Lin Qiong suddenly became violent, and then picked up the eldest lady and threw her on the bed, saying, "Today, I want you to find out who is the trash!"

"Don't worry, wait for a while."

The eldest lady raised her right hand to Lin Qiong's chest, then sat up with a smile, and said, "Don't forget to pick it up, we bought clothes for you today."

Lin Qiong: "..."

He sat on the bed and watched blankly as the eldest lady dragged the secretary who had just taken a shower into the dressing room.

"I say--"

A few seconds later, Lin Qiong looked at the one phoenix and three dogs nestled together, and said, "Hey, tell me, do I want to be brave tomorrow?"

"Master Lin Qiong, can you answer a question for me?"

Suicune straightened up and looked into Lin Qiong's eyes: "Do you like Ms. Alice?"

"Cough, this—"

Lin Qiong coughed lightly, then scratched his face in embarrassment, and said, "Well, I admit that I do have a crush on Alice."

Without a good impression, Lin Qiong would not have allowed Alice to be so intimate with her.

"In that case, isn't it very simple?"

Emperor Yan showed a puzzled expression, and he asked: "You like Miss Alice, and Miss Alice also likes you, and Mrs. Erina not only doesn't mind you attacking Mrs. Alice, but even contributes to the flames—then what are you struggling with?" ?”

Lin Qiong: "..."

He lay back on the bed again, then held the back of his head with his hands, stared at the pattern on the ceiling with his eyes out of focus, and murmured: "So, what am I struggling with?"

Am I struggling?No, I'm just being hypocritically reserved.

I hypocritically believe that the later I accept Alice, the more I can show my dedication to Erina, the more I can show my dedication, and the more reserved I can be...

To put it more bluntly, I just want to make myself stand up again.


Lin Qiong couldn't help but sat up, then clicked his tongue and said, "Thinking about it this way, I'm really a scumbag."

"What scumbag?"

After the eldest lady pushed open the door of the dressing room, she looked at Lin Qiong with a strange face and said, "Why did you say such a sentence suddenly?"

"It's not a big deal, don't worry about—"

Lin Qiong locked his eyes on the eldest lady, and looked at the enchanting and seductive dancer suit made of gold silk, tulle, and pendants on her body, and couldn't help but licked his lips.

I’m blanching, is this something I, an adult male, can watch?

Oh, I'm an adult now?That's okay, right?

"Ahem, Erina."

Lin Qiong clenched his fist with his right hand, coughed pretending to be calm, and said, "That's right, I thought about it just now, and I think you the day after tomorrow—"


The eldest lady bent down, put her index finger on Lin Qiong's lips, and said with a smile, "Now is not the time to talk about these things."

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

He stared blankly at the eldest lady straightening up her body, then leaned against the secretary, looked at him with a charming face, and said, "Seeing how Fei Shazi and I are dressed at this time, you still have the time to think about other things." thing?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Player Lin Qiong makes a charm judgment...

Ding, the judgment was successful...

Has successfully transferred the core of thinking to the second brain...


That night, Lin Qiong turned into a wolf.



The next day, morning.


The eldest lady sat on the edge of the table with a painful face, leaning on the edge of the table tremblingly, then rubbed her old waist, and gasped with pain on her face.

The aunt on the side: "..."

She stared straight at the eldest lady who seemed to have stepped into old age ahead of time, and couldn't help but say, "E, Erina, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, just some minor problems."

The eldest lady showed her aunt a smile full of meaning, but the aunt couldn't understand, "Soon you will understand what's going on."

Auntie: "???"

The more the eldest lady is so fussy, the more she has a bad feeling: "No, Erina, don't scare me! Tell me clearly what's going on!"

"Alice, it's not that I won't tell you, but it's not easy to explain this kind of thing."

After the eldest lady calmed down her body that was about to fall apart, she slowly leaned back on the chair behind her, took a sip of the medicine porridge carefully made by the secretary, and said, "After you experience it for yourself, you will understand my The situation."

Auntie: "..."

What the hell! ?What is "after a personal experience"! ?

Don't you fucking scare me! !


the other side.

West Sea.

Sky O'Hara.

"I'm fucking back—"

Lin Qiong pushed open the door of the research room in a hurry, waved at the few people inside, and said, "Yahoo! Alan, Ajie, Axi, do you want me!"

Alan Aizen: "..."

Ajay Jeff: "..."

Ashie Heathcliff: "..."

The three researchers sighed at the same time, and then fixed their eyes on Lin Qiong.

Lin Qiong: "?"

A question mark appeared in his head, and he couldn't help asking: "No, what kind of eyes are you looking at? Why do you have the expression of 'the brat next door came to my house again and broke into my bedroom'? "

"Haven't you already expressed our thoughts?"

Heathcliff calmly pushed up his eyeglasses and said calmly: "Then what else do you ask? Isn't this asking for trouble?"

Lin Qiong: "!?"

He opened his mouth and looked at the three people in front of him, and said sadly: "You have let me down so much! I have worked so hard to raise you, so you treat your dear father like this?"

Three people: "???"

"Ha ha--"

Aizen smiled and pushed his eyes, and said softly, "My father died very early."

"Ha ha--"

Jeff leaned back in the chair calmly, crossed his arms and said, "My father died early, too."

"Ha ha--"

Heathcliff let out a low laugh, and said calmly: "My father is also dead."

After all, the three of them invariably set their sights on Lin Qiong.

"So now there are two branches—"

Lin Qiong thought about it calmly, and then stretched out two fingers.

"Branch [-], you want to tell me that if I insist on being your father, I will be dead."

"Branch [-], you want to tell me tactfully, I hope I won't make fun of your dead father."

Lin Qiong put down his hand and said, "So, which branch are you going to enter?"

Heathcliff pondered for a few seconds, and said, "If I said branch two, would you feel guilty and get up in the middle of the night to slap yourself?"

Alan and Ajie: Pay close attention.

"will not."

Hearing this answer, Lin Qiong knew that the three of them had no business, so he couldn't hold back the prehistoric power in his body, and blurted out: "I'll tell you—then congratulations, you now have a father."

"Fuck!" x3

The three of them threw the documents in their hands into the sky at the same time.

Lan Ran: "Qianjun is worthy of being Qiongjun, the level of conscience is far beyond my imagination."

Jeff: "The young master's mouth, I'm afraid it can't just use words to piss people off."

Heathcliff: "One thing to say, I need more offensive words than birth!"

"Oh, just kidding, don't be angry!"

Lin Qiong clasped his hands together and apologized, then winked at several people and said, "I have brought you good news."

"?" X3

The three of them invariably set their sights on Lin Qiong, as if they were waiting for his next words.

"Ahem, it's like this! In the sailing world, there is a man who ate the brain fruit and possesses wisdom beyond all things—Vegapunk!"

Lin Qiong chuckled, then raised his fingers with a look of embarrassment, and said, "I'm going to recruit him into the Sky City and let him be your colleague! How about it, are you happy?"

Three people: "..."

Lin Qiong: "?"

After staring at each other in silence for a few seconds, Lin Qiong couldn't help but tilted his head and asked, "So, what's going on? Can you give me some reaction?"

Lan Ran said softly: "Qianjun, have you noticed that we are missing a very important person here."

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

Zeref sighed: "Lord Lafite is not in the Sky City."

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

Heathcliff continued: "If nothing else happens, she has already met with Vegapunk."

Lin Qiong: "Huh???"

Fuck, I'm always one step behind her, right?

Chapter 0718 Feng Wang: I am not clean

The second half of the Grand Line.

Island · EggHead (EggHead).


Accompanied by slight footsteps, Miss Know-It-All, wearing a white knee-length dress, a researcher's report coat, and a pair of white muffin sandals on her feet, stood at the port of the island.

"Is this the base camp of Vegapunk—"

Miss Wanshitong narrowed her eyes, then walked towards the inside with her legs apart, and said, "Unfortunately, Aqiong came too early, otherwise..."

Whether it's the six clones created by Vegapunk, or the Seraphim that he researched based on bloodline factors and devil fruits...

Miss Know-It-All is quite interested, which is a pity.

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