
Lily covered her ears pitifully.

"Okay, okay, Otohime, don't be angry."

Lin Qiong scored twice to comfort Princess Yiji, then looked at Lily, and said, "But if you call me over, I can't take away the devil fruit in her body, okay?"

"No, no, Master Lin Qiong, you misunderstood."

Princess Otohime hurriedly waved her hands, and sighed, "Actually, I hope you can let Lily join Sky Castle."

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

He turned to look at Lily and asked, "What's the reason?"

"A mermaid can only turn her tail into legs after she reaches 30 years old - and Lily is only 16 this year, so she still has 14 years to go."

Princess Otohime held Lily's hand and said helplessly, "That is to say, she will maintain the posture of a fish's tail and live on land for 14 years."

Lin Qiong: "..."

He recalled the scene of Lily jumping out of the door just now, and then looked at the big tail of the killer whale under her - only then did he realize that Lily's tail had been worn out by the rough ground got scars.

"Okay, I guess I get it—"

Lin Qiong rubbed the bridge of his nose, then looked at Lily next to him dumbfounded, and said, "But I have a question—why do you think she can improve the current situation after she joins Sky City?"

"Well... I just think that since the Sky City is so powerful, there might be a way to solve her predicament..."

Princess Otohime showed an awkward yet polite smile, and explained in a low voice, "Did I cause you trouble?"

'That is to say, go to the doctor in a hurry? '

Lin Qiong shook his head helplessly, and said, "Is that true, but it's not enough for me to agree, it depends on Lily's own wishes, right? Maybe she doesn't want to..."

"WOMP↑! I do! Of course I do!"

Before Lin Qiong finished speaking, Lily raised her right hand impatiently, and said excitedly, "So, when shall we set off? Now? Or later?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He said dumbfoundedly: "Are you too enthusiastic?"

"Master Lin Qiong, now the residents of the entire New Fish-Man Island are looking at you as their savior——"

Princess Otohime's eyes curved into beautiful crescent moons, and she looked at Lin Qiong with a smile: "If Master Lin Qiong is going to recruit people on the new Fishman Island, all the residents will actively participate!"

"Exaggerated, really exaggerated."

Lin Qiong waved his right hand nonchalantly, and said, "I just did some small work for Murloc Island, it's not worth mentioning."

"For a person who is about to starve to death, the piece of bread you put in his hand is his hope for survival."

Princess Otohime bent down towards Lin Qiong, and said: "Maybe helping us is an easy task for Master Lin Qiong, but for us Fishman Island, this is what we have been fighting for for hundreds of years. A goal that was never achieved."

'Come on, I'm really not good at dealing with this kind of situation--'

Lin Qiong quickly helped Princess Otohime up, and said, "If you really want to thank me, you should develop New Fishman Island well, and then tell me the facts that you are living here very happily and happily!"

"no problem!"

Princess Yiji clenched her fists and said to Lin Qiong with a fighting spirit, "Master Lin Qiong, please watch the development of our Fishman Island carefully!"

"Okay, then I'll wait and see."

Lin Qiong nodded towards Princess Yiji, then turned his attention to Lily who was at the side, and said, "Lily, go and pack your luggage, we are going back to Sky City."

"WOMP ↑!"

Lily heard Lin Qiong's words, and immediately let out a cry full of joy, then quickly turned around, and jumped towards the house.

Lin Qiong: "..."

Well, sure enough it was tough.



Castle in the Sky.

"Womp ↑! WOMP ↑!"

After following Lin Qiong to the Sky City, the little killer whale immediately made a cheerful sound—she looked around the decoration of the Sky City with eyes full of joy and curiosity, and her small mouth kept playing: "Oh! Is this the castle in the sky? It's more beautiful than I imagined—oh! This garden is wonderful, can I roll in it?"

"I suggest you not, because this garden is carefully taken care of by Fei Shazi—"

Lin Qiong glanced at Lily, who was floating in mid-air under the control of magic, and led her towards the interior of Sky City, and said: "Even when Nicole and Zoe are fighting, they will deliberately avoid this position .”


Hearing Lin Qiong's words, Lily made a disappointed voice and said, "Lily knows, Lily won't go near it, the garden."

"Haha, of course it's okay to be close to the flowers, but it's better to jump in and roll around."

Lin Qiong smiled and asked, "Is there anything else you want to do?"



"I want to be a maid in the Castle in the Sky!"

Lin Qiong saw that when Lily said this, the tail of the fish was wagging excitedly.

"Maid? Well, it's not impossible..."

Lin Qiong scratched his head and said, "But let's solve your mobility problem first—you can't keep jumping around, can you?"

"I do not mind!"

"I mind!"


The Lily, sank.


That afternoon, Alabasta.

"...It's probably like this."

Lin Qiong took a sip of water, and then said helplessly, "The solution I came up with was to give her a bracelet with constant levitation, allowing her to swim freely in the air."

"A mermaid who ate a devil fruit and lost the ability to swim..."

The eldest lady raised her hand and rubbed the bridge of her nose, and said, "Why do I feel like I've seen this setting somewhere before?"

"Who do you think Lao Tzu is? Give me the boat—"

Lin Qiong first shouted in a high-spirited tone, and then said with a smile on his face: "This is it, right? Jie·Big Signboard·Ship King·Drought·G."


The eldest lady couldn't help but nodded, and said, "Drought disaster... no, stupid disaster Jack."

"This word for "silly" is wonderful."

Lin Qiong clapped happily, then glanced around and asked with a little curiosity: "So where is Alice? Why haven't I seen her today?"

"Idiot, of course I'm shy—"

The eldest lady propped her chin with her hands, and said with a mocking face: "I think she must be hiding in the room shyly now, imagining the picture of wearing new clothes in front of you, and rolling all over the floor shyly."

"Kind of cute."

Lin Qiong took a look at the scene, sighed with deep regret, and said, "What a pity! It would be great if it could be recorded."

If it can be recorded and played for my sister-in-law in the future, I will definitely get a very interesting picture.

"Yes, it's a pity."

The eldest lady couldn't help but sighed, and said, "But it doesn't matter, there are still many opportunities."

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

What do you mean by this opportunity?

The eldest lady smiled without saying a word, took a sip of scented tea with goji berries, then sighed lightly, turned her head to look at the clouds in the sky, and thought: "Today is also a day for kidney and health!"Alice, you have to work harder, share the firepower for Fei Shazi and me! '

When the secretary saw that the eldest lady's teacup was empty, he quickly picked up the teacup and filled it for her. Then he stepped aside gracefully and thought with wandering eyes: 'I don't know how far Miss Alice can drink...'

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

Why are you all so weird?


at the same time.

Auntie's bedroom.

"Ah, filthy, oh--"

My sister-in-law got her head out of the quilt, looked around vigilantly, and muttered, "It's strange, why do you feel a chill? Is someone planning to plot against me?"

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

There are A Qiong, Erina, Fei Shazi and Yoyo four generals by my side!How could someone pass them and plot against me?

The sister-in-law shook her head, and then turned her gaze to the dancer's outfit at the end of the bed...


She uttered a mournful cry, rolled her head on the bed with her hands in her hands, and then fell off the bed with an exclamation of "Gua—" and made a muffled "boom".


The auntie clutched her forehead and sobbed.

Chapter 0722 I, I, I am a little nervous

The day.

dinner time.

"No, no, no, no, no, no..."

With the blessing of a moving speed comparable to that of a tortoise and a snail, it took the aunt a full 5 minutes to move from the bedroom door to the dining table, then put her hands on her knees, and lowered her head obediently.

"Oh yo yo yo—"

Lin Qiong looked at his sister-in-law who had never been so quiet, and couldn't help but let out a voice of surprise: "Our princess, who has been hiding for a day, is finally willing to come out?"


"Aqiong, don't bully Alice like this, she's just shy."

The eldest lady smiled slightly, with an indescribable abundance and elegance in her expression, "After all, the outfit she will change into later is more astringent than the clothes Fei Shazi and I chose. And nothing less than clothing, go to your room."


"I see!"

Lin Qiong showed a dazed expression, then turned his head and smiled at his sister-in-law, and said, "Then I will look forward to tonight's fashion show."


My sister-in-law screamed three times in succession, and then she became angry and said angrily: "You are not allowed to speak! Shut up! You are not allowed to say a word!"

"OKOK!" X2

Lin Qiong and the eldest lady nodded at the same time, then raised their right hands and drew a zipper movement on their mouths.

Auntie: "..."

Damn it, you couple, can your synchronization rate not be so high? ?

She glared at Lin Qiong and the eldest lady with hatred, then picked up the rice that the secretary had put in it, and started to make it in big mouthfuls: "People are iron, rice is steel, and if you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry!"I haven't eaten all day today, I can't stand it anymore! '

Although the gourmet demon will not overly affect the host's appetite after becoming a demon armed, but it does not mean that the demand for gourmet cells itself will decrease.

"Phew, I'm full——"

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