During the year and a half of getting along, Lin Qiong would occasionally talk about the settings of other worlds with Akiyu Misakikoshi, such as the knowledge and colors of the pirate world and the color of weapons that made Akiyu Misakikoshi very interested—— He is interested, and other martial arts masters should be equally interested.

"Ah, so that's it..." Lin Qiong scratched his head and said with some pity, "But it seems it's too late."

"What a pity--"

The secretary couldn't help but sigh with emotion, then patted his head regretfully, and muttered, "Why didn't I think of it? If I thought of it, I could remind Young Master Lin."

"Didn't I, the client, never think about it? Hey, what a big deal." Lin Qiong waved his hands dumbfounded, and said, "I'm so tired from training every day that I don't even have the energy to recall Erina's beautiful legs, so you don't have the energy to think about it." Isn't that normal."

The secretary couldn't help but nodded and said, "Indeed."

The eldest lady said angrily, "It's really a ghost! What are you thinking in your usual head!"

"I'm thinking about Erina's beautiful legs." Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up and said, "Occasionally I also think about beautiful feet!"

Only kids get to choose, and I love them all!

The courage to admit that you are foot control (shout out).


Facing such an honest and unaffected Lin Qiong, the eldest lady didn't know how to react for a moment—should I be angry, or should I be happy that he was greedy for me?



Although regretful in every way, after lunch, the three of Lin Qiong formally bid farewell to Misaki Yueji Qiuyu, and then returned to Yuanyue Academy.

"Ah, back!"

Looking at the familiar buildings in front of them, the secretary and the eldest lady opened their hands at the same time—although the air quality is not as good as the disciple world, let alone the Pokémon world, but this feeling of embracing high technology.


"Let's go find the old man first." Lin Qiong took the young lady's hand and said teasingly, "Speaking of which, we disappeared for a year and a half in one breath. Do you think they will continue to make fun of us when they see us again?"


The eldest lady, who was still immersed in the joy of returning home, suddenly uttered a groan, and she immediately recalled the reason why she escaped from this world—was it because when she was making out with Lin Qiong, a group of people saw a Are you wearing it?


Shame, shame is coming up!

The eldest lady covered her face with her other hand, then gritted her teeth and said, "If they really dare to tease me, I must let them, my knife, how fast!"

"And me and me!" The secretary bravely raised his right hand and said, "I will always stand by the young lady's side!"

Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds, and then said: "Then if your eldest lady sits on the table, then looks down at you with eyes like trash, lifts her right leg, and pours honey on it, And when the sticky honey slips down the calf to the toe, I want you to lick it off, what are you going to do?"

"Ah this..."

The secretary swallowed, and she really wanted to say, "Is there such a good thing?", but looking at the young lady's almost murderous gaze (although it was looking at Lin Qiong), she could only reluctantly express: "I, I will call Master Lin to come over!"

"Oh! As expected of the secretary, what a good answer!" Lin Qiong's eyes lit up immediately, and he gave the secretary a thumbs-up, and said, "Jie Jie, Erina's beautiful legs are not welcome. ……Wow!"

Lin Qiong dodged the young lady's knife, and then patted his chest, pretending to be exaggerated and said: "It's so scary, so scary! I almost got hit."

"Hmph—" The eldest lady glared at Lin Qiong with a red face, and then walked towards the house with unrecognizable steps, leaving Lin Qiong and the secretary smiling at each other.

It's still so fun when the young lady flirts with her!



When I saw the old man again, his spirit was still as strong as ever.

"Hey, old man, you look very energetic." Lin Qiong greeted with a smile, and asked: "It seems that the milk in the big milk pot and the eggs in Ji Li Dan are really good things?"

"Hahaha, that's true." The old man laughed. Now he has a glass of milk and an egg every day, and he is in great shape. Not long ago, he even participated in a triathlon and broke a record.

"Hey, that's a good relationship." Lin Qiong crossed his legs and said, "Hey, the world that Erina and I went to this time is amazing—hey, it will definitely scare you!"

The old man couldn't help being stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then he was silent for five seconds, and finally said hesitantly: "One and a half years, the time is right..."

"Huh?" x3

Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, and the secretary made doubtful voices at the same time—when is the right time? ?

I saw the old man shaking his head with a sigh, and said: "I am also from the past, and I understand your feelings! Although Erina is only full now, it is almost the same—"

"No, old man, what are you talking about?"

"Huh? It's not because you are in a period of passionate love that you can't control yourself..." The old man drew a circle with his left hand, then slowly entered it with his right index finger, and asked, "Have you accidentally had a child? It's been a year and a half Should it be born?"


Lin Qiong and the young lady spit out the tea in their mouths at the same time. They stared dumbfounded at the old man with the expression "Where is my great-grandson? Quickly take it out and see".

"What the hell are you talking about——" Erina covered her face with her hands, and made a voice of embarrassment and indignation: "No! There is no such thing! Why do you think I have a child outside? Ahhhhh——”

"Eh-" The old man showed a very, very disappointed expression. He lowered his head in despair and said gloomily: "No? Hey!"

The eldest lady couldn't hold back anymore: "Why do you look like you want to be there?!"

The old man sighed, and said earnestly: "Although there are big milk pots and lucky eggs for conditioning, I am still old! It is not surprising when my health fails! So, my biggest wish in this life is to see it with my own eyes. Seeing the birth of my great-grandson, hey—"

Hearing the old man's words, although the young miss still had a shy blush on her face, she couldn't help showing a bit of sadness—yes, human life is limited after all, and my old man doesn't know how long he can live.

On the contrary, Lin Qiong showed a suspicious expression. He couldn't help but look at the old man who might be able to kill a cow with one punch, and then asked: "Old man, I dare to ask, did you follow this sentence back then? Did the daughter tell the son?"

"Ho ho ho—" the old man showed a disrespectful smile, then winked at Lin Qiong and said, "How do you think Erina and Alice got here?"


The eldest lady, who was still immersed in grief the last second, couldn't hold back immediately. She covered her face with her hands, then fell into Lin Qiong's arms, and said, "Let me die!"

Desperate, desperate for this world where grandpa is not serious!

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Lin Qiong and the old man laughed at the cute reaction of the young lady, and the result was that the young lady curled up into a ball.

After bullying the eldest lady for a while, the old man restrained his smile and asked, "Xiao Lin, what kind of world is the world you are going to this time?"

"It's a world of good news for you——" Lin Qiong smiled at the old man, and while stroking the young lady's soft blond hair, he replied: "The world that Erina and I are going to this time is A world where martial arts are prevalent, we have already laid a solid foundation there, and then we will go to a world that can make us stronger--if this continues, sooner or later, we will be able to touch the solution to the curse of God's Tongue thing!"


The old man clenched his fists subconsciously, and then murmured with a hint of joy: "Can the sad fate of the Nakiri family finally be changed?"

Chapter 0092 Does this kind of data really exist?

The "God's Tongue" passed down in the blood of the Nakiri family is a gift from God, but it is also a curse from God.

Every chef who got the tongue of God ended up lying on the hospital bed skinny because he couldn't eat anything, and swallowed his last breath.

Now, he can finally see the hope of solving this curse.

"Don't worry, old man." Lin Qiong pinched the eldest lady's exposed ears, which were already dyed a layer of cherry pink, and said softly: "Even if it's for Erina, I will try my best to find a solution .”


The eldest lady bit Lin Qiong's finger lightly, then twisted her body and turned her back to her grandfather—please, if you face him, you will definitely be ridiculed, right?

Don't do that kind of thing!

"Well..." Watching the interaction between the two, the old man silently stroked his beard, and then said: "Xiaolin, actually our Nakiri family still has some privileges, so it doesn't matter if we don't wait until we are 20 years old..."


The young lady uttered a ferocious growl, she turned her head red-faced and stared at her grandfather—look what you're talking about! ?Don't you want your granddaughter to be pouted!

If the old man could understand the young lady's eyes, he would probably nod his head without changing his face.

Why, can't I want to hug my great-grandson?




After two days of rest in Shiji World, Lin Qiong took the eldest lady to the world of China, and came to the backyard of Juxialou, which has gradually developed into a famous restaurant in Sichuan.

"Tsk tsk tsk—" Looking at the two people who appeared in front of her, Xiangzi Qianri immediately began to tease, "It's been a long time! We thought you were going to leave us alone in this world."

Hearing Ganri Xiangzi's words, Lin Qiong waved his hands hastily and said, "No, no, why would we do this? Don't get me wrong—"

Gan Rixiangzi thought that Lin Qiong misunderstood her meaning and blamed her, but when she was about to explain, she heard Lin Qiong continue: "It is against the law to throw harmful garbage anywhere, even if it is thrown into another world. -"


Gan Ri Xiangzi almost couldn't catch her breath, she stared at the innocent Lin Qiong in front of her with wide eyes, then covered her chest in pain, and said, "Ah, senior Sigong, look Look, is what Young Master Lin is saying in human language? Woohoo, my young heart has been indelibly traumatized—”

Kojiro Shinomiya pushed his glasses, and said indifferently under the reflection of the lenses: "Master Lin, I think what you said is a little wrong—"

"Senior Sigong—" Gan Ri Xiangzi was so moved.

"Hyugako should not be hazardous waste, but nuclear waste that will cause pollution..."


Kanhiru Xiangzi's expression became ferocious, she bravely attacked Shinomiya Kojiro, and was then suppressed by the opponent's ruthless iron hand and indestructible grip.

"here we go again--"

Kobayashi Rindani sighed, she spread her hands, shook her head helplessly, and said to Eishi Fushi next to her, "The relationship between Hinata-senpai and Shinomiya-senpai is still as good as it is."


Gan Ri Xiangzi raised his finger and pointed at Kobayashi Gendan with difficulty—you say what you just said again?My brains are almost pinched out, do you call this a relationship?



After making a fuss for a while, the secretary who couldn't hold back dragged the female members to another backyard, leaving only the male members such as Lin Qiong, Dojima Gin, Joichiro, and Kojiro.

"Oh, there are only men now." Cheng Yilang rubbed his chin disrespectfully, and said to Lin Qiong with a mocking face: "Xiao Lin, how is the progress with the eldest lady? Where has it developed?"

"Why didn't I find you gossiping like this before?" Lin Qiong glanced at Shiro Ichiro angrily, then shook his head and said, "No, you seem to be gossiping like this all the time."

"Hahaha, since you know I'm gossip, why don't you hurry up and answer my question?" Shiro Ichiro smiled, winked at Lin Qiong, and said, "We're all very interested!"

"'We'?" Lin Qiong looked around, and found that Dojima Gin, Xinghei Soshin, Isshiki Hui and even Takmi were all peeking here——good guy, I didn't expect you to have been captured by Saiba Seiichiro and Dojima Gin, are these two guys polluted?

"Okay, let's talk!" Dojima Gin urged, "You disappeared with the eldest lady for a year and a half-this is a year and a half! Round up, I'm afraid you have children!"

"What!?" Kuga Teruki on the side said in shock: "Master Lin and the eldest lady have children?"

"Son, where is the child?" Yao Wang looked around.

"How can there be a child? Hey! Don't spread rumors casually?" Lin Qiong patted the table with a black face, gritted his teeth and said, "Erina and I have undergone hellish training in the past year and a half to survive. The mouth teeth that come out!"

"Training like hell?" xN

"To be precise, it's hellish martial arts training!" Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips and said, "The world we are going to this time is a world with real martial arts!"

"Oh——" xN

This time it was terrible, and everyone burst out with an even more enthusiastic attitude than before.

"What kind of martial arts?" Dojima Gin looked at Lin Qiong with bright eyes, and asked, "Is it necessary to dismantle and recover?"

"Let's perform it!" Cheng Yilang felt out a brick from somewhere, and said excitedly, "Come and split a brick with your bare hands!"

"Can it fly? Can it jump more than ten meters?" Yao Wang was very interested.

Lin Qiong looked at the curious babies around him, couldn't help but raised his hands high up, and said, "Don't worry, don't worry! Calm down, please? Let me tell you slowly——"



On the other side, the girls gather here.

"Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?" Kobayashi Rindou, who was transformed into a Two-dimensional sonar, sat astride a chair, and then asked curiously, "Secretary, what's the matter with you, calling us over so eagerly?"

"Hey, of course there is something important." The secretary and the eldest lady looked at each other, they stood up and walked to the center of the eyes of the girls, then turned around neatly and asked: "Do you find us Is there anything different?"


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