The sister-in-law pinched her neck and said stiffly: "What kind of hero is this? A bad guy!"


The eldest lady nodded suddenly, then nodded perfunctorily, and said, "Yeah, what you said makes sense."

Auntie: "?"

The eldest lady's nonchalant attitude made the eldest sister-in-law feel aggrieved as if she punched with all her strength but came up empty.

It's hard.

"Aqiong, don't you care about your girlfriend?"

Seeing that she was no match, the aunt immediately decided to seek help: "How can she bully her sister like this?"

Lin Qiong: "Uh..."


Before Lin Qiong could speak, the eldest lady let out a mocking sneer: "Alice, you figured it out—A Qiong is my lover, will he be towards you or towards me?"

Auntie: "..."

She looked at Lin Qiong who was leaning against the head of the bed, raising her head as if studying the pattern on the ceiling, and then looked at the young lady who was lying on his side in his arms, with a look of "There is someone behind me, so what if I bully you", she couldn't bear it. I couldn't help deflated my mouth.

"You, you wait for me—"

The eldest sister-in-law jumped out of bed with tears in her eyes, then tried the eldest lady with her right hand, and said through gritted teeth: "I will definitely make you regret the speech you made today!!"

After saying that, she buried her head and ran outside.

Looking at her back, Feng Wang, who was lying in Emperor Yan's hair, yawned, and commented sharply: "You look like a defeated dog."

Lin Qiong: "..."

He coughed in embarrassment - don't mention it, the sister-in-law just now really felt like a loser.

At this time, the eldest lady poked Lin Qiong with her finger and said with a smile: "Aqiong, guess what means she will use to make me regret it?"

Lin Qiong twitched the corners of his lips and said, "How would I know?"

"Oh? You really don't know~"

The eldest lady put her mouth close to Lin Qiong's ear, and whispered in a breathy voice, "Or are you pretending not to know?"

Lin Qiong: "?"


He raised his eyebrows, looked at the treacherous young lady who was smiling in his arms, and couldn't help throwing her on the bed.

Missy: "Ehhhhh?"


Lin Qiong squinted his eyes and pulled open his collar, and sneered: "I don't want to know what means Alice will use to make me regret it. I just want to know how you will beg for mercy later."

Missy: Σ( ° △ °|||)


She turned her head to look at the secretary, and then stretched out her right hand: "Fei Shazi, save me!" ! '

Secretary: "..."

She swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then tore off her pajamas with a face of "I don't go to hell, who will go to hell": "Miss, I will fight side by side with you!" '


The next day, early in the morning.


Lin Qiong stood in front of the window and stretched, then put his hands on the window sill, squinted his eyes to look at the scenery outside the window, and muttered, "What's the temperature in the early morning? Tsk, I'll just have some mung bean soup later .”

Mung bean soup and sour plum soup are part of summer, don't play if you are not feeling well.

"Master! Morning! Come on! Good!"

At this time, Ayisha, who specially got up early, appeared in the yard, put her left hand behind her, waved her right hand towards Lin Qiong energetically, and said, "Where are you going to play today! ?”

Aisha is so smart!

She knows one thing very well: if you follow the young master, you may not be able to catch fish, but the food will definitely be great!

Think about yesterday’s Japanese lunch at noon, and then think about last night’s beach BBQ!


Ayisha, oh naga hold the pot and hold the pot!

"As I recall, there doesn't seem to be anything particularly interesting about Alabasta, right?"

Lin Qiong rubbed his chin with his thumb and index finger, and said thoughtfully: "How about we set off to the next island today?"


Hearing Lin Qiong's words, Ayisha's expression froze, and she subconsciously let go of her left hand behind her back, causing the metal rice bowl in her hand to fall to the ground with a crisp sound.

Lin Qiong: "?"

Your mother, it's no wonder you have your left hand behind your back. Feelings are for food, right?

How can this be so?


The next moment, Ayi Xiazi'er burst into tears with a whoosh. The crying was called unrestrained, hearty, and sincere: "Wow, master, you, you stay two more, suck, two days , Suck, okay, okay... hiccup!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He rubbed the bridge of his nose speechlessly, why are you hiccupping while crying?

"Ayisha, answer me honestly."

Lin Qiong held his chin, looked at Ayisha with a smile, and said, "Do you want us to stay and play with you, or are you just greedy for Erina's craftsmanship?"

Aisha: Σ( ° △ °|||)

She shrank her neck, then said with erratic eyes: "Ah, Ayisha, all, all, all of them?"

"Only grown-ups can choose I want to—"

Lin Qiong shook his head and rejected Ayisha's statement, "And children can only do multiple-choice questions."

Aisha: "..."

She pursed her lips aggrievedly, and then said with a moaning voice: "Then, then, Ayisha, I want the young master and young lady to stay and play with me!"

"no problem."

Lin Qiong nodded decisively, then showed a gentle smile to Ayisha and said, "Since you didn't choose Erina's cuisine, you can find a way to prepare the three meals today by yourself, okay?"

Aisha: Σ( ° △ °|||)


Ayi Xia Zi'er, who had just stopped, burst out crying again. She was sniffling her nose vigorously, feeling aggrieved like a giant dragon more than ten meters long: "Young Master, ugh... burp, bully, Suck it, bully me——"

Lin Qiong didn't speak, but just showed a very wicked smile, which was very heartless—probably the same expression as the audience at station B when they watched the Japanese VTB play Honkai 3 in the last lesson and were stabbed to cry.

The eldest lady in the room: "..."

She stood up with a speechless expression, then put on a loose T-shirt, walked to Lin Qiong, looked at Ayisha below who was crying and extremely devoted, and said: "Aqiong, as soon as I woke up, I I saw you bullying Ayisha.”

"I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense."

Lin Qiong shook his head hastily, and asked back, "Am I the kind of wicked person who likes to see others cry and then laugh?"

The eldest lady thought for a moment and nodded.

The secretary who got up nodded.

Ayisha downstairs also nodded.

Lin Qiong: "?"

He rolled up his sleeves and said: "I must talk to you today and let you know my noble Tamashi!"

"I do not believe."

The eldest lady shook her head, and said seriously: "With what you did last night, you can't be called noble anymore, right?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He coughed calmly, then turned over and jumped out of the window without hesitation, landed beside Ayisha, looked at the crying big golden retriever and said: "Okay, hold back your crying! I just teased you Let's play!"

Ayisha was still crying: "Really, suck, really?"

Lin Qiong patted his chest: "Have you ever lied to me, Master? Not only will you have three meals a day today, but you will also receive morning tea, afternoon tea and midnight snacks!"

Ayixia burst into tears and smiled: "Master, you are so kind!"

The eldest lady upstairs: "..."

She covered her forehead and shook her head, sighing: "Why does Ayisha look like a college student?"

A bit silly.


After washing and enjoying a delicious breakfast, everyone embarked on the first stop of the desert tour.

"Speaking of the desert, as expected, camels are still here—"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips and looked at the camel team in front of him. He couldn't help but touch his chin and said, "Speaking of which, I seem to have seen from a marketing account before that camels can spit out a big meat ball or something from their mouths?"

"Master, that's not a meat ball, but the throat part of a camel's inflated bulge, which is generally called an 'air sac'."

The secretary came over and explained to him: "By the way, only male camels will display their air sacs in order to court mates, while female camels will judge the charm of male camels based on factors such as the size and color of their air sacs." .”

The tour guide next to me: "..."

He looked at the secretary with some grievances, the pitiful eyes were the same as that of Ayisha who was bullied by Lin Qiong this morning.

The secretary smiled a little embarrassedly, and said, "Why don't you add something?"

Tourist guide:"!"

After realizing that his job had not been lost, the tour guide became energetic and quickly explained: "When male camels spit out air sacs from their mouths, it means that they will become particularly aggressive under the influence of male hormones - —Simply put, they either want to fuck you or they want to fuck you.”

Chapter 0714: So am I the only one who is serious?

Everyone: "..."

They twitched the corners of their mouths with subtle expressions, and couldn't help but murmur in their hearts: 'The two words "gan" of yours should have different meanings, right? '

"Um, Mr. Tour Guide——"

At this time, the sister-in-law raised her hand, pointed at the camel with extra long eyelashes behind the tour guide, and asked curiously: "Is the situation you just mentioned referring to the current situation?"

Tour guide: "Huh?"

He was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously turned his head and looked at the camel behind him, which was blowing out its airbag and looking at him with its big eyes that were bright under its eyelashes.

"Stare—" x2

After the two looked at each other for two seconds, Lin Qiong and others were very honored to see how a person's expression changed from bewilderment to bewilderment to bewildered, then to contemplation, and finally to panic in just one second— — It can only be said that the art of changing faces will never go out of style in any world.

"*Alabasta expletive*!"

Accompanied by the tour guide's exclamation, he jumped forward, and after avoiding the impact of the camel, he lay on the ground panting and said: "It's over, it's over, it's over, this is the city, this is the mouth of the city! "

Just imagine, your large dog breaks free from the leash in a busy urban area, and then lunges at the kindergarten girl on the roadside with its teeth bared and saliva splashing.

In addition to sending, there is only sending.

What made the tour guide even more pale... No, what made him look pale was that he found that after losing his target, the camel actually locked his eyes on Lin Qiong, and rushed towards him with "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhess me, but..." passed.

"Do not--"

Accompanied by the background music of "Falling snowflakes and whistling north wind", the tour guide transformed into Erkan and raised his right hand towards Lin Qiong - he seemed to have seen the scene of himself being hanged on the gallows.


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