Your little cutie has appeared, your little cutie is back!


The old man widened his eyes, and said curiously: "It can actually stay in the shadow - is it a ghost?"

"Well, in terms of classification, Geng Gui is indeed a ghost-type Pokémon." Lin Qiong nodded, and then said with a smile: "Besides, old man! Geng Gui is a lady."

"Oh——" the old man quickly squatted on the ground, then put his right hand to his mouth, and whispered to Lin Qiong's shadow: "Ms. Geng Gui, I just called you 'it', I'm sorry."


Geng Gui stretched out a hand, and then gave a thumbs up with a "snap".

I don't care, hehe!

The old man stood up straight with a smile, then looked at Lin Qiong and said, "Then, let's find a place to stay first? To tell you the truth, I am currently on a world correction journey and have been living in a place of no fixed place. What about the situation?"


Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds. He remembered that the setting in the comics was indeed like this: Meiyu followed the old man on a correction trip (beating people) all over the world when she was a child, until the old man established Liangshan Park and asked the other people to take care of Meiyu. I just started my journey of correction.

'That is to say, the three of us will also follow the old man on a world correction trip? Lin Qiong showed a distressed expression, can he really learn martial arts with peace of mind under such circumstances?

In fact, if Lin Qiong really wants to learn martial arts completely, then it would be most appropriate to travel directly to the period before the plot begins - during that time, Liangshan Park has been completely established, and in the small Liangshan Park, stay at Cape Yueji Qiuyu, Nigui Zhixu, Ma Jianxing, Apacha, Kasaka Shigure, and Fenglinji Hayato, a total of six master-level martial arts masters.

However, if he did that, Lin Qiong would undoubtedly miss the opportunity to save Mei Yu's mother. He didn't want Mei Yu to grow up alone just like the original book because of his own interests.

"My original plan was to take Meiyu on a world correction journey together, but—" Just when Lin Qiong was struggling, the old man stroked his beard, and then explained with some helplessness: "The two little girls are temporarily Don't talk about it, young man, it's a little late for you to learn martial arts at this age, so I guess it will take a lot of effort."

Anyway, Lin Qiong is already 24 years old at this time!Generally speaking, learning martial arts should start from childhood, when the flexibility of the human body is much better than that of adults.

"Ah haha, there is really no way around this -" Lin Qiong scratched his head helplessly. If he had obtained the Realm Crossing Gate at the age of five or six, he would have probably killed himself in ignorance.

"So I'm going to find an old friend to teach you instead of me—" the old man stroked his beard, and said with a smile: "No way, who told me not to accept discipleship?"



As the saying goes, there is no way out when the mountains and rivers are poor and there is no way out, and the willows are dark and the flowers are bright and there is another village!

It never occurred to Lin Qiong that the "old friend" the old man said was actually the autumn rain in the temple that he longed for the most. A master who can teach his disciples!

"Oh, oh, it's amazing news——" Misaki Yueji Kneeled on the tatami, looked at the younger sister Ai Guanshi who was holding Meiyu with eyes full of inquiring spirit, and said with a little surprise: "It's different." Travelers from other worlds and creatures from other worlds?"

"Hey, when the old man got the news, he was taken aback." The old man stroked the beard on his chin with a smile, and said, "They are the benefactors who saved my daughter-in-law, so it should be taught by the old man himself. Yes! It’s a pity that the old man is going on a world correction trip, so I can only entrust them to you—”

"You fart—" Lin Qiong immediately turned into a tiger king.

"Since it's the old man's request, I naturally won't refuse." Misaki Yueji Qiuyu shook his head, and then said in a gloomy tone: "However, this little brother—it's best to practice martial arts from an early age. , if you want to learn martial arts well at your age, you will have to experience great horror~"

"Of course I know hell is ahead—" Lin Qiong grabbed his clothes in a panic.He knew very well how Spartan Misaki Yueji Qiuyu's training methods were-Spartan to put it nicely, but it was simply a torture tool for the pleasure of torturing people!

But the problem is that the training effect of these torture tools is really awesome - the original hero Kenichi Shirahama, an ordinary student with no talent, has created an extremely terrifying foundation in about a year!

Lin Qiong, who had already made up his mind, nodded vigorously, and said: "I know! Master Misaki Yuesi, please use all means to train me! I may have the idea of ​​giving up because of hard work, and then I will ask Master You must stop me!"

"Oh?" Misaki Yueji glanced at Lin Qiong in surprise, then nodded, and said, "Since it was your request, I will do it."

"Then I'll leave them to you—" the old man stood up with a smile, and said, "Then, Misaki Yuesi-sama, I will take my leave first."

Misaki Yueji Qiuyu nodded, he stood up, and said softly, "Go all the way."



The old man left, leaving Lin Qiong and his granddaughter in Qiuyu's mansion in Misaki Yuesi.


Misaki Yueji Qiuyu put his right fist in front of his mouth, coughed slightly, and said, "Can you show me all the wonderful creatures from other worlds in your hands?"

At this time, Qiu Yu of Misaki Yueji wrote "I'm very curious" in his left eye and "Waku Waku" in his right eye. He couldn't hide his explosion of curiosity.

"Of course it's fine." Lin Qiong smiled. He glanced back at the eldest lady and the secretary, and said, "The little guys have to eat themselves, so it's impossible to keep them in the poke ball."

Misaki Yueji Qiuyu nodded, pretending to be casual and said: "Then let's release it quickly."

So, the three of Lin Qiong walked to the backyard of Qiu Yu's house in Miyue Temple, and took out their elf balls one after another.

"Come out, Fairy Eevee, Wind Speed ​​Dog, Steel Armored Crow!"

"Come out, Frosty Milk Fairy, Pikachu, Krahe, Menus, Hackron!"

"Come out, Pinocchio, Tropical Dragon, Big Milk Jug, and Lovely Stewards!"

With the red light of the Poké Ball turned on, one Pokémon after another was released from the Poké Ball, and then stretched their bodies in the wide backyard.

"Oh oh oh-"

Misakikoshi Qiuyu rubbed her chin with great interest, walking back and forth beside the Pokémon.

"Is Master Misakiyueji very curious about Pokémon?" Lin Qiong looked at Misakiyueji Qiuyu's undisguised curiosity, and couldn't help but smile and said, "If you don't mind, let me introduce it to you?"

"Can you?" Misaki Yueji Qiuyu's eyes lit up, he quickly took out a notebook, then looked at Lin Qiong seriously like a primary school student, and said, "Let's start—start with which one?"

You really don't hide it——

Lin Qiong smiled, and then said: "First of all, it's the fairy Eevee, which is the evolution of Eevee—ah, creatures like Pokémon have evolution..."

After introducing the concept of evolution, Lin Qiong continued: "Ibrahimovic is the most special Pokémon. The genes in it are very unstable, so up to now, there have been eight evolutionary types..."

Along with Lin Qiong's explanation, Misaki Yueji wrote more and more notes in his hand, and his eyes became brighter and brighter - he was full of curiosity about unknown creatures at this time!

"Okay, let's go in here—"

After Lin Qiong finished introducing Ibrahimovic, Geng Gui, and Fengsugou, Misaki Yueji Qiuyu put away his notebook contentedly, looked at the sky, and said, "It's almost time for me to go to the back mountain to bring that child back." .”

"The kid?"

"Ah, I am the child of a friend who passed away." Misaki Yueji Qiuyu nodded, and he said softly: "I will introduce her to you later--well, by the way, Mr. Lin, I will start training tomorrow. Question?"

"Okay! No problem!" Lin Qiong nodded resolutely, and said, "In addition, Erina and Fei Shazi have also asked Master Misaki Yueji to do it—but please lower their strength a little bit, Master."

"Don't worry." Misaki Yuesi stroked her mustache with a smile, and said, "I know it well!"

After speaking, he turned around and walked towards the back mountain.

'If my guess is correct, he should be picking up Kasaka Shigure. Lin Qiong touched the tip of his nose—the daughter of swords and weapons, a natural weapon master, an expert warrior in his 20s, Kasaka Shigure.

"Master Lin—" At this time, the secretary at the side came over, and she couldn't help but said, "Are the martial arts in this world really good?"

It's no wonder that the secretary would ask such a question. After all, Chuanhui was restrained by Geng Gui before he had time to show his strength, and Jing Yu, Suiya, and the old man had never shown their strength, so for the secretary, it is very important for the secretary. The concept of force value in this world is still a big question mark.

Not only her, but even the eldest lady was inevitably curious: she remembered that Lin Qiong had told her in the Pokémon world that she was going to a world where she could lay a solid foundation and learn fighting skills!

From this point of view, what Lin Qiong was referring to was the current world, so what could they learn here? ?

I'm curious!

Chapter 0086 Speak!

"If you want to compare this world with worlds like One Piece, Naruto, and Grim Reaper, then the combat effectiveness of this world is probably not enough." Lin Qiong smiled at the secretary and the eldest lady, and said: "This world The biggest advantage is that it can lay a solid foundation for our future promotion."

The secretary said thoughtfully: "That is to say, the training in this world is similar to knife skills, heat, and food processing?"

When Lin Qiong heard this, he tilted his head in distress and said, "I don't know much about cooking, so I don't know whether the knife skills, heat and ingredient processing you mentioned are the same as what I understand. But Should be pretty close."

The eldest lady asked from the side: "But if you want to lay the foundation, can't other worlds do it? Even in the worlds like One Piece and Hokage you mentioned, there should be basic training methods, right?"

Lin Qiong smiled helplessly, looked at the eldest lady, and said: "Dear Erina, you must know that there are differences between worlds—the residents of the Pirate World are placed in other worlds, and each one of them is different." It's Superboy, the basic training methods they can adapt, that could cost our lives."

Let's not talk about anything else, just look at Sauron's training method?When he was less than ten years old, he dragged a stone bigger than others for long-distance running training to exercise his endurance. Would you let children in other worlds try it?

Try and die!

The eldest lady raised her eyebrows, and said suspiciously: "Is it really such an exaggeration?"

Lin Qiong hissed and said, "I remember a character named Rock Li in Naruto World. He was about [-] or [-] years old, and he tied more than [-] kilograms of weight on each of his legs for daily maintenance. Exercise, and can jump up to a height of more than ten meters when the legs are tied with weights, and it doesn’t even take five seconds to run [-] meters.”

"Five, five seconds..." The secretary was startled by the data, she couldn't help but rubbed the bridge of her nose, and said, "And when both legs are wearing a load of more than [-] kilograms... This is Superman Bar?"

"Hmm——" Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders and said, "So, there are differences between the world and the world! We need to lay a solid foundation in this world and improve our physical fitness before we can qualify." Go to another world for basic training, otherwise... tsk tsk."

It's like playing online games, even if it's the "quick experience book" praised by many players, it doesn't mean that an account of more than ten levels can be used, right?You must at least reach the level, and you can beat the monsters there to pass, otherwise, it will not be your experience book, but the experience book will use you.

"Well, I understand the reason why I came to this world—" The eldest lady rubbed the bridge of her nose and said, "However, physical exercise..."

When he said this, Lin Qiong could hear 100% reluctance, as if making someone who doesn't like coriander eat coriander hot pot reluctantly.

"What's wrong?" Lin Qiong asked worriedly, "Are you worried?"

"It's not that I'm worried, it's just—" The eldest lady lowered her head, touched her arms and stomach with some worry, and muttered, "I won't become a Vajra Barbie in the future, right?"


Lin Qiong understood that the eldest lady is still a girl no matter what. After hearing that she will undergo high-intensity physical exercise, she will inevitably feel a little worried-after all, not everyone wants to become a big muscle bully.

"My little baby, don't worry—" Lin Qiong laughed, and he stretched out his hand to pull the eldest lady into his arms, and then joked: "Have you forgotten Mrs. Jingyu you met before?" Is it? She is also a warrior who is not weak, but she is not a muscular body, right?"

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, the eldest lady and the secretary looked at each other, and the two recalled what they had seen of Mrs. Jing Yu's curvaceous and curvy figure, and they couldn't help showing excited expressions.

"It seems that you have discovered—" Lin Qiong smiled and said, "Physical exercises in this world will not only prevent you from turning into a muscular devil, but will instead have the same effect as yoga."

This is not Lin Qiong's nonsense!History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi works from a long time ago, and the comics of that era more or less like to play around the edges - the result is that the female characters in this work have better curves than the other!After all, no one wants to see a picture of a fat woman or a muscular woman bursting into clothing, right?

The eldest lady and the secretary both let out a sigh of relief.

It’s really great that she won’t turn into a muscular woman!



Because they were going to live in Misakiyue Temple's house for a period of time, the eldest lady and the secretary took out the kitchen utensils from their backpacks and placed them in the Misakiyue Temple's kitchen. For the two top chefs, the Misakiyue Temple's The kitchen is too simple, and they can't play their strength at all.

Remodeling, must be remodeling!

This also caused Misaki Koshiji to be shocked by the brand new kitchen when he returned home with Kosaka Shigure.

"I'm sorry, Master Misaki Yueji—" The eldest lady looked at Qiuyu Misaki Yuesi with a look of "I'm wrong next time" and said, "I think the kitchen in your home is too simple, so I messed with it arbitrarily." Some changes have been made."

"Uh-" Misakiji Akiyu touched his beard and said with some shame: "If you want to tidy up the kitchen, you can wait until I come back to start."

He can also help!

"It's all right!" The secretary comforted at the side: "With the help of Ai Guanshi, cleaning is very easy!"

Superpower is indeed a very buggy ability. For ordinary people, stubborn stains and oil stains that are difficult to remove, under the action of superpower, the plot can be cleaned up almost effortlessly, and even some stubborn residues are not left. .

Perhaps, it was because the kitchen became too clean that Misaki Yueji Qiuyu felt guilty, thinking that the eldest lady and the secretary had spent a lot of time cleaning the kitchen.

"Do they still have this ability?" Misaki Yueji Qiuyu put her eyes on Ai Guanshi - at this time, Ai Guanshi's younger sister was holding Xiao Meiyu with a smile on her face, and the baby was in her arms He was staring at his own eyes, looking at the surrounding scenery without crying or fussing.

Very strange scene.

"The attribute of Aiguanshi is super power—the kind of super power that Master Miyue Temple understands." Lin Qiong smiled. He reached for the teacup on the table, then threw it behind him casually, and said: " like this--"

Brother Aiguanshi's eyes lit up with blue light, and the teacup thrown by Lin Qiong was immediately fixed in mid-air by the force of his thoughts.

"——It is extremely easy for them to use their mind to control things." Lin Qiong continued, "Stubborn stains in the kitchen are not difficult at all under the influence of superpowers."


Misaki Koshiji Qiuyu and Kasaka Shigure beside her were all shown by the hand that the caretaker showed at this time.

"Another example——" Lin Qiong glanced at Brother Aiguanshi, and he nodded slightly. He first controlled the teacup and returned it to the coffee table, then opened his hands and lifted it up gently.

The next moment, a large amount of dust, hair and other rubbish suddenly gathered in front of Ai Guanshi from the gaps in the tatami mats and the corners of the house, quickly forming a huge black dirt ball.

"—This kind of thing can be done easily, isn't it very convenient?" Lin Qiong said with a smile and a little complacently.

"It is indeed a very convenient ability." Misaki Yueji Qiuyu stroked his mustache and said with a smile: "It seems that the housework at home can be handed over to the caretaker in the future."


Brother Aiguanshi bowed gracefully—leave everything in the house to me and my sister!We will definitely make this home tidy!

"Also, is this the son of the old friend that Master Misaki Yueji just mentioned?" Lin Qiong looked at Kasaka Shigure, smiled and waved at the big milk pot, and said, "Would you like a glass of Momoo milk?" ?”


The big milk pot patted his chest, and then proudly raised his bull's head—hmph, not everyone can drink my mother's milk, glad you know my master!

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