Help, this is too Haib!

Chapter 0077 The eldest lady explodes and kills

"Ahem, Miss Zhulan, take care of your Ice Eevee——"

Lin Qiong couldn't stand it anymore. He felt as if he was facing off against Anna Jinzhinomiya - and it was the kind of Anna Jinzhimiya whose eyes turned into love hearts and who was panting heavily with a flushed face. palace.

Spicy is terrible for Joan of Arc.


Zhulan, who was arranging the training, turned her head suspiciously, and then saw her Bingyibu's changed appearance, she couldn't help but twitched the corner of her mouth.

Ice Ibrahimovic, what's wrong with you?You are a ladylike existence in our family, and you usually have the nickname "Ibji of Ice" when you appear on the stage. How come the ice sculpture has become a sand sculpture now?


Fairy Ibrahimovic's tail was pinched, and she yelled at Lin Qiong: "Master, I want to score!"

Oh my god, the fairy Ibrahimovic, who doesn't like being in the elf ball and is too clingy to the forest dome, actually takes the initiative to ask for a goal to escape. What a spectacular scene is this?

Lin Qiong looked at Fairy Ibrahimovic's expression on the verge of crying, and hurriedly took out the poke ball, and then took her in.


Seeing Fairy Eevee disappear in front of her, Bing Eevee showed a disappointed expression, and she lowered her head in frustration.

Why are you avoiding me?

Could it be... I see!

Ice Ibrahimovic rekindled hope, she raised her head and thought: "It must be that my enthusiasm is not enough, it hasn't been conveyed to her heart yet!"Next time, I will definitely be more enthusiastic! '

So you are going in the wrong direction from the beginning!

Zhulan even covered her face with her hands, and said with twitching corners of her mouth, "Ibrahimovic, didn't I ask you to teach Kyuubi? Why did you appear here?"

Yes, Zhulan brought most of her main force here this time——

Huayan Monster is responsible for the ghost part of Gengar;

Rose Redo is in charge of Gengar's poisonous part and Tropical Dragon's grass part;

Pokkisi is responsible for the flight department of Tropical Dragon and Blue Jay;

Ice Eevee is in charge of Krach, Minas is in charge of Minas, and King Eel is in charge of Pikachu;

The only fire element that is missing is that she herself will go into battle.

It belongs to comprehensive cultivation.

Only a champion with all-round development can do this kind of thing—of course, it's not a champion who doesn't specialize in a certain attribute, don't you think so, Dodo?

"Booy Booy—"

Bing Yibu looked at Zhulan innocently.

I taught her Ice Light, and she was practicing, so I slipped out to watch the beautiful girl!Hehehe, Fairy Eevee is so cute, much cuter than other Eevee I have seen, hehe, hehehehe...

Seeing Bingyibu, who had an innocent face just a second ago, showing a foolish smile again, Zhulan couldn't help covering her face with her hands and sighed, then looked at Lin Qiong, and said with a complicated expression: "This... my Bingyibu Ibrahimovic is such a girl, I am sorry in every way."

Lin Qiong couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, then waved his hands with a dry smile, and said, "It's okay, other Ice Ibrahimovic can still restrain themselves... right?"

With Ice Ibrahimovic's strength, if he really wants to do something like this to Fairy Ibrahimovic—such as smoothing her hair with his tongue—then Fairy Ibrahimovic probably has no ability to resist, let alone He ran back into his arms.

From this point of view, Ibrahimovic still has a bottom line...probably.

"Ahaha..." Zhulan let out a burst of dry laughter. She felt that she could not continue this topic, otherwise her Ice Eevee would be killed sooner or later!Yes, we have to change the subject!

She looked up at the sky, then turned her head and said, "Speaking of which, the difference in strength between the Pokémon in your team is ridiculous!"

Indeed, Geng Gui's level has reached level 59, and he is only one step away from breaking through 60 to reach the king level, but the highest level among other Pokémon is only level 47 of the tropical dragon, and other babies are generally at level 10. -20 levels.

Lin Qiong looked at the babies who were training and said, "Well, it's because of various reasons—"

Lin Qiong briefly said that he, the eldest lady, and the secretary were newcomer trainers who only went on a trip this year, and then mentioned the process of subduing Geng Gui and Tropical Dragon.

'New, newcomer? Newcomers in their 20s? Zhulan was a little dumbfounded—mainly because newcomer trainers in the Pokémon world usually go out for travel when they are around 12 to 20 years old. Zhulan and Dawu both made their names in their teens. Tell her that he didn’t travel until he was in his [-]s?

What's the difference between that and being a professional gamer at 25?

She couldn't help rubbing the bridge of her nose, and changed the subject dryly: "Tropical dragons are subdued by the smell of food? It seems that the breeders in your team are of high level?"

Lin Qiong said proudly: "As far as cooking skills are concerned, in this world, there shouldn't be any of them who can fight."

In Lin Qiong's mind, in terms of pure cooking skills, the current eldest lady can only be ranked in the T3 level——

T0 is Chen Bangling (Master Abe), T1 is the top chef in the gourmet captive world and the top chef in the Chinese world, T2 is the second-level chef, such as Dojima Gin and Joichiro, and T3 is the round Get Missy and her ilk.

But, this doesn't mean that Missy is very good, okay?After excluding T0's cute newcomers, T1's giants, and T2's big bosses, there is no problem for the young lady of T3 to crush the breeders of Pokémon World.

Facing Lin Qiong's answer, Zhulan couldn't help raising her eyebrows, and jokingly said, "It seems that you are very confident in your companion's cooking skills?"

"It's not ordinary confidence!" Lin Qiong looked at Zhulan and said with a smile: "If I want to say it, I am as confident as you are in your own bite of the land shark!"

If the signature of the silly thing is Pikachu, the signature of Dandi is the fire-breathing dragon, and the signature of Dawu is the flashing golden monster, then the signature of Zhulan is undoubtedly biting the land shark!

This is her trump card, and the only hole card she will think of when she is in a desperate situation!

"That's really incredible confidence!" Zhulan laughed and said, "I'm really looking forward to today's lunch."

I have to say that Zhulan wants to be a good person!One of Dr. Oki's conditions for recruiting her is the energy cube made by the eldest lady, but she pretended not to know it so that Lin Qiong could show it off—it's a pity that Lin Qiong had already learned the truth from Dr. Oki , but this does not prevent him from showing off his girlfriend.

"Please look forward to it!" Lin Qiong showed a confident smile, "In terms of cooking, Erina has never disappointed!"



After a morning of training, the Pokémon in the three-person team (barely plus Nazi) all have a feeling of "learning"-especially a certain Geng Gui, who has lived in a non-combat life for a hundred years. , The experience he accumulated before has almost been forgotten!

Now it can be regarded as being awakened by Huayan Monster and Rose Leiduo, who has been sleeping for a hundred years... no, it is the battle memory that has been sleeping for a hundred years, and the level has broken through to level 60, which is just stepping into the threshold of the king level.

Of course, the focus of this shot is not on Geng Gui, who has been promoted to the rank of Heavenly King, but on Zhulan and his party who are sitting at Lin Qiong's dinner table for the first time.


Although Zhulan tried her best to hold back the hiccup, it came and she really had no choice.

"It seems that the Bamboo Orchid Champion is very satisfied with Erina's craftsmanship."

Lin Qiong glanced at the empty rice bowl in front of Zhulan, and couldn't help showing a smile——no matter who you are, as long as you boast about the cooking skills of the eldest lady, then we are half-brothers and sisters!

"Could not be more satisfied."

Zhulan's face turned red. She picked up a tissue and wiped the corners of her mouth, then sighed from the bottom of her heart: "I am extremely glad that I agreed to Dr. Omu's invitation."

If you miss this skill, it’s okay if you don’t know it, but if you realize what you missed in the future, you will definitely regret it and not be able to eat your favorite ice cream...

Um! ?ice cream! ?

Zhulan pondered for a few seconds, then asked: "Well, Miss Erina, can you make desserts? For example, ice cream."


The eldest lady said without thinking: "Of course I will."

Although desserts are not what the eldest lady is best at, as a cook, how could she not be able to make desserts?


Zhulan's eyes lit up, and pretending to be calm, she put her right fist in front of her mouth and coughed, and said, "Well, I wonder if I'll be lucky enough to taste it?"

"Yes, yes, but I still lack some materials. I may need to borrow from Dr. Damu—" The eldest lady blinked and said, "First of all, the honey provided by the three bees, and the honey provided by the lucky egg or the happy egg egg."

Zhu Lan said without hesitation: "I don't need to ask Dr. Oki for these at all, I can provide them! Leave them to me!"

The eldest lady's eyes lit up, and she said with a little excitement: "Then let's start quickly! I also want to know how delicious the ice cream made with top-quality ingredients is!"



Top quality whipped cream from Frosty Cream Fairy;

Eggs provided by Happy Egg;

fresh milk from large milk jugs;

The sugar from the honey of the three bees;

Top-notch creamy strawberries from Frosty Milk Fairy.

Looking at the materials lined up in front of her, the eldest lady couldn't wait to start acting.

First extract the egg yolk, and save the egg white for cooking; then add sugar to the egg yolk and stir until the color of the egg yolk becomes lighter; then pour milk into the pot... Finally, Bingyibu releases the freezing wind on it Allow to cool.


The eldest lady put the frozen ice cream on the table, and then said confidently: "Sa, everyone, come and taste it!"

Erina's special made simple ice cream!

Chapter 0078 nest, alpaca!

In the following time, the lives of Lin Qiong and others became extraordinarily regular.

From Monday to Friday, team members will stay in Dr. Oki's research institute to receive training from Zhulan;

On Saturdays and Sundays, Zhulan will return to the Sinnoh area to deal with matters, and the team members will take the opportunity to go to other areas to enjoy special food, unique scenery and so on.

In this way, Lin Qiong soon stayed in this world for half a year, unlocking the permission to travel with life.




Zhulan let out a sigh of relief, then put down the controller in her hand and said, "Today is the last day, right?"


Lin Qiong nodded and said, "Thank you very much."

The six months of getting along has brought Lin Qiong and others closer to Zhulan - at least they no longer have to call each other with slightly unfamiliar titles like "Miss Champion" and "Miss Zhulan".

"I'm really reluctant to-"

Zhulan stroked the game console in front of her, and said with a look of nostalgia: "My Resident Evil is still short of the last few achievements."

'So are you reluctant to part with us, or are you reluctant to part with the game console and Erina's craftsmanship? Lin Qiong glanced at Zhulan, then held up his chin and said, "You can take it back if you want! How big is a game console?"

"So embarrassing?" Zhulan stood up, and under Lin Qiong's expressionless gaze, she quickly removed the main unit, power supply, and connecting cables, and stuffed them into her backpack.

'As long as you move a little slower, I will believe that you are really embarrassed——'

Lin Qiong covered his forehead.

He remembered that Zhulan was not like this!At the beginning, Zhulan was still a good woman who was as gentle, elegant and approachable as a young lady. Why did she become so shameless now?

Who in the end infected her! ?Damn it!

After packing up the game console, Zhulan said with some regret: "I feel a little sad when I think that I will never be able to eat the food made by Erina again."

"so what?"

"So let's have a big dinner tonight?" Zhulan blinked and said.

'Who did I learn this shameless energy from? Who did I learn from! Lin Qiong slandered, nodded and said, "I think it's okay."



That night.

Oki Research Institute, backyard.


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