Feng Wang gloated and said: "And the scolding must be ugly!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

While rolling up his sleeves, he jumped from the bank to the beach, and said, "Today I will show you what it means to be a manatee training expert!"

Feng Wang said "ah", "Have you ever had such a part-time job?"

"That's not it."

Lin Qiong shook his head and explained: "But I have trained birds before, so the feeling should be similar."

"God has trained birds, can birds and manatees be the same?"

Feng Wang couldn't help but complain, and then asked: "Then how did you train the bird? Is the bird good? Is it obedient?"

"It's quite obedient, very obedient, you can play with it in your hands, but it's not very smart and a bit silly."

Lin Qiong stood in front of Kung Fu Manatee, looked at the little thing in front of him with his hands on his hips, and said, "Your name is Kung Fu Manatee, isn't it?"

Kung Fu Manatee: "?"

He was stunned for a moment, then raised his head blankly and looked at Lin Qiong in front of him - was it his imagination?Why does he feel that this person is hundreds of times more arrogant than him?


Just when he was in a daze, Lin Qiong slapped him on the forehead, making him faint.

"Why are you in a daze? Master Ben was talking to you, didn't you hear me?"

Lin Qiong looked at the not-so-intelligent Kung Fu Manatee in front of him with unkind eyes, and said, "I'm asking you! Are you a fucking Kung Fu Manatee?"

Kung Fu Manatee: "??"

Wonima, I was fucking beaten?Can this be tolerated?This is unbearable!

The Kung Fu manatee suddenly exploded and attacked Lin Qiong with anger on his face.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a whirl of dizziness, and when he came to his senses, he found that he had been tied up by Lin Qiong with wire, and then placed on the wire mesh.

Well, there's a bonfire down there.

"I've never eaten a manatee in my life."

Lin Qiong squatted aside, took out a box of matches from his pocket, and muttered, "I don't know if it tastes good when baked."

Kung Fu Manatee: "???"

Ah ↗! ?I'm going to be roasted? ?

He spun, he jumped, he struggled, he was exhausted, he was powerless, tears rolled down his eyes.

"Oh yes, do you have to bleed first?"

Lin Qiong put down the match, took out the knife in his arms, and gestured at Kung Fu manatee, saying, "Cut the neck or cut the stomach?"

"Aw, aww!"

Feeling the coldness of the blade against the skin, the Kung Fu manatee couldn't help but struggled desperately, and cried out with tears in its eyes: "Woo, woo, woo——"

"You're rambling, I don't understand—"

Lin Qiong scratched his head, then looked at the manatee that was swaying like maggots on the iron net, and asked, "How about this, if you think you are wrong and want me to let you go, you can give it to you." Hit one."

Kung Fu Manatee: "..."

Knock, knock one?How is this knocking? ?

It struggled desperately to straighten up its upper body, and then put its head on the iron net with a "boom" - after doing all this, he lay down on his side with a look of hopelessness, and then used his pitiful He stared at Lin Qiong.

Even if you knock, let me go, right?


Lin Qiong waved his right hand, and the wire binding the manatee suddenly broke into two pieces and fell to the ground with a clang.


Seeing that he was saved, Kungfu Hai Newton raised his hands and cheered. However, before he could be proud for a long time, Lin Qiong's faint voice sounded in his ears again: "Maverick, come here."

Kung Fu Manatee: "!?"

He shuddered all over, and then stood in front of Lin Qiong as straight as a soldier in a military training station.

Lin Qiong stretched out his right hand and said, "Shake hands."

Kung Fu Manatee: "?"

Lin Qiong frowned: "Huh?"

Kung Fu Manatee: "!"

He hastily stretched out his left hand, and placed it on Lin Qiong's palm with an uneasy expression.

Lin Qiong nodded in satisfaction, and said again: "Change your hand."

Kung Fu Manatee hastily withdrew his left hand, and then put his right hand on Lin Qiong's palm.

"well done."

Lin Qiong smiled slightly, and commanded again: "Turn three times in place, and then do a backflip."

Kung Fu Manatee: "!!"

I think you are in trouble...because...you think highly of me!

Without hesitation, he spun three times and then performed a flexible backflip.


Lin Qiong stretched out his right hand with a smile, touched Kung Fu Manatee's head, and said: "From now on, your name will be Wangcai, do you understand?"

Kung Fu Manatee: "??"


Lin Qiong: "?"

His five fingers on his right hand tightened slightly, and he asked, "Do you understand?"

The kung fu manatee nodded its head with an unprecedented reaction speed—what else?Just at that moment, he felt like his shit was about to be squeezed out!

Monsters, there are monsters!


Lin Qiong showed a satisfied expression, then took out a small dried fish, handed it to Kung Fu Manatee who was holding his head and screaming, and said, "I'll reward you."

Kung Fu Manatee: Σ( ° △ °|||)

He froze in place, then stretched out his hands tremblingly, and took the small dried fish that Lin Qiong handed over with tears in his eyes.

Also, are there any rewards? ?

Woooooo, I am prosperous, and I am willing to follow the master's feet to the death!

I am the master's dog!


"Aww!!" xN

At this moment, after seeing this scene, the manatees of the loser group lurking on the bottom of the sea suddenly rioted, rushed out of the bottom of the sea, and rushed towards Wangcai.

"Evil! The little fish belongs to me!"

"Bah, it's mine!"

"The second dried fish must be mine!"

"Fuck, give me a trick!"

Wangcai: "???"

Seeing his companions swarming up, he stuffed the dried fish into his mouth without hesitation, then puffed out his cheeks and pounced towards them.

"Beside the sea, be proud of the world!"

"As long as I am prosperous, then! Yes! God!"

"Die, you bastards!!"

Chapter 0710 is it not afraid of being killed?

"Ow, ooh!"

After a fierce battle that lasted for one minute and eight seconds, Wangcai, who was pinned to the ground and beaten by the manatees, stretched out his right hand towards Lin Qiong with difficulty.

Master, master, save me!

Lin Qiong: "..."

He looked at Wangcai with disgust, and muttered: "It's weird, why are all the animals I've coiled not very smart, Yazi?"

You idiot were able to stand out in the submarine battle before, because the submarine battle was a melee, and everyone fought on their own, so you, the old sixth, snatched the little fish!Now the other kung fu manatees have united to beat you alone, you really have the courage to go up——

"Don't stay here and feel emotional."

Feng Wang flapped his wings and landed on Lin Qiong's finger. He grabbed his index finger with his claws and complained, "If you don't save him, I'm afraid this guy will be beaten to death."

"No way, no way."

Lin Qiong wrapped his thumb around Feng Wang's head, walked slowly in front of the manatees, knelt down and said, "Everyone, give me some face, it's almost done."

Manatee herd: "?"

They turned their heads and looked at him with extremely disdainful eyes.

To save face?Which onion are you?

"Honestly, I like that look."

Lin Qiong laughed, and while moving his right hand, he said to Feng Wang, who was shaking his feathers comfortably: "Because I don't have any psychological burden when I beat him up."

Phoenix King: "..."

Hehe, it seems that if their eyes are more innocent, you will have a psychological burden when you beat them up, and they will be merciful.

No, you won't.

"Wangcai, watch it."

Lin Qiong looked at Wangcai who was lying on the ground, and said with a smile on his face: "When you fight in groups, you have to fight like this!"


Under the horrifying gazes of Wangcai and other Kung Fu manatees, Lin Qiong punched a Kung Fu manatee at the lower body—accompanied by the dull sound of the blow, the eyes of the manatee protruded suddenly , and then covered his crotch with both hands (fins?), trembling and curled up into a ball.

Manatee herd: "..."

Too, too cruel⑧?

Little stars appeared in Wangcai's eyes: "Master, you are so awesome!"

Before all the manatees could react, Lin Qiong moved again—his right hand was like a sinister poisonous snake, "biting" the lower body, kidneys, throat and other vital parts of these Kung Fu manatees.

Punch a baby manatee.

"did you see that?"

Seeing that Lin Qiong had gotten up from the ground, looking like a little fanboy, he wished to take out the light stick to help Lin Qiong call Wangcai, and said, "When there are many enemies with one enemy, don't deal with those fancy things. , and it’s over with a ruthless hand-the other party will reduce one person, and your pressure will be relieved."


Wangcai saluted Lin Qiong with gleaming eyes and shouted, "Aoao!"

Master is great!Master is so strong!Crazy for the master!Crazy for the master!Hit the big wall for the master! !

"Okay, tie 'em all—"

With a wave of his right hand, Lin Qiong threw down a large roll of hemp rope, then waved his hand and said, "Tie it to a stake, form a circle here, face inward—you know what I mean?"


Wangcai saluted again with a serious face, and then the horse...uh...the cow started moving non-stop.

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