"It's not a big problem, you're just rough processing." Tang Daoyin sneered and wrote Isekhui's name on the notebook, then closed the notebook with a "snap" and said: "I want everyone to call me Tang Daoyin Guys, feel my burning love for them!”

"Are you sure you didn't let them carry a bag of rice to several floors?"

"The so-called beating is kissing and scolding is love... No, scolding is kissing, beating is love!"

"So you just want to hit them?"

"is it not OK?"

"As long as Yin Sang is happy."

What else can Lin Qiong say?He can only quietly draw a cross on the people who are lying on the ground enjoying the state, and then hope that they can remember to record all the chat records and browser browsing records between themselves and their good friends, as well as the usual comments under the video before the trial. delete...

Oh yes, and talk about Qzone (smile).



dinner time.

Because it was the first return of Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, and the secretary after leaving for a year and a half, so it was rare for everyone to gather together and enjoy the cooking of Master Abe.

"No matter how many times I taste it, Chef Abe's cuisine can always bring me a new touch—" Jiu Wo Zhaoji wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with tears in his eyes, and then choked up: "Really, really too Delicious—”

Lin Qiong looked suspiciously at the mapo tofu (spicy), boiled fish (spicy) and spicy chicken (spicy) in front of him, then leaned into the ear of the eldest lady and asked in a low voice: "Drawing Rina, why do I feel that Jiu my guy was made to cry?"

"Cough—" The eldest lady almost burst out laughing, she pursed her lips for a few seconds and then replied in a low voice, "Well, maybe there is also a reason for this."

After all, that was Kuaga Teruki, the man who had the most names recorded in Dojima Gin’s notebook!


Gan Ri Xiangzi looked at Lin Qiong and the eldest lady who were biting their ears, and couldn't help booing: "Eldest miss and young master Lin, what are you talking about! Tell me, Kangkang!"

Yoshino Yuki, who had the same smell as Kanhiko, also booed: "That's right! Come on and let us appreciate your whispers!"

"Please, you already know it's a whisper, and you still ask?" Lin Qiong rolled his eyes and said, "Do you understand the gold content of a whisper?"

"Wow——" Yoshino Yuki was taken aback, then looked at Gan Hinata, and said, "What should I do! Senior Hinata, I think what he said makes sense?"

"Idiot, don't be led astray by him! He is the best at pulling other people's IQ to his level, and then using his rich experience to defeat the enemy—" Gan Ri Xiangzi said with a serious face: "We must strengthen our own idea!"


Lin Qiong couldn't help but remain silent for a few seconds when he heard what Hinatako said, and then said with a kind face: "Miss Hinatako, if I guessed correctly, are you implying that I am a fool?"

"No!" Gan Ri Xiangzi said solemnly and seriously: "I didn't hint!"

"So it was made explicit?"


Looking at the cute Kinhiko who was knocking his head, Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth, and then glanced at Kojiro Shinomiya who was exchanging experience with Joichiro on the other side, and an evil smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Instinctively feeling something bad, Ganri Xiangzi hurriedly said: "Wait! Master Lin, what do you want to do!? Calm down, calm down! The world is so beautiful, but you are so irritable, this is not good, not good—"

"I'm very calm~" Lin Qiong smiled at Qian Rixiangzi, and said, "I just want to say—"

"I want to say—" Gan Ri Xiangzi repeated subconsciously.

"Sigong—" Lin Qiong shouted suddenly, "Gan Ri Xiangzi said just now that your hairstyle makes you look like a pink furry bunny!"

"I—" Gan Hinata opened her mouth wide. Before she could explain, she saw Kojiro Shinomiya rushing over with a gloomy face, and shouted angrily, "Hinata!!"

Gan Ri Xiangzi waved his hands in a panic, and said, "Wait, wait, Senior Sigong, listen to my explanation...listen to my explanation..."

It's a pity that because of the "many evils" of Gan Hinata, Shinomiya Kojiro completely ignored her resistance and justification, and directly killed her with a set of unsolvable combos.

After finishing dealing with Kanhiko, Kojiro Shinomiya wiped his hands with a handkerchief, then nodded gracefully towards Lin Qiong and the others, and said, "I'm sorry."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked towards Shiroichiro again - he still wanted to continue discussing with Shiroichiro how he felt about the meal he had tonight!


Lin Qiong looked down on the table.As if his soul had come out of his mouth, Xiangzi Ganri couldn't help but said, "Are you okay? Are you okay? Are you okay? If you're okay, just eat yomei——"

"Do you think I'm fine?" Gan Ryuko looked like a zombie who had been exposed to the sun at this time, and his health bar was crippled, "I feel like my brains are about to be pinched out, and then It was shoved back roughly, and my brain was shaken!"

"Hey, does that sound awful?" But do you have a brain?

"You still have the nerve to say it!" Gan Ri Xiangzi looked at Lin Qiong angrily, and said, "You are slandering me! If you didn't slander me, would I be like this?"

"Hmm..." Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds with a sense of guilt (probably similar to snatching a child's lollipop), and said, "Then what do you want to do?"

"Compensation, then you must be compensated!" Qian Ri Xiangzi said convincingly: "Let's not talk about anything else, at least we must be included in the first batch of Pokémon World, no problem?"


Lin Qiong and the eldest lady looked at each other, and then looked at the aunt who had already started her career with complicated eyes.

"Yes, what's the problem?" Ganri Xiangzi straightened his neck and said confidently: "I went to Half-Life! This is Half-Life! It's neither Resident Evil nor Metal Slug nor Counter-Strike, but Half-Life!"

Damn, I actually understood what this woman was saying.

Lin Qiong covered his forehead with some grief, and couldn't help being sad that he could understand Qian Rixiangzi's old stalk, am I already an old man of uncle level?

Lin Qiong sighed, then looked at Ganri Xiangzi, and said, "How about I make you a cup of Momoo milk with walnuts?"


Gan Ri Xiangzi's expression froze. Like Lin Qiong, she is the spiritual successor of Kendi, and she quickly got into Lin Qiong's mind—drink some walnut milk to nourish the brain!

I am special!

Miki Hinatako couldn't help but clenched her fists, glared at Lin Qiong, and said, "You hurt me——"

Lin Qiong hesitated for a moment, and then sang: "—but just laughed it off?"


The eldest lady and the secretary lay on the table covering their mouths, and Jiuga Zhaoji next to him was laughing like crazy.

"Wow ah ah-"

I'm mad, I'm mad, I'm mad!

She was given the nickname Tianxia Wushuang (I'm afraid it's Kojiro Shinomiya's) the ultimate invincible demon king, when did she suffer from such anger! ?Wow! !

She patted the table angrily, then was shocked by the firmness of the solid wood table, covered her hands and let out a wail—almost 0 kills and 1000 damage.

Lin Qiong couldn't bear the behavior of fucking Hinata, and he persuaded him from the bottom of his heart: "So you should drink six walnuts -"

As a matter of course, it caused a second damage to Qian Rixiangzi, and the effect was outstanding, directly breaking Qian Rixiangzi's defense.

"Wow——" she cried and went to look for Kojiro Shinomiya, and mournfully said: "Pink furry bunny, someone bullied..."

Lin Qiong really had no eyes to see the next scene, he could only say it was cruel, so cruel!



late at night.

The eldest lady walked behind Lin Qiong, gently placed her chin on his shoulder, looked at the notebook in front of him, and asked with a smile, "Who is arranging a trip to the Pokémon world?"

"Yeah." Lin Qiong nodded, and he said with a smile: "Joichiro-san and Yin-sang must be arranged together—they have made an appointment, and there will be at least 3V3 and at most 6V6 duel after the trip .”

"Wow, that will definitely be exciting!" The eldest lady lit up her eyes in anticipation and said, "There are also Kojiro-senpai and Hyugako-senpai - if these happy enemies travel together, maybe they can take the final step?"

Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth and said: "Hey, but after seeing the scene tonight, I'm a little worried that Hinatako will be killed by Shinomiya on the way -"

"Ah this..."

The eldest lady was silent for a few seconds, and then said with a dry smile, "Should...it shouldn't be so...right?"

Your tone of voice is extremely uncertain, but you still have the nerve to say it?

"Forget it, if she dies at the hands of Sigong, she will die well." Lin Qiong silently put the names of Shinomiya Kojiro and Kanhiko together, then touched his chin and said, "I hope she's okay."

"Why do I feel that you want something to happen to her?"

"Hey, who asked her to dance like that!"

"Tsk tsk, it's dead."

Lin Qiong was not ashamed but proud, and he patted the side of the eldest lady's face, then smoothly put her into his arms, let her sit on his lap, and said: "After sending the first batch of people over, , and after two more days of rest, we will prepare to go to another world."

"Have you got an idea?"

"Well." Lin Qiong nodded and said; "First find a big fool, cheat a cheat from her, and then go to the world where our potential can be quickly hatched, and further become stronger!"

Chapter 0095 will make me look stupid

"Big fool? Cheating?" A big question mark appeared on the head of the eldest lady.

"Little fool, have you forgotten that you have seen that show? And you even laughed out loud." Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, and he tried to remind the eldest lady, "Remind me, the protagonist's name is Ashaya, and she is not very Smart Yazi, otherwise he wouldn't be called a fool!"

"Not very smart, Ah Ya, very funny—" After combining these key points, the eldest lady suddenly showed a dazed expression, and Lin Qiong on the side quickly encouraged: "Quickly, give your answer speak out!"

The eldest lady insisted: "Ania, the spy playing house!"

"Answer... aba aba?" Lin Qiong was just about to answer correctly, when he realized which series the young lady was talking about, and fell into deep thought.

Ah Ya, funny, and not very smart...

"Hiss, it seems that answering like this... is... not a problem?" Lin Qiong rubbed the bridge of his nose with difficulty, and said to himself, "But why do you always feel that something is wrong?"

Aren't I talking about the one with the blue hair?Why did it become Anya?It's true that Anya isn't too smart...but...but...

Seeing Lin Qiong's expression as if her little finger hit the cabinet, the eldest lady puffed up her mouth and asked, "Did I say something wrong?"

"Cannian, the answer is wrong desu!" Lin Qiong shook his head, and he said helplessly: "Erina-chan, you have to think about cheating! How can there be cheating in spy play?"


The eldest lady came to her senses, she showed a dazed expression again, and said, "That's Su Qing!"

The tone of the answer this time was very firm. After all, she couldn't think of the third possibility - Axia, who is not very bright, can't be Artoria, right?

Although my king is indeed a not-so-intelligent Yazi, and with the cooking skills of the young lady, it is likely to be able to evolve into the food of the Nakiri family—that is even more interesting than the food of the Emiya family!After all, it suddenly became a light lily post!

"Bingo, the answer is correct—" Lin Qiong leaned over, stamped on the young lady's lips, and said shamelessly: "Reward your boyfriend with a sweet kiss."

"Kiss again, don't be ashamed!" The eldest lady patted Lin Qiong with a slightly reddened face—compared to the time when she burst out with shame at every turn, the eldest lady at this time has improved a lot.

"Well, stinky kisses are fine." Lin Qiong smacked his lips, then looked at the young lady who was blushing under the light, couldn't help but move his index finger, and said with a smile: "Then let me taste the magic." the taste of your tongue!"


The moon tonight is also beautiful.



The next morning, after having breakfast at the Nakiri house, Lin Qiong leaned on Feng Sugou and looked at the ceiling with a dazed expression. The secretary at the side poked the young lady's waist strangely and asked in a low voice. Said: "Miss, what's wrong with the young master?"

Could it be that Shilian sank again yesterday?Can't it?His current financial resources can completely wear out the card pool, so why is it still sinking?Or is it that my favorite VTB burst out to be a man, an eyed nerd with a voice changer on?


"Maybe you are thinking about what ability you want?" the eldest lady explained.

The secretary was even more confused: "What ability do you get?"

What's the matter, why do I feel like I can't keep up with your topics after only one night?

"Oh, it's like this—" The eldest lady whispered the conversation between her and Lin Qiong last night to the secretary, but what she didn't expect was that the secretary's attention was not on the conversation at all, but on... …

"What?" The secretary showed a shocked expression, and said, "Miss, you actually secretly went to find the young master behind my back!?"


What is behind your back! ?I'm looking for my boyfriend, I'm not looking for a wild man behind my boyfriend's back, okay? ?

The eldest lady asked back angrily: "I'm looking for Qiong and I still need to inform you?"

The secretary said with a regretful face: "I only have a feeling that I missed some important plot."

"Important plot, isn't that..."

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