"Ayisha, the meat seems to be a bit insufficient -"

Lin Qiong's voice came from afar, "Go to the bottom of the sea and catch two fleshy sea kings."

"Okay, master!"

Ayisha flicked her big tail happily, turned into a dragon and flew towards the ocean, "I'll be right back!"

Before going into the water, she glanced proudly at the Kung Fu Manatee——

Can this kind of stinky brother do it?




Grilled by the charcoal fire, the meat skewers coated with spices exude an amazing aroma, which makes the kung fu manatees around them scream.

"Woooooo, my family, it smells so good——"

"Stop talking, I'm already full of saliva!"

"Do you think there is a possibility that they will divide us?"

"What melon farts are you thinking about?"

"It's so funny, why don't you worry about it, what should we do if that bastard comes to feast on us with meat skewers again!"

"Haha, what's so big about this? If he dares to covet me, I dare to drool for him!"

"Yes, Niu Boyi!"

"Just be so tough!"

A dozen or so Kung Fu manatees exchanged their opinions, and then held their heads high, drooling in their mouths—hmph, let that cub see what it means to drool like a fountain later! !


1 minutes passed.

5 minutes passed.

10 minutes passed.

Manatee: "Huh?"

Manatee: "Huh??"

Manatee: "Huh???"

No, not here! ?Damn it, why didn't that cub come here! ?

"I don't understand, I don't understand!!"

"Why doesn't he come? How dare he?"

"Did we act too tough and make him think we are not easy to bully?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! I swallowed three times in front of him!"

The kung fu manatees shed tears.



at the same time.

The center of discussion among the manatees, and also the wealth of the group's designated species, was lying on the ground with a big belly, and let out a loud burp: "burp~burp~~~burp~~~~"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He twitched the corners of his mouth, then lowered his head to calculate, and said, "Seven seconds of hiccups, this kid is a bit awesome."

"As expected of the young master's apprentice!"

The secretary expressed emotion: "It's just different from ordinary kung fu manatees!"

Aunt: "Huh?"

She blinked her eyes, then looked at Wangcai with a question mark on her face, thinking about what's different about him - is it because he is particularly shameless, capable of attracting hatred and particularly cheap?

That is indeed the same lineage!

Lin Qiong: "!"

He frowned, then took Feng Wang off his head, looked into her eyes, and asked, "I felt something was wrong just now, did you scold me in your heart?"

King Feng: "?"

She played with a screen full of question marks: "Are you sick? Are you sick? When have you ever seen me scolding you? When did I not scold you directly?"

"Yeah, that's all right."

Lin Qiong reacted, then rubbed his chin, and said with a puzzled face: "Then who is scolding me behind my back? Weird thing!"

Ayisha looked at Lin Qiong incomprehensibly.Asked: "Master, why are you so sure that someone is scolding you?"

Standing in Lin Qiong's palm, King Feng laughed immediately: "Pfft, because this guy has done a lot of evil, so he knows he will be scolded, hahahaha——"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He clenched his palms suddenly, then kicked Wangcai lightly with his feet, and said, "Go, give the leftovers to your friends."

No matter what, I have been hungry all afternoon. If there is a problem with hunger, there is no way to continue to bully them!Jie Jie!

"Aww! Woo!"

After receiving the order, Wangcai immediately got up from the ground, stretched out his duangduang stomach, and packed the leftovers on the table into the lunch box.

Liger Tiger's order is absolute!Wangcai, let's start to act now!

on the other hand……

"Let go, let go, let go of me—"

The Phoenix King, whose eyes were about to pop out, patted Lin Qiong's arm with his wings, and said hoarsely, "I, my shit is about to be squeezed out by you—"

"Do you know what's wrong?"

"Wrong, wrong!"

"What's wrong?"

"It's all wrong!"

"very good."

Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang, who was very active in admitting his mistakes, and couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction. After putting it on his head again, he said with a smile: "Then, let's see what kind of reaction the manatee will have in the rest of the kung fu." Bar."



A uniform cooing sound came from the stomachs of the surrounding manatees.

"Brothers, do you think we will be tied up and starved to death like this?"

"Don't be scary, I'm timid."

"Wooooow, I'm so hungry and thirsty—"

"It's not really going to die, is it? Wow——"

This cry seemed to ignite a chain of explosive barrels, causing the surrounding manatees to wail.

"Wait, did you smell the scent—"

At this moment, No. [-]'s nose suddenly moved, and then he said with a look of surprise: "Oh! The scent seems to be getting closer and closer -"


The crying manatees couldn't care less about continuing to be sad, they hurriedly raised their heads and looked in the direction of the fragrance.

Oh my gosh!

Wangcai, carrying a lunch box, was walking towards the manatees swaggeringly. Under the evening light, his body seemed to be coated with a layer of golden light, sacred and great.

"Here, I left it for you, liger and tiger."

Wangcai placed the lunch box in his hand on the beach, then began to untie the ropes behind the manatees, and said: "The ligers said that they were afraid that you would starve to death, so I gave you something to eat."

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, Master!"

"I declare that I am the master's dog!"

"JOJO, I won't be a manatee anymore!"

Wangcai: "???"

He looked at the other manatees in disbelief, and said cursingly, "What nonsense are you talking about!? He is my liger, not your liger! Get up every one of you!"

"Don't be purple, big brother!" xN

Wangcai: "..."

It's hard, the fist is fucking hard!

Chapter 0712 I ask you people?

About two 10 minutes later.

"Well, comfortable, very comfortable—"

Lin Qiong leaned on the recliner, put two legs on the knees of a Kung Fu manatee - assuming they had one - and enjoyed their leg-beating service. He said lazily: "Tap more on the left shoulder, tap on the right shoulder a little more." Change it to shoulder rubs.”


Numbers [-] and [-]—the manatees responsible for the left and right shoulders—responded loudly, and then one cow continued to beat, and the other changed to a shoulder rubbing motion.

It can only be said that it is not an ordinary dog ​​leg.

the other side--

No. [-] to No. [-] are following behind the eldest lady, No. [-] is holding the umbrella for her, No. [-] is holding the juice, No. [-] is holding the snack plate, and No. [-] is holding the trash can;

From No. 12 to No. [-], I follow my sister-in-law, jumping up and down to help my sister-in-law, who is still childlike, build "the strongest sand castle in history" on the beach;

No. 13 to No. 16 followed behind the secretary, helping her to clean and organize the kitchen knives, cutting boards, tableware and other utensils after use.

Yoyo wiped the cold sweat off her forehead with shame on her face, and turned her gaze away from the "four-member group of happiness" to the two-person group of mourners sitting on the other side.

Aisha: squatting on the beach and drawing circles.

Sad, the job of serving the young master and young lady was robbed again.

Wangcai: Also squatting on the beach and drawing circles.

Uncomfortable, the opportunity to curry favor with ligers was missed again.

"Hey—" x2

One dragon and one ox sighed at the same time, then raised their heads and glanced at the sympathetic Tianya degenerate.

"Bah—" x2

One dragon and one bull gave a yell at the same time, and then they all looked away.

Aisha: This cub is the cause of everything!If it wasn't for him to start, all these jobs of pleasing the young master and the young lady would be mine!

Wangcai: This stinky little sister has been thinking about grabbing Wangcai's job all afternoon, and she must be competing with me for the care of a liger!Stinky woman!

Thinking of this, one dragon and one bull looked at each other again.

"Bah bah——" x2

The second spitting at the same time, it really is disgusting to see each other.


Are you two children?What are you fighting for?

Don't you guys know how to join forces first and snatch the jobs of the dozen or so unnamed manatee bastards, and then have a showdown?

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