Vegapunk: "..."

He walked up to several people with his legs, then took down the shotgun hanging on the wall, and said: "When I made this gun, I was going to use pure energy to replace physical bullets, but I found that the gun Tubes cannot withstand the high temperatures generated when the energy is polymerized."

Jeff looked at it and said, "It can be considered to lead the energy to the muzzle part through the line..."

Irene added: "Then through the magic stone at the muzzle of the gun, the energy condensed position is transferred to the air..."

Aizen continued: "Multiple magic arrays can be deployed in the future to control the density of energy..."

Heathcliff further strengthened: "Since this is the case, simply add a long-sighted function so that it can strike at a super long distance."


Vegapunk's eyes widened slightly, then he took out the design drawing and pencil from the bottom of the table without hesitation, and said, "Everyone, tell me in detail?"

"Yes!" x4

So, with Lin Qiong's "huh?" expression, the foursome, who had arrived at Egghead Island less than 2 minutes from Sky City, entered a research state with Vegapunk.

Lin Qiong: "..."

He took a breath, then looked at Miss Know-It-All, and asked, "So, is this the norm for research madmen?"

Miss Know-It-All thought about it, then nodded.

"Hiss - let's do it!"

He scratched his head, and said with a delicate expression, "I'm an outsider now."

"Don't be sad—"

Miss Wanshitong came to Lin Qiong's side, blinked and said, "How about I accompany you around? Or..."

She transformed into a snow-white cat: "Become a cat, let you touch it?"

"Forget it, you should accompany them to do research."

Lin Qiong smoothed the cat's hair and said with a smile: "I won't take up your precious time."

"That's wrong, Archer—"

Miss Wanshitong blinked her eyes, looked at Lin Qiong seriously, and said, "In my heart, nothing is more important than you."

Lin Qiong scratched his face in embarrassment, and whispered, "It's too straight, it makes me a little shy."

"is it?"

The know-it-all cat turned back to its original body, then hooked Lin Qiong's chin with its fingers with a smile, and said, "Then, my dear Mr. Host, will you walk with me?"

Lin Qiong blinked, and chose to succumb to Miss Passall's queenly aura: "No problem, my dear Miss Passall."

The other five people in the research room: "..."

They watched expressionlessly as Lin Qiong and Miss Wan Shitong left hand in hand, falling into silence.

Vegapunk comforted him: "No need to be sad, real scientists don't need objects - objects will only affect the speed of our scientific research!"

Aizen heard this and looked at Vegapunk with pity.

Vegapunk: "?"

Why are you looking at me like that?

Heathcliff pushed his glasses calmly and said, "Sorry, I have girlfriends, and I have two."

Vegapunk: "Huh?"

Zeref also raised his right hand and said awkwardly and politely: "Sorry, I have a wife and two children."

Vegapunk: "Huh??"

Irene blinked, and said the same: "Well, I actually have a daughter."

Vegapunk: "Huh???"

He looked around, and then, as if seeing Tom, who was rushing towards him with a mad cow, he spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders, and said, "Hehe, the clown is actually myself."



Egghead Island.

"Speak back, talk back, talk back..."

Curiously, Lin Qiong poked a pair of black leather boots hanging on the wall with his fingers, then looked at other items on the wall, and said, "Is it really okay for us to wander around like this? Vegapunk won't be angry ?"

"What's there to be angry about?"

Miss Wanshitong took down a long sword, waved it casually in her hand twice, and said: "I will give him a product review later, and he has to thank us for touching his work." .”

Do you understand the gold content of Miss Know-it-All?

"Good guy, Ning is the head review blogger of Sky City, right?"

Lin Qiong flicked the long sword in Miss Wanshitong's hand with his fingers, and asked curiously: "So what are the characteristics of this sword? It's particularly hard? It's long? Or it's durable?"

Miss Know-It-All: "?"

She kept holding the sword, glanced at Lin Qiong sideways, and said, "Aqiong, is this sword you are talking about serious or not?"

"Miss Know-It-All, what are you talking about? I don't quite understand."

Lin Qiong looked at the long sword in Miss Wanshitong's hand with a serious face and wholeheartedly, and said, "But I can be sure that what I'm talking about must be a serious sword!"

Miss Know-It-All nodded, and said, "I can understand the hardness and length, but why do serious swords last?"

Lin Qiong held his chin and pondered for half a second, then said, "Is there a possibility of metal fatigue or something like that? Right?"

Is metal fatigue used in this kind of place?

never mind--

Miss Wanshitong glanced at Lin Qiong dotingly, and said, "Forget you pass the test."


Lin Qiong showed off his cuteness, and then asked nonchalantly: "So what are the characteristics of this sword?"

Wouldn't it be possible to become a sword woman, and then the characteristics become characteristics?shasha——

"If my analysis is not wrong, its function should be..."

Miss Know-It-All worked on the hilt a few times, and then said, "That's it."

Well, it started shaking.

To be precise, the sword's blade vibrated at a crazy high frequency, and even Miss Know-It-All's body began to tremble - that's weird!

"You are maliciously acting cute——"

Lin Qiong pinched the soft and elastic face of Miss Everything, and complained: "I don't believe that with your strength, you will be affected by it."

"Hmph, do I still need to act cute maliciously?"

Miss Know-it-all resumed her way of speaking, then wrinkled her nose and said, "Aren't I cute?"

"Miss Know-It-All is the cutest in the world!"

Lin Qiong raised his hands, clapped his hands at his sides in a dignified manner, then focused on the high-frequency vibrating b... sword and said, "So, how lethal is this thing?"

"Talking is better than nothing."

Miss Passionate put her finger on the blade to feel it, and complained: "It's fine in the ordinary world, but in the sailing world, this thing is not as deterrent as a stick in front of armed people."

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

He hesitated for a second, then gestured with his hands and said, "The stick you are talking about has a handshake, about fifteen centimeters long, is pink, and has a vibrating function?"

Miss Know-It-All: "Huh?"

"Is there a possibility that when I say stick, I mean Teacher Kai's domineering mace?"

She rubbed the bridge of her nose, and then said with a strange expression: "However, if you don't worry about She's death, the stick you mentioned may be more deterrent than the mace on the battlefield."

Lin Qiong: "..."

He twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Indeed! I can accept that Luffy is knocked out by Kaido-sensei's thunderous gossip, but I can't accept that Luffy is defeated by Kaido-sensei's pink stick."

Just like no one can bear the shame of being defeated by a pink furry bunny.

"Okay, let's continue shopping."

Miss Know-It-All closed the high-frequency sword, then threw it back against the wall, and said, "Look at what Vegapunk has made all these years."



After an hour and a half.

Egghead Island Lab.

"Has Lord Qiong left already?"

Lan Ran looked at Miss Wanshitong who had returned to the research room alone, and asked softly: "If Ms. Wanshitong is not willing to part with Lord Qiong, you can stay with him for a while—there are a few of us here enough."

"Hmph, the relationship between Aqiong and I doesn't need to be maintained by distance."

Miss Know-It-All snorted softly, then walked to the edge of the table, looking at the new energy gun designed by several people.Can't help but said: "Why do you design a laser weapon with an effective range of 2500 meters to look like an arquebus?"

"Show the enemy weak!"

Vegapunk said proudly: "If the appearance is cool, others can tell that something is wrong with this weapon at a glance! But if it is an arquebus, no one would have thought that it can emit laser light, right?"

"Just a mouthful."

Miss Wanshitong nodded helplessly, then took out a letter from her arms and handed it to Lan Ran, saying, "Here, A Qiong's message for you."

Aizen: "Huh?"

He opened the envelope, took out the letter paper inside and spread it out, and looked at it together with Irene, Jeff, Vegapunk and Heathcliff who came over—

Dear Alan:

Buckle your dick!

Just now I suddenly thought of a very constructive suggestion: Have you ever considered, through the ability to make it become a mop with shit in the eyes of the enemy?This can greatly enhance your deterrence and lethality, and the price is only a small loss of reputation-for example, you may get titles such as God of Shit Warlord Aizen.

Your dearest Archon.

Aizen: "?"

He raised his head expressionlessly, looked at the colleagues beside him who had already collapsed with laughter, and couldn't help clenching his fists.

Hard, I want Bangbang to give more than 200 punches to Qiongjun.

Chapter 0720 New Fishman Island

West Sea.

New Fishman Island.

"Hey ha ha ha—"

Lin Qiong had just approached the palace of New Murloc Island when he heard Loki's penetrating laughter that could be called mental pollution: "Mermaid girl, I want to catch you~~"

Lin Qiong: "???"

I'm Zhuo, Loki, are you doing gods and demons?

He walked quickly to the door of the room, looked inside the door, and was stunned by the scene inside—at this moment Loki was blindfolded, groping in the room with his hands outstretched, and Surrounding her are five big mermaid sisters who are holding their breath and walking quietly, whose fish tails have turned into human feet.

Ichao, Dong Zhuo, are you working with gods and demons?

Several mermaid elder sisters: "!!"

After they saw Lin Qiong appearing at the door, they immediately showed surprise expressions, and waved to him happily as a greeting.

Lin Qiong: "..."

He rubbed the bridge of his nose, and then waved to the eldest sister with blond wavy hair and a majestic heart who was closest to the door.

The eldest sister pointed to herself, and then made a gesture of "walking over" with her right hand, and then looked at Lin Qiong asking for confirmation.

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