"So what is this!? What the hell is this!?" Jing Yu sat on the back of the steel armored crow and asked in a curious voice, "Speaking of it, it was the same thing just now, what is the one that came out of your shadow? What? And so is the big dog you put into the ball!"

That tone, that demeanor, that expression, did not tell at all that she was a woman who became a mother, but more like a carefree high school student.

"They are called Pokémon, and they are a strange creature." Lin Qiong stroked the back of the steel armored crow cross-legged, and said, "The one under us is called the steel armored crow, the one in the shadow is called Geng Gui, and the big dog barks. Wind Speed ​​Dog.”

"Oh oh oh-"

Jing Yu sat obediently by Lin Qiong's side, nodding her head with a silly face——with that appearance, if she was given a pen and a notebook, she might not be able to start taking notes on the spot.

"In addition to the above three, there are several Pokémon around us, but it is not convenient to show them now, and I will introduce them to you one by one when it is safe."

"Really?" Jingyu hugged Meiyu happily shaking her upper body, and said happily: "Okay, then I'll wait! Be sure to introduce me!"

"Don't worry." Lin Qiong gave Jing Yu a thumbs-up, and said, "Let's meet your husband now——Ms. Jing Yu, please show me the way."


Jing Yu nodded, and after identifying the direction, she commanded the Steel Armored Crow to fly towards the direction she had agreed with Sui Ya.

With the flying speed of the steel armored crow, it took about 5 minutes to arrive at the location Jing Yu said - an abandoned Buddhist temple located in a remote mountain range.


The steel armored crow flapped its wings and landed slowly on the ground, and when Broken Tooth, who had heard the movement, came out of the Buddhist hall, he had a "0.0" expression on his face.

This, what kind of bird is this! ?How is it so big! ?And why are you wearing armor? ?

Meow meow meow! ?


However, before Broken Tooth could figure out what was going on, with a cry that sounded like a cry, her wife had already jumped down from Big Bird's back, and then threw herself into his arms with the child in her arms.

"Jing Yu, it's great that you're fine—" Broken Tooth didn't care about other things, he hugged his wife and daughter tightly, and murmured, "Great."

"Honey, I found the ghost—" Jing Yu looked at Su Ya with tears on her face, and said in a trembling voice: "Yes, Chuan Hui!"

Hearing this name, Sui Ya's eyes narrowed suddenly, and he murmured in despair, "It's Chuanhui? But...but, why?"

"Is such that……"

Jing Yu told Sui Ya the truth she learned from Chuanhui. After hearing this, Sui Ya in Fenglin Temple couldn't help shaking her body, and then sat down on the steps of the Buddhist hall.

It seemed that the betrayal of his close friend had dealt him a great blow.

"Let him be alone for a while." Lin Qiong took back the steel armored crow, then looked at the eldest lady beside him, and said with a smile: "Erina, it's getting late, let's get ready for camping first." .”

"give it to me!"

The secretary at the side rolled up her sleeves, she threw out two elf balls, and said, "I'm in charge, let's get to work!"

"Yesa—" x2

Brother Aiguanshi and younger sister Aiguanshi stood next to the secretary respectively, and one person and two pets quickly started to prepare - because there is a Buddhist hall to stay, the tent is not needed for the time being, but the cooking equipment is still available. Need to furnish...

Although Fenglin Temple Jingyu's curious eyes were almost flying over, on the one hand, her husband was still immersed in sadness, on the other hand, she really wanted to take a break, so she had to reluctantly give up the temptation to come and watch.



After half an hour.

"Chuanhui, why do you... smell so good!" Fenglin Si Suya raised his head in confusion, he sucked his nose, and then said to his wife beside him: "Jingyu, do you smell something?" .”

Jing Yu, who was following the movements of Lin Qiong and others, said softly, "The benefactor who saved me is cooking outside."


After being reminded by his wife, Broken Tooth suddenly showed a remorseful expression. He hurriedly stood up from the stairs, and said with a wry smile: "I actually neglected my benefactor——Jing Yu, let's go and have a look!"

"Okay." Jing Yu hugged the baby and followed Su Ya towards the courtyard of the Buddhist hall.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, Lin Qiong turned his head and looked at Broken Tooth in a suit and Jingyu in tights. He immediately raised his right hand and said, "Hey! You guys are here? We're just about to start dinner. Let's eat together. .”

"Uh..." Broken Tooth opened his mouth, and after scratching his head in distress, he gave Jing Yu a wry smile, then walked over quickly, and said enthusiastically, "Benefactor, is there anything I can do for you?" ?”

Jing Yu secretly smiled, she knew that her husband's wry smile was self-conscious ashamed - others saved his wife, but he was immersed in grief alone, and ignored others for so long, but the other party not only did not blame him, but also warmly entertained him Have a meal……

'However, it smells really good——'

Jingyu moved her nose slightly, then walked towards the dining table curiously holding Meiyu in her arms.

I'm hungry!

Chapter 0084 Fudge, fudge hard

"If you want to grade your cooking skills, Miss Nakiri, your cooking skills are undoubtedly expert level!" Sitting at the dining table, Feng Linji said with emotion from the bottom of his heart, "I have never I have had such wonderful food! It completely exceeded my imagination of food!”

Listening to Broken Tooth's emotion, Lin Qiong nodded his head in approval - to be honest, people who have never tasted gourmet food can't imagine how delicious it is!It is fundamentally different from other delicacies.

It's like a game that can pinch people and has a creative workshop, which is fundamentally different from other games.

I understand everything I understand.

"Expert... level?" The eldest lady became interested in this level, and she asked curiously: "What does it mean to be an expert?"

"In their martial arts world, the levels of martial artists are divided into disciple level, master level and master level from low to high." Lin Qiong took a sip of milk, then explained with a smile: "The master level is already standing on the level of martial arts. The pinnacle exists."

"That's right, that's right!" Broken Tooth nodded, with a friendly smile on his face, and said, "In my life so far, I have never tasted such a delicious dish, so I call it Master-level cooking is not too much, hahaha!"

"That's true!" Lin Qiong nodded proudly when he heard Sui Ya's praise of Missy's cooking skills, and said, "My Erina's cooking skills are so good! The best in the world, the unparalleled in the world, the world in the sky I am alone..."

"Really! Don't say such things!" The eldest lady covered Lin Qiong's mouth with her face flushed, and whispered: "How can my cooking skills compare with that of Master Abei?"

If it is said that she has not seen the god-like cooking skills of Master Abe, the eldest lady may still be a little swollen, but after realizing that there are people beyond the human world, the eldest lady has a humble heart.

Of course, it's not impossible to swell up in front of Lin Qiong occasionally, hehe.

"Oh, Erina is still young! Sooner or later, he will surpass Master Abei!" Lin Qiong winked at the eldest lady and said, "In my mind, Erina's cooking skills are the best in the world~"

The eldest lady muttered shyly: "Idiot——"

Broken Ya and Jing Yu glanced at each other, and both couldn't help showing aunt smiles—these lovers are so sweet!It is too sweet!



After eating and drinking, and chatting about homework for a while, Fenglin Temple Broken Tooth took the initiative to ask: "Mr. Lin, I heard from Jing Yu that you want to learn martial arts?"

"Yes, I hope that Erina and the secretary and I have a certain ability to protect ourselves." Lin Qiong nodded and said: "To tell you the truth, in my impression, the world you live in should be the most suitable for fighting base world."

"I... the world I'm in?" Broken Tooth was stunned for a moment, then looked at Ai Guanshi who was helping the secretary clean up the dishes, and said with a complicated expression: "So those wonderful creatures just now are really—— "

"Yes, they are creatures from other worlds." Lin Qiong nodded, and he introduced with a smile: "The two over there are caretakers, the one with the upward horn is the male, and the one with the downward horn is the female—the male is good at acting like Housekeepers help their owners take care of everything, while females are good at taking care of children."

Broken Tooth rubbed the bridge of his nose and sighed, "It really is a wonderful creature..."

Jing Yu on the side said: "Well, Mr. Lin, you just said that the world we live in is in your impression-could you tell me that you know our world very well?"

"Well, I just have a certain understanding." Lin Qiong blinked, but this time he didn't directly say "you are comic characters", but changed a more suitable rhetoric: "Just, you Have you ever gotten that kind of travel brochure? It’s the kind that says, what attractions are worth visiting in a certain city.”

Broken Ya and Jing Yu looked at each other, they nodded in confusion, and said, "Uh, yes."

"Right! So—you understand what I mean?" Lin Qiong blinked and said.


Broken Tooth rubbed the bridge of his nose vigorously, and said, "So, in the tourist brochures of other worlds, our world is characterized by... er... martial arts?"

"That's almost what it means." Lin Qiong nodded his head innocently and said, "So we actually came here for the name."

"This person is so good at fooling around—" The eldest lady tugged at the corner of her mouth. If she didn't know about it, she would probably have been fooled by him—what kind of travel brochure for another world, is there such a thing?

Well, if there is, you write the manual yourself, right?

Compared to Broken Tooth with a complicated mood, a simple-minded person like Jing Yu is much more relaxed——she looked at Lin Qiong curiously, and asked, "Listen to what Mr. Lin said, are there many other worlds? "

"Of course!" Lin Qiong nodded and said: "There are other worlds whose area is several times that of the earth. They are covered with vast oceans (why is this harmonious), and the residents of that world live in one island after another. On an island——"

"It's amazing!" Jing Yu exclaimed.

"There are even more powerful ones! In that world, there is a magical fruit called 'Devil Fruit'. If you eat that kind of fruit, you can get wonderful powers—" Lin Qiong beamed with joy and popularized the science of One Piece World. Setting, "For example, it can turn into a cheetah, or it can turn its body into glutinous rice, and some can even produce lightning!"

Mrs. Jing Yu suddenly murmured with longing: "It can become a cheetah, and it can also produce lightning..."

Why is it the only thing left out to become glutinous rice?It's me, Kamizlei... Ah, it's me, Kakarot... Ah, it's me, Katakuri, who is unworthy?

"In addition to the devil fruit, the physical arts in that world are also very fascinating. There is a physical art called Navy Six Forms that is circulated in the army, and there are knowledge-colored domineering and armed-colored domineering—" Lin Qiong said Here, I will briefly introduce the six styles of the navy, the color of knowledge and the color of armed forces to the two of them.

"Tamped on the ground dozens of times within 0.36 seconds, using the reaction force generated to move at a high speed..." Sui Ya lowered his head and looked at his feet with a suspicious expression on his face, and said in disbelief: "Is this kind of thing possible?" !?"

To do this kind of operation, the first thing to bear the brunt is that you must have enough physical strength to withstand the reaction force, otherwise you will be dead before you shave it out.

"Everyone in that world is a superman—" Lin Qiong waved his hand immediately, and said, "Brother Broken Tooth, don't imitate—the people in that world belong to those who can cross the Pacific Ocean with bare hands without breathing type."

"Hiss—" Broken Tooth rubbed his head and murmured, "Across the Pacific Ocean with bare hands..."

Although it sounds incredible, Suiya thought of his superman father and couldn't help but have the thought "If it were him, maybe he could really do it."

"In addition to the world just mentioned, there are many interesting worlds, such as the world of Pokémon—" Lin Qiong talked about the setting of the Pokémon world again, and conveniently put Fairy Eevee, Wind Speed ​​Dog, Steel Armored Crow and Geng Gui were summoned and shown to Broken Yam and Jing Yu.

"Whoa whoa-"

I saw Jingyu from Fenglin Temple screaming and exclaiming: "It's so cute, this is too cute!"

I have to say that the Pokémon—at least the ones in front of them—are so cute that they make a girl's heart explode, so it's no wonder that Jing Yu showed such an expression.


Xiaomeiyu in Jingyu's arms is also deep in her little claws, eager to touch the fairy Ibrahimovic, but our lord goddess just glanced at this little Douding, and proudly "huh" With a bang, he turned his head away.

I only touch the owner.

"To be honest, this incident had a big impact on me." Broken Ya held his forehead with his hands. He never thought that one day he would discuss with others as if "there is a steamed stuffed bun over there on Sanyang Road." The store tastes good", "The hot dry noodles on Erqi Road are excellent", "Doupi has to go to Laotongcheng", discussing specialties from other worlds.

In a sense, this is too magical, right?

But, but...

Broken Tooth glanced at the Pokémon around Lin Qiong who were not normal creatures at first sight——Ibrahimovic can be said to be a mutant fox, the steel armored crow can be said to be a large bird wearing armor, and the wind speed dog can be said to be a special creature. Dogs, but Geng Gui can't be fake, right?

You can't blindly say that Geng Gui is the Blackened Snow King, right?You hate me, I hate you, Michelle Ice City is fierce?

"It's okay, I understand, I can't stand anyone if I put it on." Lin Qiong is not too surprised. He just knew where he could travel through and planned for a long time, only to realize the fact that he is a rookie.


"However, why don't you go to the world with the magical devil fruit that you mentioned earlier?" Jing Yu looked at Lin Qiong strangely, and said, "From your description, that world should be much more powerful than our world Bar?"


Lin Qiong touched his nose and said, "Well, Mrs. Jingyu, what will happen if a disciple-level martial artist rashly breaks into an expert-level battlefield?"


Jing Yu showed a suddenly realized expression.

"Okay, I generally understand your situation." Broken Tooth put his hands in front of him, and then said with a smile: "Well, it's just that Jing Yu and I may not be able to teach you personally for some reason. Training—if you don't mind, I can entrust you to my father and let him teach you."

"I don't mind, I don't mind." Lin Qiong shook his head, joking, your father is the ceiling of combat power in this world, the invincible superman Fenglin Temple Hayato who has never been defeated since birth, I only care about his teachings if I have a brain, "As long as It is enough to learn martial arts!"

"That's good." Broken Tooth showed a smile, and he said softly: "I'll contact my father right away, and I will entrust you and Meiyu to him at that time."

Lin Qiong was not surprised to hear Sui Ya and Jing Yu's decision to hand over Mei Yu to his father—although under his intervention, Jing Yu did not die, and Sui Ya did not need to trace Jing Yu's death However, the two couples have left a lot of mess to deal with, and at least they won't have much time to be with Mei Yu for a few years.

Chapter 0085

Three days later, under the introduction of Broken Tooth of Fenglin Temple, Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, the secretary, and the baby Mei Yu, formally fought against the ceiling of the world's combat power, the expert among the experts, and the undefeated dream race horse girl ( heavy fog) Hayato Fenglinsi met.

He is more than two meters tall and weighs more than 100 kilograms. He is known as an invincible superman.

"Hoo hoo——" stroking his beard, the old man looked at the three children in front of him with a smile, and said, "I heard that kid from Sui Ya, you are visitors from another world?"

"That's true." Lin Qiong nodded, pointed to his feet, and said with a smile: "At least this little cutie shouldn't exist in this world, right?"

"Talk and talk--"

Geng Gui raised his hands and got out of the shadow, and after saluting to the old man, he went back with a smile.

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