He moved his eyeballs calmly, trying to look at the strange visitor from the corner of his eyes, "Is it... oh, it's all right. '

After seeing the face of the visitor clearly, Mihawk, who was full of tension, immediately relaxed - this face he had seen in Rogge Town before, it was the owner of Sky City.

"Anyone in the Guardian Shield, I am not its opponent, let alone the loyal master of the Guardian Shield?" '

Mihawk bowed slightly towards Lin Qiong, and said, "Guian, the master of Sky City."


Lin Qiong stretched out his right hand towards Mihawk, and said, "If I remember correctly, you should be a talented swordsman on the great route recently, Qiao Lakel Mihawk, right?"

"In front of Your Excellency, I dare not call myself a genius swordsman."

Mihawk stretched out his hand to hold Lin Qiong's hand, and said with emotion on his face: "The strength of each of the Guardian Shields under your command is far beyond my imagination."

"Hahaha, after all, this is the armed force that I am proud of——"

Lin Qiong happily let go of Mihawk's hand, then handed over a big white rabbit toffee with a friendly face, and said, "By the way, did you ask Little Strawberry just now if you can join me with your talent? Shield of the Saint?"

Mihawk who is unpacking the wrapping paper: "..."

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and then he glanced at Lin Qiong: "Could it be that this 'young master' had already appeared by my side at that time?" '

Wait, doesn't that mean that not only himself, but even Kurosaki Ichigo, who can easily defeat him, didn't find the trace of the young master?

"How far has his strength reached..."

Mihawk stuffed the toffee into his mouth, then nodded slightly, and said, "I really want to join the Guardian Shield."

The reason why he wants to join the Guardian Shield is simple.

Mihawk is actually a very pure swordsman. He has only one purpose from the beginning to the end, and that is to witness the end of the way of swords with his own eyes. Therefore, the Holy Shield with many strong men is undoubtedly a very good swordsman. where to go.

After all, what fighter wouldn't want to be teammates with a group of tough men who never refuse your challenge?

"Oh, do you think this is a coincidence?"

Lin Qiong smiled at Mihawk and said, "I'm just about to set up a new team of the Guardian Shield. I wonder if you're interested in joining?"

Mihawk was silent for a few seconds and asked in confusion: "New team?"

"Yes! The Shield of Saints now has three teams, namely the Guardian Team, the Realm Team and the Magic Team——"

Lin Qiong raised his finger and said: "And the fourth detachment I am planning to establish is the Shield of Saints Navigation Detachment."

As for why it is not called the Pirate Squad?One is because the pirates in this world have been killed and are almost extinct; the other is because the pirates themselves are not a good thing, and Lin Qiong despises them very much.

Mihawk asked with a hint of curiosity: "Can I ask who the captain of the navigation team is?"

"It's a guy you know."

Lin Qiong winked at Mihawk and whispered a name: "The former Pirate King, Gol D. Roger."

Now the cleaner of Sky City!

"One Piece..."

Mihawk narrowed his eyes slightly, then nodded without hesitation, and said, "I am willing to join the sailing team! Young Master, Young Master."

"Although it's a little strange to call me young master for the first time, but you can get used to this kind of thing—"

After Lin Qiong saw that the world's number one swordsman in the future, Hawkeye Mihawk obediently called his master, he immediately showed a satisfied expression, "The so-called first time is born and second time is familiar, and three times takes the initiative to ride four times." ! '

"Let's go watch Strawberry and Ishida compete."

Lin Qiong put his hand on Mihawk's shoulder and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I will protect you."



"Wansheng Swastika!"

"Blade of God, Sky Lock Zhanyue!"

"Wansheng Swastika!"

"God's Purification·Silver Ridge Arc Bird!"

The two entered their strongest state without hesitation, and then stood on both sides of the open space in the suburbs, looking at their opponents from a distance.

"Ishida, it's been a long time since we sparred, right?"

Kurosaki Ichigo held Zangetsu in both hands and showed a fighting smile towards his friend, "Don't blame me for being too harsh later."

"Heh, you should worry about yourself, Kurosaki."

Ishida Uryu maintained the movement of playing the string with one hand, chuckled, and said: "If Tangtang No.2 loses to my No.3, I'm afraid he will have to abdicate."

"You can try it!"

Kurosaki Ichigo raised Zhan Yue with a smile on his face, then pressed down hard, and shouted: "Yueya—Tianchong!!"


A huge black-red half-moon-shaped slash flew out from Zangetsu's blade and shot towards Ishida Uryū. The target of the attack, Ishida Uryū, calmly raised his Reiko longbow. He whispered: "Holy Destruction Arrow·Arrow Rain Storm!"

"call out--"

The blue spiritual arrows flew towards Yueya Tianchong one after another like a rain curtain, and each one was annihilated on the sword energy, and at the same time, it would shrink Yueya a part.

"Kurosaki, if the power of your crescent moon is only this level, then I will not be polite!"

Ishida Uryu couldn't help lowering his eyelids after being gnawed away by the Lingzi arrow, and said softly: "It's about to go, No. 2, is the reserve of Crescent Moon enough?"

"Are you so proud of just defeating a crescent moon? Ishida——"

A slightly mad smile appeared on Kurosaki Ichigo's face. He clenched the handle of the knife with both hands, lowered his body and rushed towards Ishida Uryu, and said in a low voice, "Then you are very wrong. !!"

The crescent moon is rushing!

The crescent moon is rushing! !

Crescent moon... Tian Chong! ! !

One, two, three, four...

The black and red crescent moons flew out from Zangetsu's blade one after another, flying toward Ishida Uryū in front with a whistling sound, but...

"Holy Arrow Arrow Gathering Arrow Storm of Arrows!"

Ishida Uryu opened the distance from Kurosaki Ichigo, and at the same time shot a dense rain of arrows that covered the sky—hundreds?thousands?Tens of thousands?Or hundreds of thousands?

Uncountable, uncountable at all!


The azure blue spiritual arrows with a halo on the surface gnawed at the crescent moons swung by Kurosaki Ichigo like locusts passing through, causing these amazingly powerful crescent moons to shrink rapidly until they were annihilated.

'As expected of Ishida, there's nothing I can do about him simply by getting the moon's strength, so...'

Kurosaki Ichigo's eyes were burning with fighting intent, 'So, how about this move? '

Crescent Moon Celestial Confrontation Duo!

Under the control of Kurosaki Ichigo, the black and red crescent moon wrapped around the blade of Tiansuo Zhanyue, and he himself turned into a dark afterimage and disappeared in place.

Chapter 0707 I hope next time I understand mathematics

"Kurosaki-kun, do you think that based on our years of experience as teammates, I won't guard against your proud charging speed?"

After seeing Kurosaki Ichigo disappear from his sight, Ishida Uryu showed no panic at all. Instead, he raised the corners of his mouth slightly and murmured: "You have already stepped into my spirit trap."


Kurosaki Ichigo, who lowered his upper body and sprinted towards Ishida Uryu at super high speed, let out a low cry, and then waved the sky lock Zanyue with the crescent moon in his hand towards Ishida Uryu's side go.



The moment his right foot stepped within 20 meters of Ishida Uryu's body, Ishida Uryu's trap was activated—a shock wave visible to the naked eye was generated under Kurosaki Ichigo's feet, hitting his body diagonally backward. fly away.

"Is it just this level of shock?"

Kurosaki Ichigo put down his blocking hands, then showed a disapproving smile, and said, "Ishida, I won this round!"

"The trap I specially prepared for you is certainly not 'only this level'."

Ishida Uryu calmly pushed his eyes and said: "The impact is just to distance you and me so that the subsequent trap can take effect."

"what are you saying!?"

Kurosaki Ichigo was taken aback for a moment, and just when he was about to ask Ishida Uryu what he had done, the strange feeling rising from his hands interrupted his thoughts - he lowered his head and found that his arms were being crushed Circles of blue magic circles are entwined.

"This is--"

Ichigo Kurosaki couldn't help but frowned. He shook his arm, and then clenched his fist hard. After finding nothing unusual, he looked at Ishida Uryu strangely and said, "What is the purpose of this trap?" What’s the use?”

"Who knows?"

Ishida Uryu looked at Kurosaki Ichigo with a smile on his eyes, and said, "Kurosaki-kun, do you choose to continue attacking? Or do you want to destroy the trap I left on you?"

"Is that even a question?"

The magic power in Kurosaki Ichigo's body surged, destroying all the magic circles on his wrist, and said in a low voice: "A trap of this level..."

"It's all said-"

Seeing Kurosaki Ichigo's actions, Ishida Uryu chuckled and said, "The trap I specially prepared for you is not just 'this level'."

The next moment, the shattered trap turned into a cage, sealing Kurosaki Ichigo inside.


"Master, it seems that the one who is at a disadvantage is Kurosaki-senpai."

Mihawk looked at Kurosaki Ichigo who was blocked in the blue barrier and was trying to break it with the sky lock Zanyue, and said, "Master, do you still insist on the judgment just now?"

"Mihawk, you have to know that there is a creature in this world with a simple mind and well-developed limbs."

Lin Qiong stuffed a handful of shrimp crackers into his mouth and said calmly: "What this creature is best at is not traps, ambushes or psychological warfare, but..."

"Bricks fly with great strength."


"It's useless, Kurosaki."

Ishida Uryu looked at Kurosaki Ichigo who was slashing the barrier with Tensu Zangetsu again and again, and said calmly: "This barrier will continue to absorb your magic power to strengthen itself, so you better not waste it in vain. Got strength."

"I don't understand what you are talking about!"

Kurosaki Ichigo raised his head out of breath, with a beast-like smile on his face, "I only know that as long as I break it, I can kill you, right?"

"indeed so."

Ishida Uryu was silent for a few seconds, then chuckled lightly: "Then break it and show me, Kurosaki."

"as you wish--"

Kurosaki Ichigo did not hesitate to focus his magic power into the sky lock Zhanyue, slashed on the barrier one after another, and said in a deep voice: "Any defense has its upper limit!!"


Finally, under Ishida Uryu's twitching gaze, a crack visible to the naked eye appeared on the light blue barrier.

"Break it for me!"

The next moment, Kurosaki Ichigo swung his sword at the crack, shattering the barrier that had restrained him for 30 seconds, and then turned into a jet-black meteor and rushed towards Ishida Uryu, calling the other person's name: "Ishida Ahh——”

'It's too late to gather the second trap, so...'

Ishida Uryu clicked his tongue a little bit unhappily, and while drawing the Lingzi longbow, he muttered slightly unhappily: "No way, seat No.2, let you sit for a while longer."

Sacred arrow destroyer, energy-gathering arrow, and archery revolution!

"Speed ​​up, speed up—"

Kurosaki Ichigo held the handle of the knife tightly with both hands, and only Ishida Uryu was left in his world at this time, "There is only one thing I have to do, and that is...to swing the knife!"

Crescent Moon Sky Trio!

For a moment, a more terrifying momentum than Li Tian shrouded the two of them, and at the moment when the two were about to collide...

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