What, what should I do?

Ayisha felt a sense of embarrassment that her guardian finally came to visit her at her work place, but she was usually either working or sleeping at home, and didn’t know any local attractions at all.

# Is there anything interesting in Alabasta?The guardian is here to travel, it is very urgent, wait online#

It's a pity that Ayixia waited for a few seconds, but she couldn't wait for the answer from the non-existent netizens, so she could only hold her head in her hands and be furious.

Auntie: "..."

She looked at Ayixia who was squatting in the corner performing a mime, looked at Lin Qiong and the eldest lady with a strange expression, and asked, "Did I say something wrong just now?"

"Well, probably not."

The eldest lady twitched her lips, then walked to Ayisha, helped her up from the ground, and said, "Actually, we are very interested in strange creatures such as Alabasta's running ducks, sea cats, and kung fu manatees. , I wonder if Ayisha can take us to visit?"


Ayixia's eyes lit up slightly, then she turned around excitedly, stretched out both hands to hold the right hand of the eldest lady, and said happily: "It's ok! Of course it's no problem! This kind of trivial matter is in my arms." Put it on!!"

Lin Qiong & Sister-in-Law & Secretary: "Look at—"

The three looked at the wagging tail behind Ayisha, and couldn't help showing subtle expressions.

Lin Qiong: "Why do I feel that Ayisha looks a bit like a golden retriever?"

Sister-in-law: "One thing to say, I think so too."

Secretary: "Don't tell me, it's really similar."

Of course, it’s only about similarities in personality, not logical thinking—after all, in the eyes of Golden Retrievers, there is no bad person, no good dog.


Alabasta Royal Palace.



Two giants sat shoulder to shoulder in the open-air square, holding high the "wine glasses" that were equivalent to bathtubs for others, laughing and filling their mouths with ale - of course, what they drank was very ordinary Affordable ale, otherwise who can withstand the consumption of a bottle?

It's just that some people are happy and some are sad.

Kurokas, who was out of tune with the cheerful atmosphere in the square: "..."

He sat on the seat with a dazed face, looked at Ayisha sitting across from him, who was happily chatting with the eldest lady, with dull eyes, and murmured: "I'm so stupid, really, I started from the very beginning." You shouldn't bet with him, how could someone like him bet on a bet that could lose? I'm so stupid, really..."

The second one!

It's the second one!

You guys are rarer phantom beasts than the natural ones, huh?Why is it like a worthless leek now, crop after crop?

It's not scientific, it's not domineering, and it's not a devil fruit.

"What's the matter with you boy?"

Lin Qiong sat down next to Kurokas, looked at the frowning old ship doctor, and said dissatisfied: "Everyone is so happy today, why are you so frowning? Is there something unhappy? ? You might as well say it out and make everyone happy!"

Kulocas: "..."

After hearing what Lin Qiong said, he immediately clenched his fists, and with the great perseverance brought by conquering the great route, he controlled his urge to beat Lin Qiong violently—of course, there was a little bit of it. The reason why he couldn't beat Lin Qiong was in it.

"You guy..."

He hooked Lin Qiong's neck and said through gritted teeth, "Have you been prepared and dug a hole to wait for me?"

"I'm not I didn't stop talking nonsense—"

Lin Qiong patted Kurokas's shoulder away with a dissatisfied look on his face and said, "Am I that kind of person?"

Kulocas nodded without thinking: "You are."

Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up with a smile on his face: "You are really accurate."


Kulocas's eyes went dark, and then he leaned back on the chair behind him unrequitedly, and murmured: "I'm so stupid, really, I shouldn't have been fooled by you."

"One thing to say--"

Lin Qiong picked up a chicken leg and took a bite, then said solemnly, "Since you know who I am, why did you agree to this bet?"

How could someone jump into it knowing it was a trap?Is it safufu?

Kulocas: "..."

He took a sip of his wine melancholy, and said sadly: "Don't talk about it, it's all the fault of being young..."

Lin Qiong: "I think you are not young either."

"Mindset, I'm talking about mentality!"

Kulocas was furious: "Do you understand how important a young mind is to a person? People say that I have a 50-year-old body and a 15-year-old mind!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He rubbed his chin and looked at Kurokas, then thought for a while, and said, "15 years old? Then do I have to call you nephew?"

Kurokas: "?"

Your mother, can you take advantage of me in this kind of place?

He waved his hands angrily, and said, "Get out!"

"Hey, then I'll slip away—"

Lin Qiong waved his hand at him, and then said enthusiastically: "That's right! We are still one short away from the three phantom beast species we agreed on, are you ready to accept punishment?"

"I know, you don't need to remind me!"

Kulocas covered his face, then waved his hand towards Lin Qiong, motioning him to climb up quickly and stop torturing himself, "I would like to admit defeat, but the pride of the man on the sea!"

Lin Qiong nodded and said with a smile: "Then I'm looking forward to it."



After the welcome banquet, Ayisha brought Lin Qiong and others to the coast of Alabasta.

"Master, Miss, that is Kung Fu manatee—"

Ayisha pointed to the manatee squatting on the shore, wearing armor like a turtle shell, and muttered: "Cute is cute, but these little guys are too clingy."

"After all, if you lose to the opponent, you will become the creature of the opponent's disciple—"

Lin Qiong stood on the rocks and said with a curious look on his face: "I remember that Luffy seemed to have a manatee who chased him to the new world."


In the gap between the few people talking, a dozen or so kung fu manatees on the shore had already surrounded everyone, looking at them eagerly - kung fu manatees and Pokémon trainers follow the same rule, that is, "as long as When you meet your eyes, the battle begins."

"Don't look at me like that—"

Lin Qiong took out a small dried fish from his pocket, shook it in mid-air, and said, "Want to eat it?"


After smelling the smell of dried fish, a dozen Kung Fu manatees surrounding Lin Qiong rushed towards Lin Qiong, trying to snatch the snacks from him.

"Hey, so fierce? Then don't blame me—"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, then flicked the small dried fish in his hand towards the sea surface, and said, "Fly high~~"

Kung Fu Manatee: "!?"

The manatees hurriedly braked to a stop, then raised their heads blankly, following the parabola of the small fish's flight, and watched blankly as it fell into the sea with a "plop".

Chapter 0709 I am the master's dog!

Kung Fu Manatee: "..."

More than a dozen seemingly cute, but not very good gadgets stared dumbfounded at the ripples after the little fish fell into the sea, and their hearts were filled with a sense of loss.

"Everyone is stupid? What are you doing in a daze? Why don't you rush to grab it!?"

Lin Qiong couldn't help frowning his eyebrows, and said bluntly: "The dried fish is insoluble in water, whoever grabs a handful and stuffs it into his mouth will be fine?"

Kung Fu Manatee: "!"

The few manatees that reacted the fastest had immediately rushed to the coast like 86 who were turning a bend in the drainage channel, while the manatees who were half a beat slower to react were cursing the leading group for their lack of martial ethics and followed them with curses. Go up.

A few seconds later, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the group of kung fu manatees jumped into the sea one after another as if they were making dumplings, and began to grope frantically on the bottom of the sea.

"Dried fish, mine, mine, mine!"

"You fart, I must be the first to find it!"

"Stop arguing, I've already eaten the dried fish."

"Fuck you, who is the cub who just got into the water fooling!"

The Kung Fu manatees looked at each other and reached a consensus.

Food is only for the strong!

Whoever can stand at the end is eligible to enjoy the "Supreme Shiny Dried Fish"!

"rua——" xN

The next moment, the Kung Fu manatees stood in a group and started an unprecedented melee.


"It's fighting, it's fighting—"

Lin Qiong looked at the rioting seabed, couldn't help but winked at the eldest lady, then handed over a small dried fish, and said, "Does this count as two peaches killing three warriors?"

The eldest lady took the dried fish with a smile on her face, then nodded and said, "Let me tell you, it tastes good."

"That's right, I'm amazing!"

Lin Qiong rubbed his nose proudly, then took out several small dried fish from his bosom, and handed them to his aunt, secretary, Yoyo, Ayixia, and Feng Wang above his head, and said: " Everyone eat some, don't be polite to me! I have a lot of snacks here."

"Tsk tsk, you kid is really not a human being—"

The Phoenix King bit the small dried fish with his beak, and then said loudly: "If the group of kung fu manatees sees that they are fighting bloody battles with dried small fish in your hand, I'm afraid you won't be angry. die."

"It's none of my business? It's obviously their own problem—to be reasonable, if they stand up obediently and then show off their cuteness one by one in front of me, will I not give it to them?"

Lin Qiong threw a few pills of Melisu into his mouth, chewed and said, "The result? They are all like robbers! I wonder if they are monkeys who studied under Mount Emei."

"Aqiong, I heard you mention the monkeys in Mount Emei several times—"

The eldest lady licked the seasoning on her fingers, looked at Lin Qiong curiously, and asked, "Are they really as cruel as the rumors say?"

"That's not ordinary brutality, let me tell you."

Lin Qiong showed an undisguised expression of disgust, and said, "To tell you the truth, those bastards are pure monkey-skinned robbers—they will not only beat tourists, but also steal their mobile phones, food and even their luggage. .”

Feng Wang couldn't help complaining: "Are they fiery monkeys?"

Lin Qiong laughed: "Don't tell me, they are really similar - they are all the same cub species, the same inappropriateness, and the same cruelty."

But the difference is that the kung fu manatee is a highly intelligent creature that can negotiate, while the monkeys on Mount Emei... Hehe, they are really just a group of monkeys.


At this moment, with an excited roar, a kung fu manatee with a blue nose and a swollen face emerged from the sea. He proudly raised the small dried fish in his right hand, and let out the victor's...

He looked blankly at the small dried fish that was two centimeters wide and ten centimeters long in the hands of Lin Qiong and the others, and then looked down at the small dried fish that was two millimeters wide and one centimeter long in his hand.

Tears, his mother flowed down.

"Wow, woo woo woo—"

Kung Fu manatee stuffed the small dried fish into its mouth, then jumped onto the shore with a fierce expression on its face, pointed at Lin Qiong with its right hand (right limb? right flipper?) !"

Ayisha tilted her head and asked in confusion: "What is he talking about?"

Lin Qiong scratched his hair: "I can't make it! I don't understand the language of Kung Fu Manatee, so how do I know what he said?"

"Maybe I'm scolding you."

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