Who can bear this?

"Ahem, in fact, everyone is basically just joking in good faith—" Lin Qiong coughed twice dryly with a subtle expression on his face, and said, "In fact, everyone is blessing us."

The eldest lady paused as she packed her luggage, and then said expressionlessly: "I understand what you said, but this doesn't stop me from being determined to live in another world."

"Good good-"

Lin Qiong nodded his head dumbfounded. He felt that he still overestimated the shame of his girlfriend. It seems that some weird PIay can only be played in private in the future!

"All right--"

After stuffing all the luggage into the travel backpack brought from Pokémon World, the eldest lady clapped her hands, and then said to the secretary standing at the door: "Fei Shazi, are you ready?"

"Yes! It's ready, Miss!" After hearing Missy's inquiry, the secretary quickly walked over, patted the backpack behind him, showed the Poké Ball at his waist, and said, "Everyone, too. Bring them all together!"

"Okay!" The eldest lady nodded, looked at Lin Qiong at the side, and said, "Qiong, let's set off now—go to the place you mentioned where we can exercise our strength!"

Feeling the courage of the eldest lady, Lin Qiong raised his hands helplessly and said, "Okay, I will take you to set off together."



World: History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi.

Time point: 16 years before the start of the plot.

Location: Hokkaido.

After walking out of the boundary gate, the three of them were immediately shivered by the snow and wind in Hokkaido.

"Hiss, it's so cold—" Lin Qiong, who was wearing a thin T-shirt, hurriedly threw the poke ball and said, "Feng Speed ​​Dog, come out!"


A giant dog with a height of more than two meters suddenly appeared behind the three of them. She stuck out her tongue and barked cheerfully. Her relaxed appearance seemed to be completely unaware of the coldness of the wind and snow.


The next moment, the three of Lin Qiong stretched out their hands and hugged the big dog, and then all showed expressions of being healed.

"It's so warm—"

The secretary murmured.

"The wind speed dog is really good."

The eldest lady praised.

"As expected of my dog."

Lin Qiong said with a smile on his face.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." the praised Feng Speed ​​Dog happily wagged his tail, and licked Lin Qiong's face with his tongue.

"Ahahaha, darling~" Lin Qiong smiled and rubbed the head of the wind speed dog, then stretched out his hand and patted the shoulder of the wind speed dog. The big dog immediately lay down on the snow, allowing Lin Qiong to ride on it easily. her back.

"Speaking of which—" the secretary pressed against the wind speed dog's hair tightly, and said, "Master Lin, why did we appear in such a place?"

"Well, how should I put it—" Lin Qiong stretched out his hand and pulled the young lady into his arms first, then pulled the secretary to the front of the young lady, and said, "In order to save a life that is about to be killed."

The eldest lady immediately turned her head when she heard the words, and said, "Then what are you waiting for here? Let's act now!"

"Okay." Seeing the young lady's reaction, Lin Qiong couldn't help showing a smile. He stretched out his hand and threw out his elf ball, saying, "Come out, Steel Crow!"


Over [-] meters tall, a blue crow that seemed to be wrapped in armor flapped its wings and appeared in front of Lin Qiong, looking at its master with those scarlet eyes, waiting for instructions.

"Steel Armored Crow, please go to the sky to find a mother and daughter. The daughter is just born and is still in her infancy." Lin Qiong said quickly, "The mother and daughter should be in a state of being hunted down!"


The steel armored crow nodded immediately, and she quickly flew into the air with her huge wings.

"I'll help too."

The eldest lady also threw her elf ball, released Hackron and Krahe, and said, "Hackron, Kracher! Please search for a mother and daughter nearby..."

The eldest lady repeated the information given by Lin Qiong, and the two Pokémon nodded immediately, then flew away and disappeared into the wind and snow.

"The next step is to wait." Lin Qiong exhaled and murmured: "I hope there is still time."



Hokkaido, somewhere in the wild.

Jingyu of Fenglin Temple glanced at the enemy who was gradually approaching behind her, and could not help but gritted her teeth. She put her daughter under the tree, then turned around, and rushed towards the enemy with a gun.

"It's Jingyu, she's here—"

After one of them noticed her movement, he immediately yelled, and the surrounding companions immediately raised their submachine guns and shot at Fenglin Temple Jingyu.

'too slow--'

Jingyu of Fenglin Temple swept the ground with her feet, and she kicked a large piece of snow into the air, blocking the opponent's sight.

"Lost target!"

"Be careful, don't get close to her... Ah!"

Before the other party could say anything, Jingyu of Fenglin Temple had already appeared behind the group of people, and knocked down several of them in twos and threes.However, there were too many people chasing her, so even if she acted quickly, she still missed a few people.

"Damn woman——" one of them took out the pistol in his arms with an angry face, pointed the gun at Jing Yu who had nowhere to draw strength in midair, and shouted: "Die..."


The next moment, with the roar of the air, the man with the gun was punched and flew into the air before he could shoot.


After Jing Yu saw the blond man who appeared, she immediately showed a joyful expression. She quickly ran towards him and said, "You come..."


The next moment, both Jingyu of Fenglin Temple and her "husband" froze.

Jing Yu lowered her head blankly, and found that her husband was still punching. Judging from the movement just now, the punch was so powerful that it was obviously aimed at killing herself.

The "husband" also lowered his head, but his eyes were concentrated between his fist and Jing Yu's abdomen - there, a piece of translucent substance appeared, firmly blocking his attack, otherwise he would Jing Yu had already been killed.


Jing Yu raised her head and asked in disbelief.

"Because he is not your husband at all -" At this moment, a slightly thankful voice came from the side of the two of them, "It seems that he barely made it."


The "husband" turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound - in the wind and snow, a huge animal with tiger stripes was slowly walking towards the three of them.

"A Kamen Rider passing by - surely you are not satisfied with such an answer?" Lin Qiong smiled at his "husband" and said, "But I am not obligated to answer your question - Mr. Chuanhui. "


Hearing this name, Jingyu of Fenglin Temple was startled. She stared at her "husband" in front of her, and said in disbelief, "You are Chuanhui!?"

"Tsk, have you been seen through?" "Husband" showed an unhappy expression. He raised his right hand and pulled on his face, pulling off the mask, revealing a completely different face, " How on earth did you know my identity?"

"Well——" Lin Qiong blinked his eyes innocently, he tilted his head, "hey" smiled, and said, "Who knows? Maybe it's a revelation from heaven?"

"Don't want to say yes?" Chuanhui looked at Lin Qiong expressionlessly, and said, "Then we can only use some means."

After the words fell, Chuanhui rushed towards him at a speed that Lin Qiong couldn't react at all, but before he rushed to Lin Qiong to attack, the blue light firmly sealed his body in mid-air middle.

"Talk and talk--"

The next moment, Geng Gui, whose eyes were shining blue, came out of Lin Qiong's shadow, and then showed a mocking smile towards Chuanhui, who was fixed in mid-air by himself with the body-fixing technique.

Want to hurt my master, did you ask me if Geng Gui didn't?

"I'm sorry, Mr. Chuan Hui." Lin Qiong smiled at Chuan Hui, who looked frightened, and said, "Because we are very aware of your fighting power, we have been prepared for you from the beginning. ——”

"What the hell is this..." Chuanhui, who was fixed in mid-air, couldn't help asking as she looked at the purple creature coming out of the shadow.

"She is Geng Gui, one of my most trusted partners—"


The shy Geng Gui patted his head with a smile, then turned around, and looked at Chuanhui with unemotional eyes - Lin Qiong couldn't react, but under the training of Sirona and the promotion of Arceus Geng Gui, whose level has reached level 87, can clearly see the undisguised killing intent of this man when he attacked his master.

Apparently, the purple little fat man who usually behaved very simple and honest - Sister Geng Gui, got angry.

Chapter 0083 smells so good——

Lin Qiong reached out and touched Geng Gui's head, comforting his little purple chubby son, then looked at Jingyu of Fenglin Temple who was panting, and said, "Madam, I know you have a lot of doubts at this time, but You might as well take your daughter out of the snowdrift first, and then slowly ask him why he did this, how about it?"

"Yes... yes! Meiyu—" Jingyu reacted, she didn't care about other things, she turned around and ran under the tree, and hugged her daughter out of the snow.

The secretary couldn't help laughing and said: "What a careless mother."

Lin Qiong smiled, natural dullness is also a characteristic of Jing Yu's lineage - her daughter Fenglinsi Meiyu is also a naturally dull little cutie.

Soon, Jing Yu returned here with her baby in her arms. She bowed to Lin Qiong and said seriously: "Thank you very much for your help, otherwise I would have died under Chuanhui's hands—"

What makes Jing Yu feel afraid is not her own death - as a warrior, she has already put life and death aside - but if she dies, what will happen to Mei Yu who has lost her protection?

"Ahem, in fact, I saved you and your daughter because of a small request—" Lin Qiong chuckled, then set his sights on Chuanhui, who was fixed in mid-air by Geng Gui, and said: " But, right now, it's better to ask Mr. Chuanhui first, right?"

"Huh—you're right!" Hearing Lin Qiong's words, Jing Yu let out a breath, calmed herself down, then raised her head to look at Chuanhui who was hanging in mid-air, and asked, "Chuanhui , why are you doing this?"



Chuanhui died, by suicide.

After trying to break free and failing, Chuanhui, who realized that she couldn't escape, answered Jing Yu's question honestly.

In the end, Chuanhui, who had answered all the questions, broke his own pulse with an air shock, and closed his eyes peacefully.

"I really never thought that it would be Chuanhui who betrayed us."

Jing Yu stood in front of Chuan Hui's grave with her arms in his arms, and said with sad eyes: "He never told us anything."

Standing beside Jing Yu, Lin Qiong comforted him, "It's not your fault, Mrs. Jing Yu—it's him who chose to hide and endure everything, and finally fell into darkness. This is his own choice."

"Thank you for your comfort, Mr. Lin." Jing Yu raised her hand to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes, then smiled at Lin Qiong, and said, "Without you, I really don't know how to do well."


The dumb hair on the top of the eldest lady's head stood up "swish", she looked at Jing Yu and Lin Qiong with vigilant eyes - no way?Shouldn't it?Absolutely not, right?

"If I die here, Meiyu..." Jingyu lowered her head, looked at her daughter who was sleeping soundly in the swaddle, and said with a complicated expression: "I really can't imagine what will happen to her."

In her opinion, Chuan Hui, who had fallen into darkness, could kill her, so how could she let her daughter go?To put it bluntly, even if he let Meiyu go for a moment, how could a baby survive alone in the ice and snow?

Thinking of this, her eye sockets became moist again.

"Oh, it's this one..." The eldest lady let out a sigh of relief, then patted her chest, secretly thinking that she was too sensitive.

Seeing this scene, the secretary Xiong couldn't help covering her mouth and showing a smile: "Oh, the young lady who is a little jealous is also very cute!" '

"Ms. Jingyu, don't be too quick to thank me—I said before, there is a purpose for saving you!" Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips and said confidently: "Hmph, this is an excessive request. !"

For example—Jie Jie, this lady, you don't want your daughter to be bullied by me in the future, do you? ——This kind of request is absolutely impossible, because this lady can kick a stone with a diameter of five meters to pieces.

Lin Qiong is not going to try which is harder, his body or the stone.

"Please tell me—" Mrs. Jingyu looked at Lin Qiong with a smile, and she could feel that the young man in front of her was surprisingly harmless, just like a white sheep that just ran out of the sheepfold.

"Well, we hope we can learn martial arts from you." Lin Qiong took the eldest lady's hand, then looked at Jing Yu in front of him seriously and said, "I want to have the power to protect her."

Mrs. Jing Yu, who was holding the baby, was stunned for a moment, then she showed a bright smile and said, "Okay!"



Although Jingyu of Fenglin Temple agreed to teach Lin Qiong and others martial arts, the situation at that time really did not allow everyone to settle down and learn martial arts, so...

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