Kasaka Tokame looked at the big milk pot expressionlessly, his unmoving eyes were like a doll, but Misaki Koshigumi beside him showed a curious expression again and asked, "Momoo milk? Is it her?" Milk produced?"

After all, the big grandma on the chest of the big milk tank is really eye-catching. Unless you think that milk grows from trees, and it is boxed or bagged, you can basically guess the function of the big milk tank. .

"That's right." Lin Qiong handed the big milk jug a cup, and after the big milk jug took it, he filled the cup full of Momoo's milk—to be honest, I saw this scene with my own eyes. When I was there, my eyes were somewhat hot.

But it's not a big problem, I can accept it!If it's a person with weird XP, maybe I can still have a look at Yoshikage Kira?

"Come on, try—" Lin Qiong put the milk in front of Kasaka Shigure, and said with a smile: "The milk in the big milk tank is rich in nutrients, and it is completely harmless to the human body. If you drink it for a long time, It can also greatly enhance physical fitness.”


Misakakoshi Qiuyu's eyes lit up slightly, he touched his chin and looked at the Momoo milk on the table, and then said to Kasaka Shigure, "Drink it, it shouldn't do you any harm."

Kasaka Shigure stretched out his hands without saying a word, brought the cup containing Momoo's milk in front of him, and took a sip.The moment the milk entered the mouth, Kasaka Tokyu's eyes widened slightly, and the movement of drinking the milk also paused slightly.

"It's delicious, right?" Lin Qiong seemed to notice Kosaka Shigure's shock, and couldn't help but wink at her and said, "Moo milk is super, super delicious! If you have a chance, I can let you taste it with Moo milk." Desserts made with Moo's milk are even more memorable."

"ton ton ton—"

After Kasaka Tokiu drank the milk in two or three gulps, he licked the milk at the corner of his mouth with his tongue, then looked at Lin Qiong solemnly, and said in Misakikoshi Akiu's surprised eyes, "Then, I'll wait, dessert."

Misaki Yueji Qiuyu: Speak, speak!

Chapter 0087 Are you a child?

No wonder Misaki Yueji Qiuyu was so surprised.

Although Kasaka Shigure is not extremely withdrawn, he is not the type who can communicate with others casually, but now he is willing to speak after only meeting for a few minutes...

'Could it be that this glass of milk is so delicious? Misaki Yueji Qiuyu looked at the big milk pot proudly standing behind Lin Qiong with shocked eyes.

"Master Misaki Yuesi seems quite curious?" Lin Qiong picked up another teacup, and then asked, "How about...have a cup?"

"Won't it burden her?"


The big milk jug looked at Misaki Misakiji with dissatisfaction - "What, what, what, what are you talking about!"How much milk is this, is it a burden to me? ?You underestimate me too, don't you?

So, Qiuyu Misakikoshi looked at the big milk jug and stared at himself with unfriendly eyes, and then put the cup full of milk in front of him with a curse - Qiuyu Misakikoshi seemed to be watching It's like seeing a woman with big breasts say to herself, "Drink to death, you bastard" with a displeased face.


Misaki Yueji Qiuyu touched the tip of his nose in embarrassment. He reached out to pick up the milk on the table, and then took a sip. Suddenly, his body trembled, and then trembled three times in a row. numb!

"ton ton ton—"

Just like what Kasaka Shigure did just now, Misakikoshiji quickly drank up the glass of milk, and then licked off the milk sticking to his beard with his tongue.

"Master, does it taste great?" Lin Qiong looked at Misakiji Akiyu curiously and said, "If you think it tastes good, please praise the milk can more!"


Misaki Yueji Qiuyu looked at the big milk pot on the side, and then found that the cow lady was standing aside with her arms folded, but her eyes glanced at herself, as if expressing——

"Hmph, just, I don't want your compliment!"

——That’s what it means.

Thanks to Misaki Yuesi Qiuyu is not an otaku, otherwise he would probably have to complain - what the hell!I can still understand being poor and arrogant, but you are a hammer for being a proud cow!

Misaki Yueji Qiuyu smiled slightly, and said to the big milk jug, "This is the most delicious milk I've ever drank in my life—"

Considering that the big milk pot might not be able to understand the overly whitewashed words, Misaki Koshiji Qiuyu deliberately used such straightforward words to praise.


The big milk pot immediately showed a satisfied expression, and she gave Misaki Yueji Qiuyu a look of "what, you are quite discerning", and then happily ran back to the secretary, showing off like 's invitation to credit.

“Great milk jug!”

The secretary was not stingy with her praise, she smiled and let the big milk pot rest her chin on her lap, and then gently stroked her shoulder - this is what she specially learned from Xiaoqian in Manjin Gym Massage techniques can relieve the fatigue of the shoulders of the big milk tank.

"Xiao Lin, I remember you just said that if you drink milk from a large milk tank for a long time, you will have a superhuman physique?"

"Yes." Lin Qiong nodded and said, "At least I feel that my physique has improved a lot compared to before!"


Misaki Yueji Qiuyu nodded thoughtfully, he stood up, and said: "Then, let's take a test—all three of you take a test, I need to determine your training intensity based on your physical data .”


Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth, and he understood that Qiuyu's hell training at Misaki Yue Temple was about to begin.



After a test that seemed to Lin Qiong and the others to be very hellish, Misakiji Temple Qiuyu looked at the notes in his hands and said thoughtfully: "It seems that the effect of that glass of milk is really good. Yours The data is so good that I feel unbelievable.”

You know, Lin Qiong and others revealed that they have never practiced any martial arts, and the only "exercise" is daily exercise, but the physical fitness of the three of them has surpassed that of martial arts masters who have just started.


The big milk jug proudly puffed out his chest again.

That is, don't look at whose milk?I'm a big milk pot blessed by Arceus, so it's okay to say that I have the best milk in the world, right?

"Although our physical fitness is not bad, we really can't see our foundation in other aspects." Lin Qiong lay on the floor and said weakly: "Master Miyue Temple, I will trouble you to think about it."

"Don't worry." Misaki Yuesi stroked her beard with a smile and said, "Let's not say that you can provide milk in big milk pots, just call me master, and I won't hide anything from you." .”

"Hey, thank you very much—" Lin Qiong smiled.

"Okay, it's almost time to prepare dinner." Misaki Yuesi stood up, and while rolling up his sleeves, he said, "Well, how about eating bamboo shoots tonight? I just collected some on the mountain..."

"Master Misakikoshi!"

Seeing his movements, the eldest lady and the secretary immediately got up from the tatami.

"Leave the cooking to us!"

"This is our job!"

Misaki Yueji Qiuyu, who had already stepped into the kitchen with half a foot, raised his eyebrows. He took a half step back, then led the direction of the kitchen, and said with a smile: "Then let Shiyu and I have a taste of the two flavors." A bit of cooking."

"Please look forward to it!" The eldest lady stood up, gently moved her wrist, and said confidently: "Absolutely, I will never let you down!"



Feeling the deliciousness blooming on the taste buds, Misaki Koshiji Qiuyu's eyes became slightly blurred.

He glanced at the food in front of him in astonishment, and murmured: "Is it the materials I collected, right!?"

No, how can the same material taste so much better than mine?This is not scientific!


Kazaka Shigure said vaguely while putting the food in his mouth.

"Don't worry, eat slowly." The eldest lady reluctantly took out a napkin and wiped the corner of Kosaka Shigure's mouth, and said: "Eat carefully, everything is here, and I won't run away."


Kosaka Shigure straightened her upper body, she frowned, and chewed the food in her mouth somewhat tangled—although she seemed a little unhappy, she still listened to the young lady's instructions.

Looking at this scene, Qiu Yu of Misaki Yuesi couldn't help showing a slight smile. He put a chopstick of bamboo shoot fried meat into his bowl again, thinking: "For the sake of the three meals in the future, I will add more to them." Do more training. '

hehe hehe-

For some reason, Lin Qiong always felt that an invisible black energy was escaping from Misaki Yuesi Qiuyu's body, setting off his figure like a ghost in the abyss.

"All right--"

All of a sudden, the aura of the evil spirit dissipated completely, Qiuyu Misaki stood up with a smile, and said to the three of Lin Qiong: "I'm going to prepare the training tools you will use tomorrow, can I trouble you?" How about you take care of this child?"

Lin Qiong looked at Kasaka Shigu who was sitting next to the eldest lady, nodded his head, and said, "Leave it to us! To tell you the truth, I became a community leader by relying on a lonely brave man. The most popular big brother among elementary school students!"

Although he didn't know what a lonely brave man was, since Lin Qiong was so confident, Qiuyu Misaki Yueji went to the back room with confidence!But before entering the door, he turned his head and said, "Oh, yes! Without my permission, it is absolutely forbidden to enter this room!"

"Yes—" x3



After Misakikoshi Qiuyu entered the "props room" to prepare for the punishment...ah no, it was the training props, Lin Qiong put his hands on the table, and looked at Kasaka Shigure who was sitting on the ground with his legs crossed.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Ten seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds...

With the passage of time bit by bit, Lin Qiong felt his eyes were sore and astringent, he stared desperately at his eyes, and Kazaka Shigure sitting in front of him was not much better—the little guy’s eyes All red.

"You are children... No, one of them is a child." The eldest lady covered her face dumbfounded, then looked at Lin Qiong, and complained: "Are you going to fight with a child?"

"Erina, this has nothing to do with grades!" Lin Qiong was about to burst into tears, and he said through gritted teeth, "It's about roots! This is a showdown of roots!"

"En!" Kazaka Shigure nodded vigorously with a sullen face.

The eldest lady looked at the secretary helplessly, and said with her mouth: "Fei Shazi, think of a way!" '

The secretary tilted his head and thought for a while, then said: "Then if someone loses, the eldest lady will send a small snack to comfort you?"

Then the secretary saw Lin Qiong and Kazaka Shigure fell to the ground at the same time, and screamed: "Ah, I lost—"

The eldest lady twitched the corners of her mouth: "What about the backbone fight that you agreed on?"What about your guts! ? '

"Since we all lost, we should all have snacks!" Lin Qiong sat up cross-legged, rubbing his eyes, and said solemnly, "Erina, I want to eat Shuangpi Nai!"

"!" Hearing the name of the dessert Shuangpi Nai, Kasaka Shigure's ears moved slightly, and then looked in the direction of the eldest lady with a blank expression - although she didn't say anything, her demeanor said everything up.

"Okay, okay, I'll make it for you." The eldest lady couldn't help but sighed, she stood up on her knees, and then walked towards the kitchen.

"Hey, let me tell you, the dessert made by the eldest lady is delicious!" Lin Qiong winked at Kazaka Shigure, and he leaned over and said, "Oh, by the way, little guy, do you want to watch cartoons?"


Kosaka Shigure tilted his head expressionlessly, and said, "That's, what?"

"Good stuff! Just wait..." Lin Qiong opened the backpack in the corner under the gaze of the secretary covering his mouth and giggling, and then put the tablet in Kasaka Shigure's hand, and said, "Sweet Cheese Cat, Doraemon, and Crayon Shin-chan, which one do you want to see?"


Kasaka Shigure showed a tangled expression. After looking down at the covers of the three dramas, she finally chose Tiantian Cheesemao.

Ok, let's start watching!

Chapter 0088 Human willpower is infinite


When Misaki Yueji Qiuyu came out of the room and saw the picture in the living room, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

At this time, Kazaka Shigure was sitting in Lin Qiong's arms with his hands folded on his knees, staring motionlessly at a glowing thin plate in his arms; Lin Qiong was holding a ceramic bowl in his left hand, and was filling the bowl with his right Kasaka Shigure's mouth; the young lady was leaning on the tea table with a smile on her face, wiping the corners of Kosaka Shigure's mouth with a napkin from time to time.

Misaki Yueji Qiuyu touched his beard and thought: "It feels like a family of three—"

The corner of his mouth couldn't help showing a smile, then he walked towards Lin Qiong and the others, and said, "It seems that you get along very well?"


Kosaka Shigure raised her head, she pursed her lips and raised the tablet in her hand, and said to Misakikoshi Qiuyu, "Qiuyu, this is amazing!"


Misaki Yueji Qiuyu moved closer to Lin Qiong, and also looked at the tablet in Kasaka Shigure's hand - at this time, the cat named Xiaoqi was chasing his tail, but he tripped over his feet clumsily and fell. fell to the ground.


Misakikoshi Qiuyu touched his chin and said, "Oh, is it an animation? Is it an animation from another world?"

"Yeah." Lin Qiong nodded his head, and said with a smile: "Master Misakiyue Temple, do you want to watch it together? Zigong Fan, it's quite easy."

"Oh, oh, I'll forget it." Misaki Yueji stroked his beard with a smile, and said, "It's getting late~ You guys watch two more episodes and go to bed--tomorrow is going to be very scary. training~"

If it was someone else who said this, Lin Qiong would probably take "very scary training" as a deliberately scary statement, but the person who said this was Misaki Koshi, who is called the Minister of Criminal Affairs and the Neon Provincial Branch Si Qiuyu, so...

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