"Master, ah ah—"

The secretary ran towards Lin Qiong with tears streaming down his face, then raised his hands in shame and indignation, and shouted: "Swastika! Holy Light Scepter Thor's Hammer!!"

"I'm super!"

Lin Qiong's complexion changed, and then he raised his hands without hesitation, and said in a low voice, "Swastika! Star God White Night King!"


Seeing that the situation was not good, Feng Wang who was on top of him jumped into the arms of the eldest lady without saying a word, then retracted his head into her arms, and said tremblingly: "The child is still young, so I can't bear to accept it." down the screen."

"Hammer of Judgment——"

The secretary stepped on the ground with his right foot, then twisted his slender waist, and swung the huge hammer in his hand towards Lin Qiong, "Xi Nei!!"


The next moment, Lin Qiong, who was hit by the giant hammer, turned into a bright meteor and flew out of the window under the background of circles of sonic boom clouds. He disappeared from everyone's sight, leaving only a shout that echoed. In the room: "What a disgusting feeling! I will definitely come back -"

Trying to suppress the movement of the secretary with magic power, protecting the entire palace, Yoyo: "..."

She silently wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, and then looked at the secretary who was more than two and a half meters tall and carrying a giant double-headed hammer, and couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

Fei, Sister Fei Shazi, this is too cute.

With the power of this hammer, even Jesus couldn't stop his teeth when he came!


Panting, the secretary released the swastika, then wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with a handkerchief, looked at the eldest lady and the eldest sister-in-law with an awkward but polite smile, and asked, "The video in the young master's mouth, Miss Erina Miss Alice, you probably haven't seen it yet, have you?"

"No, of course not!"

The eldest lady and the eldest sister-in-law looked at the secretary in front of him who had fallen into a violent state, shook their heads without hesitation, and said in unison: "We didn't see anything!"

This is true.

Lin Qiong had just opened the photo album on his phone, and before he had time to play the video, he was blown away by the ashamed and indignant secretary with a hammer.



"I'm a bitch—"

Lin Qiong floated in mid-air, grinning and shaking his arms, and said, "Is Fei Shazi at full strength? It really hurts enough."

The secretary's performance today made Lin Qiong think of a drama he had watched before called "Because I'm Too Afraid of Pain, so I'm All Defense" - of course, what he thought of was not that the heroine was outrageous... ah Bah, Maple, but two other players in the guild she established, sisters Mai and Yui.

Unlike Maple, who has full defensive power, the twin sisters have added all attribute points to strength, and have jaw-dropping attack power—coincidentally, their weapons are also double-headed hammers.

"Well, I'm in trouble—"

Lin Qiong scratched his head and said with some distress: "I guess Fei Shasha is very angry right now. If she goes back now, she will probably get angry again after teasing her a few times, and then hit her with a hammer."

No way!That's boring!Holding black history in hand, if you don't bully the person involved, then black history has no meaning!

Therefore, Lin Qiong decided to go to other places for a walk for a couple of times, and then come back to bully her when the secretary's anger subsides—Jie Jie Jie, just wait!I will definitely let Erina and Alice see your performance!


The second half of the Grand Line.

and country.


Accompanied by the sound of gold and iron clashing, a figure flew out and then landed on the ground in a slightly embarrassed state.

"I said, let's stop here today?"

Kurosaki Ichigo straightened his body, then released Zan Yue's swastika, inserted it back into the scabbard, looked at the figure in front of him who was panting with a big sword, and said, "I'll have to do it later." Go out on patrol, I don’t have time to practice duels with you.”

"Huh, I see."

Mihawk exhaled, then bowed respectfully to Ichigo Kurosaki, and said, "Senior Kurosaki, thank you for your guidance today."

"Oh, what a big deal."

Ichigo Kurosaki waved his hand carelessly and said with a smile: "It's just a little effort! Even if you ask other members of the Holy Shield, everyone will accompany you..."

"Actually, I looked for them when I first came to Wano Country."

Mihawk showed a somewhat tangled expression, and said, "But I don't understand why their swords turn into some strange weapons after the war."

Kurosaki Ichigo: "..."

Weird weapon?

He recalled the weapons of the other companions of the Guardian Shield——

Ishida Yulong·Longbow; Stark·Double Spears; Niluelu·Knight Spears; Balegon·Big Axe...

——Can't help but nodded: Well, it's really strange!


Kurosaki Ichigo sighed, then patted Mihawk on the shoulder casually, and said, "If there is a chance in the future, I will train with you more."


The still young Mihawk suddenly showed a surprised expression, and said a little excitedly: "Thank you, Kurosaki-senpai!"

Kurosaki Ichigo nodded very usefully, and said with a smile: "Haha, as long as it is during the rest time, your challenge is welcome at any time - after all, you also know that we [Shield of the Guardian] need to suppress the Great Route The second half of the pirates."

Mihawk nodded and said, "Well, I know."

How could he not know?The second half of the Grand Route in the past can only be described as a chaotic dance of demons, but after the members of the Guardian Shield arrived, it almost turned into a Taoist holy land.

"Hey, but recently there are fewer and fewer pirates who don't believe in evil."

Kurosaki Ichigo walked to the side of the road and squatted down, sighed, and then held his chin and said; "I went out for a walk some time ago and basically wiped out two or three pirate groups. Now it may not take more than a few hours." I can meet one."

Mihawk: "..."

He couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, then looked up at the sky with a speechless face——Senior Kurosaki, the pirates in the second half of the great route are about to be killed by the shield of the saint and become rare creatures , It's only natural that you can't run into it, right?

"Um, Kurosaki-senpai."

Mihawk changed the subject calmly, and said in a deep voice, "If you want to join the Guardian Shield, what are the conditions?"


Kurosaki Ichigo scratched his head and said, "Well, it should be 'strength' or 'potential', right?"

strength or potential?

Mihawk silently compared the strength of himself with the members of the Holy Shield who had been competing, and then found with some sadness that he could not beat anyone.

"Don't count on your strength..."

He rubbed the bridge of his nose with a headache, and then asked tentatively: "Senior Kurosaki, what do you think of my potential?"

"Potential? Ah, you want to join the Guardian Shield?"

Kurosaki Ichigo, who took three beats slowly, finally came to his senses. He looked at Mihawk, pretending to be serious and said: "Well, your potential, um..."

Mihawk: "..."

Hearing Kurosaki Ichigo's hesitant and hesitant appearance, he couldn't help feeling a little nervous—isn't it?I feel that my talent in swordsmanship is quite powerful!

"Mihawk, you are asking the wrong person."

At this time, the figure of Ishida Uryu appeared on the tree trunk next to the two of them. He pushed his glasses speechlessly and said, "Kurosaki is a well-known member of the muscular faction. He understands the potential of a hammer." .”

"Ishida, iron baa!"

Kurosaki Ichigo hurriedly jumped up from the ground, then clenched his right hand and retorted: "What nonsense are you talking about? I am a student of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo."

"You are a student of the Faculty of Medicine of Dongda University, so I am not?"

Ishida Uryu looked at Kurosaki Ichigo condescendingly, and said indifferently: "Don't forget, my deviation value is higher than yours."

Kurosaki Ichigo: "..."

Hi, I'm so angry!

So, not to be outdone, he said: "So what? Don't forget, I am the No. 2 of the Holy Shield, and you are only the No. 3!"

As for who No.1 is, everyone knows everything.

"You're right, Kurosaki-kun."

A sarcastic smile appeared on Ishida Uryū's lips, and then he said lightly: "Doesn't this just mean that you are a muscular person with a simple mind and well-developed limbs?"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "?"

Ishida Uryu continued: "How about this? From now on, I will call you Saragi Ken Hachiji, how about it?"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "??"

God damn Zaraki Kenpachi the second generation!It’s hard, the fist is hard!

Chapter 0706

"Ishida, you bastard..."

A vein popped out on Kurosaki Ichigo's forehead, he pulled out his Zanzuki with a "kind" face, and said, "Do you want to fight?"

"Look, if you don't agree with someone, you'll take out a knife and kill someone. It's really Kenpachi Zaraki's style."

Ishida Uryu wiped his hands with a wet tissue slowly and said elegantly: "It seems that I should not call you Zaraki Kenpachi the second generation, but should call you...Zaraki Kenpachi" ProMax.”

Kurosaki Ichigo: "???"

Grass mud horse, angry!

"Tie baa, don't get caught by me—"

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Ishida Uryu with veins all over his face, and said, "Otherwise, I will treat you to Crescent Moon Tencho—ten!"

"Hmph, then you can give it a try -"

Ishida Uryu snorted softly, looked at Kurosaki Ichigo with condescending eyes, and said, "See if your crescent moon hit me first, or my holy Mieya shot you first."

"Oh? It seems that you have made some progress recently——"

An excited smile appeared on the corner of Kurosaki Ichigo's mouth, he slowly pulled out Zan Yue, and said softly: "No wonder you are so confident in provoking me."

"How dare I challenge No. 2 Kurosaki-kun?"

Ishida Uryu gracefully condensed the spiritual longbow, and said with a light smile, "It's just that I have some insights recently, so I came here to ask for advice."

Mihawk: "..."

He looked at the menacing Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Uryu, turned around silently, then raised his legs and ran behind him.

You cheer for the road! !

"Although I really want to watch the battle between No.2 and No.3 of the Guardian Shield up close, but..."

Mihawk twitched the corners of his mouth, and thought in cold sweat, 'It's not good to stay around there, right?Will be swept to death by the aftermath, right? '

Of course, the reason why he chose to run away at this time instead of taking the risk to witness the battle between Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Uryu with his own eyes is because——

If this is a life-and-death battle between Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Uryu, and both parties will put life and death aside, then Mihawk will definitely disregard his own life in order to appreciate this unique sound!But, this shit is just a discussion, okay?

It's like fans are willing to spend thousands of dollars to watch the global finals live, but they may not be willing to spend thousands of dollars to watch the team's training games online.

"This distance should be safe—"

After arriving at the safe area 2000 meters away, Mihawk breathed a sigh of relief, then jumped onto the side cliff, looked at the positions where Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Uryu were before, and murmured: "I don't know Who will win."

"I think it should be the little strawberry."

A voice sounded beside Mihawk, "Little Strawberry's speed is too fast, the type that Ishida is not very good at dealing with."

To use a game metaphor, it’s probably the feeling of a well-developed shooter hero meeting a more developed top laner hero-you can do whatever you want, I’m a sweetheart.

"It turns out like..."

Mihawk's voice was stuck in his throat, his muscles became tense in an instant, and a drop of cold sweat slid down his forehead.

'Come to me without me noticing? '

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