This is the master's order!I am prosperous, and I will definitely go all out! !



"Do you see it?"

After Lin Qiong returned to Missy's side, he said happily, "Do you understand the gold content of a master trainer?"

The eldest lady glanced at Wangcai who was busy "driving stakes and tying up companions", and asked dumbfoundedly, "May I ask, what are you going to do?"

"Isn't this obvious?"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, and said as a matter of course: "These little guys even dare to snatch me, what's the matter? They must be punished, tortured!"


The aunt was stunned for a moment, then leaned closer to Lin Qiong, and asked in a low voice, "Ah Qiong, are you going to peel or cramp?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He flicked his sister-in-law's forehead with his fingers, and said angrily, "What bloody and violent things are you thinking about, girl? We'll have a BBQ on the beach later, just let these cubs smell it."

Auntie: "..."

She opened her mouth, then looked at Lin Qiong who was pulling the eldest lady to the beach to pick up seafood, and muttered hesitantly, "How do I feel, why don't you fuck them?"

Isn't this more cruel?



After an hour and a half.

blue sky!



Coupled with the barbecue grill in the middle of the camp and the drinks, snacks, and melons and fruits placed on the table next to it, it looks like a holiday.


Wangcai stared straight at the beef jerky, pork and small dried fish on the plate, and his saliva almost flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Hold on."

Lin Qiong leaned on the back of the chair beside him, coiled Feng Wang's feathers with his fingers, and looked at the light novel in his hand, without raising his head, he said: "There are 30 seconds left, hold on and you can eat it later." There's a snack."


Wangcai straightened up quickly, showing a firm and unwavering expression—of course, it would be better if his throat didn't swallow from time to time, and his eyes didn't keep glancing at the table.

But it's not a big problem.

30 seconds flies by.

"Okay, it's time."

Lin Qiong moved his gaze away from the novel, then put it on Wangcai, and said with a smile, "Remember the rules?"


Wangcai saluted vigorously, his expression was as serious as a special soldier who was about to go to the battlefield - the little thing took a piece of each of the three snacks, and then jumped up and down in front of his companions numbered one to five.

"Everyone has it, look at me!"

Wangcai puffed up his chest proudly, then raised the beef jerky in his right hand, and said in a ostentatious tone: "Do you know it's a claw? This is given to me by my master, White-haired Cinderella Beef jerky from a cow—although I don’t know what it means by paws! Do you know how to cut it?”

"Stare—" x5

Five sharp eyes focused on Wangcai, and the Kung Fu Manatee tied to the wooden stakes began to struggle - unfortunately, their struggle was so ridiculous under Wangcai's superb binding skills.

"Don't look at me, we are good brothers, I won't treat you badly!"

Looking at everyone's gaze, Wangcai was not only not angry, but raised the beef jerky in front of No. [-] with a gentle face, and said to himself: "I let them smell it, why am I so kind? "

Number one to number five: "??"

You are paralyzed, you don’t know kung fu manatees, are you fucking kung fu sea dogs?

Just be a human being!

No, I can't let this little Bizai juice be so proud!


The next moment, the No. [-] manatee, which was burning with anger, suddenly opened its mouth, and bit the beef jerky in Wangcai's hand with lightning speed.

'Didn't expect it!Cub species!This is the method of the Lord's revenge—"

'Good job!number one! '

'And you, number one, you are a true hero! '

In the eyes full of hope and excitement from No. [-] to No. [-], Wangcai withdrew his right hand, and then said with a smile: "Hey, you can't eat it~ a little bit~"

At the same time, Wangcai thought to himself: "Thanks to the master's instructions, I was careful in advance!"Hmph, this group of people have really bad consciences! '

"You bastard——"

No. [-] stared at Wangcai angrily, wishing to swallow the cub in front of him alive.

"Come on, come on, everyone—"

Wangcai didn't stop his hatred, but walked towards the other friends with a smile, and said, "Come on, I'll let you hear it too!"

Wangcai walked in front of friends No. [-] to No. [-] in turn. After a wave of hatred, he stuffed beef jerky into his mouth contentedly, and began to chew happily.

This is the end?of course not.

"Wow, this beef jerky, woo, it's delicious!"

Wangcai was like a primary school student who had eaten spicy sticks. He exaggeratedly widened his eyes and let out a pretentious exclamation: "My God, how can there be such delicious beef jerky? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh It's delicious!!"

To be honest, Wangcai's performances are at the most elementary school students' level, but any creature with a mature mind will not be tempted by this level of performance, but...

However, the people who couldn't resist his performance happened to be other Kung Fu manatee friends - plus he specifically let other manatees smell the beef jerky before performing, so...

"Suck it, suck it—"

The sounds of Kung Fu manatees numbered one to five sucking saliva sounded one after another, like a symphony of saliva sucking, making Wangcai's food even more delicious.

After a while, after eating the beef jerky, Wangcai sucked his fingers, and then held the pork shop and jumped towards the stakes of friends No. [-] to No. [-].

Witnessed the whole process from number six to ten: "???"

Don't fucking come here! ! !

"Look, there's a pork shop!"

Wangcai handed over the pork shop in his hand with a friendly face, and said enthusiastically: "I heard from my master that it is made from red pig pork - although I don't know it is an animal with claws, but it is really delicious. !”

Number six: "..."

Don't come here! !



"I said, that guy Wangcai..."

The sister-in-law looked at Wangcai who was crazily spreading hatred with a complicated expression, and couldn't help but said: "He is so cheap, isn't he afraid of being beaten to death?"

"What's there to be afraid of? This kind of thing is easy to solve—"

Lin Qiong looked at his sister-in-law in surprise, and said, "You just need to let the other kung fu manatees not beat him?"

Auntie: "..."

She opened her mouth, then covered her face with grief.

How could I have forgotten that Aqiong himself is this kind of person! ?And the reason why he was not beaten to death by others was because others couldn't beat him? ?

Chapter 0711 This is my master, not yours

Soon, Wangcai completed the great cause of mobilizing hatred - he walked around in front of the other friends with snacks, so as to completely mobilize the hatred.

"As expected of the young master's apprentice."

The secretary looked at Wangcai, who was still standing in a military posture after he had finished his hatred, and stared at a dozen pairs of eyes that wanted to skin him and cramped him up. He couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Probably, this is what people often call the inheritance of fire and fire. Let’s hope it never dies.”

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

He froze for a moment, then pinched the bridge of his nose with a tangled face, and said, "Is this word used in this kind of place?"

"Don't worry about the details."

The eldest lady patted Lin Qiong's shoulder with a smile, and said, "The ingredients are almost ready, and we can start the BBQ."

"Elbow, straighten up!"

Lin Qiong jumped down from the embankment, landed on the beach, and shouted, "Wangcai, don't stand still! Come and help with the ingredients, ready to barbecue!"


When Wangcai heard this, he suddenly regained his spirits, ran to Lin Qiong's side in a desperate manner, and began to beat him up: "Awwhhh!"

Dear master, let such trivial matters be entrusted to your loyal Wangcai!Let me show you, Kung Fu Manatee's food processing speed... fast... huh?

Wangcai stayed where he was, his eyes widened, and he watched the eldest lady, sister-in-law, and secretary handle the ingredients as if he had seen a miracle.

The eldest lady threw the green pepper in her hand into the air, and swiped several knife lights with her right hand in an instant, and the neatly cut green pepper fell on the side plate, stacked with other processed ingredients.

The aunt held the knife in her right hand and turned it casually a few times. The tuna in front of him had already completed the procedures of removing scales, bones, spines, and guts, and lay neatly on the plate.

The secretary put a large piece of mutton on the chopping board, threw out dozens of iron skewers alternately with both hands, and then held a kitchen knife in each hand, and cut it in an instant, turning it into a skewer of meat.

"Aba, aba, aba..."

Wangcai looked dumbfounded. Is this the scene I should watch?Are you really handling ingredients, not showing off your skills?Or let me say that I can say a word...

The three chefs cut vegetables to the edge of the island, the cutting boards were broken, and the kitchen knives were dull.

"Calm down, normal operation."

Lin Qiong patted Wangcai's head, and said softly, "Did you see the lobster over there? Pass it to Fei Shazi."


Wangcai came back to his senses, and after saluting, Pidianpidian dragged the fishing net with lobsters and ran towards the secretary, and obediently handed the fishing net to the other party: "Woooo!"

Let me bring it to you!

"So nice."

The secretary patted Wangcai's head with a smile, then put the fishing net in the wooden basin beside him, rolled up his sleeves, and said, "Well, one piece of stewed oil, one piece of minced garlic, and one piece of five-spice !"

"Suck it-"

Wangcai couldn't help but take a sip of saliva—Turtle Turtle!The name sounds delicious!

Looking forward to the next dinner!


People's joys and sorrows are not the same.

Lin Qiong was very happy, the eldest lady was very happy, and the aunt, secretary, Yoyo and Wangcai were all very happy.

Wangcai's friends are not happy, and neither is Ayisha.

'Wash, wash Martha...'

The little desert dragon held his head in his hands, and wailed in his heart: "Could it be that my role was taken away by this green kung fu manatee?"The young master doesn't even arrange tasks for me anymore! '

She is a desert dragon, a pure-blood dragon species, with the power to control sand and dust. She is ranked among the top ten in the Holy Shield team of the Magical World!

He, Kung Fu Manatee, is a kid that can be seen everywhere on the coast of Alabasta. Apart from robbing houses, he usually picks up garbage by the beach and hangs out on the street.

However, the young master actually asked this stinky bastard to help with the ingredients, and didn't arrange for me...

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