She opened her mouth, then covered her forehead and said, "Should I praise you for being very self-aware?"

Lin Qiong touched the back of his head with embarrassment, and said in a new way: "Hey, I'm not as good as you say!"

The sister-in-law next to him: "Are you imitating Shinnosuke Nohara?"

"Bingo, guessed it right! Unfortunately, there is no reward."

Lin Qiong smiled and snapped his fingers at his sister-in-law, then winked at her and said, "Sister, do you dare to eat green peppers?"

"Pfft haha-"

The sister-in-law let out a cheerful laugh, and she couldn't help but gave her thumbs up to Lin Qiong, saying, "Ah Qiong, you've really learned—one more?"

"Wait for me to think about—"

Lin Qiong touched his chin and recalled it for a few seconds, then raised his eyebrows and said, "Hello, I'm Nohara Shinnosuke! Big sister, do you add ketchup to your omelette rice?"

"It's too similar! No, I want to try—"

The aunt eagerly recalled the lines, and then said affectionately: "The type I like is like my sister, a lovely flower—"

"Oh oh oh-"

Lin Qiong clapped his hands with pride, and said, "Yes, Alice, you are very similar! I will give you 82 points out of 666, and give you the remaining [-] points in the form of [-]!"


The aunt happily made a victory gesture toward Xiang Xiang and said, "Yeah! We are the Xiaoxin duo!"

Lin Qiong echoed: "Xiaoxin duo!"

"Wahahaha——" x2

Miss: "..."

She slapped herself on the face and said in pain: "Two childish ghosts are facing each other on the radio..."

The secretary looked at the eldest lady, then at Lin Qiong and auntie who were playing the roles of Xiaoxin and Xiaokui, with a helpless expression.

what can she doShe is also very desperate mouth teeth! !


"Aqiong, look at this—"

The aunt lay on the counter, looked at the gold bracelet inside, and said, "Look at this bracelet, what do you think?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He scratched his head, hesitated for a few seconds, and asked, "Do you really want to ask me a straight man's aesthetics?"

Auntie: "..."

She couldn't help but recall Lin Qiong's aesthetic style, and then bowed to Lin Qiong feeling deeply guilty and said, "Aqiong, I have high expectations for your aesthetic style, red bean paste in private Marseille!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He raised his right hand and pointed at himself, then turned to look at the eldest lady next to him who was holding back his face and turned red. He then looked at his sister-in-law who had turned her head and started playing with the bracelet. He squeezed out a few words from his throat: "This That’s fucking discrimination!”

"Qiao, forget it."

The eldest lady patted Lin Qiong on the back and comforted: "After all, no one expects your straight male aesthetic. Isn't this a good thing?"

Lin Qiong was puzzled: "How can it be considered a good thing?"

The eldest lady asked back: "So you want us to ask you about aesthetic matching every now and then, and then you squeeze out a little bit of matching like toothpaste, but in the end you are disappointed after we try it?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He was thoughtful, hesitated to speak, then nodded happily, and said, "Great kindness!"

As long as I choose to reconcile with myself, nothing can hurt me!

"Then you play outside with Fengwang and Wangcai—"

The eldest lady let go of Lin Qiong's arm, then ran into the store holding the secretary and Ayixia, and looked at the products in the store.

"Tsk, Aqiong, can you be of some use?"

King Feng squatted on Lin Qiong's head and couldn't help but taunted: "You don't have any artistic skills at all, you're laughing so hard!"

Lin Qiong said expressionlessly: "Flash Toucan, die of laughter."


The Phoenix King was furious and jumped to his feet and said: "Damn it, I can choose this appearance? This is obviously Arceus's alpaca-like aesthetic question... Wait, what are you doing?"

Lin Qiong said without raising his head: "Oh, it's the recording."


Feng Wang's frightened feathers were about to catapult from her body, and she rushed to Lin Qiong's wrist with a "strike", and then patted the play button on Lin Qiong's phone screen with her paw.

"...Arzeus, that forced alpaca..."

After the short speech of less than two seconds ended, Feng Wang knelt down on Lin Qiong's wrist in a pale body, and let out a sad voice: "Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh

Wangcai who is squatting: "!"

Grandma, he was so frightened that he almost jumped up!

Han Ba ​​Niu raised his head, glared at Feng Wang who made a strange sound, and was startled by the other party's extremely sad expression.

'I didn't even see my claws——'

Wangcai quickly lowered his head, and continued to squat honestly—in the training plan Lin Qiong arranged for him, all of the first three days were squatting, and once the posture was not standard, he would enjoy the chrysanthemum blooming punishment.

It hurts, it hurts too much!

"Ha ha--"

Lin Qiong looked at King Feng who seemed to be standing on the rooftop, chuckled, and whispered: "A-Feng, you don't want this recording to be heard by Arceus, right?"


Feng Wang snarled, and then, with lightning speed, slapped the delete button with his paw...

Lin Qiong's fingers.

"Oh yo, oh yo yo, oh yo yo—"

Lin Qiong's voice became strange, "What a pity! Ah Feng, your movements are a little slow, oh so~"


Feng Wang uttered a cry of grief, then fell into Lin Qiong's palm without love, and murmured: "My Pokémon is alive and ruined, and I will definitely be turned into one by the small-minded Arceus." A little arrow sparrow that can chirp, and then live in the dark... eh?"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

Feng Wang sat up and said thoughtfully: "Then I don't need to go to work forever, so I can stay by your side forever as a pet waiting to die?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He picked up Phoenix King by the feathers behind her neck and said with a speechless expression: "Are you sure you can bear to be a helpless little pet for the rest of your life? You can even use sparks now. Aren’t you going to come out?”

King Feng rubbed his neck and said, "You fart!"

Lin Qiong stretched his right hand forward and said, "Please—"

Phoenix King: "..."

She pursed her lips, then took a deep breath, opened her beak, and spat out a bunch of...

Black smoke.

"Chichi, chichi——"

Lin Qiong laughed unabashedly, making Feng's face flush with anxiety...



Lin Qiong couldn't hold back at all at the moment, he looked at Feng Wang who had curled up into a ball in his palm, and laughed, "It's amazing, the fierce phoenix is ​​roaring, right?"

"Stop talking, shut up!"

The furious King Feng clasped Lin Qiong's palm with his claws and said, "I'll peck you again!"

"So you see, you can't stand a life without strength at all."

Lin Qiong poked Feng Wang's head with his finger with a smile, and said, "What's that sentence called? Oh yes, I can use no power, but I can't have no power!"

"...Well, what you said makes sense."

Feng Wang sniffed, then looked at Lin Qiong aggrievedly, and said, "So you won't give the recording to Arceus, right?"

Lin Qiong smiled casually and said, "Of course I will."

Feng Wang: "You are paralyzed!"

Chapter 0716 Hooked

When the eldest lady, sister-in-law, secretary and Ayixia (Yuyou is not interested in these) came out of the jewelry store, they found that Feng Wang was concentrating on fighting with Lin Qiong's right hand.

Yes, right hand.

The index and middle fingers are the legs, and the thumb and pinky are the hands.


Feng Wang angrily pecked at the "chest" of the "right-hand man" and said sternly: "Watch the move, Shenfeng Impact Drill!"

"Empty foot into the sword!"

Due to the limitation of the joints of the fingers, Lin Qiong could only let the "hands" of the "right-handed person" stand on the table, and then clamped Feng Wang's beak with his "feet", and said: "I didn't expect that! Little Lizi has" 100% bare-handed into the blade's skill!"


Feng Wang pulled out his beak and shouted: "You fucking cheat! How can you have such an unreasonable skill?"

100% empty-handed into the sword?Does that mean you can also enter Tongtianjiang once you send Zhu Jianxian?Um?

"Okay, '100% empty-handed attack' was indeed made up by me, but the skill '100% empty-handed attack' is real."

Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang seriously, and said: "As long as the sword is drawn, no matter who the opponent is, they can only kneel down and enter the white blade honestly!"

Feng Wang had a look of disbelief: "I don't believe it! You must be fooling me! How can there be such a skill at the level of causality!"

"Then how about I make a bet? I'll bet on whether there really is a skill like '100% empty handed'."

Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang and said, "If it doesn't exist, I will promise you a request; if it doesn't exist, you have to follow my request and let me record a video!"

A video ×

Crime handle√

Phoenix King: Σ( ° △ °|||)

She was not stunned by "a request" thrown in front of her like Kurokas - it wasn't that she was so smart, but that she knew Lin Qiong too well.

'That is to say...'

She stared at Lin Qiong with wide eyes, and said, "You really don't think I'm stupid and ready to fool me, but do you really have such a wonderful skill?"

Lin Qiong said confidently: "I won't lie to you about this kind of thing, okay?"

Phoenix King: "..."

She tugged at the corners of her mouth with a speechless expression and thought: 'How could such a speechless skill exist in this world? '

"If this skill really exists, it will definitely become a powerful control skill."

The eldest lady came out with a shopping bag, and said with a relaxed face: "If two evenly matched opponents are fighting, and suddenly one of them is affected by a skill, he has to kneel down on one knee and fight with his bare hands—"

King Feng: "!"

She exclaimed: "Wait, this skill can make people kneel!?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He held the Phoenix King's feathers and said with a speechless expression: "No, didn't I just make it very clear? As long as the sword is drawn, no matter who the opponent is, they can only kneel down and use the sword."

Is this the gold content of a single-threaded brain?Inside Sri Lanka!

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