Let's take a look at how many first-level gods there are in each region?

Two birds in the city, three fools in Fengyuan, three dragons in origin, three dragons in the Tao, XYZ God, sun lion, moon bat, mule horse, sword shield, two dogs, big centipede, and King Leiguan!

This number is more than twenty!

This still doesn't count the phantom beasts such as Mengmeng, Sanshaniao, Sangou, Yanbinggangdianlongzhu and so on!If you add up all of these, the number will be at least fifty and go up!


Fifty legendary Pokémon!Does Dr. Oki feel that even if he researches hair loss, he can't complete the research?

"So what's going on with Gigamax?" Dr. Oki took out his notebook, then looked at Lin Qiong solemnly, and said, "Tell me quickly."

"Okay." Lin Qiong looked at Dr. Oki's posture of "I won't get up if you don't tell me", and couldn't help but smacked his lips, and said, "The reason Gigamax is a feature of the Galar region ,Because of……"

Lin Qiong simply told Dr. Oki about the background story of Wuji Taina, and the doctor who listened to him had bright eyes, and he wished to transform Lin Qiong into a robot that could only keep telling the information of legendary Pokémon.

"...The above is what it is all about." Lin Qiong took a sip of the cold water handed over by Dr. Omu, moistened his throat, and made a conclusion.

Dr. Oki looked at the data recorded in his notebook and couldn't help but sigh: "I really don't know how to thank you."


Lin Qiong got excited, he hurried to Dr. Damu's side, and said with a smile: "Hi! You don't know how to thank me, I know! I happen to have a small, small, small small--"

Lin Qiong also stretched out the index finger and thumb of his right hand, making a small distance.

"—a small request, I hope Dr. Oki can agree!"


Dr. Oki twitched the corner of his mouth regretfully, I shouldn't have said that! !

However, Dr. Oki is an honest man after all, so he could only nod his head in distress, and said, "Tell me, what kind of Pokémon do you want, or something else?"

"Ahem, it's like this—"

Lin Qiong coughed dryly, and said with some embarrassment: "You see, the eldest lady and the secretary and I are not from this world, so we are really not good at cultivating Pokémon, right?"

"Well, then what?"

"Ahem, I just want to ask Dr. Oki, do you know any trainers who can help us train Pokémon?" Lin Qiong scratched his cheeks with some embarrassment, and said: "Although Fairy Eevee, Flower Therapy Huanhuan And the big milk tank doesn't like to fight, but Geng Gui, Blue Jay, Wind Speed ​​Dog, Menus and Tropical Dragon are still willing to improve their strength."

Lin Qiong will neither force Pokémon that don't like fighting, such as Fairy Eevee, Frostmilk, Flower Healing Ring, and Tuscany, to fight, nor will it ban Gengar, Blue Jay, and Wind Speeder. Pokémon training to become stronger.

But the problem is, Lin Qiong really doesn't know how to train Pokémon!He is essentially just a Pokémon story party. When playing games, he forms a team purely according to his own preferences, and never cares whether the individual value, effort value, personality, and characteristics are correct—it’s just a story anyway, and the level Wouldn't it be over if you crushed it?

So Lin Qiong, not to mention the weather team, the drug guard, etc., he doesn't even understand the reasonable combination of skills-if he is asked to match the moves, it is probably the four attack skills of the brainless department, and then he is defeated. Man is restrained to death.

In this case, how can you give Lin Qiong the confidence to train those Pokémon?Although the blue jay could be left to Nazi for the time being, Nazi was essentially an expert in the superpower system, and she also had some professional incompatibility with the flying blue jay - so Lin Qiong decided to focus on Dr. Omu.

Don't look at the image of Dr. Oki as an honest and harmless researcher, just look at his champion-level fast dragon with a level of 83, and you can guess how strong his peak strength is.

Asking him to raise Pokémon is not shabby.

Chapter 0076 irresistible reward

When Dr. Omu heard Lin Qiong's request and looked at Lin Qiong's expectant eyes, he suddenly felt a sudden pain in his temple.

"Let me tell you—" Dr. Oki rubbed his head, and said helplessly, "I admit that when I was young, I had some strength..."

Lin Qiong slandered: "How much strength === take out the champion Kuailong casually, right? '

Dr. Oki continued: "But I'm getting old now, and the focus of my life has been placed on research. You ask me to help you train Pokémon..."

The doctor covered his face in pain—he didn't have enough time every day because of too many subjects, and now Lin Qiong wanted to give him a whole new job?

No, you really think my hair is thick, don't you?

I am also human, I will be bald!

"Hmm..." Lin Qiong quietly glanced at Dr. Oki's still thick hair, and muttered, "Actually, I don't think it's much bald."

"That's because I took good care of it!" Dr. Oki glared at Lin Qiong, and said, "It's too late when I'm really bald!"

"Yes Yes Yes--"

Lin Qiong nodded perfunctorily, and said, "Then why don't you introduce a powerful Pokémon trainer?"

It's a pity that this is a TV version of the world, there is no such thing as Chi Ye, the fighter, and Lu Ye, the nurturer. Otherwise, Lin Qiong would panic and ask Lu Ye for help.

It took Master Lu a year to casually pull together a group of perverts who started out as king-level Pokémon!In terms of strong cultivation ability, it is estimated that he dares to be the second, and no one dares to be the first.

Dr. Oki touched his chin and said, "Well, let me think about it..."

Gengar, Wind Speed ​​Dog, Blue Jay;

Ice Nine Tails, Mini Dragon, Menus;

Tropical Dragon, Fire Nine Tails.

From ghost/poison, to fire, to flying/steel, to ice, to dragon, to water, to flying, grass, it covers almost all kinds of attributes. If you are only looking for a Pokémon trainer who is proficient in a certain attribute , probably not enough...

"A trainer who is strong enough and proficient in multiple attributes, I guess I can only find that one..." Dr. Oki thought for a few seconds, and said: "I can help you find a professional counterpart trainer, but your little girlfriend It must have been busy for a while."

As soon as Lin Qiong heard it, he understood what Dr. Oki meant—the only thing that could keep the eldest lady busy was cooking, right?

"So, please pay someone else's reward, is it an energy cube?"

"That's right! The energy cube made by Erina is very attractive even among the Four Heavenly Kings or champions." Dr. Oki nodded resolutely and said, "How?"

Lin Qiong nodded and said, "No problem."

Dr. Oki said with a smile: "Then you can look forward to it!"



Although Dr. Damu made Lin Qiong look forward to it, Lin Qiong really didn't expect that the "coach" that Dr. Damu said would be such a heavyweight.

"Cough cough."

 Dr. Damu coughed dryly, then pointed to the blond beauty next to him and said: "This is Zhulan, the champion of the Sinnoh region. I specially invited you to be your coach."

Good guy!

Lin Qiong called it a good guy!

As expected of Dr. Oki, he really has face. He was able to recruit Zhulan to be his coach. This is no longer Niu 13, this is Niu 13 ProMax!

Even more awesome than the energy bottle guy?

This is bamboo orchid!The well-deserved No.1 female character in the Pokémon series!

"She is very powerful~" Dr. Oki said with a smile.

Zhulan smiled lightly, and said, "The doctor has won the award, and I'm just an ordinary champion."

It's okay to be mediocre.

"Champion Zhulan, hello—" Lin Qiong stood up first, and introduced: "I am Lin Qiong, and this is my girlfriend, Nakiri Erina, and my secretary, Xinhu Feisha, and the cheating food cheater." Drink the belly nazi."

"You fart!" Na Zi immediately turned into a Tiger King, angrily shouted.

Lin Qiong glanced at Na Zi and said, "Mung Dou was in a car accident and was splashed with blood, so he became Hong Dou."

"Pfft ha ha ha, mung bean, mung bean has become red bean, ha ha ha—" Na Zi fell down (crying).

"Look, fish belly." Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders towards Sirona, and said, "It only takes this kind of cold joke that can make people wrap a quilt in summer, and it can make her laugh so hard."

"But, damn——" Na Zi looked at Lin Qiong angrily after she regained her strength, and said, "Although my smile is very low, after such a long period of training, I am no longer the same person I was before. !"

Lin Qiong was silent for a few seconds, and then said again: "I scratched the match because his head was itchy, and accidentally burned it. When he came out of the hospital, he was wrapped into a cotton swab."

"Puff cough cough—"

Nazi, who turned matches into cotton swabs, fell down again.


Master Lin Qiong shook his head lonely. Who would have thought that the jokes that were boring at the beginning could now become a "treasure for Nazi"?It's just that Nazi is too mediocre in this aspect, leaving Lin Qiong with no sense of accomplishment.

Spicy chicken!

Seeing the lively atmosphere of Lin Qiong's team, Zhulan couldn't help showing a smile, she said softly: "Nice to meet you! In the next time, I will tailor-made according to the status quo of your Pokémon. A training plan - so that even if I leave, you can also arrange Pokémon's training according to the schedule."




Standing in Dr. Oki's research room, Lin Qiong saw through the window Zhulan who was pointing Geng Gui and the others in the backyard. He couldn't help but smacked his lips and flattered him: "As expected of the world's most famous Dr. Pokémon in the Kanto area. , Celebi’s witness, time traveler Xiaozhi’s good friend Dr. Omu! He can actually bring Zhulan back! It’s amazing!”

Standing beside Lin Qiong, Dr. Oki was holding a cup of wolfberry tea, and said calmly, "I just offered something Zhulan couldn't refuse."


"The research materials of Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina in the Sinnoh area." Dr. Oki took a sip of tea and continued: "In addition to being a champion, Bamboo Orchid is also a mythologist, so the face-to-face Naturally, it is impossible to refuse my proposal."

"oh oh--"

Lin Qiong suddenly realized that the information on Pokémon and the energy cube of the eldest lady make her a master of mythology and champion. It is no wonder that Zhulan asked for leave to train in the Kanto area.

It's just, suffering from enlightenment song wow!As soon as Zhulan asked for leave, [-]% of her job fell on the shoulders of this super power king - everyone else was super water and super fighting, only he was super liver.

Too bad it belongs to yes.

Dr. Oki stretched out his hand and patted Lin Qiong's shoulder, and said, "In addition to the three dragons of origin, there are also a lot of legendary Pokémon in the Sinnoh area! These are all specially left for you by me, and you can use their information How much you can dig out from the bamboo orchid depends on your ability."

Lin Qiong scratched his head in distress. Although Zhulan's weakness has been figured out, Lin Qiong really doesn't know how to play tricks, so he really doesn't know how many good things he can dig up from Zhulan...

Forget it, let's take a step by step!



"Ni Zukai!" Fairy Ibrahimovic was very annoying, very annoying.

The reason for this comes from the Ice Eevee (♀) behind her.

Ice Ibrahimovic gently stuck to Fairy Ibrahimovic's body, and then said in a tired voice: "Stick stick~"

Ice Ibrahimovic swears that she has never seen a girl as beautiful as Fairy Ibrahimovic in her life-although she is not a Lalaibu in essence, who can resist the temptation to stick with such a cute girl?

Can't!No one can!Like cute, fragrant and soft girls, it is the instinct of all living things!

"Ni! Kanade! Kai!"

Fairy Ibrahimovic put his front paws against Fairy Ibrahimovic's face angrily, but Fairy Ibrahimovic (Lv.27)'s strength was really not enough in front of Bing Ibrahimovic (Lv.76).

"Hey hey, little Ibrahimovic's hands are so soft—" Ice Ibrahimovic felt that she was about to melt, she rubbed the fleshy ball in Fairy Ibrahimovic's palm, and said with a smile: "kksk!"


Fairy Ibrahimovic couldn't take it anymore, she ran towards Lin Qiong with a "swoosh", and then quickly jumped into Lin Qiong's arms.


Lin Qiong hurriedly hugged the heavy Ibrahimovic, and then said dumbfoundingly: "Yi Bao, your current size is really not so easy to catch, take it easy."

An ordinary fairy Ibrahimovic is 1m tall, not to mention Lin Qiong's growth is so good that it exploded under the feeding of the eldest lady, and the height has been approaching 1.3m recently-this is already a small The size of the cheetah.

"Boui Boi!"

Ibrahimovic couldn't control that much, she hugged Lin Qiong tightly with her four limbs, and then said in a panic: "Save, save, save, save! That icy one is a freak!"


Lin Qiong hugged Fairy Ibrahimovic with both hands, then turned around and glanced at Bing Ibrahimovic who was looking at him with envious eyes, and couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth.

What did this Ice Eevee do to my Yibao to scare her like this?


At this time, Lin Qiong suddenly heard a heavy panting sound from Bing Yibu's mouth.

"Hey, hey hey, hey hey hey... The frightened, trembling Fairy Eevee is so cute... Hehehe... Fairy Eevee, my Fairy Eevee..." Bing Yibo sucked his saliva , and then let out a scalp-numbing laugh.

'This guy, it's really changed--'

Lin Qiong couldn't help shivering, and the fairy Ibrahimovic, who had already exploded, squeezed his head into Lin Qiong's arms in fright.

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