[-]% true!

Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth. He glanced at the [21:03] time on the top of the tablet, then nodded, and said, "Well, I'll go to bed at ten o'clock."

Kasaka Shigure nodded, she turned her head and said to Lin Qiong seriously: "Tomorrow's training -"

"Huh?" Lin Qiong looked at her.

"If you can't make it through, I will help you, dig it." Kasaka Shigure said, tilting his head again, and added: "The grave."

"...Thank you so much." Lin Qiong twitched the corners of his mouth. If he hadn't read the manga and knew that Kasaka Shigure said this out of goodwill, he would probably pinch the girl's face—of course At this time, Kazaka Shigure can hit ten Lin Qiong and give up one hand.

"You're welcome." Kazaka Shigure replied solemnly, "However, this is very good, and I will think about it tomorrow."

Lin Qiong translated it in his head, and found that what the girl wanted to express was that it felt good to sit in his arms and watch the animation, and hoped that it would be like this tomorrow, so he encouraged him not to die.

Good guy, is this kid too upright?Can't you learn from Jin San and be more thoughtful?

Lin Qiong stretched out his hand and rubbed Kasaka Shigure's head, dumbfounded, and said, "Thank you for your concern—don't worry, we have special healers in our team, and nothing will happen."

"..." Kosaka Shigure held his touched head blankly, then nodded slightly and said, "Yes."

As for Misakitsuji Akiyu?

After hearing Lin Qiong's words, he stroked his chin thoughtfully and murmured: "So, do you bring your own medical staff? Hmm, it seems that the intensity of training can be raised to a higher level." -"

So please be human.



The next day, after breakfast.


Lin Qiong was running on the treadmill like crazy.

About 10 centimeters behind him, there was a simple barbed wire fence with flashes of electric light on the surface. If a person ran into it, although he would not be directly electrocuted to death, twitching would be inevitable.

In addition to the power grid, Lin Qiong was also wearing a leather vest, which was connected to a thick tree behind him through a straight rubber band.

Apparently, as soon as Lin Qiong stopped running, he would be pulled towards the power grid behind him by the rubber band, and then enjoy a wave of Professor Yang's love, and finally fall to the ground convulsing and foaming at the mouth.

Although the eldest lady and the secretary felt sorry for Lin Qiong, they didn't have any extra thoughts to comfort him - because they squatted with twisted faces.

To be more precise, he was squatting on a horse with iron rings on his arms with spikes piercing his armpits, burning incense under his buttocks, chili pepper water on his head, and porcelain jars filled with water in his hands.

"This is absolutely..." The secretary's face turned red, he gritted his teeth and said hoarsely: "It's torture!!"

This is not training!She refuses to admit it's training! !This is torture, this must be torture! !

"Huohuohuo, are you kidding me?" Misakiji Akiyu smiled and touched his beard and said: "It's only at this level, how can it be called torture?"

'This level! ? 'x2

The eldest lady and the secretary looked at Misaki Yueji Qiuyu with horrified eyes. In your eyes, to what extent is it considered torture! ?Is it Ling Chi?Still peeling cramps! ?

Devil, this is the devil! !

These two people finally understood why before going to bed yesterday, Lin Qiong would tell them in their ears that they must hold on.

Thinking of this, the two of them couldn't help but look in the direction of Lin Qiong again, and found that although his face was pale, he was gritting his teeth desperately and squeezing his body, trying to hold on for one more second.

Ah - damn it!

My boyfriend (Master) has persisted, how could I just give up like this!

Stick to it!




Misakoshiji Akisame looked at the three people who gritted their teeth and persisted with a happy face. He looked at the time on his pocket watch and thought: 'Interesting, it has actually exceeded the limit time I calculated, so human beings The potential is indeed unlimited! ! '

Interesting, so much fun!

Although the joy in his heart almost broke through the sky, Qiuyu Misaki Yueji's eyes did not move away from the three of them at all-just as he thought just now, the three of Lin Qiong had already exceeded the limit, no matter what It is possible to lose strength and fall down at any time, so he must be the first time...


The next moment, when the secretary was in a trance and fell backwards, Misakiji Temple Qiuyu quickly rushed over, first used her feet to push the incense under the secretary's butt to a distance; then, she moved the secretary's hands, jars and head He took down the plate and placed it on the ground; then he took off the iron ring on the secretary's arm and placed it next to the jar; finally, he gently supported the secretary's back and placed her firmly on it. on the ground.

Such fast movements, he is simply the Flying Thunder God in the martial arts world—Namikaze Minatoren nicknamed Xiao Misaki Yuesi, who knows everything.

Soon, Lin Qiong and the eldest lady followed in the footsteps of the secretary and fainted one after another. They were "rescued" skillfully by Misakiji Akiyu, and then lay neatly on the ground.

"Then..." He looked at the flower therapy ring floating in mid-air and said, "The flower therapy ring, right? I'll leave it to you next—"


Hua Huanhuan nodded lightly, and after she floated above Lin Qiong and the other three, her body suddenly glowed pink.

Skill: Flower Therapy!

Effect: Restores health.

Immediately afterwards, there was a flash of light, and a green halo spread from Hua Huanhuan's body.

Skill: Aromatherapy!

Effect: Remove abnormal status.


Misakiji Akiyu's eyes suddenly lit up, and he watched in surprise as the three people shrouded in light quickly recovered from their physical injuries, and then got up from the ground in a daze.


The secretary rubbed his arms and thighs, and said bitterly: "I don't feel like my body is my own anymore!"

The eldest lady smiled wryly, "I feel the same way - my hands and legs are still shaking."

This is a sign of being overtired and unable to control your muscles.

Lin Qiong rubbed his face, and said weakly: "I feel like I've lost half my life. This life is really not human."

"Hehe." Misaki Yuesi put his hands in his sleeves and asked with a smile: "Then, do you want to give up?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible." Lin Qiong pursed his lips, waved at Feng Speed ​​Dog lazily, then lay on the back of the big dog, and said, "I want to grow up and find a solution. The way Erina cursed."

"Idiot." The eldest lady lowered her head and bit her lips, "Qiong, I don't want you to force yourself like this for me!"

"Don't worry." Lin Qiong gave the young lady a thumbs-up, and said with a smile: "Master Miyue Temple knows it well! Our training seems to be torture, but in fact it is all pressed to our limit, and we can maximize it." exercising our bodies."

Misaki Yueji Qiuyu stroked his beard, but he didn't tell them, in fact, in just a dozen seconds, your will has broken through your own limit.


"Is there a curse on her body?" Misaki Yueji squatted beside the eldest lady curiously, he looked up and down the pale face of the eldest lady, and said, "I don't see anything unusual."

"Erina's curse comes from her blood, and it is a talent called God's Tongue..." Lin Qiong simply explained the situation of God's Tongue to Misaki Yueji Qiuyu, and said: "The tongue is the chef's Lifeline, there is no way to solve it by simply reducing the sensitivity of taste, so we can only find some mysterious means."

"So that's how it is—" Qiu Yu of Misaki Yue Temple had never heard of this kind of talent, so he had to say with emotion that he was worthy of being a person from another world.

Lin Qiong raised his head, looked at Misakiji Temple Qiuyu, and said, "Speaking of which, I remember that Master Misakitsuji's medical skills are very powerful? Do you have any idea?"

Misaki Yueji Qiuyu rubbed the bridge of her nose and said, "Sorry! If it's just a simple sense of taste, I might have a solution."

But God's Tongue will gradually strengthen its own "standards" based on the delicacies it has tasted!And this kind of "supernatural power" that can evolve by itself is completely beyond the scope of Misaki Koshiji Qiuyu's handling.

"Okay." Although Lin Qiong felt a little pity, he quickly cheered up—he patted his face with his hands, and cheered himself up: "If this is the case, then we must train harder! Strive for an early Become stronger, and then go to the world where the curse of God's Tongue can be solved!"

Come on, Lin Qiongzi!

Chapter 0089 Genres

In the eyes of Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, and the secretary, becoming a disciple of Misaki Misakiji and training under his guidance was like getting on an out-of-control dump truck, killing Satoru Mikami and Satoru Lu. Deus, Tanya, Sato and Shinso went to another world and couldn't stop at all.

From the first day of training, their daily routine has been training, training, training, and fucking training!Only in the two or three hours before going to bed, I can hug and watch cartoons with Kasaka Shigure, who I have been waiting for for a long time, and relax.

"I, I'm very strange—" The secretary in exercise clothes lay on the ground without any image, she closed her eyes, panting with sweat on her face, and asked: "Why, why, it's been more than half a year, we Haven’t you practiced any moves?”

"I, I also find it strange." The eldest lady fanned the wind with her hand, and then said weakly: "Although I can feel that my physical fitness has improved significantly, so far our move practice is still zero."

"I don't know too well—" Lin Qiong stood on the stake and said helplessly, "Maybe the master of Misty Yue Temple has his own plans."

In the original book, although the protagonist Kenichi Shirahama's learning progress was slow, he still learned some moves, but when he came to them, he really didn't learn any moves, so Lin Qiongshi really didn't know why.

"Hey, it's because your bodies are still suffering—" Misaki Yueji Qiuyu walked over with a smile, and said, "Thanks to the healing technique of the flower therapy ring and the nutrition boosted by the milk in the big milk tank , so that I can reproduce my theory on you."

"Rea...theory?" The secretary swallowed, and said with some anxiety, "Why do I always feel uneasy?"

Could it be some sort of biological experiment by Dr. Tai?For example, let's make people grow cat ears, fox ears, or dog ears...

Eh?Wait, this should be a good thing, right?If the eldest lady grows cat ears...

hey hey hey...

The secretary fell into delusion and let out a disgusting laugh.

"Fish sand..."

The eldest lady looked at her follower secretary with complicated eyes, and always felt that the more time she knew Lin Qiong, the more strange her secretary's behavior would be—could it be said that Lin Qiong was some kind of strange source of variation that would make people become weird? ?

Ancient God?Are you an ancient god?The ancient god who symbolizes hentai and foot control, are you?

"It's not the kind of strange thing you understand." Misaki Yueji Qiuyu looked at the secretary dumbfounded, and he explained: "The next words are my purely personal opinion, you can just laugh it off--in my opinion It seems that the muscles of the human body are divided into three types, namely, white muscles with "strong explosive power and weak endurance", red muscles with "weak explosive power and strong endurance", and "strong explosive power and low endurance" with both characteristics. Strong' pink skin."

"This theory—"

Hearing Misaki Yueji Qiuyu's words, the eldest lady and the secretary who heard it for the first time couldn't help but look at each other, while Lin Qiong, who had seen this theory as early as when he was reading manga, was calm Appearance - I knew it earlier!

The secretary said thoughtfully: "Let's not talk about the pink muscle, at least the white muscle and the red muscle seem to be able to find the corresponding parts?"

"White muscles that burst out and stay weak should be the muscles on the arms, right? They can lift heavy objects in an instant, but they lose their strength soon." The young lady said with a look of thought, "The red muscles that burst out are weak and stay strong , it should be the respiratory muscles, right? The respiratory muscles are in operation all their lives, as long as they stop, people can’t breathe.”

The secretary looked at Qiuyu Misaki Yueji curiously, and said, "Master Misaki Yuesi, is there any connection between the 'reproducibility theory' you mentioned and the muscle classification just now?"

"Of course it is related." Misaki Yueji took off the skin of his upper body with a calm face, revealing perfect muscles that seemed to be carved out of marble. "Normally speaking, the three types of muscles in the human body The ratio is fixed, but through 20 years of testing and exercise, I have perfectly transformed all the muscles in my body into explosive and durable pink muscles."

"!" The two of them were suddenly shocked, and the secretary blurted out: "Could it be that the master wants to reproduce it..."

"That's right! I want to try to convert the muscles of the three of you into perfect pink muscles." After showing off the muscles on his body, Misaki Koshiji put on his clothes again and said with a smile: "To me As far as we are concerned, this is the first step in laying a solid foundation—”


The eldest lady and the secretary looked at each other dumbfounded. Is this just the first step?Master Misakikoshi, what kind of foundation do you plan to make to qualify us? ? ?

It wasn't until this moment that they fully understood why Lin Qiong brought them to this world as the first step in becoming stronger—a foundation of this level is no different from a single shot at the beginning of the mobile game. All the phantom god characters in the tenth company, right?

too strong!

After realizing the ambition of Misaki Yueji's master, the eldest lady and the secretary became more energetic in exercising, which made Misaki Yueji Qiuyu feel that her experience in training disciples had increased again.

Disciple training experience of the Cape Yue Temple School. Part [-]: When training disciples, giving the other party some hope can effectively mobilize the enthusiasm of the disciples, and then increase the training intensity according to the trend, and the disciples will not complain.

Very good, today's Misaki Yue Temple has improved again.



Wake up, breakfast, exercise, rest, lunch, exercise, rest, dinner, exercise, rest, watch cartoons with Kasaka Shigure, sleep.

Once a person is addicted to something, he will have a dull sense of the passage of time, especially in this kind of day-to-day practice, so when Misaki Yueji Qiuyu told the three of Lin Qiong that their first stage When the training had come to an end, the three realized that nine months had passed.

"Knot, is it over?" Sitting on the grass, Lin Qiong shook his fist in a daze, and said, "Let's just say, I'm already a pink muscular man?"

Why do you feel like Majin Buu?Am I an ultimate creature too?

The eldest lady said dumbfoundedly: "Qiong, don't use such strange words!"

The secretary also said with a little dissatisfaction: "That is to say! The eldest lady and I are also undergoing training together! If according to what you say, aren't we also pink muscular people?"

So weird!

The sissy Majin Buu is really weird... Wait, isn't this the Majin No. 21?I can!

Lin Qiong glanced at the bodies of the two who didn't know how much nicer they were compared to nine months ago, and couldn't help complaining: "One thing to say, if you go back to Yuanyue with your current body, I'm afraid you won't be able to take it easy. Those girls want to cry, okay?"


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