Marshado was startled, she hurriedly raised her hand to wipe the corner of her mouth, then frantically stuffed the handle back into the shadow, then raised her head again and said, "I worked hard, please praise me!"

Feng Wang asked with a dark face: "Mashaduo, what efforts have you made?"


After being stunned for a few seconds, Marshado raised his head and said seriously: "I keep an eye on everything around me every day to see if there are ghost-type Pokémon approaching him invisibly or cursing him. He sleeps at night. From time to time, I will also patrol around..."

Feng Wang thought: "You fart, my mother has never seen you come out, you are patrolling a fart!" '

When Lin Qiong heard Machado describe how hard he worked, he suddenly asked, "Which game do you like the most?"

"Of course it's Devil May Cry and Bayonetta!" Machado replied without hesitation, "The fighting in these two games is really cool. I like... like...?"

After reacting, Masha Duo turned his head stiffly, and Lin Qiong's three-pointed, three-pointed thoughtful, and 94-point playful eyes caught his attention: "Oh! It seems that I have played a lot of games! By the way My family, Geng Gui, has been taken care of by you?"

Lin Qiong understood why Geng Gui seldom appeared during this time, and even if he did appear, he looked sullen—you don't need to think about it, the computer must be taken over by Mashaduo!

Just imagine, you are a game fan yourself, but your computer is occupied by someone else, and you can only watch others play. How uncomfortable would it be?


Machado thought for a while, and said, "I can cunningly... explain it!"

"Please start your performance." Lin Qiong stretched out his right hand and said, "After you finish your speech, Teacher Feng Wang will give you the grades!"

Feng Wang shook his wings, then looked at Machado, and said, "If your performance dissatisfies me, you understand."


Masha Duo showed an aggrieved expression, she moved in front of Feng Wang, then bent down, raised her buttocks, and said loudly: "Hit it! Lighten it!"

I am super, are you playing so big?

Lin Qiong couldn't help but smacked his lips and said, "I didn't expect King Feng to be so fond of this."


Feng Wang feels that he has a reputation...forget it, I'm just a flashing toucan, and I have a hammer reputation?

Ah!smelly man.

"Okay, let's end the joke here." At this moment, Arceus spoke.She walked in front of Lin Qiong with brisk steps, and said softly, "Traveler from another world, I want to make a deal with you—"

"You said."

"The Pokémon in the world I created, as long as you acquire them legally and Pokémon itself agrees, then you can take them away at will. I will not stop you, but will help you take the Pokémon's Maximize the quality of your talent." Arceus looked at Lin Qiong and said, "In exchange, I hope that after you grow up, you can bring regular items from other worlds to this world."

Lin Qiong opened his mouth, and couldn't help asking: "The items with regular breath... Hey, they look tall when they stand up, can I really handle these things?"

"The power of rules can also be divided into high and low levels." Arceus explained, "Using the Pokémon world as a metaphor, from my slate to the fire stone, they all contain the power of rules."


In this way, Lin Qiong has a bottom line in his heart-that is to say, those non-daily worlds with strange powers?

"That's easy to talk about! No problem! I will give you a copy if I can get it!" Lin Qiong made an OK gesture and said with a smile: "Thank you very much!"

"So, the transaction is established?"

"The transaction is established!"



After Arceus left with Feng Wang (disdainful but reluctant) and Machado (reluctant but actually unwilling), Lin Qiong exhaled and said, "I know, I've made a lot of money." !"

The secretary who had been holding back for a long time couldn't help but said: "Master Lin! Why didn't you ask Arceus to raise Geng Gui's strength to Fengwang level? In that case, wouldn't our safety be extra guaranteed? "

"Because that won't work!" Lin Qiong smiled and explained: "With Geng Gui's current strength, the increase to the Phoenix King level is too huge, and the Boundary Crossing Gate will not recognize this kind of external force. "

If it is said that Geng Gui's strength is 100 points, and the Gengar Gold Pokémon armor can increase her strength to 200 points-this level of external force increase is still within the range allowed by the Transmigration Gate.

But if, Geng Gui's strength is 100 points, and Arceus' blessing directly increases her strength to 10000 points-this kind of external force increase is obviously not allowed by the Transmigration Gate.

In other words, even if Lin Qiong went to the Marvel World to obtain an artifact such as the Infinity Gem, he could only use it in the Marvel World. Once he went to other worlds, the power of the Infinity Gem would be blocked by the World Transit Gate. blockade.

Lin Qiong speculates that this is probably a limitation of the world-transmitting gate, in order to prevent the holder from relying too much on external forces to improve their own strength, while ignoring their own training.

Chapter 0080 The Return

The world of the spirit of eating halberds.

Nakiri's house.

"Wow oh oh-"

After Lin Qiong released all the little babies he brought back from the Pokémon world, the (former) and (current) Ten Elites who came to watch all around screamed.

"What is this, what is this, what is this!!?" The 80th Yuanyue Shijie graduate, Qianri Xiangzi, was resting his chin on Lin Qiong's lap, squinting his eyes and enjoying Lin Qiong's caress The fairy Eevee let out an uncontrollable exclamation, "How can there be such a cute creature! I love it!"

Although I have seen the vertical painting of Fairy Eevee through illustrated books, no matter how cute the vertical painting is, it cannot compare to the real Fairy Eevee.


Fairy Ibrahimovic, who was already used to this kind of voice, didn't even have the desire to respond. She just yawned lazily and then shook her tail.

However, even just this kind of movement was enough to make the girls around clutch their chests and exclaim that the blood tank was empty, and Huang Tian should stand up.


Lin Qiong looked at the fairy Eevee in his arms, and his mind couldn't help but drift to the time when he took her on a cruise when she was still Eevee, and met the big sister controlled by Eevee - thinking back carefully, I'm afraid he had already been controlled by Al at that time. Zeus is watching, right?The reason why Ibrahimovic can gain such charm despite growing wildly is probably because of "god's love".

"So you're actually Teruhashi Ibrahimovic?"


Ibrahimovic tilted her head in confusion, but that didn't stop her from rubbing her head against Lin Qiong's face.


This action directly made the girls owe her a tube of blood-fortunately, this is not a funny cartoon, so there is no picture of nosebleeds gushing out and blood flowing into rivers.

"Although you should have learned a lot from the information left by Young Master Lin—" the secretary took the initiative to introduce the work, "but let me introduce these Pokémon and their abilities in detail!"

It is true that Lin Qiong has left information about the Pokémon world, but this group of cooks have been obsessed with Master Abe's training recently, and have no intention of reading those materials at all—if Lin Qiong hadn't taken them from China this time, The world brought them back, they are probably still addicted to practice and cannot extricate themselves.

Therefore, with little knowledge, everyone present listened very carefully, and when the secretary's introduction shifted from fighting types such as Ibrahimovic, Geng Gui, Nine Tails, and Wind Speed ​​Dog to Tropical Dragon, Frost Milk Fairy, When it was time for logistics such as the big milk tank, the eyes of the chefs changed.

"The world's top cream and fresh milk?" Akakubomomo looked at the creamy milk fairy who was looking around curiously beside the eldest lady and the big milk pot sitting in a daze with fiery eyes, and murmured: "Is there any How high quality can be called this? If you use this material to make desserts..."

Thinking of the birth of that transcendent dessert under his own hands, Akane Kubomomo had the urge to transform into a Fire Mist Warrior on the spot, and then fight the Red World's disciples for [-] rounds.

Not only Akakubo Momo, but other cooks also looked at the Frost Milk Fairy and the Big Milk Pot with curious eyes—no matter who it was, after hearing the secretary call the two with the prefix "the world's top", When looking at the materials produced by Pokémon, it is inevitable to show a curious expression.

How good is it?

"How about, let's have a taste?"

The eldest lady smiled and stood up. She gently stroked the big milk pot's head and said, "Big milk pot, I'll leave it to you."


The big milk pot patted his chest cheerfully, and then followed the secretary to the restaurant to milk the milk.



"In addition to the Pokémon introduced by the secretary just now, I actually brought back a lot of other Pokémon."

Seeing that the atmosphere had cooled down a bit, Lin Qiong said again: "First of all——"

This time, Lin Qiong did not release all the elves, but only one of each kind.And when Lin Qiong introduced the functions of these Pokémon that can produce ingredients by themselves or assist in the growth of ingredients, all the cooks present showed enthusiastic expressions.

"It's such a wonderful world—" Dojima Yin couldn't help showing a longing expression, and said, "I really want to travel to that world."

"Who isn't?" Joichiro also looked fascinated, "Traveling the world with Pokémon? Tsk tsk, this is too handsome!"

"I said Dad—" Xing Ping Chuangzhen couldn't help but complained: "You are already old, and you still want to travel with these cute creatures?"

What is this, macho men also have spring?Or pink macho?

No matter how you think about it, it's weird.

"Stupid son, there are not only cute Pokémon!" Joichiro gave his son a slap in the face angrily, and said, "Won't I catch some stronger ones?"

Although I haven't browsed the illustrated book in detail, Joichiro has seen fake macho Pokémon such as Nido King, Boss Cordora, and Bankiras, okay?

Um?You ask why is it a fake macho type?That's because the macho Pokémon are mouth teeth like Shining Xanadu, Fairy Eevee, Sishi Hairen, and Diancie!

Is there a problem?No problem, no problem at all!

"Tch, daddy, you old bones, don't get tired when you walk."

"Are you kidding? I won't even lie down if you lie down."

Seeing the familiar father and son choking, Lin Qiong couldn't help touching his chin, and then said thoughtfully: "Well, if you want to go to the Pokémon World, it's not impossible."


Lin Qiong's words were like a circle bear poking a needle wasp's nest, and all the eyes in the yard were focused on it.

"Not to mention anything else, with your cooking skills, you will have a great advantage in the Pokémon world—" Lin Qiong blinked and said, "Erina is deeply touched by this."

"Qiong is right." The eldest lady nodded and said, "Pokémon's mind is very simple. If you treat them with kindness and entertain them with delicious food, you can easily get The favorability of Pokémon, even if you don't fight, you can tame Pokémon."

"No... can it be okay without fighting?" Tian Suohui couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, it was great that he didn't need to fight.

However, what Lin Qiong and the eldest lady did not expect was that other people's focus did not seem to be on what the eldest lady said, but on...

"Humph~" The death king Ganri Xiangzi covered his mouth teasingly, and said, "I just called Erina by name~"

Yoshino Yuki on the side also let out a "hee hee hee" laugh, and said, "And the eldest lady also called 'Qiong' directly—"

Then, the two looked at each other, then looked at Lin Qiong and the eldest lady in unison, and said in unison: "Could it be that—"

Although it was only Kanhiko and Yoshino Yuki who asked the question, in fact, even the old man, who was kneeling on the tatami and drinking tea with a calm face, all pricked up his ears at this moment.

"This..." Lin Qiong scratched his face shyly, and said, "Yes, as you think, Erina and I started dating—"

"Ahh——I said it—" the eldest lady raised her hands and covered her face.

"Oh~~~~" Someone cheered at that time.

The old man and Dojima Gin looked at each other, and both of them showed a smile - sure enough, if a lonely man and a widow get along for a long time, it is inevitable that there will be sparks of love, isn't it?

Yes, that's right!


Lin Qiong quickly coughed twice to relieve his embarrassment. He pretended to be serious and said, "What's the good thing? Do you still want to hear about the Pokémon world?"

"Hehehe——" Seemingly seeing Lin Qiong's embarrassment, Gan Rixiangzi approached with a smirk and said, "We want to hear your love more than anything about the Pokémon world. story--"

"Hmm--" xn

'This group of guys——' Lin Qiong clenched his fists involuntarily, and then glared viciously at Dojima Gin who was nodding in the crowd—you almost 40-year-old old man, you still nod every now and then! ?

Dojima Gin looked back at Lin Qiong confidently - Who told me that I couldn't stand Erina's temperament?Why does it smell so good now?Hey, man!

Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth, and then said with a black face: "Do you still want to taste the milk from the big milk jug? If you don't want to drink it, just keep asking."


Looking at the few people who died down, Lin Qiong rolled his eyes, thinking that I am holding you all right now, and I am afraid that you will turn the sky upside down?



Five minutes later, when everyone tasted a small cup of milk from a large milk jug, they were all shocked by the mellow aroma of this milk.

Akakubo Momo was even more excited and wanted to become Super Saiyan to go to Frieza and beat Kling together: "If the cream provided by Cream Fairy is of this quality, then the desserts made by Momoko will definitely be more delicious ! ! '

"Wow, this tastes so delicious." Yoshino Yuki licked her lips and said: "Even the milk produced by the top cows is no match at all! Pokémon is really powerful!"

Lin Qiong felt that Yoshino Yukaji's face at this time could go to Pokémon World to create a Douyin account. He had already thought of the name, and he called it Yoshino Rafu-just kidding.

"The milk in the big milk jug is not only delicious, but the nutrients contained in it are the most important." Lin Qiong said seriously, "If you can have a cup of milk in the big milk jug every morning for several years in a row, it will be enough to make you happy. Your physique has doubled or even tripled."

"This can already be said to be a treasure." After Ganri Xiangzi sighed, he changed the subject and said, "By the way, we drank the milk too—are you going to continue talking about your love story?"

"Hmm!" xN

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