'But it's not too late...'

Miss Know-it-All narrowed her eyes, then rubbed her chin, and said with a wicked sense of humor: "Why don't you take this opportunity and let Vegapunk design all his avatars as beautiful girls? Well, with the Seven Deadly Sins and the Seven Named by virtue, a total of fourteen beautiful girls covering all age groups!"

At least it's a lot more eye-catching than the original look, right?

Located in the depths of the island, Vegapunk was watching the visitors through the surveillance phone bug: "..."

He lowered his head and looked at the "Avatar Plan" that had just been drafted in front of him. He couldn't help but let out a "Huo~" voice, and murmured, "Excuse me, where did she know about my plan?"

"Big head—"

Miss Pass put her hands in her pockets, then walked up to the phone worm with a smile, stared into its eyes and said, "Anyway, it's a guest coming, so I don't come out to greet you, but hide in the studio. Are you polite?"

Vegapunk: "..."

He scratched his overly large head, then pressed the call button in front of him and said, "I think only those who are invited are guests? Those who break in without permission are only intruders..."

"I don't want you to think, I want me to think."

Miss Know-it-All shook her finger at the phone bug, and said, "I'll give you two choices now - to appear in front of me yourself, or to drag you out with my own hands after tearing up the entire island? "

"You bastard, where did you come from as a robber!"

Vegapunk's exasperated voice came from the phone bug's mouth: "Do you know how much precious knowledge there is in this island!? Destroying it is a loss for the whole world—"


"I'm not kidding about things like this!"

"Then you have to hurry up and come see me."


"You have six minutes."

"Damn it-"

The next moment, the phone hung up.



1 minute and 20 seconds later.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

A freak who was only 1.6 meters below the neck, but a head as high as two meters, ran up to Miss Know-It-All out of breath, and then put his hands on his knees, panting desperately: "You , you, are you evil, a demon?"

"Demon? Well, forget it."

Miss Know-It-All smiled, then glanced at Vegapunk's head, and said, "Tsk tsk, is this the side effect of the Brain Fruit? It looks so strange."

Superhuman Brain Fruit, which allows the eater to have unlimited brain capacity...

Orenus was overjoyed and ran wildly.

But it will make the user's brain grow endlessly with the increase of memory...

Orenus turned pale with fright and fled in embarrassment.

"Phew, it seems that Sky City knows more information than I expected."

After regaining his breath, Vegapunk straightened up his body again, then raised his right hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and said, "I even know the effect of the brain fruit clearly."

"Hehe, the knowledge we have is far beyond your imagination."

There was a smile in the eyes of Miss Know-It-All, and she said softly: "Vegapunk, do you mind letting me see your research base?"

Vegapunk: "..."

"Could it be that if I say I mind, you will turn around and leave?"

He shrugged helplessly, turned around and walked towards the depths of the island, and said, "Follow me."

"Ha ha--"

Miss Know-It-All gave a chuckle, and then followed with her legs wide open.



About two hours later.


With a strange cry, Lin Qiong landed on the island's port in a heroic debut style.

"Phew, successful landing——"

Lin Qiong stood up, stretched out his hand to take out Feng Wang from his arms, and said, "The next mission is to find Miss Know-It-All!"

"I think—"

Feng Wang yawned, curled up in Lin Qiong's palm like a fur ball, and said lazily: "As for the movement of your landing, she has definitely noticed it."

"Makes sense!"

Lin Qiong nodded, then looked around the port, and muttered, "Maybe she's hiding behind the screen right now, secretly admiring my flourishing beauty."

Feng Wang: "The mouth area——"

Lin Qiong: "Why, are you embarrassed?"

Feng Wang was furious: "You fucking—"

Lin Qiong said happily: "Are you afraid that after seeing my prosperous beauty, you will become pregnant at the speed of light?"

Feng Wang: "Aqiong, people can't treat Pokémon, at least they shouldn't—"

Lin Qiong: "Feng, Xanadu can do it, Brimwen can do it, and Magic Mask Meow can do it too."

Feng Wang didn't understand, but Feng Wang was shocked and scared to death.

At this time, Miss Wanshitong's voice came from the tree trunk beside him: "Aqiong, if you continue to teach like this, King Feng will become impure."

"Pull it down—"

Lin Qiong waved his hands with disdain, then walked to the trunk, pushed aside the branches, looked at the surveillance phone bug hiding in the groove, and said: "This old sparrow has long been full of strange things. something."

"You fart!"

Feng Wang jumped up anxiously, she slammed in front of Lin Qiong, and chirped: "I, Feng Wang, will always be pure and innocent!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

"you sure?"

"I'm sure!"

"In fact, each man has killed hundreds of millions of lives."


"Because the rabbit doesn't eat fishy food, it disdains the carrots fed by the goddess."


"The daughter of the rich family was taken away by bandits, but she didn't panic at all, because the bandits are the boss."


"The Nun and the Fish."


Lin Qiong stopped talking, but looked at Feng Wang in front of him blankly.

Feng Wang stopped talking, but looked at the ground below him with evasive eyes.

"Hello, pure and innocent Phoenix King."


Feng Wang let out a mournful cry, then hurriedly got into the pocket of Lin Qiong's clothes, huddled into a ball and fell into a state of autism - if you listen closely, you can still hear her talking to herself non-stop: "I'm not clean—not clean—"

"Oh wow-"

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders, then looked at the surveillance phone bug again, and said, "Dear Miss Passionate, should I go to find you, or should you come to me?"

"Well, let me open a 'door' for you."

Miss Know-It-All's voice sounded from the dark portal beside her: "Come here."


Lin Qiong turned around and stepped his right foot towards the portal.



After a blink of an eye, Lin Qiong came to the location of Miss Passenger - which is also Vegapunk's research room, the core part of the island.

Lin Qiong looked around and thought, "It's different from what I imagined. I thought I could already see the prototype of Egghead Island." '

Miss Wanshitong came over and straightened his collar with a smile: "A Qiong, what can you do with me?"

"My purpose here is the same as yours."

Lin Qiong blinked his eyes, then looked at Vegapunk who was sitting obediently on the chair and sticking out his tongue, and said, "I'm here to invite Dr. Vegapunk to join us in Sky City." of."

"Hmm, our purpose is indeed the same——"

Miss Know-It-All bent her eyes and said, "Maybe this is a kindred spirit~"

Vegapunk: "..."

He looked at the two people in front of him expressionlessly, wondering why he, the world's number one scientist, was eating dog food here?Is this reasonable?

"So, what's your answer——" x2

Lin Qiong and Miss Wanshitong looked at Vegapunk together and asked.

'Don't show your synchronicity in a place like this—'

Vegapunk spread his hands and said, "I can't seem to find a reason to refuse."

Vegapunk has always been lonely.

He was originally extremely intelligent, but after eating the brain fruit, his wisdom undoubtedly reached the ceiling of the nautical world!Even his colleagues on the MADS team—Caesar, Vinsmoke, and Quinn—are just "mortals" in his eyes.

There are too many things I want to study, but there are too few people and too little time to use them. In addition, whether the five old stars have thrown a development request, Vegapunk chose to make six clones in the original book. The road to assist his own research-this also paved the way for him to be betrayed.

"In that case—"

Lin Qiong stretched out his right hand towards Vegapunk, and said with a smile: "Welcome to Sky City, Dr. Vegapunk."

Vegapunk reached out to hold Lin Qiong's hand, and said, "I am very much looking forward to working with Ms. Lafite and other colleagues."

Miss Know-it-All has convinced Vegapunk with her wisdom and knowledge, so he even has some expectations for the "other companions" that Miss Know-it-all calls.

By the way, Vegapunk's reason for choosing to join Sky City absolutely does not include the fear of Lin Qiong's force value that can destroy the world government.

Again, absolutely not included!Because he—Vegapunk—is a man who is not afraid of power and will not bow to evil forces!

Just listen carefully.

Chapter 0719 Alan, have you considered...

Through the portal opened by Lin Qiong, four personnel from the research department in Sky City successfully arrived at Egghead Island——

"Hey, is this Vegapunk's research institute?"

Wearing the same white coat, Heathcliff looked around the research room with curious eyes and said, "Why are there so many semi-finished products?"

"Probably because you have encountered a problem that cannot be overcome for the time being?"

Aizen walked to the wall, and did not take off a weapon that looked like an earthen shotgun hanging on it rashly, and said, "Well, for example, energy, or the hardness of the material."

"Well, indeed!"

Jeff pondered for a few seconds and said, "If you want to create a large mechanism, sufficient energy is essential!"

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