A big question mark popped up on the heads of the women around them, and they immediately showed their "sweeping eyes on small details" as women, and then looked up and down at the young lady and the secretary in front of them.

What's the difference?

After observing for dozens of seconds, Kadozaki Taki asked tentatively: "Your figure seems to be better?"


These words were like a lolita bomb detonating in the city center, immediately causing a sensation among the surrounding women - they quickly gathered around the eldest lady and the secretary, and began to use microscope-level vision. observe.

It seems, it seems, it seems, it's really getting better?

"Really!" Kobayashi Rindan screamed, "I remember that the secretary's breasts were not so big before!"


The secretary supported himself with a proud face, and said, "Oh, I've been spotted!"

Her answer undoubtedly affirmed the guesses of others, so there was no doubt that it caused a burst of exclamation again.

"What's going on? What's going on!?" Hinatako approached the two of them with unusual enthusiasm and urged: "Tell me quickly! Is the world you are going to this time the kind of world that will make your body better?"

Kobayashi Rindou complained: "Senior Hyugako, what are you thinking? How could there be such an outrageous world!"

"That is to say——" Yoshino Yuki waved his hands dumbfounded, and said, "What the hell is this world that makes people look better! Is it the world of beauty contests?"

It can't be the antonym world of Biaofan, right?In order to allow men to applaud better, World Tree will regularly release light that will make women all over the world better and have better skin?

If there really is such a world, let me try it (annoyed.

"But the problem is—" Ganri Xiangzi bit her fingernails unwillingly, looked at the eldest lady and the secretary with teary eyes, and said, "Their figures have indeed become better!"

"This is the result of our hard work." The eldest lady smiled helplessly, and she explained: "The world we are going with Qiong this time is a world of practicing martial arts—"

After briefly introducing the setting of the strongest world in history, the women in front of them immediately became excited.

However, the male side is excited about "Nest, kung fu? This is too handsome, too cool!", while the female side is excited about "Nest, can you make your figure better? This is too handsome, too cool!".

Qian Ri Xiangzi looked at the eldest lady with envy, and said, "Erina-chan, what is your current figure? Tell us quickly—"

"Yeah——" Xiao Lin Longdan couldn't help holding his own bag, and said, "Missy is already taller than me, isn't she?"


Shocked by the bold reaction of these people, the eldest lady couldn't help but coughed twice, and then reported a set of data with some embarrassment-this was after she returned home, she secretly took the secretary to the house Checked out by the hospital.

"What, what!?"

At the moment of hearing the data of the young lady, all the women present showed uneasy expressions.

"Does this kind of data really exist?"


"Isn't this correct!? Miss, you just tell us that you have undergone the correction, which is more believable!"

"It's so cute!"

This feeling is like when you come home during the summer vacation, and then you log in to yourself with a face of 13 and played thousands of ranking games. Finally, you climbed up to the account of the extraordinary master with 51% victory, and you are going to be in the fifth grade of your elementary school. When my cousin showed off in front of me, I found that the other party was actually added by me with great difficulty, like the wild king who ranked among the top 20 strongest kings in the area.

I don't accept this kind of reality! ! !

Chapter 0093 I was brought down?

Compared with the cries of "unbelievable" on the female side, the male side is much more harmonious.

"Hurry up, show me!" Yao Wang urged Lin Qiong with bright eyes, "What kind of martial arts did Brother Lin learn in another world? Show off!"

Men's love for martial arts is no less than their love for large robots and beautiful girls—please, who hasn't imagined that they have acquired the ability to hypnotize and then come to the Condor Heroes, Huang Rong, Guo Fu, Guo Xiang, and Little Dragon Girl, Li Mochou...

Wait, wait, I made a mistake, try again!

Come on, who hasn't imagined that he has obtained the inheritance of a master, and then he can walk the world with his sword with his confidante?

By the way, as a child, if someone picks up a branch that is straight enough and has no branches, it is simply a magical weapon, right?

"I want to see it too—" Yisehui said with full interest: "Is it real kung fu? I want to see it—"

"Me too!" Dojima Yindama sat on the chair with a golden knife, looked at Lin Qiong full of momentum, and said, "I even want to compete with you!"

"Your style of painting is wrong! If I went to learn cooking skills, and then you want to eat halberds with me, I can understand! But what the hell do you want to compete with me—" Lin Qiong couldn't help complaining : "You are a cook, not a fighter!"

"In addition to being a chef, I'm also a fitness enthusiast—" Dojima Yin explained with a smile, "so when I see the real style, my hands will more or less itch."

"Hiss, does it make sense?" Lin Qiong frowned in confusion, and said in distress, "But the current Yinsang may not be my opponent?"

It's really not Lin Qiong's expansion!Although he looks like a thin guy of 1.8 meters now, but from his weight of more than [-] kilograms, it can be inferred how much muscle is in his body!As for the combat experience brought by actual combat - it is not an exaggeration to say that if he returns to Earth to fight to the death with boxing champion Tyson, it is estimated that Tyson will be knocked unconscious within ten seconds.


Hearing Lin Qiong's "expansion", Dojima Yin was not only not angry, but his eyes lit up, and he said to himself: "It seems that he has really learned the real skill if he can make Xiao Lin confident enough to say that I am not an opponent. ah!"

"Why don't you try it quickly?" Jiu Wo Zhaoji said expectantly: "Senior Dojima used his muscles to force us to get up at five in the morning to accompany him for a morning run! Hurry up and teach him a lesson!"

"Oh wow-"

Gin Dojima made a DIO-like voice. He looked at Teruki Kuga playfully, and said, "It seems that Kuga-kun has a big opinion on me? Why don't we practice?"

"Uh——" Jiu Wo Zhaoji felt choked, and he said in cold sweat: "This, this, I, I am the chef, no, don't fight!"

"That's even better!" Dojima Gin was even happier, he grinned and said, "Then let's eat the halberd?"


How could I have forgotten that this muscular beast senior is a top ten graduate! ?

Jiuwo Zhaoji looked at Lin Qiong with tears streaming down his face, and sent him a distress signal with eyes full of longing——

Come to the emergency rescue, Qiu Li Gao!

"This brat..." Lin Qiong couldn't help but twitched his face, and then said helplessly: "Okay, okay, Yinsang, don't bully this clumsy guy who likes to dance, I promise to accompany you to practice!" Both hands, okay?"

Jiuwo Zhaoji's eyes widened, he pointed at himself, and then looked at the ten outstanding partners around him indignantly - look at what he said about me! ?He said that I am good at cooking and love to dance! ?Is there any reason?

Kobayashi Gendan glanced at him, then swipe his middle finger at him——you are a hot little chick who is good at cooking and loves to dance!

"Σ( ° △ °|||)——"

Kuga Teruki, who was hit hard, looked at the others and tried to seek comfort. In the end, the kind-hearted Isshiki patted him on the shoulder and comforted him, "My condolences."

'So this is no consolation at all...Damn it! '

After a long time, I obeyed the law, and my heart was broken.



The world of the spirit of eating halberds.

Far Moon Resort.

Gym, ring.

"I didn't even know there was such a device here—" Lin Qiong looked around, and couldn't help but said to Dojima Yin: "I said Yinsang, this is your private product, right?"

"Am I that kind of person?"

"You are."

"That's right." Dojima Yinle said, he put on the protective gear and stood on the stage, and said: "After all, I have also learned Sanda for a while, so it is not normal to have a place for practice."

"You're a cook, why are you learning Sanda?" Lin Qiong tugged at the corner of his mouth. He looked at Dojima Gin's powerful muscles and complained: "Coupled with your muscles - Gin-san, I'm becoming more and more suspicious now. Does your shokuji win by beating the opponent until he can't get on stage?"

"Hahahahaha——" Shiroichiro smiled and patted the ring, "Beat the opponent until he can't make it to the stage, hahahaha! Yin, is this really the purpose of your fitness?"

"My food halberd has always relied on strength, strength!"

"Muscular strength is also a kind of strength—"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Joichiro couldn't straighten up from laughing.

"Caibo, you guys are actually making trouble with him!"

"Yin! Have you forgotten? The rules of our Polaris are based on strength!" Shiro Ichiro winked at Dojima Yin, and said, "Using cooking skills on the halberd, and on the ring..."

"Of course it's martial arts!" Dojima Gin fixed his fist, then took a deep breath, and said to Lin Qiong, "I will do my best!"

"Okay!" With a smile on Lin Qiong's face that hadn't faded, he nodded slightly and said, "Let me, Kang Kang Yinsang, have strengths other than cooking!"

"I'll let you see—" Dojima Gin had a serious expression on his face, he put his hands in front of him, and approached Lin Qiong with small steps, while Lin Qiong moved his hands forward and backward Clenching his fists in front of him, staring at Gin Dojima in front of him,

"Let's attack tentatively to see his current strength—" Thinking of this, Dojima Gin tentatively threw his right fist, "You don't need to use all your strength, so even if he can't react, I will...ah Lie? '

The next moment, Dojima Gin felt his head spinning for a while, followed by a pain in his back, and the scenery in front of him had also changed—by the way, it's a very familiar scene, isn't this the ceiling of the arena?

'Um?Wait, I'm put down! ? 'Finally, Dojima Gin reacted, he widened his eyes suddenly, and then sat up from the ground with a snap——what came into his sight was the stunned expressions of the onlookers.

As if to say...

Nest, wife, come and watch the third season of Hui Ye, it is even more god than God! !

"Just now, what happened?" Dojima Gin held his forehead, looked at Saiba Seiichiro at the side, and asked, "I didn't react at all, did you bystanders see it?"

"Although I really want to tell you that I saw it, but..." Joichiro smiled bitterly. He shook his head helplessly and said, "Unfortunately, I only saw him passing by you, and then you fell on the ground. On the ground."

"Me, me too—" Jiu Wo Zhaoji stuttered out of fright, he looked at Lin Qiong incredulously, and said, "It's really become super powerful!? Is this martial arts?"

"Compared to martial arts, it feels more like witchcraft or something—" Isshiki touched his chin, and said with an inquiring face: "What did you do to make Dojima-senpai fall down suddenly? ?”

"I'm just simple..." Lin Qiong stretched out his right leg and left hand, and said, "When he rushed over, he dodged to the side, then pulled his collar with his left hand, and swept over with his right foot. His legs destroyed his balance..."

"Just for a moment?"



Gin Dojima rubbed his face with some numb claws, he fell down on the ring like discouraged, and said, "Ah—no way! No matter how I recall, I don't have the memory of being knocked down at all! This is not a level at all. It's a contest!"

If you want to compete on the same stage, you must at least see the opponent's movements clearly, and then react, right?Even when Lin Qiong revealed how he brought him down, Dojima Gin still couldn't recall what happened just now...

The difference is really too obvious.

"It's amazing! Brother Xiao Lin!" Jiu Wo Zhaoji rushed to the ring excitedly at that time, and then jumped up and down around Lin Qiong like a gorilla who had successfully courted a mate: "Brother Xiao Lin! Why don't you put me down too, Let me experience the same sense of failure as Dojima-senpai?"

Dojima Silver: "?"

are you crazy! ?What is my sense of failure of the same style... Do I have a sense of failure?

As if Kuaga Teruki had made a start, Joichiro, who had a more out-of-the-box personality, immediately raised his right hand excitedly and said enthusiastically: "I want it too, I want it too! I also want to experience the same style of drinking. !”


The people next to them covered their mouths and laughed.

"Ran Dao Luo of the same style as Senior Dojima...so it's Tang Dao... poof..."

"Be patient, hold back..."

"If you laugh at such a cold joke with homophonic characters, you will definitely be laughed at and laugh at it..."

Xing Ping Chuangzhen saw that his father raised his hand, he raised his hand without hesitation, and shouted: "I want to try it too! The legendary Dojima Silver senior couldn't react and fell to the ground instantly!"

"Pfft haha-"

Yao Wang's last strike finally made the onlookers unable to hold their nerve any longer. They could no longer care about Gin Dojima's power and burst into laughter.


Visible blue veins popped out on Dojima Gin's forehead, he walked to Lin Qiong's side and patted his shoulder, leaned into his ear, and whispered: "Give me some face, throw them to death! "

So, don’t underestimate men’s narrow-mindedness!Their horses...I mean if you are petty, they will send you to Changjing Pavilion to be pricked by needles!

Chapter 0094 I hope people are okay

I don't know why, but within a short period of time, being knocked down by Lin Qiong and feeling "overwhelmed" seems to be something that this group of top ten or top ten "have the courage to try".

"I feel as if I have become a worker in an assembly line factory." Lin Qiong put Yi Sehui, who was rushing towards him, down on the ground expressionlessly, and then slapped a golden sword on the small notebook beside Zheng Da Tang Daoyin, who wrote the name, said, "These guys are the screws to be processed."

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