Lin Qiong nodded and waved at her again.

So, the eldest sister tiptoed, walked cautiously to the door, and then whispered, "Master Lin Qiong, what's the matter?"

"What's the matter..."

The corner of Lin Qiong's mouth twitched and glanced at the scene in the room, and said with a strange expression: "No, what you guys are... pretty fancy?"

"Hey, hey, Lord Loki requested it."

The eldest sister blinked, then looked at Lin Qiong with a smile, and said, "If the young master wants to try it, there will definitely be more mermaids signing up~"

"Ahem, forget it."

Lin Qiong refused on the surface, but secretly thought in his heart that it must be very interesting for the eldest lady, sister-in-law and secretary to play with him, "You guys continue to play with her."

"OK then."

The big sisters all nodded regretfully, and then said a little unwillingly: "If the young master has an idea, you must come and talk to me? Ten or even 20 people are fine!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

For a moment, he was not sure whether he was greedy for the mermaid sister or the mermaid sister was greedy for him.

"Ahem, if there is a chance."

Lin Qiong once again declined the warm invitation of the mermaid sister, then raised his finger and pointed in the direction of the main hall of the palace, and said, "I'm going to find King Neptune and Princess Otohime first, and see you next time."

"See you next time~"

The mermaid sister looked at Lin Qiong's leaving back with a look of reluctance, then leaned against the door frame with a face of intoxication, biting her fingernails, and whispered: "What a good man~"

I really want to help him lay eggs~



New Mermaid Island · Palace main hall.

"Oh oh oh-"

When Lin Qiong stepped into the main hall, the tall King Neptune immediately floated over with open arms and said happily: "The great benefactor of Fish-Man Island, long time no see!!"

"Here it goes and it goes—"

Lin Qiong and Neptune hugged each other, and then pretended to be dissatisfied and said, "I've already told you not to call me that - I want to be your friend more than your benefactor!"

"Hahaha, okay, friend!"

King Neptune let go of Lin Qiong, and then let out a big laugh: "I was wrong! I admit it! I punish myself with three cups!"

After finishing speaking, he picked up the wine glass on the side—for Lin Qiong, it was a bathtub——ton ton ton was three glasses of fine wine.

Lin Qiong: "?"

He hesitated for half a second, then touched his head - strange, why do I feel like I'm being used?Is it an illusion?


Just when Lin Qiong was full of question marks, with a somewhat sullen voice, Princess Otohime walked in angrily and said, "Didn't you agree that you will quit drinking for a while?"

"Hey, Otohime, why are you here—"

King Neptune suddenly showed a panicked expression. He looked at the wine glass in his hand, sneered and said, "This, ahem, just drank a little! It's really just a little -"

He also specially raised his right hand and made a shallow gesture with his thumb and index finger, indicating that he just took a sip of the drink.

"Red bean puree?"

"Red beans!"

Lin Qiong on the side listened to the conversation between the two, and couldn't help squinting his eyes——Okay, now it's real!King Neptune, you sixth child, you are actually using me to find an excuse to drink, right?

Ha ha!

If I don't avenge this revenge, how can I claim to be an inappropriate person?

Thinking of this, Lin Qiong took a step forward, coughed slightly, and said, "Sister Yiji! Brother Neptune is right, he really only took a sip."

When King Neptune heard this, he immediately cast a moved look at Lin Qiong - just like a person who is squatting in the toilet without paper and sees his good brother traveling thousands of miles to deliver paper for him. .

Princess Yi Ji was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Is that true?"

"Really! Brother Neptune just drank three glasses full."

Lin Qiong gestured his thumb seriously, and said: "In terms of his size, such a small amount is indeed just a sip of a drink!"

When King Neptune heard this, he cast a horrified look at Lin Qiong—as if he had wiped his ass with the paper sent by his brother, only to realize that he had already dripped some heavy spicy No. [-] on the paper. Same.

"Nee! Pu! Ton!"

At this moment, Princess Otohime was furious, furious, furious, she raised her hands high, and the princess's power of nine hundred and ninety-nine hit King Neptune's abdomen heavily.

"Ouch, ouch—"

Although it was different at all, King Neptune let out a cry of pain with a very high EQ, and fell to the ground in embarrassment, and said pitifully: "Otome, Otome, my Otome! I was wrong. Yes, I was really wrong! I don’t drink anymore, I really don’t drink anymore!”


Princess Otohime's output damage in one meal was less than [-], but she was sweating profusely and panting from exhaustion.

"Sister! Take a rest-"

Lin Qiong hurried over, handed over a bottle of stamina medicine at the right time, and said warmly: "Why don't I punish Brother Neptune, and make sure he will never forget it!"

King Neptune immediately cast an angry look at Lin Qiong - Phew!You bastard, how are you planning to harm this king! ?

"Many, thank you for your concern."

Princess Otohime took the potion, drank it down, sat on a chair nearby, grabbed Lin Qiong's hand, and said seriously: "Master, I'll leave the rest to you!"

"Don't worry, leave it to me!"

Lin Qiong patted his chest, then turned his head, and smiled at King Neptune, who was looking anxious, and let out a laugh like Tom: "Uh huh ha ha ha ha ha ha——"

Princess Otohime: "..."

Am I sloppy?How can the young master laugh so pervertedly?He wouldn't torture Neptune in a very vicious way, would he?

Neptune: "..."

It's over, the BBQ is over!He laughed so pervertedly, could it be that he was going to let me dress up as a woman and then pouted me?Don't do that kind of thing!

"Brother Neptune, don't show such an expression."

Lin Qiong looked at Neptune seriously, and said, "We are good brothers, can I still cheat you?"

Neptune: "..."

There is one thing to say, the more you say that, the more I feel bad.

He swallowed and said, "You, what do you want me to do?"


Lin Qiong snapped his fingers and said kindly: "I specially prepared a few 'small' drinks for you! You only need to drink one bottle of each, how about it?"


King Neptune raised his eyebrows, then touched his chin and thought for a while, and said, "I think it's okay!"

Is it just some weird-tasting drinks?Hey!Beverages are made for people to drink, so no matter how bad it is, how bad can it be?

I, King Neptune, brave yuppie!

"it is good!"

Lin Qiong nodded with satisfaction, then lined up the six bottles of drinks and said: "Red Scream, Thai Lime Water, Peanut Butter and Jelly Soda, Bacon Soda, Butter Soda and British Mint Original Liquid!"

King Neptune: "..."

He looked at the drinks with different shapes on the table, which made people feel uncertain just from the color, and couldn't help but said: "Well, Master Lin Qiong, you are sure and sure, these things are drinkable ?”

"I promise they'll drink!"

Lin Qiong raised his right hand three-pointed to the sky, and said with a serious face: "Men don't lie to men! They can definitely drink!"

"Okay, then I will believe you!"

King Neptune took a deep breath, then raised his hand to pick up the first bottle of Red Scream, and said, "The best way to eliminate fear is to face it! Come on, Ollie!"



10 minute later.

"Cuckoo cuckoo-"

Neptune was lying on the ground of the palace, foaming at the mouth, with his right hand raised above his head, and his index finger pointing forward unyieldingly.

Otohime: "..."

She smacked her tongue and walked to the edge of the table, then stretched out her finger to dip some drink in the mouth of the bottle, and put it in her mouth to feel it.


Otohime's entire face became contorted, she quickly picked up the plain boiled water beside her and poured down half a cup, then looked at the "instrument of torture" on the table with fear, and said, "Why, why is this so? Bad drinks!? What is the point of their creation?"

"Maybe it's for a punishment game?"

Lin Qiong smiled, then pointed to the drinks on the table, and said: "Brother Neptune probably has a psychological shadow on these drinks, you can tell him that you can drink if you want to drink, but you have to drink a bottle of wine Drinks, let’s see if he’s still drinking.”

Princess Otohime: "!!"

She showed a dazed expression, and then said with admiration: "So the young master let him drink these drinks to lay a foreshadowing? He is indeed the master of Sky City!"

Lin Qiong thought to himself: 'No, I just want to satisfy my own bad taste——'

While thinking about it, Lin Qiong waved his hand modestly, and said, "It's just a small trick, it's nothing to worry about—compared to this, you specifically contacted me and hoped that I would come to Fishman Island. What is the urgent matter?" ?”

"There is indeed something very important."

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, Princess Yiji immediately grabbed his hand and said to him, "Master Lin Qiong, please follow me!"

As she spoke, she pulled Lin Qiong and walked towards the inner hall of Dragon Palace City.

Chapter 0721 the mermaid who ate the devil fruit

"We have arrived."

Otohime pulled Lin Qiong to a courtyard, then reached out and patted the gate of the courtyard, and said loudly, "Lily, may I come in?"


First there was a lovely cry from the other courtyard, followed by a vigorous voice: "Oh! It's Princess Otome! I'll open the door for you—"

The door of the other courtyard was opened, and a girl with black and white hip-length hair, a long white dress and a fishtail lower body popped out of it.

She shook the cat ears on her head curiously, then set her eyes on Lin Qiong, and said with surprise, "WOMP! It's Master Lin Qiong!"


Lin Qiong looked at the fish tail under her body, then at the vivid cat ears on both sides of her head, and a big question mark appeared on her head: "Sister Yiji, what's going on? She should be A mermaid, right? But why..."

"Lily is undoubtedly a mermaid, and a killer whale mermaid among mermaids."

Otohime covered her forehead and said with a headache on her face: "At the same time, she is also the first mermaid in history to be unable to swim due to accidentally eating a Devil Fruit!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He twitched the corner of his mouth, then looked at Lily who was beside him.


The little girl tapped herself on the head and said, "This is a beautiful accident! I promise I won't eat another one!"

Princess Otohime grabbed her head and said angrily, "You can't eat a second devil fruit!"

"WOMP↑! Hurt! WOMP↑! Hurt!"

Lily screamed and begged for mercy: "I was wrong, I was wrong! Don't pull my ears anymore, you're going to mess with me—!"

Hearing this, Princess Otohime let go of Lily's ears, then glared at the naughty little killer whale angrily, and said, "I see if you dare to eat indiscriminately again."

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