Phoenix King: "..."

She opened her mouth, and then said with a shocked face: "Doesn't that mean that if I master this skill, I can make Arceus kneel down, just let him kneel down!?"

"I advise you to calm down"

The eldest lady persuaded with a concerned face: "It's a pleasure to let Arceus kneel down for a while, and Arceus will take revenge on the crematorium."

Feng Wang: "Hmm..."

She wrinkled her bird face, struggled fiercely, and then set her sights on Lin Qiong.

Lin Qiong: "?"

Feng Wang: "You go!"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

Ho-Oh: "You go and learn that skill that will 100% kill you with bare hands, and then go fight Arceus!"

Lin Qiong thought about it, and then, with Feng Wang's "???" expression, he held her in his palm like holding a baseball, and then slowly lifted her over his head.

Feng Wang's eyes widened: "Are you going to... Fuck!"

Before she could finish her sentence, Lin Qiong threw out her right hand vigorously, and said in a low voice, "Burn, Fight Soul, Roar, Magic Ball, my water throwing speed is a little over [-] kilometers per hour—"


Feng Wang only had time to say "Lin Qiong, you bastard" before turning into a red shooting star and disappearing into the sky, turning into a shining star.

"Huh, great!"

Lin Qiong straightened up, wiped the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead with the back of his hand, then turned his head to look at the eldest lady and the others, and asked with a smile, "What jewelry did you buy?"

"It's not anything of value."

The eldest lady revealed the brand new gold bracelet on her wrist, and said, "Here, this is it."

"What's on it?"

Lin Qiong leaned on the young lady's wrist, looked at the sparkling gems on it, and asked curiously: "Emeralds and sapphires? They are quite beautiful."

"No, it's turquoise and lapis lazuli."

The eldest lady shook her head and explained with a smile: "I heard from the shop owner that Alabasta generally uses turquoise, lapis lazuli and carnelian to make jewelry."

Lin Qiong heard the words, looked at the tour guide, and asked, "Is that so?"

The tour guide nodded and introduced with a seasoned face: "In Alabasta, the raw materials for making jewelry rarely use all kinds of gemstones, but mainly gold, lapis lazuli, turquoise, carnelian and emerald—— Among them, men's jewelry generally uses dark carnelian, while women's jewelry uses light-colored carnelian."

"I see!"

Lin Qiong nodded suddenly, then looked at the jewelry purchased by his aunt, secretary, and Ayisha, and found that it was indeed inlaid with bright light-colored carnelian: "It seems that this store is relatively reliable. I didn’t fool laymen casually.”


The tour guide showed an awkward yet polite smile, and he explained in a low voice: "This is a direct-sale store of the Royal."

Lin Qiong: "..."

Oh, that's fine.

"Ahem, what, didn't you guys say before that you want to buy some Alabasta-style clothes?"

Under the smiling gazes of the young lady and the secretary, Lin Qiong coughed lightly with his right hand and said, "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go now!"




clothing store.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh—"

Lin Qiong stood outside the clothing store window, looking at the clothes on the wooden models inside, and couldn't help but ask: "Are you sure you want to buy these clothes?"

The clothes worn on the model are a very exotic dancer suit - the three-point cloth piece is only the size of a palm, and it is decorated with gorgeous tulle, pendants, gold arm rings, leg rings and so on.

It can only be said that its gorgeousness is directly proportional to its exposure.

Sister-in-law: "This, this, this is a little... huh!?"

Before she finished speaking, she saw that the eldest lady and the secretary had pushed open the door of the clothing store with calm expressions and walked in.

Auntie was shocked.

"Erina!? Erina, are you swollen!?"


"No, this dress—" Auntie pointed to the extremely revealing tulle dancer suit, "So, you are actually going to buy it?"

"Why can't I buy it?"

The eldest lady tilted her head strangely, then as if remembering something, she showed a superior and mocking smile, and said: "Oh, I forgot! You bought it and there is nothing to wear it, haha. "

After the words fell, the eldest lady turned her head, took the secretary's hand and walked into the clothing store.

Auntie: "???"

She widened her eyes in disbelief and stammered: "No, I, no, this..."

What do you mean there is no object to wear and see! ?It's amazing that you have a fucking boyfriend, isn't it?You fucking bought it just to wear it for A Qiong to see, right?Do you fucking think I dare not! ?

The hot-blooded sister-in-law pushed open the door of the clothing store without hesitation, and then walked in under Lin Qiong's speechless gaze.

"Oh wow-"

Feng Wang spread his wings and said, "It's over."

She could already foresee Lin Qiong's peachy Shura field.

"Oh wow-"

Lin Qiong opened his hands in exactly the same way, and said, "It's over."

He himself can foresee his peachy Shura field.



When she came out of the clothing store, the sister-in-law with a bag in her hand deliberately "hummed" at the eldest lady, then happily ran to Lin Qiong's side, took his arm and said, "Aqiong, Aqiong ! I bought something super sexy—even sexier than the one in the window! I have a chance to show you!”

Lin Qiong: "..."

Bud oh, I have a headache!

However, before he could express his opinion, the eldest lady said in a strange way: "Hehe, 'there is a chance', hehe."

Lin Qiong suddenly felt his scalp go numb: "Erina, what are you talking about! '

The aunt turned her head and glared at the other party: "Erina, what do you want to say?"

"Nothing, I just think that, generally speaking, people only use 'chance' when it's polite, don't they?"

The eldest lady looked at her sister-in-law with an innocent face, and said: "If it is an action that is really planned to be realized, it will definitely give an exact time, rather than an ambiguous 'chance'."

Auntie: "..."

She was short of breath and could not speak foul words.

Looking at her sister who fell into silence, the eldest lady approached her ear with a smile on her face, and whispered, "For example, Fei Shazi and I are going to pass on the new clothes we bought to Aqiong tonight."

Auntie: "!!!"

She was so shocked that she was speechless.

Looking at her sister who was losing ground, the eldest lady maintained her face-to-face posture with a smile on her face and continued: "So, when do some people refer to 'having a chance'? Next year?"

It’s hard, my aunt’s fist is hard.

Lin Qiong: "!"

He looked at his aunt's trembling right fist, and couldn't help trying to wink at her frantically: "Calm down!"Alice, you have to calm down!This is just because of the method, don't get hooked! ! '

It's a pity that his thoughts didn't reach the aunt's mind.

"I, I, I am dignified and cut Alice, will, will do something that breaks my promise!?"

The sister-in-law braced herself, pouted her neck, stared at her eyes, and said through gritted teeth: "No, isn't it just to show Aqiong the clothes? Tomorrow, tomorrow! Tomorrow I will wear them for him to see!"

Missy: "Oh? Seriously?"

Sister-in-law: "It's more real than pearls!"

The eldest lady showed a satisfied smile: "Very well, I'm hooked." '

Lin Qiong covered his forehead in despair: "It's over, I'm hooked." '

Chapter 0717 For you, I turned into a wolf

That night.



"Why do you look so sad?"

The eldest lady wearing a bath towel came out of the bathroom. While wiping her hair with the towel, she looked at Lin Qiong and joked, "Could it be that you are struggling with the day's affairs?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He glanced helplessly at the young lady, and said, "Are you so impatient to strip Alice naked, wash her for nothing, and send her to my bed?"

"of course."

The eldest lady nodded confidently, and then said with a twitching corner of her mouth, "Do you know that Fei Shazi prepares a medicinal diet for nourishing yin and yang, nourishing kidney and qi for her and me every day."

Lin Qiong: "Uh, this, ahem..."

"This boyfriend—"

The eldest lady bent her right leg and sat on the edge of the bed to take a nap. Then she kept wiping her hair sideways, looked at Lin Qiong teasingly, and said, "You don't want your girlfriend to suffer from kidney failure, right?"

Lin Qiong raised his hands helplessly and said, "I surrender! Let's skip this topic—"

"It's not impossible, but you have to promise me one thing."

The eldest lady's eyes as clear as amethyst locked on Lin Qiong's body with a smile, and said: "Tomorrow night, after Alice puts on a new skin, you must at least take away her first kiss."

"I'm meow—"

Lin Qiong was a tactical back then, then grabbed his hair with both hands and said, "May I ask, why is it 'at least'?"

"What do you say?"

The eldest lady put the towel on the bedside table, then took out the magic hair dryer, pointed the air outlet at her hair, and said, "Actually, I really hope that I can eat red bean rice with you and Alice the morning after tomorrow."

Lin Qiong: "Hiss—"

He twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Well, maybe, maybe, I'm not ready yet?"

"Mental preparation?"

The eldest lady raised her eyebrows, then moved closer to Lin Qiong's ear, and bit his ear.

"Don't you want to try the taste of sister bowl?"


"See, it's given you away."


"So, fuel up tomorrow?"


"If you're cowardly again, don't blame me for calling you a bastard!"

"You fucking meow!"

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