Drum Island.

In Dr. Kureha's home, Lin Qiong gracefully leaned on the back of the chair and drank the AD calcium milk in his hand, admiring the flushed cheeks of the secretary squatting on the ground with a smile .

'It's lovely—' he said, 'I'm done! '


At this time, a rush of noisy footsteps sounded from outside the door, and the secretary quickly stood up straight, resisting her shyness and standing behind Lin Qiong—as the secretary of the young master and the young lady, she must be outside Be classy in front of people!

The next moment, the wooden door was violently pushed open, and the eager Dr. Kureha dragged the bewildered Hiluluk into the room.

"This young master Lin Qiong."

Kuleha panted slightly, looked at Lin Qiong who was sitting on the chair, elegantly drinking black tea (Secretary: Master, you can't drink in front of outsiders, hahaha!) with extremely complicated eyes, and said: "This is My last experiment - if, if the medicine you provide can cure Shiluluk's disease, I will admit it as your victory."

"No, it's not."

Shiruluk, who hadn't recovered yet, couldn't help but scratched his head, and then Lin Qiong and Kureha in the room with blank faces couldn't help asking: "Kureha, can you Tell me what happened?"

He was squatting at home to use the toilet!As a result, the old woman kicked open the door and rushed in—the conscience of heaven and earth, if it wasn't for his sharp eyesight and quick hand to wipe his butt, I'm afraid he would have to bring shit along with him.

Who can stand this?

"You are really dull."

Kuleha glanced at Siruluk and said angrily: "After listening to our conversation just now, can't you analyze what happened?"

"Aren't you afraid you're making things difficult for me?"

Hiluluk was speechless. He scratched his hair and said, "Is it possible for me to hear what you just said?"

"you are hopeless."

Kureha's dislike was beyond words, "I've made it so clear just now—I'm going to try to use the potion in his hand to cure your disease."

"My body... oh, you mean the one that keeps coughing?"

Shiruluk reacted, then looked at Kureha dumbfounded, and said, "Did you eat too much? Aren't you a doctor? Why did you find an outsider to treat me?"

"You know a hammer? I'm testing his level!"

Kureha didn't tell the truth directly to Shiruluk, so as not to cause unnecessary panic and expectations on the other side, "Why do you care so much? If you are told to take medicine, you will take medicine!"

Hiruluk: "..."

He sat on the chair with a speechless expression and said angrily: "Can't I drink it? So where is the medicine? Bring it up and let me taste it."

'It seems that by this time Kuleha had already detected that the symptoms Hiruluk was suffering from were incurable. '

Lin Qiong glanced at the two people in the room, and thought: "If I hadn't appeared, she should have been trying her best to heal Hiluluk all these years, it's just a pity..."

It's a pity that until the end, Kureha couldn't find a way to cure Shiruluk, and could only watch him die.

While thinking about it, Lin Qiong handed over a bottle of panacea and said with a smile: "Drink."

Hilluluk quickly took the panacea, then looked at Kureha with questioning eyes, and asked, "Did I drink it?"

"Why so much nonsense?"

Kureha looked at Shiruluk with unfriendly eyes, and said, "Hurry up and drink the medicine, and then let me check my body!"

"Yes Yes Yes--"

Siruluk scratched his face helplessly, then pulled out the cork, raised his head and drank the panacea into his stomach, "Drink it."

"Elbow! Follow me into the house—"

Kureha grabbed Shiruluk's wrist and dragged him into the testing room, leaving Lin Qiong and the secretary looking at each other with an innocent face.


The secretary called Lin Qiong lightly, and said, "Have we been ignored?"

"After all, Hiruluk is her soulmate, so it's understandable that Kureha was a little excited after learning that there was a chance to cure his incurable disease."

Lin Qiong waved his hands indifferently, and said, "Okay, let's not discuss them! Let's hurry up and do something more meaningful."

"Something more meaningful?"

The secretary tilted his head, showing a puzzled expression: "Master, you mean..."

"Of course it's to record the [super cute time] of my family, Fei Shasha!"

Lin Qiong took out his mobile phone with a smile, pointed the camera at the secretary, and said enthusiastically: "Do you still remember the content of our bet just now? You can start performing now!"

Secretary: "..."

'Wear, wear JK clothes, make love signs with your hands in front of your body, and then say to the young master [Cute love light, make you fall in love with me]...'

After recalling the request made by Lin Qiong just now, the secretary felt that his eyes went dark at that moment—my Miss Erina!Just by imagining this scene, she can't wait to feel ashamed and indignant, if she really does it...

"Young master, can you not do it?"

The secretary leaned on the table beside him with weak legs, and said with teary eyes: "Why don't you ask me to change into the clothes you like later and have a strange PIay?"

"Fei Shazi, think carefully—"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his chin, letting his glasses (flat mirrors for props) reflect the bright light, "Aren't you going to change into my favorite clothes now and have a strange PIay?"

Secretary: "?!"

no!I'm not talking about this, it's late... cough cough!In short, wrong, very wrong, very wrong!


The poor little secretary let out a moan and said, "Really, do you really have to do it?"

"Hey, Feisha! I think you don't understand the situation at all—"

Lin Qiong sighed deeply, then shook his head with a disappointed look on his face, and said: "When you perform now, I will be the only one in the audience; if you continue to dilly-dally, the audience will become me, Erina, and Alice." .”

Secretary: Σ( ° △ °|||)

As if realizing something, she opened her mouth helplessly, then nodded as if resigned to her fate, and said, "I'll do it, I'll just do it!!"

"I'm willing to bet and admit defeat, Fei Shazi is awesome!"

Lin Qiong decisively gave his thumbs up to the secretary with his free hand, and said, "Then let's start quickly, I can't wait to taste it!"


The secretary let out a groan, then hid in the dressing room beside her, and changed her clothes with a rustle.

She moved quickly, and obviously had no intention of delaying time - after all, Kuleha was taking Siruluk for a physical examination in the next room!

'Why suddenly there is a subtle stimulation...'

The secretary paused a little while changing clothes, then couldn't help but patted his red face, and cursed secretly: "Fei Shazi, Fei Shazi, what are you thinking about?"How can you be so full of such things! '



After about 15 minutes.

When Kureha pushed open the door and walked into the living room, she saw the secretary sitting on the sofa with a look of lovelessness, staring at the ceiling with blank eyes.

She couldn't help turning her head, looked at Lin Qiong who was standing beside the bed enjoying the snow scene, and asked, "Master Lin Qiong, what about your companion?"

"She just, um..."

Lin Qiong thought about the wording and said, "I just passed a very important test in my life, so I am a little tired."

Kureha: "?"

She scratched her head and muttered in her heart that she could no longer keep up with the topic of young people, then walked to Lin Qiong's side, looked at the snow scene outside the window like him, and said, "I admit, I lost .”



"Since you lost, then you are willing to bet and admit defeat—"

Lin Qiong glanced at Kuleha, raised his finger and said, "You want to do something for me, is that okay?"

"I'm willing to admit defeat."

Although she lost, Kuleha, who was in a particularly happy mood, picked up the wine bottle and drank a sip of wine for herself. She said cheerfully: "Tell me! What do you want me to do for you?"

"I'm going to start a school."

Lin Qiong put his hands in his pockets, turned his head to look at Kuleha beside him, and said softly: "I hope you can become a teacher in this school."


Kuleha froze in place, she turned her head, looked at Lin Qiong in disbelief, and said, "You, are you serious?"

Lin Qiong asked back, "What good will it do me if I cheat you on this kind of thing?"

"But, what's the point of your doing this? Teaching others medical skills for free?"

Kuleha looked at Lin Qiong blankly, and asked strangely: "Could it be that you are a very good person?"

"Everything I do is for the future."

Lin Qiong opened his mouth and released a cloud of white mist on the window, then smiled and drew a smiley face on it with his fingers, and said, "It won't be long before pirates, human traffickers, drug dealers, and mafia and the like will Dangerous elements' will be eliminated from this world—after world peace, the development of people's livelihood is a matter of course, right?"

Kureha: "..."

She chuckled lightly, then poured the remaining half of the bottle of wine into her stomach in one breath, and said with a hint of drunkenness: "Although I don't know what the future is in your imagination, it will definitely be a very big one." Wonderful world, right?”

"Yes, it's a wonderful world."

Lin Qiong nodded lightly, looked down at his palm, and said seriously: "I want to be like this beautiful world and offer my blessings."

"Okay! I'd like to bet and admit defeat—"

Kuleha stretched out his right hand towards Lin Qiong, showed a hearty smile, and said, "Let me see what kind of ship you, the wind of the new era, can move!"

With a smile on the corner of Lin Qiong's mouth, he held Kureha's hand, and said confidently: "Then you will live a few more years, and take a good look at the world with your own eyes!"

Chapter 0705 angry secretary son

Drum Kingdom.

"Master, Master!"

The secretary followed behind Lin Qiong, and said with a serious face, firm eyes, and a firm attitude: "You absolutely, absolutely, absolutely, absolutely, you must not share that video with Miss Erina?"

"Don't worry, I will never show it to Erina!"

Lin Qiong patted his chest hard, showed a firm look at the secretary, and said, "If you lie to you, I'm a dog!"

The secretary breathed a sigh of relief, and then gently patted his chest with his hands.

If the young lady sees the video on the young master's mobile phone of her wearing JK, putting her hands in front of her and yelling "Mengmeng love light, make you fall in love with me", she will definitely be ashamed and indignant, blackened on the spot , Then use 100 million meters of blackening anger to sanction fist Bangbang to give the young master two punches!

"However, the young master has already said that he lied to me as a dog—"

The secretary showed a reassuring smile, and comforted himself: "It should be fine." '

"Erina, I'm back!"

Lin Qiong who walked to the door couldn't wait to push open the door, and then said enthusiastically: "Come and see, I fooled Fei Shazi into recording a video just now! If you don't watch it, you will regret it for the rest of your life—"

Secretary: "?!?!"

She covered her face with her hands, as if she had turned into a famous painting and shouted, and let out an indescribable secretary's scream.

"Master, ah ah—"

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Didn't you say you lied to me as a dog?"

"Fei Shasha, do you know? In the world I live in, I was born in [-]."

"What do you mean?"

"According to the Chinese zodiac, for those born in [-], the zodiac sign of the zodiac is dog."

"Also, that means..."

"Jie Jie! I was originally a dog, I didn't expect it!"

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