"Okay, let's call it a day—"

Lin Qiong's figure appeared between the two of them. He smashed Ishida Uryu's sacred Mieya with one punch, then grabbed Kurosaki Ichigo's wrist and pinned him to the ground.

"I said you two, don't you want to die?"

Lin Qiong maintained the action of suppressing Kurosaki Ichigo, and said with a speechless face: "If you cut it rough, you can learn from it. How can you play so big? Especially you——Kurosaki, you are going to cut Ishida's waist, take it Did you sell it for a cell phone?"

Mihawk on the side: "!?"

I am super!What kind of monster is this young master?

He was almost stunned by the scene of stacking boxes in front of him——

It is known that a casual one can abuse oneself, a serious one can abuse a partner training one, and a casual young master can abuse a serious one...

One thing to say, Mihawk felt that he really fucked Sauron!

"Ahem, young master, let me go first—"

Kurosaki Ichigo patted the ground with his free hand, grinned and said, "It hurts, it hurts, the bones are almost broken by you."

"You have to know one thing—the strength of the ground in Wano Country is not comparable to that of Xuquan."

Lin Qiong let go of Kurosaki Ichigo and stood up, then patted the dust on his hands, and said: "If you are blind, you can be saved, but if the aftermath of the battle shatters Wano Country, I'll see what you're going to do."

Kurosaki & Ishida: "Master, we were wrong——"

Positive attitude and quick to admit mistakes, the young master will not come to beat me up.

"Very good! Very spirited!"

Lin Qiong nodded in satisfaction, then took out a piece of paper from his arms and handed it to Ishida Yulong, saying: "During this time, try to invite the people on the list and ask them if they would like to join the Guardian Shield."

While moving his shoulders to relieve the pain, Kurosaki Ichigo approached Ishida Uryu and looked at the list - Edward Newgate, Kaido, Shanks, Sandy Crocodile...

"I understand."

Ishida Yulong collected the list, then looked at Lin Qiong, and asked, "What if these people don't agree?"

"If you don't agree the first time, beat me up."

"If you don't agree the second time, you will be beaten hard."

"If you don't agree for the third time, you will be beaten to death."

"If you are still unwilling to join after three times, you will give up and continue to recruit."

"But before you give up, remember to 'Ding' them—"

"Don't be a pirate."


The Great Route·First Half.

Magnetic Drum Island · Magnetic Drum Kingdom.

"Knock knock, knock knock—"

Lin Qiong leaned on the door frame, knocked on the door with a smile, and said, "I wonder if we can go in and pinch?"

"This is the young master's room, of course the young master can come in."

The secretary looked at Lin Qiong expressionlessly, with strong resentment exuding all over his body, "I'm just a weak little assistant who is covering her up."

"Ahem, it's over, it's over—"

Lin Qiong gave a dry cough, and under the explanation of the eldest lady with a smile, he went into the room and put his arms around the secretary's waist, and said in a low voice, "Are you still angry here?"

"Don't dare desu!"

The secretary puffed up his mouth and hummed, "How dare I be angry with the young master?"

"Hey, not only are you angry, but you also have a lot of resentment?"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, and said sadly, "Fei Shazi! Why don't you understand my hard work!"

Secretary: "Huh?"

"You feel shy when Erina sees your video, right? But think about it—"

Lin Qiong persuasively said: "If you don't let Erina watch your videos, how can you have the nerve to watch her videos in the future? If you let her watch your videos, how can she stop you from watching her videos in the future? What about the video?"

Missy: "Huh?"

Aqiong, what are you instigating again!

Secretary: "Ah!"

Young master, the young master actually has such foresight! !

"Young master, I, I..."

The secretary turned his head and buried his face in Lin Qiong's arms.

"I'm sorry! I wrongly blamed the young master!"

"It's okay, I'm very tolerant!"

"Master, let Miss Erina and Miss Alice watch my video!"

"it is good!"

"Master, when will you make a video for Miss Erina and Miss Alice?"


Miss: "..."

She clutched her chest in grief, unable to speak in grief.

Fei Shazi, my Fei Shazi, why are you full of rebellious teeth now! !

Auntie: "???"

She looked at the secretary in confusion.

What's the matter with you water ghost?Why are you still planning to drag me into the water, right?

Pinch it!

By the way, that night, the eldest lady severely punished the secretary of the water ghost, making her truly become a wet water ghost for once.


the next day.

Looking at the gradually receding coast, Lin Qiong propped his hands on the side of the boat, and said with emotion: "Although I only stayed on Magnetic Drum Island for a day, this place has left me with unforgettable memories."

The eldest lady leaned against Lin Qiong's doubts, nodded lightly, and also expressed emotion: "Indeed! I believe, I will always remember what happened yesterday."

Secretary: "..."

Covering her face with her hands, she crouched on the deck and curled up into a ball, feeling that her face was about to burn: 'Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo You, you are so bad! '

Aunt: "Huh?"

She looked at Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, and the secretary in confusion: "Is Magnetic Drum Island so beautiful?"How can I forget it forever?Could it be that I didn't get its beauty? '


She looked at the dim sky with some regret, and couldn't help sighing for her growth: "Hey, I really hope that the next time I understand it is the magic book." '

Chapter 0708 Alabasta

The Great Route·First Half.

Kingdom of Alabasta.


"Why haven't you come? Why haven't you come—"

The desert dragon Ayisha lay on the top of a house at the port with a look of lovelessness, looking pitifully at the sea ahead as if a puppy was waiting for its owner to come home, and made a gurgling sound: "It's been several days, could it be that it was delayed elsewhere? Or was it attacked by a villain with no eyesight!?"

Thinking of the ship carrying the young master and the young lady heading for Alabasta being attacked by blind pirates, Ayisha couldn't help but straighten her upper body, creating a feeling of skyrocketing up to [-] miles, and then turning [-] miles away. The urge to clean up all the pirates inside.


'However, if the young master happens to arrive here after I leave Alabasta, wouldn't it be a big loss for me? '

Thinking of this, Ayisha lay back on her stomach with a dispirited expression, looking at the sea ahead with lonely, weak and helpless eyes, exuding a lonely, weak and pitiful atmosphere.

Surrounding residents: "?"

What happened to the Dragon Protector?

Is it the cherry stone stuck between the teeth again?

Or is the grit stuck in the gaps in the scales?

Or is the climate too dry causing constipation?

Do you want to ask?

Just when the onlookers were thinking seriously, Ayisha, who had just lay down for a while, stood up again with a "swish", and then rushed into the sky with a "swish".

Surrounding residents: "??"

What happened to the Protecting Dragon?

Did the cherry pit come out?

Or is the grit slipping out?

Or has the stool become smoother?

Under the watchful eyes of many residents, Ayisha first jumped straight up to a height of [-] meters, then made a [-]-degree turn and rushed straight towards the sea level.



E·M·T Adventure Group.

Ice Alice.


Accompanied by the sound from far and near, a pale dragon descended from the sky, and then transformed into a beautiful girl with long golden hair, long pointed ears and wearing dragon scale armor in a burst of light, "Master, you It’s here! I’ve been waiting for a long time!”


Lin Qiong looked at the lively and lovely Ayisha, and asked blankly, "What are you waiting for me?"

"Of course it's to entertain the young master and young lady!"

Ayisha put her hands on her hips, as proud as a child who is about to invite his parents to dinner after receiving his salary for the first time, "I am now Alabasta's protector of the country? Everyone likes me!"

Indeed, after all, who wouldn't like a pure and lively young girl?Especially since she is still pretty cute.

"The Divine Dragon of Protecting the Nation? Doesn't it sound very powerful——"

The eldest lady pursed her lips and smiled, and said softly: "Then I will trouble you."

"No trouble no trouble, hehehe."

Ayisha rubbed her nose with her hands with a happy face, and said charmingly: "I will definitely treat everyone well!"

"Aisha-chan, I'm a little curious—"

At this time, the sister-in-law at the side happily took Ayisha's little hand, and asked impatiently, "Is there anything interesting in Alabasta?"

"What's interesting? That's a lot—"

Ayisha straightened her chest and said without thinking, "For example...uh...for example...uh...for example..."

For some reason, her voice became smaller and smaller.

'Wash, wash the motor—'

Cold sweat slowly slipped down Ayisha's forehead, the little girl squatted on the edge of the deck with her head in her hands, her pupils stared at the deck under her feet in shock, "Alabasta, what's so interesting about it?" '

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