Everyone nodded again.

While Lin Qiong was sweating soybeans, he shouted in his heart that he couldn't hold it any longer: "I'm really convinced by you guys. After drinking the milk, you started to cause trouble, right?" '

Chapter 0081 Let's live in another world

A few minutes ago, Lin Qiong was still applauding for his carefulness, and felt that he hadn't made progress, right?As a result, after a few minutes, he knew that he was too naive.

A group of old six!

"Tell me quickly."

Hinatako crossed her legs and held a handful of melon seeds in her hand. While cracking them with relish, she said curiously: "How did you and Erina-chan get to know each other?"

Fourth Palace, where is the Fourth Palace!Treat her quickly!

"That's right." Dojima Gin imitated Gan Hyuko's movements, and while eating melon seeds, he asked like an aunt downstairs: "Hurry up and tell me! We are all very interested."

Where are you from, Papa Silver?Don't do such gossip!

Joichiro sat next to Gin-san, divided a handful of melon seeds, then nodded and said, "Hurry up and share your young feelings."

Why don't you share your relationship with your wife! ?

Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth and said with a speechless expression: "I'm really convinced by you guys - no, what you should be concerned about now is not the new Pokémon and tree fruits that can be used in the cooking world. What new changes has it brought? Why do you care about this kind of gossip?"

Inui Hinata said in a confident tone like "black silk is for licking": "You can study new materials at any time! It's about the relationship gossip between you and Erina. If you missed it this time, wait. Once you set off, you will have to wait for more than half a year!"



"Speak quickly!"

"Don't hold your breath!"

Ah, damn it!

Lin Qiong looked at the eldest lady for help, but found that his girlfriend was even worse than him, and she already looked like a pig with an overloaded brain.


'Then let's die together! '

A self-defeating smile appeared on the corner of Lin Qiong's mouth, he raised his head and said, "If you want me to say something, it's not impossible—but, since the topic has come up, why don't we have a gossip exchange! "


"Brother Joichiro, can you tell me about the past between you and your wife later?"


"Sister Hinata, I wonder if you have someone you like?"


"and also……"

Lin Qiong looked around at the others, then smiled and said, "Does anyone else have any stories they want to share?"

'Grass, insidious!Damn it, retreat! '

Everyone cursed in their hearts, they didn't expect this little guy to be so insidious now--damn it, we just came here to listen to gossip and tease you, but we didn't intend to expose ourselves, okay?

"Ah, I forgot to turn off the boiling water—"

"My toilet hasn't been flushed yet!"

"I forgot to wipe my ass—"

"Oops, my window is open—"

"Slipped--" xn

Lin Qiong watched expressionlessly as all the people left the stage quickly, then he put his hands on his hips with a "hum" and said proudly: "That's all!"

The secretary clapped his hands and said, "Master Lin is amazing, he can think of such a method."

"You still have the nerve to say—" Lin Qiong squinted at the secretary, and said, "Our family's Erina is almost overloaded, and I haven't seen you save me!"

"Well..." The secretary looked away guiltily—she couldn't say it was because she thought the young lady's pig-headed look was cute, and she wanted to appreciate it more, right?

That much is not good, hehe.


At this time, the old man on the side coughed dryly, and then said solemnly: "Boy Lin, I haven't left yet!"

"Ahh—" Lin Qiong blinked, then glanced at the secretary, and said, "Well, the biggest boss is still here!"



After half an hour of narration, Lin Qiong stumbled and told the old man what happened to him and the eldest lady—in any case, Lin Qiong had to give someone an explanation for abducting his granddaughter, right?

He's not the kind of "I'm honored to see your granddaughter, and you want to explain it" mentality.


Lin Qiongcheng was lying on the tatami. He turned his head, looked at the head of the eldest lady on the side, and said, "This is considered to be approved by the parents, right?"

"Don't ask me—" The eldest lady turned her head and pointed the back of her head at Lin Qiong.

With sharp eyes, Lin Qiong noticed that the eldest lady's ears seemed to be soft pink like cherry blossoms. This kind of shy expression made him feel sad.


Lin Qiong sat up from the tatami, then came close to the eldest lady's ear, biting her ear with an "ah-wu" sound.


The eldest lady trembled all over, and then said in a trembling voice: "Then...that...you...what are you...doing?"

'This voice is so cute—'

The corners of Lin Qiong's mouth raised uncontrollably. He kept holding the young lady's ear and said softly: "Because Erina is so cute like this, I can't help but want to get intimate with her."


The eldest lady was having her pupils shaken, she covered her face with her hands, and her body was curled up—even her toes wrapped in black knee socks were curled up, which shows how shy she is at this moment.

'Oh, Erina, who has been intimate so many times, but is still shy, cute! Lin Qiong showed a teasing expression on the corner of his mouth, he gently put his mouth next to the eldest lady's ear, and said, "Dear Erina, I like you—"


The eldest lady groaned in her heart, she felt her face was burning hot, it was as hot as roasting sweet potatoes.


Lin Qiong turned over and rode on the young lady's body, and then looked at the face of the young lady who had been turned upside down with a smile on her face—to be precise, it was the face blocked by the back of her hand.

"What...what are you doing?"

The eldest lady slightly opened her fingers, and immediately met Lin Qiong's eyes. She closed her fingers with lightning speed, and said in a panic: "You, you, what do you want to do!"

"I just want to appreciate Erina's beauty in her prime, can't you?"


"Why! I don't think my girlfriend can survive?"

"In short, in short, it is impossible!"

"Daba, I must watch—"

"No, no, no!"

At this time, the eldest lady has obviously entered a state of shyness overload. In this state, her shame will become much higher than before—for example, if Lin Qiong wants to appreciate her Shengshi Meiyan, she would probably "hum" proudly and arrogantly, and then said: "I really can't help it! Who told you to be my boyfriend? I'll let you see enough!"

Then when Lin Qiong stared at her with a smile, she would still secretly rejoice in her heart: "Hmph, it seems that my charm is still very good, he can't even move his eyes away, hmph~"

However, at this time, the shy young lady was not in the mood of secret joy at all, but she was so shy that she was about to faint!

"Hmph, that's not okay—" Lin Qiong couldn't help laughing when he saw the young lady's reaction at this time. He didn't forcefully break off the "shield" of the young lady with his hands, but gently He put his hand on the slender waist of the eldest lady.


The eldest lady trembled all over, and then asked in a trembling voice: "You, what are you going to do?"

"Because Erina-chan has never let me look at you -" Lin Qiong said with an unabashed smile in his voice, "I can only do this!"

The eldest lady roared in her heart: "Why are you so active at this time! '

"You, you wait first... ah!"

Before she finished speaking, she felt Lin Qiong's fingers on her waist began to move—the slightly rough fingers sliding on the skin of her waist made her goosebumps uncontrollably, and followed Later, the "itchy" feeling transmitted from the nerves on the side of her waist to the brain made her even more tense.

"How is it!" Lin Qiong's voice was full of joy, and he had a smile on his face that would make even a Biantai feel too big, admiring the posture of the young lady under him at this moment—her The action has changed from covering her face to covering her mouth, and the bright red visible to the naked eye is blooming on her cheeks.

Those who didn't know thought she was playing around the corner, but in fact she was just holding back her laughter.

"Aren't you willing to give up?" The joy and smile in Lin Qiong's voice were almost overflowing, "My tickling attack will be more intense!"

"Hugh, don't even think about succeeding—" At this moment, the eldest lady couldn't care less about being shy, instead she had the mood of "I don't want to lose to you"—hmph, I won't put my hands down!I put it down I'm a puppy!

"Put it down now!"

"No!" The eldest lady opened her eyes and said vaguely: "You must have no good intentions!"

"That's right!" Lin Qiong hummed and said, "I just want to kiss Erina—"

"Eh!?" The eldest lady hesitated for a few seconds, then put down her hand with a blushing face, and whispered, "Then...then put it down..."

Puppies are puppies!Do not laugh!

"Hey, I'm starting-"

Lin Qiong lowered his head lightly, put his hands on the hands of the eldest lady, and while interlocking her fingers, he used his lips to lightly imprint on her lips.

"It's another mark——" Lin Qiong looked at the violet eyes of the young lady who seemed to be overflowing with water, and said with a smile: "How many times is this? Erina is already mine. It's-"


The eldest lady gently bumped Lin Qiong's head with her forehead, and then said shyly: "Get up quickly, if others...see..."

Her voice froze, and Lin Qiong followed her gaze, and found that beside the two of them, in the direction of the corridor, and behind the half-closed sliding door, was standing with a "knocked" expression on his face. Kanhiko, Dojima Yin, Joichiro and the old man.

"You...you...when did you...stand...stand there..." The young lady's voice changed, and she asked in a trembling and distorted voice.


Ganri Xiangzi recalled it for a while, and said: "It probably started from—in other words, it was approved by the parents—right?"

"Hmm--" The others nodded.

"Didn't I see everything?"

At this moment, the eldest lady was thinking, why not just change the world with Lin Qiong.

Chapter 0082 New World

Thanks to the special PIay between Lin Qiong and the young lady being surrounded by a group of people, after a day's rest, the young lady couldn't wait to urge Lin Qiong to go to the next world—as for seeing Luoz After the chairman, the promise to teach Lin Qiong was naturally forgotten by the young lady who dug out Azeroth with her toe.

But it's not a big problem, just come back and study again next time.

Now?Let's live in another world now!



"So is it really okay?"

Lin Qiong put the elf ball on his belt, looked at the eldest lady beside him and said, "We're leaving after a day's rest."

"I can't stay in this world for a day!" The eldest lady couldn't help but gradually become hideous when she thought of what happened yesterday afternoon. "From yesterday to today, every one of them will show that expression when they see me. ..."

What is the specific expression?Probably, seemingly, probably, should...

Just look at Anya's wise smile.

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