
Yoyo shook her head, feeling that she was much smarter than them...


Wait, is it something to be happy about being smarter than Wangcai and Ayisha? ?



"What the hell? You also want to learn from me and call me master?"

Lin Qiong looked at the manatees from No. [-] to No. N standing in a row in front of him, frowned, and said without hesitation: "That won't work, my disciple is Wangcai...uh...a manatee."


Wangcai, who was still lost a second ago, suddenly heard Lin Qiong's heart-warming speech, he couldn't help being shocked, and then quickly moved to Lin Qiong's leg, stretched out his hands and hugged his calf, with a moved face cried out.

Liger, my dearest liger!You better mess with it!I am your eternal wealth, I will never pee if you make me shit, and I will never eat if you let me drink water!

Number One & Number N: "?"

They looked at Wangcai in disbelief, not understanding why they were rejected.

Feeling the wealth in other people's eyes: "?"

He stopped his act of showing loyalty, and then set his eyes on the other kung fu manatees, staring at them.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.


Wangcai suddenly showed the same expression as Momonosuke after eating Nami tofu——

——That’s right, that’s the expression.


Undoubtedly, this expression of being beaten to the extreme was instantly filled with hatred, and the kung fu manatees onlookers all showed movements of rolling up their sleeves.

'Puppy, don't get caught by me!Otherwise, there is no good juice for you! '

'Be careful when you get up and pee at night!I will give you a sack to cover your head and beat you severely! '

'If you were killed within 300 years, the ashes will be given to you! '

All the manatees gritted their teeth and looked at Wangcai in front of them.

"Okay, don't pull them to hate."

Lin Qiong patted Wangcai on the head, squinted his eyes and said, "At least, be honest until you can beat them together."


Wangcai immediately put away that beating expression, and then saluted Lin Qiong seriously: "Wow!"

What ligers say is the truth!Ben Wangcai, order desu!

"Wangcai, for the next month, you will train with me—"

Lin Qiong brought Wangcai in front of him, and said, "A month later, I want you to subdue all the kung fu manatees in the vicinity with your fists. Are you confident?"

Wangcai: "..."

He opened his mouth in shock, and said falteringly, "Aw, ow..."

One, one month?Is it really okay for such a short time?

"It doesn't matter if you don't have confidence—"

Lin Qiong comforted me with a kind face: "Just give me back the name 'Wangcai'—I think there should be quite a few Kung Fu manatees who are willing to inherit this name, right?"


me me me!


It has to be me!


That must be me!

The next moment, the manatees standing aside shouted one after another, with an attitude that as long as you give an order, I will wait to take the order at any time-immediately made Wangcai excited.


Wangcai turned around, looked at the other kung fu manatees with bared teeth and grinned like a vicious dog guarding food, and waved his hands excitedly.

Climb for me, all of you, as far as you can!

I am not dead, you are numberers after all!

"Then it's settled."

Lin Qiong flicked his fingers lightly, glanced at the kung fu manatees around him, and said with a smile: "A month later, I will hold a "World's No. [-] Manatee Conference" on this beach. If you If anyone can defeat Wangcai in battle, you can replace him."

If Wangcai can win, he can firmly sit on the throne of Lin Qiong's disciple and become the "Kung Fu Manatee King" in this area-but if other manatees win, then this honor will naturally go to other manatees up.

"Wow!" xN

All the manatees, including Wangcai, let out a firm roar——

Wangcai: "It is our duty to protect the honor of the Liger Disciple's Throne!"

No. [-]: "Wangcai is dead, No. [-] shall stand!"

Number Seven: "Wangcai is too much, I can replace it!"

NO.16: "Would you rather have a good fortune?"


Everyone seems happy?

That's it!



"No, Aqiong—"

The aunt squatted beside Lin Qiong, poked his waist with her finger, and said, "Are you going to stay there for a month?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He glanced at his sister-in-law, then snapped his fingers at the secretary, and said, "Fei Shazi, you explain."

"Okay, young master!"

The secretary trotted over, then leaned into the ear of the aunt, and whispered: "Miss Alice, is there a possibility that Wangcai can act with us?"

Auntie: "..."

She coughed embarrassingly but politely, then coughed a few times pretending to be calm, and said, "Actually, I already knew it, but I just wanted to test you."


The eldest lady let out a sneer, "Thank you for the iron mouth that you still insisted on sending."

The aunt looked at her sister angrily and said, "Erina, what do you mean?"

The eldest lady greeted her sister's anger calmly, and asked, "Is it still wrong to be honest?"

Hey, I have a bad temper!

The aunt rolled up her sleeves and said angrily, "I want to be with you...and you..."

heads-up?That's no good, I can't even beat Feisha now, if I fight with Erina, I'm afraid she will swell my butt, and then drip chili oil on my swollen butt!

Fresh halberd?No way, Erina has been traveling with A Qiong for so long, and her grasp of the ingredients has far surpassed me. If I eat halberds with her, I am afraid that I will lose my pants.

Thinking of this, the aunt's voice froze, and she suddenly felt that she seemed not so angry anymore.

The eldest lady: "?"

She looked at the aunt who was still angry one second, but swallowed her anger the next, and asked, "What with me?"

The aunt waved her right fist and said angrily, "I'm angry with you!"

Missy: "??"

She wrinkled her face and took half a step back, put her hands on her chest, and said with admiration: "Alisa, you won."

Auntie: "?"

She was silent for a moment, and asked herself: Erina admitted that I won, but am I happy?No, I'm not happy at all! !

I'm not Phoenix King, how could I not hear that this is mocking me!

I fucking flipped the table (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

The sister-in-law stared at the eldest lady with bared teeth, racking her brains to think about how to get revenge on this hateful stinky sister——

Was it at tea time, sneaking mustard into her puffs?

Or throw a stinky fart into the toilet while she is in the toilet?

Hu secretly turned off the gas stove while she was taking a shower?

'No no no!These methods are too childish! '

The sister-in-law clenched her fists and thought with firm eyes: "I, Alice Nakiri, have a dream, and that is to make a big one!"new!smell! '

"What's up with her?"

Lin Qiong, who had already stood on the embankment, looked back at his sister-in-law who was standing on the deserted beach and looking at the sky with clenched fists. He said to the eldest lady with a strange look on his face: "Why are you standing alone on the beach? Why did you emo before twelve o'clock?"

"Probably going crazy."

The eldest lady smiled reservedly, and said gracefully and politely: "Let's go back quickly! The temperature difference between day and night in the desert is still quite large, so be careful not to catch a cold."

After finishing speaking, she took Lin Qiong with her left hand and the secretary with her right hand, and quickly left the beach.

What?What do you ask Alice to do?

Unfamiliar, really unfamiliar!


After a few minutes.

When I came back to my senses, I looked around and found the aunt who was empty: "Eh? Where are people!? I asked where are you people ヽ(?Д?)ノ!"

Chapter 0713 Fei sand, save me!


After answering the room arranged by the palace, the sister-in-law lay on the bed of Lin Qiong and the eldest lady, kicking dissatisfiedly like a child—anyway, she is wearing the one-piece pajamas in the shape of Absolu, so there is no need to worry about losing everything The problem--my own legs, yelled: "You actually threw me on the beach alone!? Devils, ghosts, not human!"

"The main reason is that we all packed our things, but when we turned around, we found that you left there alone to play Shen Shen."

The eldest lady leaned in Lin Qiong's arms, glanced lazily at her sister, and said, "Who knows what you are thinking? Maybe you have entered the legendary state of enlightenment? It would be bad if you disturb me -"

"you you……"

The aunt got up, flung her teeth and claws at the eldest lady, and said, "I can't bear it anymore, I don't need to bear it any longer! Bear with me, Erina—"

The eldest lady stretched out her right hand and said, "Wait a minute—"

The auntie paused, and asked with a little satisfaction, "Are you scared?"

The eldest lady gave her a strange look and said, "I just want to remind you that you may not be able to beat me."

Auntie: "..."

Thanks for the reminder, it's not possible, it's certain.

"Hmph, you're just bullying me because of your physical fitness!"

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