After talking about something worthy of happiness, the secretary, who was complaining one second, became happy the next second.

She held her face in both hands, and said with a happy face: "Hey, this time, I must impress them!"

Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth and said: "This is not a surprise, but my eyes are bulging out to see."

The eldest lady couldn't help showing a happy smile, wouldn't that girl like her figure becoming bumpy?Look at her erect pectoralis major, her seductive vest line, her graceful peach buttocks...

Perfect, so perfect!

Elegant, so elegant!

So angry, so angry!

After the three people's emotions eased a little, Misaki Yueji Qiuyu continued: "After the first stage of training is over, the second stage requires you to decide your own genre."


The eldest lady and the secretary looked at each other.

"The most basic choice is, do you like to fight the enemy with bare hands, or do you like to fight the enemy with weapons?" Misaki Koshiji pointed to himself and pointed to Kasaka Shigure, and continued: "The further choice is to After choosing the way to fight the enemy, what are you going to learn specifically?"

"If you're going to fight empty-handed, are you learning muay thai? Karate? Judo? Sambo? Bancasila?"

"If you prepare a weapon to fight the enemy, do you use a naginata? One-handed sword? Bow and arrow? Scythe? Polearm?"

After Qiu Yu's voice from the Cape Yue Temple went downstairs, Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, and the secretary fell into a brief silence—the master's words were very simple, that is, that way to go in the future.

"Erina and the secretary should know how to choose weapons, right?" Lin Qiong looked in the direction of the eldest lady and the secretary, held up his chin and asked: "If you choose a knife as a weapon, it might indirectly improve your knife skills. "


Kasaka Shigure's eyes lit up when she heard this. She ran up to the eldest lady and secretary, and then raised her hands - those were Misakiji Temple Qiu Yu specially prepared a dagger for her that was considered a "long knife" for her grade.

"Time rain?"

The eldest lady and the secretary looked at Kazaka Shigure, and saw that she looked around for a while, then ran back to the kitchen, took a carrot, and raised it above her head.

Lin Qiong guessed: "It seems that she wants to show you... knife skills?"


Kosaka Shigure nodded, she flicked the carrot into the air with her right hand, then quickly grasped the handle of the dagger, and a cold light came out of the sheath with a "clang"—the three of Lin Qiong felt a flash of white light in front of them, and the carrot was gone. It has fallen into her palm again.


Without saying a word, Kosaka Shigure raised his palm in front of the eldest lady and the secretary. The two looked at the carrots that were accurately cut into pieces as thick as a hair, and exclaimed "Wow--".

"Is the hourly rain so severe?"

"This knife skill is too sharp!"

Kosaka Shigure felt embarrassed and drew circles on the ground with his toes, then twisted his body and asked, "Do you want to learn?"

"Yes, yes!" The secretary and the eldest lady immediately squatted in front of Kazaka Shigure, "Shigure-chan, please give me your advice in the future!"


Kosaka Shigure pursed his lips, and nodded his head at a speed 50.00% faster than usual, the joy in his heart no longer needs to be described too much.

"That's great——" Misaki Koshiji looked at Kasaka Shigure pretending to be envious, then glanced at Lin Qiong, and said, "Should the three of you have to learn weapons? Then I'll be lonely—" —”

'Could your acting be any more fake? Lin Qiong complained in his heart, then scratched his face with a little unconfidence and embarrassment, and said: "About my choice--Actually, I don't know if I should say that I am ignorant or self-righteous... ..."

Chapter 0090 The end of training

"Oh?" Misaki Yueji raised his eyebrows, and he sat cross-legged in front of Lin Qiong, and said with a serious expression: "Tell me, what do you think."

"En." Lin Qiong nodded, rubbed his fingers, and said, "That's right, I will definitely go to other worlds in the future, and then I will definitely experience more advanced martial arts in other worlds. , so I was thinking, can I integrate all the martial arts skills I saw along the way into my own martial arts, and then come out with my own flow..."

Speaking of this, Lin Qiong laughed awkwardly "ah haha" a few times, and said, "You are really overconfident, right?"

Misaki Yueji Qiuyu put her hands on her knees and asked softly: "It's a good idea, isn't it? Why do you feel that you are overwhelmed?"

"Eh? Because I should be considered the type of person with no talent, right?" Lin Qiong raised his hand and scratched the back of his head, and said with some embarrassment: "A guy with mediocre talent like me, what can I say without shame - Isn't it arrogant to gather the strengths of hundreds of schools and create your own martial arts?"

In Lin Qiong's perception, who are those who can create their own martial arts?

In The Legend of the Condor Heroes, carefully study thousands of Taoist books, and then create the Huang Chang of the Nine Yin Scriptures;

In the Condor Heroes, they fight all over the world in search of defeat, but in the end, Dugu, who sadly buries his sword in the sword grave, seeks defeat;

Zhang Zhenren, a martial arts prodigy with immortal demeanor in Yitian Tulongji, created his own Taijiquan sword when he was a hundred years old.

And look at Lin Qiong himself?

He consciously compares his "talent" with the above-mentioned people, that is asking for fun!He is a passerby who has no characteristics when he is thrown into the crowd. Where does he have the qualifications to be compared with these geniuses?

"Talent?" Misaki Yueji pondered for a few seconds, then smiled softly, and said, "You are right! Compared with Shi Yu, you are indeed without talent."

"Shua—" The eldest lady and the secretary immediately looked at Kasaka Shigure who was holding his legs and shaking his upper body.

"Shigure is a genius, a well-deserved genius." Misakikoshi Qiuyu tapped her knee with her finger and said, "She knows how to use all weapons without a teacher, and she is destined to be a martial artist at the master level."

"Yeah." Lin Qiong nodded.

"However, the essence of martial arts is that it was invented by allowing weak people to defeat strong people—" Misaki Yueji Qiuyu raised a finger, and he said very seriously: "Do you think weak people will be A person with excellent talent? No! The so-called martial arts is just a means to change the fate of weak people against the sky."


"You are indeed a person with very ordinary talents, but martial arts is just for stupid people like you!" Misagojiji Akiyu raised his right hand, then slowly made it into a fist, and said: "Your In the eyes of others, the ideal may be a fantasy put forward by an ignorant person, but in the eyes of experts like me - this is a very good goal! Move towards this goal step by step! As long as you don't If you choose to give up, you will eventually succeed."

He really...I cried to death.

"...Yes!" Lin Qiong took a deep breath, sniffed his nose, and then said extremely seriously: "Master Misakiji Temple, please don't worry! When I appear in front of you again, I will definitely become a disciple that you are proud of!"

"Oh? Your ambition is pretty good——" Misaki Yueji suddenly showed a smile like a demon king. He grinned and said with a smile: "Since you are so ambitious, I have no choice but to help you." !"

Lin Qiong couldn't help shivering, and he said weakly: "Master, you said help me, shouldn't you further increase the difficulty of the sequence?"

Qiuyu Misaki Yuesi did not speak, but looked at Lin Qiong with a smile.

This expression made Lin Qiong even more uneasy, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and asked for confirmation: "Isn't it?"

Smiled slightly, very pleasant.

Lin Qiong realized that, he turned his head and showed a smile that was not in love with the eldest lady and the secretary.

Oh, the world is not worth it.



After Lin Qiong, the eldest lady and the secretary decided on their own schools, the training venue for the three of them changed - Lin Qiong followed Misakiji Akiyu to the indoor judo field, while the eldest lady and the secretary went to the indoor judo field. Following behind Kosaka Shigure, weapons training was carried out in the backyard martial arts field.

"Although I am proficient in judo, I also know a little bit about other boxing and kicking skills." Misakiji Akiyu stood in front of Lin Qiong in judo uniform and said softly: "Although I can't make you master, at least it's okay to get started. questionable."

"I... this..." Lin Qiong was wearing super wear-resistant training clothes, looked at Misaki Yueji Qiuyu with a look of despair on his face, and said, "Can you be merciful?"

"Be merciful? That depends on your efforts—" Misaki Yueji Qiuyu smiled lightly, then assumed a standard judo posture, and said, "Also, Lin Qiong! Before starting the actual combat training, put me next to you." A word, firmly in my heart!"


"That's 'don't be restricted by moves'!" Misaki Yueji's voice fell, his hands had already grabbed Lin Qiong's collar, and then fell him onto the tatami under him with a "boom".

"Hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssttssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss from one place oneself oneself one's body, is painful.

"The first lesson you have to learn is - how to take a beating!" Misakiji Temple Qiuyu looked at Lin Qiong rolling on the ground and said: "That is the most basic 'receiving body' technique! Next, I will keep attacking. You, if you can't reduce the damage I caused to you, you might really be thrown into unconsciousness——"

"Devil... the devil!!"

Lin Qiong let out a groan.



Before starting to practice martial arts, Lin Qiong never imagined that he would stay in this world for a whole year and a half.

In the first nine months, under the full training of Misaki Yuesi Qiuyu, he laid a solid foundation and initially transformed the muscles on his body into pink muscles that are both explosive and durable;

For the next half month, he has been learning to "be beaten". He has been beaten by Qiuyu from Miyue Temple since the morning, and he didn't stop until noon. If it wasn't for the healing power of the flower therapy ring, Lin Qiong might have been beaten fell to internal bleeding;

In the next two and a half months, Lin Qiong, who had initially graduated from "Beating", started the most preliminary battle training under the guidance of Qiu Yu from Misaki Yueji. Boxing, Bajiquan, Pictographic Boxing, Karate, Muay Thai and other martial arts moves of nearly a dozen schools;

In the rest of the time, Qiu Yu of Misaki Yueji took Lin Qiong to travel around the world, directly using real combat to exercise Lin Qiong's flexibility, until he could flexibly switch between various martial arts styles, it was not over.

"In a year and a half, I went from being ignorant to being a master now..." Misaki Yueji Qiuyu stroked her chin and said with a smile on her face, "I can see that you have worked very hard, Mr. Lin."

Lin Qiong complained, "Should I say thank you for the compliment?"

Qiu Yu of Misaki Yue Temple tilted her head and said, "Well, why shouldn't it be?"

"Then you should stop this thing..." Lin Qiong moved his legs quickly on the rollers and shouted hysterically: "Why is there such a devilish training on graduation day!!"

"Well--" Misaki Yueji Qiuyu smiled and touched the "warm little props that are not scary at all to help disciples train" he made, and said: "The main reason is that the inspiration came last night, so I made it It came out—you see, it worked out pretty well, didn't it?"

Lin Qiong screamed sadly: "Evil ghost——"

The eldest lady and the secretary at the door couldn't help but shivered with their arms folded.

"Hey, the happy time is coming to an end." Misaki Yueji reluctantly turned off the switch of the roller, then looked at Lin Qiong who was panting with his hands on his knees after getting off the roller, and said, "I remember What you said - I hope that when we meet again next time, you will become my proud disciple."

"Huh—don't worry, Master Miyue Temple!" Lin Qiong gave his thumbs up to Qiu Yu of Miyue Temple, panting slightly: "Next time we meet, Huh, I will definitely surprise you!"

"Although the lines are very handsome, the image of sweating profusely and panting is not handsome at all—"

"Who made me get up on the morning of our separation to test new training tools, and then made me gasp for breath!?" Lin Qiong couldn't help complaining: "The culprit should not look innocent! "

"Seeing how energetic you are, I'm relieved." Misaki Yueji patted Lin Qiong's shoulder with a smile, and said, "Okay, take a shower and then go."




After taking a cold shower and feeling refreshed, Lin Qiong wiped his hair and returned to the living room - and then he saw Kosaka Shigure reluctantly holding the hands of the eldest lady and the secretary. .

"Reluctant?" Lin Qiong asked in a low voice as he stood beside Qiu Yu of Miyue Temple.

Misakakoshi Qiuyu nodded helplessly——Kasaka Shigure had no friends since he was a child, and now he finally has a few older sisters who are tired of being together all day, so of course he will be reluctant.

Lin Qiong touched his chin, and suggested with a smirk: "Then why not, Xiaoyu will go with us?"

This is a security expert level bodyguard!If you go to another world with Lin Qiong to develop, I'm afraid you won't be able to become a great swordsman (Da Wu).


Hearing Lin Qiong's words, Kazaka Shigure's eyes lit up, she seemed a little moved, but she calmed down quickly, then shook her head, and said in a muffled voice: "Not now, I want to take back the knife!"

Chapter 0091 The time is right...

Lin Qiong was not surprised by Kasaka Shigure's answer.

After all, the task of "recovering the killing knife" can be regarded as the "main task" of the character Kasaka Shigure-her father is a blacksmith, and forged a large number of "cutting swords" for the villain organizations in this world. Human knife"!So after his death, Kasaka Shigure vowed to take back and destroy all the beheading knives made by his father.

"Well, okay." Lin Qiong bent down, reached out and touched Kazaka Shigure's head, and said with a smile: "Then let's talk about it after you have recovered all the knives."

"Yeah." Kazaka Shigure nodded.

At this time, Misakiji Temple Qiuyu on the side couldn't sit still.

He pondered for a moment, and then said to Lin Qiong: "Lin Qiong, you don't seem to have told me that you can take someone with you?"

"Eh? Didn't I tell you?"

"Have you ever said that?"

"..." x2

After staring at each other awkwardly and not politely, Lin Qiong touched his head with an awkward smile and said, "I seem to have forgotten to mention it."

It was really not Lin Qiong's intention. The main reason was that the intensity of the exercises was so exaggerated that he was always exhausted. Come on, he was so tired that he couldn't even think of his favorite black stocking legs with his eyes closed. It's conceivable. You know how tired he can be!

"This kind of topic should have been discussed earlier—" Misaki Yueji Qiuyu covered his face, and he sighed: "If I knew you have this ability, your training intensity can be raised to another level."

"Me??" Lin Qiong pointed at himself dumbfounded, and said, "Why!? Still ascending? Then I can't ascend to heaven where I am, and die on the spot!?"

Misaki Yueji Qiuyu shook his head helplessly, and explained: "Why are you panicking? I mean, if I had known that you could take someone away with me, I would have taken you to find some other expert-level martial arts masters. I don’t think they would be stingy about teaching you in exchange for an opportunity to go to other worlds for training.”

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