One degree a day?

You should know that the body temperature of ordinary people is generally between 36 and 37 degrees. Once it exceeds 37 degrees, it can be called a "fever"-if the fever reaches 39 or even [-] degrees, it may be life-threatening.

In other words, if an ordinary person suffers from skeleton disease, it only takes three or four days for half a foot to die.

"It is indeed a disease with a very exaggerated lethal rate."

Lin Qiong nodded, then pushed the panacea in his hand in front of Kuleha, and said: "But on the first day of suffering from it, it is completely harmless - this is also what you choose to test with it. The reason?"

Skeleton disease is indeed terrible. Before the specific medicine is produced, its fatality rate is undoubtedly [-]%!But just like what Lin Qiong said, it was completely harmless on the first day of the illness.

"Hmph! Although there is an antidote, I don't want to suffer."

Kuleha admitted Lin Qiong's guess as a matter of course. She picked up the panacea on the table and said, "If it is really effective, once I drink it, the skull mark on my face will disappear."

Lin Qiong raised his right hand: "Please—"

"I'm surprised! If you're really a liar, you wouldn't be so stubborn at this point—it seems that you really have confidence in the potion in my hand."

Kuleha raised her eyebrows, then raised the test tube, looked at the crystal clear liquid under the light, and said, "Let me guess-"

Did you accidentally obtain a certain amount of medicine through some means, and then accidentally discovered that it has a certain detoxification function?

Through further tests, you were surprised to find that its detoxification function is far beyond your imagination, but you can't reproduce these medicines with your technology.

Therefore, you decided to work separately and seek cooperation with famous doctors from all over the world to try to decipher the ingredients of this potion.

—How, am I right? "

Chapter 0703 secretary failed

Lin Qiong: "..."

After hearing Kureha's guess, he couldn't help showing a subtle expression.

how to say?Kuleha's guess was too "pirate".

This kind of thing is really not uncommon in the world of pirates——

Vinsmoke Ikki is obsessed with deciphering the secret of the blood factor; Caesar Orochimaru is entrusted by Charlotte Lingling to decipher the secret of the giant; Vegapunk wants to decipher the secret of the devil fruit—— The key is that he also successfully developed the Seraph with exaggerated combat power.

Therefore, it is quite normal for Kuleha to think that Lin Qiong came to her in the hope that she would decipher the ingredients of the potion.


"Try its effect first and then talk about it."

Lin Qiong didn't answer Kuleha's guess, but said delicately: "Before its effect is released, it's useless to say anything."

"indeed so."

Kureha nodded, she pulled out the cork of the test tube, then raised her head and drank the panacea into her mouth, saying: "Let me feel the effect of the 'panacea' in your mouth! "

Lin Qiong: "..."

He looked at Kureha who was drinking with his head up in surprise, and said, "I'll go! You're too reckless, aren't you? Don't you worry about me poisoning the potion?"

"If I remember correctly, you just said it yourself - if you had malicious intentions, would I still be alive today - is this right?"

Kureha calmly put down the empty test tube in his hand, then walked towards the mirror beside him coolly, and said, "So, if you really have malicious intentions, you don't need to use such troublesome means at all."

Wouldn't it be quick and convenient to directly stab the heart with a knife?

"Well, tell me, is there a possibility..."

Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds, and then when Kuleha was about to walk in front of the mirror, he said, "Are we preparing to conduct a clinical trial of a new poison? By the way, let's test again to see if doctors with superb medical skills can crack the poison. "

Kureha: "..."

West, West Malaysia is great!

It seems that there is such a possibility!

She looked at Lin Qiong with a changed face, and said in a deep voice, "Are you serious?"

Lin Qiong shook his head: "No, I'm scaring you."

Kureha: "..."

I really fucking fucked Siruluk!No, this guy jumped out of nowhere! ?How can you be so inappropriate? !

"You don't look in the mirror anymore?"

Lin Qiong looked at Kuleha who was standing there expressionless, couldn't help but blinked, and said curiously: "The skull mark on your face has disappeared!"

Kureha: "?"

She ignored Lin Qiong and continued to greet Lin Qiong from the bottom of her heart. Instead, she hurriedly looked in the mirror - just as Lin Qiong said, the skull marks on her face caused by the skull disease had disappeared without a trace. disappeared.


Kuleha put her eyes on the test tube containing the panacea and said with a surprised look on her face: "It actually has an effect?"

"If you still don't want to believe it's a panacea..."

Lin Qiong flipped his right hand, and took out a panacea again, and said, "You can continue to test other poisons—as long as you are willing to test, I can provide you with any panacea."


Kuleha took a deep breath, then looked at the panacea in Lin Qiong's hand with slightly wavered eyes, and said, "Boy! I admit that the effect of this medicine is indeed beyond my imagination, but as a doctor, I must Let me tell you - there is no panacea in this world!"

This is true!

Even if a handsome guy (Mihe) is here, he will approve of Kureha's speech.

Why is the panacea in Lin Qiong's hands so against the sky?Because it is a "miracle medicine" that was born by optimizing Olalie's original panacea after Mihe activated his divine power—to put it bluntly, it heals "people" from the perspective of "gods" Medicine, can't it be powerful?

Even so, Mihe still insisted on calling it a "panacea (unfinished type)", and the reason was very simple: "Brother Qiong, this version of the panacea can only deal with the Toxins - I'm not sure if other worlds have completely new viruses that I haven't been exposed to, so it's not really a 'all-in-all' virus."

In other words, panacea is a bit like antivirus software that relies on virus databases to run—it can only deal with viruses that exist in the virus database, and it is helpless when encountering completely unknown new viruses.

"However, only when you run into a virus completely unknown to the handsome guy, will the possibility of 'the panacea is not the panacea' happen—"

While thinking about it, Lin Qiong calmly handed out the test tube, and said, "It doesn't make sense for me to say more, so it's up to you to test whether it is omnipotent."

"Huo, it seems that you are very confident in the potion in your hand? Then let me test it -"

Kureha narrowed his eyes, and then said in a deep voice: "Next, I will drink a virus composed of two, three, and four toxins to test its effect."

Lin Qiong raised his right hand, made the motion of Wu Jing reaching out.jpg, and said, "Please——"

Kureha didn't say anything, but quickly took the medicine on the wooden shelf to the table, and quickly began to prepare it—of course, just like the skeleton virus just now, Kuleha also prepared the poison while preparing the poison. An antidote.

First of all, when the first "Shuangpin Poison" was released, Kureha raised her head and poured it into her stomach without hesitation, and then stared at her palm - a few seconds later, a purple cherry blossom petal appeared on the into the palm of her hand.

"A combination of cherry blossom disease and purpura, the former will make the patient's life as short as the flowering period of cherry blossoms, and the latter will make the patient's limbs turn purple and begin to fester."

Kuleha explained her condition, then opened the panacea handed over by Lin Qiong, poured it into her stomach, and said, "As long as the petals in the palm of my hand dissipate... Phew, it did it."

Next, the second "Three-Piece Poison" was released, and Kuleha once again raised her head and poured it into her stomach...



After half an hour.

"How the fuck is this possible?"

Kureha seemed to see Rayku sitting on the Yulongdu who was ooxxed by green caterpillars, sitting on the chair with absent-minded eyes, and looked at the empty test tubes lined up in front of him with doubtful eyes-no doubt, These test tubes were previously filled with panaceas.

 "How can there really be such a potion that can remove all toxins?"

"How the hell does it do it?"

"The composition of each toxin I mix is ​​different..."

Kureha murmured as if in a daze, and Lin Qiong felt a sense of guilt for [-] seconds—but it disappeared quickly. disappeared.

"Okay, okay, don't think so much—"

Lin Qiong comforted Kureha kindly, "Besides, you can't think of the answer, right?"

Kureha: "..."

No, can you speak?Can you please speak properly! !

She clenched her fists tightly and swore in her heart: "If, if my old lady can beat him, I will definitely hang him from the ceiling, and then give him two circles every 10 minutes to relieve his hatred!" '

So annoying!

"Steammo, don't you hold a weapon?"

Lin Qiong looked at Kuleha who was gnashing his teeth, couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said, "Then continue—whether you have a more powerful poison in your hand, or there are terminally ill patients by your side, just bring it up." !"

'Terminally ill...'

Lin Qiong's words awakened Kuleha, she stood up abruptly from her seat, and said, "Then do as you wish—you sit here for a while, and I'll be right back!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she opened the door and ran out, towards her old acquaintance.



"I bet fifty cents—"

Lin Qiong stretched out his right hand towards the secretary, and said, "She's gone to look for Xiluluke."

"Coincidentally, I think so too."

Secretary Zixin nodded happily, and joked with a light smile: "If both parties are on the same side, it seems that this bet cannot stand."

"Hmph! At this time, I will use my supreme young master power!"

Lin Qiong folded his hands on his chest, sat on the chair with a big horse, and said with his head held high: "Fei Shazi! I order you in the name of the young master, give me the option of 'she is not looking for Xiluluke'! Jie Jie Jie—”

Secretary: "..."

She looked at Lin Qiong dumbfounded and said, "Master, you are so unreasonable and shameless..."

"I'm just being unreasonable!"

Lin Qiong decided to stay stubborn and urged: "Hurry up!"

"Alright alright."

The secretary sighed helplessly and said, "Then I bet Ms. Kuleha will not go to Mr. Siruluk."

"Okay! The bet is established—"

Lin Qiong happily snapped his fingers, and said cheerfully: "Then the content of the bet is as follows - the loser must wear a JK suit and sign a heart with both hands in front of him, and at the same time say to the winner, 'Mengmeng love light, Make you fall in love with me'!"

Secretary: "?"

Secretary: "??"

Secretary: "???"

She held her head in both hands and raised her upper body. She stared at Lin Qiong with wide eyes in shock, and said in a low voice, "Master, are you serious?"

"Extremely huge mega Taijing-level seriousness——"

Lin Qiong gave his thumbs up to the secretary with a sassy face, and said enthusiastically, "Fei Shazi, I'm really looking forward to your performance!"

Secretary: "..."

She knelt down on the ground in despair, imagined the scene of herself wearing JK and performing the actions specified by Lin Qiong, and couldn't help but let out a mournful cry, and then helplessly covered her face with her hands.

Live, I can’t survive!

Gu!Master, just kill me!

Today's victory and defeat, the secretary's defeat——

Perhaps, it’s time for a shameful PIay~

I don't know why, but amidst the shyness in the secretary's heart, a trace of expectation was born.

Chapter 0704 Lin Qiong's Purpose

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