After hearing her name being uttered from her sister's mouth, the eldest lady's expression suddenly changed, and she said with a look of guard: "Don't think about making big news all day long!"

"Hey, I'm not that exaggerated~"

Alice covered her mouth with a snickering expression, and she said in a drawn out voice, "I~just~y~I just hope Aqiong can give you a princess hug here!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

Is there such a good thing?

The eldest lady: "!"

What a shame PIay!

The two couldn't help but glanced at each other. After realizing the movement in Lin Qiong's eyes, the eldest lady took a half step back and said, "Ah Qiong, you need to calm down!"


"Hey what do you mean!"

"It's coming!"

"You wait for me... ah!"

The eldest lady only felt her body vacated for a while, and was hugged by Lin Qiong in the blink of an eye.

"Oh oh oh!"

Seeing this scene, the secretary immediately let out a cry like a baboon who had successfully mated. She took out the camera from her backpack without hesitation, and began to jump up and down to shoot: "Master, the smile on the corner of your mouth should be gentler! Miss Erina , the expression should be more generous! Good, good, very good!"


The eldest lady uttered a mournful cry, then buried her face in Lin Qiong's arms, gritted her teeth and thought, "Alice, wait for me!" !Waiting for the day when you clean up for nothing, I will definitely make you regret what you did today! ! '

Auntie: "Hahahaha...huh?"

what happened?Why is there a chill covering my body?

Is someone trying to murder me?Impossible, absolutely impossible!

I am protected by Erina and Aqiong, how could anyone murder me?




Drum Island.

Drum Kingdom.

The former king and current prime minister of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, Varudo looked at Lin Qiong in front of him enthusiastically, and said, "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! You are the young master in the mouth of Mr. Guy, right? You are really chic and show your talents!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Good guy, I call him good guy!How can this guy be so flattering?It made me a little embarrassed.

He couldn't help touching his head shyly, and said, "Tell me more."

Varudo: "Huh?"

Lin Qiong repeated: "Speak more nicely."

Varudo: "..."

Good guy, I call him good guy!This was the first time he saw someone justifiably asking others to flatter him!

He showed a more enthusiastic smile and said, "Master Lin Qiong is really a dragon and a phoenix among people..."

Phoenix King: "..."

She looked at Varudo who was flattering, and then at Lin Qiong who looked satisfied, and couldn't help saying with a look of disgust: "Aqiong! How can you be addicted to this kind of thing? It's too..."

Lin Qiong interrupted her accusation and said, "Let him praise you too?"

King Feng nodded happily: "Hurry up!"

So Lin Qiong looked at Varudo and said with a smile: "Can you praise her?"

Varudo: "..."

No, who are these people? This is it! ?

He twitched the corners of his mouth, then forced out a smile, and said, "Of course it's no problem! This bird lady has smooth feathers and a beautiful coat color. She has been fed very well, and she has a light body..."

King Feng: "!"

I blanch, it seems a little cool!Give me a little more!

Chapter 0701 die, you faint

"Is this the great secret treasure of the sea, the Devil Fruit?"

Throwing away the purple devil fruit in his hand, which looked like a closed mouth, Lin Qiong couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said, "Superman Tun Tun Fruit."

"Aqiong, who are you going to give this fruit to?"

The sister-in-law curiously poked the devil fruit in Lin Qiong's hand and said, "Is that Heathcliff?"

Lin Qiong looked at his aunt and asked, "Huh? How did you think of him?"

"Because I remember that Tun Tun Fruit can make rare materials?"

The aunt replied naturally, "Heathcliff is a scientist, so he should need this kind of thing?"

"He does need rare materials, but he doesn't necessarily have to make them himself—"

Lin Qiong smiled at his sister-in-law, and gave an example: "For example, when you need high-quality ingredients, will you raise them yourself, or will you find a special supplier?"

"Yes, there is another way——"

The aunt suddenly hammered her palm, and then threw back the original question: "So, who are you going to give it to?"

"To be honest, I haven't thought about it yet."

Lin Qiong shook his head and said, "Personally, I tend to give it to people who are [extraordinary intellect] or [extraordinary luck]."

"Well, this is indeed the right choice."

The eldest lady squeezed her chin, and calmly analyzed: "People with [extreme brains] eat the fruit of Tun Tun, they can analyze the synthesized materials by themselves, and then fine-tune the ratio of raw materials to find the most suitable formula, And [extreme luck]..."

"[Extraordinarily lucky] people who ate the Tun Tun fruit might have synthesized super rare materials out of nowhere."

Not to be outdone, the aunt gave her own analysis and said, "It's the same as Wapole in the original book."

"That rascal……"

Hearing Wapole's name, Lin Qiong couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, and complained: "One thing to say, Wapole is really outrageous!"

Damn it, under all the nonsense, he was able to accidentally synthesize the Wapol alloy with the properties of "shape memory alloy", and then relied on it to establish the Wapol Chaobol and marry Miss Universe.


damn thing!

"Okay, okay, let's not discuss that spoiler."

The eldest lady waved her hand and said with a look of disgust: "That kind of scumbag, I can't help but want to hang him on the top of the tower to dry."

"Hahaha, okay, let's talk about other things."

Lin Qiong stuffed the Devil Fruit into his backpack and said, "I'm going to visit Dr. Kuleha next. Do you want to go together?"

"Neither Alice nor I are medical personnel, so we won't go."

The eldest lady shook her head lightly, and said, "Just take Fei Shazi there."

The aunt wanted to say something, but after the eldest lady pulled her hand, she pursed her mouth and fell silent.

"You want Fei Shazi to learn something from Kuleha?"

Lin Qiong scratched his head, and said delicately, "I don't think it's necessary, do you? If you want to learn medicine, just follow the handsome guy?"

By the way, Handsome Guy is Mihe's nickname.

The eldest lady glanced at Lin Qiong with hatred, and said, "Are you going?"

Why are you still so straight, idiot?I'm creating a reasonable opportunity for you to date Fei Shazi—what?Why not give Alice the chance?

Ah!I hold a grudge!

“Okay, okay, go, go, go—”

Lin Qiong raised his hands helplessly, and said, "Can't I take her there?"

Secretary: "..."

So what's my opinion?

Well, my opinion doesn't really matter.



After inquiring about Dr. Kureha's address from the residents of Magnetic Drum Town on Magnetic Drum Island, Lin Qiong headed in that direction with his secretary.

"Dr. Kureha's reputation in the town doesn't seem to be very good."

The secretary walked half a step behind Lin Qiong, and said with a light smile, "The aunt actually persuaded us to change to another doctor after she learned that we were going to find her."

Lin Qiong's excuse for asking passers-by is that his girlfriend (referring to the secretary) is sick and needs to see a doctor.

"After all, Dr. Kureha's fees are very expensive, and it's only natural for the residents here to resist her."

Lin Qiong glanced at the secretary behind him, stretched out his hand to grab the other's hand, pulled him to his side, and said with some reproach: "With our current relationship, there is no need to be like this."

"Young master, courtesy cannot be discarded!"

The secretary said seriously: "I am Miss Erina's follower, so..."

"If you say that again—"

Lin Qiong stopped in his footsteps, then turned his head to glance at the secretary next to him, and said, "—then I will hold you in the princess' arms from now on until I leave Magnetic Drum Island."

Secretary: "..."

She covered her forehead in disgust, and said, "Master, your move is too cunning."

From now on, hold the princess until you leave Magnetic Drum Island? ?

Doesn't that mean that she will visit Dr. Kuleha later, return to the Magnetic Drum Kingdom to rest, and she will remain in this state until she leaves Magnetic Drum Island tomorrow morning?

Oysters no oysters!Da baa mo da baa!

No matter how much I think about it, I can’t accept it, and I’m still so ashamed and angry! !


Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, raised his secretary's chin with his fingers frivolously, and said, "Yoxi, Miss Hua, do you understand?"

Secretary: "..."

She twitched the corners of her mouth - as a neon person who can understand Chinese, her mood is extremely complicated now.

"I see, young master."

The secretary sighed, nodded helplessly, and said, "You won."

"Very good! Great!"

Lin Qiong nodded in satisfaction, then opened his legs again, and pulled the helplessly happy secretary to Dr. Kureha's address.


"Knock knock, knock knock—"

Lin Qiong knocked lightly on the door in front of him, and then said in a polite tone, "Is Dr. Kuleha here?"

Kureha: "?"

She raised her head and looked at the clock on the wall, then scratched her head, and muttered, "It's strange, why did someone come to me at this time? Could it be an acute illness?"

Thinking of this, she couldn't help standing up, walked towards the gate with her slender legs, and said, "Well..."

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