corner of his eyes, and thought, "This guy, is it because he knows I can't beat him that he dares to be so arrogant?" '

Damn, this guy is not a human being!

"Since this is Guy's base camp, please entertain us—"

Lin Qiong hugged Guy's shoulders with a smile, winked at him, and said, "Are there any good things?"

"Of course there is!"

Guy nodded, and said in an unquestionable tone: "I'm going to ask the people from Drum Kingdom to help Miss Erina prepare the ingredients."

He did not disrespectfully propose to entertain Lin Qiong and others for a meal - because Qi Yi knew that under normal circumstances, Lin Qiong would only enjoy the cooking skills of his exclusive pretty cook.

Lin Qiong: Do you understand the gold content of the three meals of love?

"Alice, what do you say now?"

Lin Qiong looked at his sister-in-law and asked, "Should we continue to walk there, or should we let Dongli and Broki take us there in a hurry?"

"Well, just let Dongli and Broki take us there."

The aunt puffed her mouth, and muttered with some disinterest: "This road is full of snow scenes, and I'm tired of seeing them for a long time—I thought I could meet animals like snow rabbits, white bears, or reindeer!"

"Alice, you..."

The eldest lady couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth, and then explained helplessly, "The location where we landed on the island is the port of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom."

The aunt tilted her head: "Ah? I know——"

Miss: "..."

No, you have no idea!

"What Miss Erina means is that since this is a port, it means that people often pass by on the road from here to the Drum Kingdom..."

The secretary explained in a low voice, "Wild animals rarely move around areas with frequent human activities."

Auntie: "..."

After she was silent for a few seconds, she looked at the eldest lady angrily and said, "Did you guess it a long time ago?"

"I'm not me without you, don't talk nonsense."

The eldest lady shook her head without hesitation, and explained: "You didn't say you were going to enjoy wild animals on the way, how would I know?"

Auntie: "..."

She puffed up her cheeks angrily, and she looked like an exceptionally cute little puffer fish. Lin Qiong couldn't help stretching out her sinful index finger, and said, "I'll poke—"

"Puff puff--"

After the air in my sister-in-law's mouth was poked out, she immediately raised her little fist and said, "Ah ah ah, Ah Qiong, you bad guy! You don't comfort me at this time, and you come to bully me!"

"Hey!? How can I comfort you with this?"

While dodging his sister-in-law's attack, Lin Qiong said innocently, "How about I sing you a song? Or tell a joke?"

"No! You sing out of tune! The jokes you tell are all bad jokes!"

Lin Qiong, whose aunt looked disgusted, said with disdain: "You are not comforting me at all, you are punishing me!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He looked at his sister-in-law unconvinced, and said, "What are you kidding? I'm singing out of tune? Please, I used to be a song god of YY, and I was on the four-character KTV channel, so I didn't know Huahua and Piaopiao, okay?"

The aunt squinted at Lin Qiong: "Then you sing a song about Lu Binghua."

"Small idea!"

Lin Qiong cleared his throat, and Zhangkou came: "Yeye thinks of my mother's words, the tears are shining, Lu Binghua! The stars in the sky are in the Big Dipper, hehe, in the Big Dipper!"

The eldest lady: "?"

Secretary: "!"

Auntie: "..."

She showed an expression of "as expected", then quickly stood on tiptoe and covered Lin Qiong's mouth, and said, "You still say that you are not out of tune? Lu Bing, how did you get on the song of heroes!"

"You call this out of tune? Mine is at most a string of songs!"

Lin Qiong said confidently: "The tunes of my singing are all on the score, very reliable!"

"it's the same!"

The sister-in-law stared at Lin Qiong with gritted teeth, and said with a grin: "I don't want Lu Binghua to become a hero song halfway through hearing it, idiot!"


Lin Qiong looked aggrieved, he pursed his lips, and whispered, "Then I'll tell you a joke."

"As I said, your jokes are all bad jokes! I don't want to listen to them!"

"Then what do you want from me?"

"Well, I think about it..."

The aunt rolled her eyes, and then put her gaze on the young lady, and said with a chuckle, "Why don't you just take Erina..."

"Alice, what do you want to do!"

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