At this time, Ayisha appeared in front of Lin Qiong. With a gloomy expression, she raised her right hand, locked on the camel in front of her with eyes full of light, "Sand binding the coffin!"

Accompanied by Ayisha's movements, a large amount of fine sand floated out from the surrounding ground, and then quickly wrapped around the camel's body, firmly imprisoning it in place, unable to move.

"small things--"

Ayisha walked up to the camel, stared at the camel's eyes with reptilian vertical pupils, and said in a low voice: "If you dare to offend the young master, I will kill you."


It retracted its airbag with a "boom", then blinked its big Kazilan eyes, showing a three-point flattering, three-point flattering, three-point dogleg and one-point dog-licking smile.

"Okay, master—"

Ayisha completed the expression change from bloodthirsty to vitality in one tenth of a second.She happily ran to Lin Qiong, and said curiously: "Ayisha, the suppression of Camel Sauce has been completed!"


Lin Qiong was not stingy with his praise, he stretched out his hands and rubbed Ayisha's head, and made a joyful voice: "Hey, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo -"

"Hey hey hey—"

Ayisha, whose soft face was rubbed back and forth like marshmallows, let out a charming laugh, which made Wang Cai's teeth grind to pieces.

'Wooooow, slow down, one step slower...'

Wangcai knelt down on the ground, and let out a mournful cry of a defeated dog, "Obviously, this is an excellent opportunity to curry favor with ligers and tigers!"You dragon girl—'

Ayisha looked at Wangcai: "?"

'——What a loyal and good subordinate of the master! '

Wangcai's eyes revealed a kind of admiration, "I also want to do my best for ligers and tigers like Lord Aisha!" '

Aisha looked away and thought: 'Why does this manatee act like a fool? '

"Really, I'm so sorry!"

Seeing that the camel had calmed down, the tour guide scrambled to Lin Qiong's side immediately, sweating profusely and said, "I actually disturbed the distinguished guest, it's really..."

"It's okay, it's okay! This is beyond your control."

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said comfortingly: "After all, a camel is just a wild beast, and no one can control its habits."

The tour guide looked at Lin Qiong with tears in his eyes, and couldn't help but think: "He is so gentle, I just cried to death!" ! '


On the desert of Alabasta, a camel team is slowly advancing.

"Speaking of deserts, our Celestial Dynasty has many poems describing deserts."

Lin Qiong turned his head to look at the eldest lady beside him, with a reserved and elegant expression on his face, and said: "For example, Wang Wei, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, had such a sentence in his envoy to Saishangli——Da Mo Gu Yan Zhi, The sun sets on the long river."

"Aqiong, I'm a little curious—"

When the eldest lady heard Lin Qiong's verses, she couldn't help asking: "Can you find the corresponding verses no matter what kind of environment you are in?"

"Hey, I haven't really passed the test on your question. Let me think about it-"

Lin Qiong scratched his head, and then said with his fingers: "Spring, summer, autumn and winter, birds, beasts, fish and insects, wind, flowers, snow and moon... Hiss, maybe it's really possible??"

Miss: "..."

I just said it casually, but the result is really good?

"Hey, is this the gold content of a cultural power?"

The eldest lady scratched her hair, and then asked a little curiously: "Aqiong, how about we play a game?"

Lin Qiong shook his head without thinking: "Not playing."

Missy: "???"

She raised her voice: "I haven't said what I'm going to play yet!"

"Come on, how long have we been dating?"

Lin Qiong squinted at the eldest lady, and complained: "In addition to the continuation of the topic just now—Phoenix King can guess it, you are probably going to play the game of 'reciting poems' with me, right? ?”

Feng Wang who was in a daze: "?"

She came back to her senses and asked subconsciously, "What did you say? What can you guess?"

Everyone: "..."

Lin Qiong was silent for a few seconds, then rubbed the bridge of his nose, and said, "It's nothing, I just said something casually, you can continue to be in a daze."

Feng Wang lowered his head again: "Oh."

Lin Qiong: Damn it, Phoenix King.

Missy: Hey, Phoenix King.

The eldest lady moved her complicated eyes away from Feng Wang, and then asked strangely: "What's the reason for your refusal?"

"Isn't that easy?"

Lin Qiong pointed his thumb at himself with a proud look, as if "Jojo, your first night partner is not Alina, but me, DIO", and said complacently: "Because I have returned all the knowledge I have learned. Give it to the teachers at school!”

Miss: "..."

She was silent for a few seconds, and then asked with a twisted look on her face: "Why do I feel that you are quite proud?"

"Hahahaha! Let's start after graduation, okay?"

Lin Qiong touched the back of his head and said with a smile: "Let alone ancient poetry, I couldn't remember the relationship between current, voltage and resistance before."

The eldest lady rubbed the bridge of her nose and said, "You even forgot Ohm's law. It seems that you really gave back all your knowledge."

"Isn't that right?"

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders, then spread his hands, and said, "But if we borrow the power of Miss Wanshitong, there should be no problem."

The eldest lady waved her hand and said, "Forget it, I don't want to embarrass you."

To be honest, she was originally going to let Lin Qiong show off the limelight, and then give him a round of applause as a little fan girl, but...

You're using your words!


"Several distinguished guests, in front of you is Juba, our trading center in western Alabasta—"

The tour guide looked at a bustling city not far away, and said proudly: "Here, you can almost buy most of the commodities in Alabasta!"

"Most of the merchandise?"

Lin Qiong froze for a moment, then pressed his chin thoughtfully, and murmured: "Then can I buy the palace in Alabasta? Then let King Cobra pay me the rent every year?"

Tour guide: "Huh?"

Aisha raised her hands happily and volunteered: "Young Master, Young Master! I can threaten Kobra and ask him to hand over the palace and live in a tent outside!"

Tour guide: “Huh??”

My sister-in-law said, fearing that the world would not be in chaos, "How about we simply seize power and usurp the throne! Let Aqiong be the king and turn this place into the Kingdom of the Sky!"

Tour guide: "Gaha???"

He is already messy in the wind - no, no, no, is this really what I can hear?Will I be secretly dealt with because I know too much? ?

"Okay, okay, don't scare other tour guides."

The eldest lady glanced at the tour guide who was taking a deep breath, and said helplessly, "If we continue, he might fall down clutching his chest."

Lin Qiong shook his head in disappointment and said, "This tour guide is too serious and not fun."

The eldest lady complained: "Is there a possibility that he was assigned to be your tour guide because he was serious about his work?"

Lin Qiong scratched his head and said, "It makes sense! After all, although a serious personality will not make meritorious deeds, it will definitely not make big mistakes."

What if the tour guide you choose pissed off the distinguished guests because of his out-of-the-ordinary personality?Then the gain outweighs the loss.

"Ahem, a few, a few distinguished guests, don't scare me, I'm timid."

The tour guide hurriedly wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and said with a smile: "Then what, I will take you all to visit Juba and buy some special products of Alabasta!"

The eldest lady nodded and said, "Okay, I'll trouble you."

"No trouble, no trouble! Distinguished guests, please come with me——"

The tour guide waved his hand, then hurriedly grabbed the camel's reins and rushed towards the Juba Bazaar—the conscience of heaven and earth, if the chat continues, who knows what shocking words these distinguished guests will say?

Damn, he is timid and can't stand being frightened!

"Let's go! Go shopping—"

My sister-in-law happily followed the tour guide on a camel, and said cheerfully, "Aqiong, Aqiong! I want to buy some Alabasta-style clothes and some jewelry from here!"

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "Buy, buy, buy! All the consumption today will be paid by King Cobra!"

The aunt suddenly cheered: "Oh—"

At the same time, at the end of the team, Ayisha scratched his head with regret and muttered: "Is this a joke? What a pity -"

In fact, she was serious.

Chapter 0715 Of course I will

Alabasta Yuba.

As the trading center in the west of Alabasta, the flow of people in Juba is so huge that the guards in the city have no idea of ​​checking the people entering and leaving the city - they just glance at the tourists entering and leaving the city gate to see if they are causing trouble and then choose to let them go .

"It's too loose."

After entering Yuba, Lin Qiong complained: "What if—I mean what if—someone carries a box of C4 into Yuba, buries it in the ground, and blows up the city to the sky? ?”

The poor tour guide began to sweat again on his forehead.

Miss: "..."

She jumped off the camel, then handed the reins to the staff of the post station who was also sweating profusely, and said, "You are the only one who has such weird thoughts, right?"

Lin Qiong retorted: "Why is this kind of thinking so strange? This is called being prepared for danger in times of peace, do you understand?"

"No, I mean—"

The eldest lady patted the gravel on her body, then raised her head and glanced at him, and said, "Normally speaking, shouldn't you be worried that someone with Devil Fruit abilities will sneak in and start killing people?"

She seems to have C4 in this world, right?

Lin Qiong: "..."

He also jumped off the camel, then held his chin and thought for a few seconds, and said, "Devil Fruit is indeed more convenient than C4."

"Oh, don't talk about such boring things—"

The sister-in-law ran over, stretched out her hands and hooked the arms of Lin Qiong and the eldest lady respectively, and said impatiently: "Come on! I want to buy a lot!"

"Let's go then."

The eldest lady glanced at the arms of her eldest sister-in-law and Lin Qiong, and couldn't help but reveal a smile on her lips, saying, "It just so happens that I'm also a little interested in Alabasta's specialties."

Lin Qiong naturally had no objection, and said, "Elbow! Trigger!"


After walking out of the station and returning to the spacious street, Lin Qiong looked around the surrounding streets with some evil taste.

The eldest lady looked at her lover looking around strangely, and asked, "A Qiong, what are you looking at?"

"Cough cough, see if there is any papa."

Lin Qiong approached the eldest lady's ear and whispered: "When I read novels, I often see the author say that the streets in the Middle Ages can be seen everywhere on both sides of the streets, and the stench is so bad that you can only rely on spraying perfume to get rid of it." Maintain the taste, so..."

Miss: "..."

She gritted her teeth and hammered Lin Qiong's chest, and said in a low voice: "What are you thinking about every day!? Do normal people pay attention to such things??"


Lin Qiong covered his chest and gave a fake cough, then pretended to be innocent and said, "Do you think I look like a normal person?"

Miss: "..."

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