Before she finished pronouncing the word "I", she heard another knock on the door and a very polite inquiry: "Excuse me, although he looks hot, he looks like an 80-year-old Dr. Is Granny Kuleha here?"

Kureha: "?"

She immediately opened the door with veins all over her face, and roared: "Which impolite guy is yelling here! I will charge you ten times, no, twenty times the consultation fee!!"

Damn, what does it mean to have a hot body, but looks like 80 years old! ?Am I that old! ?

She glanced at the mirror in the room angrily... Well, it seems to be so old.

Fuck, so what?That doesn't mean you can say that about me!

Mother-in-law, I am really angry!

"Ahem, we're not here to see a doctor."

Lin Qiong glanced at Kuleha with some embarrassment, and said, "So you probably won't be able to receive our consultation fee."

"Not here to see a doctor? Then what are you here for?"

Kureha glanced at Lin Qiong and the secretary with a gloomy expression, then seemed to think of something, hammered his palm, and said: "Oh! I understand, do you want to know the secret of my eternal youth... ...No, what are you looking at?"

"Uh, no, no, don't get me wrong."

Lin Qiong waved his hands quickly, and explained with a sincere face: "I don't think you look very old, really, you believe me."

Kureha: "!"

Hi, my wife is so angry!

She rudely waved the wine bottle in her hand, and shouted: "Get out! Get out! I won't do your business anymore! I won't do it for any money! Get up, get out of here!"

"Oh, don't be mad! Don't be mad—"

Lin Qiong hurriedly comforted Kuleha, who was furious, and said, "Angry will accelerate aging, and you will look like 90 years old by then."

Secretary: "..."

She couldn't help but tugged at Lin Qiong's hand, and said in a low voice, "Master, please stop saying a few words - you are not comforting Ms. Kuleha, you are stimulating her."

Kureha listened, and couldn't help but nodded, thinking: "This little girl has a bit of eyesight, what kind of hook is this stinky man!"I'm so mad! '

Then, she heard the secretary continue to say: "Young master, elderly women like them often pay special attention to their age and appearance, so even if they are cheating, they have to call them sisters and praise them for being beautiful." .”

Kureha: "?"

Damn it, I shouldn't have praised you just now!You two gangsters are really a match made in heaven, Hun Dan!

"Get out, get out, get out!"

Kuleha gritted her teeth and picked up the one-handed sword hanging on the wall, and said: "Do you believe I have poked you a few times? I have great medical skills. I can definitely poke dozens of holes in your body without hurting you. life!"

Lin Qiong shook his head: "I don't believe it."

Kureha: "..."

No, are you fucking sick?

She moved the long sword in her hand forward, and said: "If you don't get lost, I will really do it!"

"You just have to do it—"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, and said confidently: "If you can really stab me, then I will give you a bottle of precious panacea!"


Kuleha paused, then frowned, looked at Lin Qiong, and said suspiciously: "I said, your original purpose, kid, shouldn't be to sell that panacea?"

"Of course not."

Lin Qiong shook his head resolutely, and said sincerely: "I'm just curious about what the combination of my body and 80-year-old looks looks like."

Kureha: "..."

Damn, let me die!

Without hesitation, she raised the sword in her hand, stabbed towards Lin Qiong's abdomen, and shouted angrily: "Surrender to death, you bastard—"

watch out!Eighteen knives, 36 holes, half-death pain, huge bleeding, but a slight attack!

Chapter 0702 witty analysis


In Kuleha's straight eyes, the tip of the long sword in her hand collided with Lin Qiong's abdomen, causing a sound like a metal collision.

Kureha: "?"

A big question mark appeared on her head, and she couldn't help raising the sword to her eyes to look up and down, then reluctantly pulled out a hair from her head, put it down above the blade and let go of her fingers.

Under Kureha's gaze, the slowly falling hair was easily cut in half after touching the blade.

No problem!

After confirming the sharpness of the blade, Kuleha couldn't help raising the long sword in his hand again, and then lightly poked Lin Qiong's abdomen.


It was still a crisp crashing sound.

croak!It's quack!

Kureha's face changed greatly in fright, she retracted into the room without hesitation, then closed the door with a "touch", and locked the door firmly with the lock and chain, and then she again Worryingly dragged the wardrobe and sofa to the door, and pressed them against the door.


After doing all this, Kureha couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, then raised his right hand to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead.

Too ha.

"Are you tired?"

Lin Qiong handed the towel to Kureha with a concerned face, and said, "Wipe off your sweat, and then take a good rest."

"Oh, thank you, Nian...?"

Kuleha subconsciously took the towel and wiped her face. Just when she was about to thank the other person, she seemed to suddenly realize something, twisting her stiff neck and looking to her side.


Lin Qiong showed a warm smile at Kuleha, waved at her, and said, "I'm here uninvited, sorry to bother you."

croak!Against the sky!

Kureha jumped up from the ground with her limbs spread out in fright, and then turned around and ran towards the window without hesitation, but what surprised her was that no matter how she moved her legs, she couldn't get close to the nearby window. Windows within walking distance.

"No, why did you have such a big reaction?"

Lin Qiong looked at Kureha, who seemed to see Tong Nai, who was the top laner in Mongolia, with a speechless expression, and couldn't help but said: "Think about it carefully, if we have malicious intentions, can you still live to this day?"

Kureha: "?"

She paused, then thought for a while, and nodded.

Yes!If the other party was malicious, he didn't need to hand him a towel just now, he just poked his internal organs with a knife, wouldn't it be over?

"Scared me."

Kuleha breathed a sigh of relief, then put his hands on his hips, looked at Lin Qiong in a bad tone, and said, "So, what is your purpose? Are you here to amuse me?"

"Please, if I really want to amuse others, why don't I go find a beautiful girl with a young, beautiful figure, hot body, long hair and waist-length hair?"

Lin Qiong looked at Kuleha in front of him speechlessly, and said, "Why should I travel all the way to Magnetic Drum Island, a place where you don't want to shit, to entertain you, an 80-year-old old lady?"

"I'm not 80 years old!"

Kuleha stared at Lin Qiong and retorted, "I'm over 110 years old!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He said blankly, "Isn't that older?"

Kureha: "..."

Makes sense, so why should I correct him?

Looking at the two who fell into silence, the secretary tried to smooth things over, and said, "Dr. Kureha, didn't you guess our purpose from the beginning?"

Kuleha recalled her conversation with Lin Qiong, and then said with a strange expression: "So your purpose is really that panacea?"

"Bingo, correct answer."

Lin Qiong took out a test tube from his pocket with a smile on his face, and handed it to Kureha, saying: "The panacea, also known as the 'universal medicine', has the functions of healing injuries, restoring physical strength, replenishing Energy and the ability to remove toxins."

Kureha: "..."

The expression on her face at this time was as disgusting as an old professor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences seeing a master of civil science on the stage with his perpetual motion machine: "No, when you are bragging, can you make a draft? How can there be such a thing in this world?" What kind of panacea? That's something only a quack doctor would imagine!"

Speaking of quack doctors, she thought of American experts;That's fine.

"Oh, you can't say that~"

Lin Qiong shook the panacea in his hand, and said with a smile: "You have to try everything, right? If you don't try it, how do you know it won't work?"

"This kind of thing, even if I don't try it, I know it's impossible!"

Kureha picked up the wine bottle on the table, removed the cork and took a big gulp, then wiped his mouth with his sleeve, and said: "I have studied medicine for more than 100 years, but I still have unresolved diseases— —Heh, if there is really a panacea in this world, the old woman wants it more than anyone else."

Not only did she think to herself: "If there is such a magical thing as a panacea, then that idiot's disease will not be cured..."

"How about we make a bet?"

Lin Qiong began to repeat the old tricks—probably due to the relationship between world culture, he found that the residents of Pirate World seem to be particularly fond of this trick—and said: "If the potion in my hand is really a panacea, you must help me Do one thing. If it's not, I'll help you with one thing—anything, how?"

Kureha: "..."

She hesitated for a few seconds, then, amidst the question marks on Lin Qiong's and secretary's faces, she raised her arms and hugged her chest, and said suspiciously, "I'm over 110 years old."

Lin Qiong: "???"

He pulled the secretary to his side, and said in disbelief: "Come here! You see clearly, I have such a cute girlfriend, I will attack you?"

"That's not sure—"

Kureha blinked and said with a smile: "Maybe you have a special hobby?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He turned to look at the secretary and said, "How about we go back? It's a bet or not!"

I can't stand this anger!His grandma drops!

"Master, calm down—"

The secretary comforted Lin Qiong dumbfoundedly, then put his gaze on Kureha, and said, "Dr. It's you, not us."

"Ha, am I at a disadvantage?"

Kureha sighed speechlessly, then turned around and took out two bottles of reagents from the cabinet behind him, put them on the table, and said: "This is the pathogen of the 'skeleton disease' - infected After suffering from this disease, a skull-shaped birthmark will appear on the patient's face, and his body temperature will continue to rise until death."

According to records, among the patients who died of skull disease in history, the one with the highest body temperature was thought to have reached more than 60 degrees - a big pirate who ate an ancient devil fruit, but in the end he couldn't resist.

"I understand what you mean."

Lin Qiong stretched out his right hand towards one of the bottles of reagents, and said, "You want us to drink the skeleton disease virus, and then use the provided panacea to detoxify, right? No problem—"

"No, that's not what I meant—it would be me who drank the virus."

Kureha reached out and pressed Lin Qiong's right hand, then looked into his eyes and grinned, and said, "You don't have to worry about my life—in fact, there was already a specific medicine for skeleton disease more than 50 years ago. gone."

In other words, of the two bottles of medicine, one bottle is poison, and the other bottle is antidote.

"Boy, I left the danger to myself, so..."

A smirk appeared on the corner of Kureha's mouth, and he said, "If you lose, then you have to agree to my two demands!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "So that's what you thought? OK, no problem!"

Anyway, I won't lose.

"Okay! Then I'll start—"

Kureha raised his hand and pulled out the cork on the mouth of the medicine bottle on the left, then raised his head and drank the skeleton disease virus into his stomach a few times.But she didn't drink the antidote right away, but pointed to her cheek and said, "See this skull symbol that symbolizes my illness? From now on, my body temperature will rise by one degree every day until I die .”

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