Thinking of this, the eldest lady blushed, and then subconsciously stroked her lips——God's Tongue tasted a different taste again, it was really embarrassing.


Seeing the abnormal expression of the eldest lady, the secretary suddenly turned pale with shock, "Could it be that I really missed some important plot?"

"It's not deleted! How can there be such a thing!" Can the young lady admit such a thing?That must not be the case, she said bluntly: "We are just discussing Su Qing's plot briefly!"

"Is that really the case?" The secretary still responded suspiciously.

"Of course it's true, have I lied to you?" The young lady who was infected by Lin Qiong said without changing her expression, "Compared to this, if Fei Shazi came to Suqing's world, what ability would you want to acquire?" Woolen cloth?"

"Hmm -" The secretary suddenly showed the same tangled expression as Lin Qiong. She sat on the floor with her arms folded, and said distressedly: "Special ability?"

Lin Qiong also noticed the movement here, and he said casually: "Anyway, it must not be a particularly buggy ability, otherwise the rules of that world would not allow it."

If you think about it, you know that if you make a wish to obtain a wish such as "Ultimate Instinct" or "Super Saiyan [-]", the gods of that world will not care about you at all-if you can make such a request, The big devil who still hit a hammer directly made Saiyans in batches.

The secretary thought for a while, and asked, "Well, a magic weapon?"

Lin Qiong shook his head and said, "The weapons you can use now will no longer be used when your strength improves! And if you are given top-level weapons, you will not be able to use them now."

The eldest lady rested her chin and said, "Then get a strong natural ability? For example, you can learn everything quickly—"

The secretary's eyes lit up, and he said, "That's good! If you become a genius directly, wouldn't you be able to become stronger quickly?"

Lin Qiong also showed a thoughtful expression, and said, "This seems to be really possible?"

Lin Qiong himself is a very ordinary mortal. He has been playing League of Legends for seven or eight years and is a platinum goalkeeper. He has played chicken for 600 hours and Steel Gun is still a piece of junk. If he does not want to rely on the elders of the Wind Spirit Moon Shadow Sect in a stand-alone game, he will rely on the Emperor of Heaven. My cultivation base is often beaten to death by monsters...

If he could really acquire the ability to "become a genius", wouldn't that mean that his future path would be much easier? ?



Lin Qiong showed another hesitant expression, which made the secretary and the eldest lady feel puzzled.

"what happened?"

"I was just thinking..." Lin Qiong scratched his head and said, "How does it work to turn a mortal into a genius? Could it be that there are still such things as root bones and understanding?"

In Lin Qiong's memory, the props that can turn mortals into geniuses seem to be only the dark seeds in the second season of Digimon, but no one is really going to use that thing, right?

"Ah, this -" the two looked at each other, and the secretary scratched his head in distress and said, "I don't know much about this - but since there are gods over there, this kind of thing It should be possible, right?”

"Fei Shazi, after listening to your words, I am even more uneasy—" The eldest lady twitched her lips, covered her forehead with her hands, and said, "Aqua, the goddess of water, perfectly expressed everything I have to the gods." The filter was completely shattered."


The secretary was also silent. She leaned on the sofa behind her as if she was exhausted, and murmured: "If the gods can really create geniuses, then why is there Akuya?"

To take a step back, even if Aqua is not a genius, she should at least be at a normal level, not Mad Aqua level, right?

"So it's okay to become a genius or something." Lin Qiong shook his head, and leaned against Feng Sugou with his arms folded again, and began to think with the eldest lady and the secretary, whether to be in Akuya What kind of ability to deceive will be of great help in the future.

Akuya: Can you guys stop talking about deceit all the time?Wouldn't it make me look stupid?



In the morning of the next day, Lin Qiong was gathering members of the five groups—Gin Dojima, Seiichiro Saiba; Kojiro Shinomiya, Xiangzi Mikichi; The Sami group; Tian Suohui, Yoshino Yuki, and Sakaki Ryoko's group—sent to Dr. Oki's research institute, and took Hackron to see her parents by the way.

Then, he took the eldest lady and the secretary to see Feng Wang, who was having an unrequited love with a bird's beak pecking at the fruit to satisfy his greed, and made a meal for the other party, such as chicken feet with pickled peppers, white chopped chicken, spicy chicken diced, After Coca-Cola Chicken Wings and Potato Stewed Chicken, Lin Qiong received Feng Wang's warm thanks - referring to being chased and pecked at the head for 10 minutes.

Then I went to Jinhuang City to take a look at Nazi, who had resumed her role as the gym owner. By the way, she used a series of cold jokes and jokes from hell to make her lose her combat effectiveness. Lin Qiong left the Pokémon world contentedly.

"You are really bad!" The eldest lady couldn't help but said, "Nazi laughed so much that her saliva came out!"

I heard from Na Zi that she plans to go to Pokémon Hollywood at the end of the year to develop as a female star - if Lin Qiong captures the scene where she laughs until she drools, then she will be able to perform a female star without misfortune.

What a pity, what a pity.

"It's okay, she's in pain and happy." Lin Qiong showed an unscrupulous smile, he stretched out his hand to hold the hand of the eldest lady, and said, "Okay! It's time for us to go to Suqing's world—— Remember what ability we discussed?"

The eldest lady and the secretary looked at each other and said in unison: "Of course!"

The three of them had been discussing for most of the night, and they finally found out. They have the ability to have infinite possibilities!

Chapter 0096 Flicker Lame (convinced)

World coordinates: Blessings for the beautiful world.

World Line: Kazuma Sato travels through the first half of the year.

Location: Temple of Reincarnation.

"You three are already dead—"

She hasn't revealed her true IQ yet, so Akuya, who only looks at the skin and can still see it, is sitting on the throne with a smile on her face at this time, looking down with (seemingly) loving and compassionate eyes standing in the magic circle of three people.

"Oh oh oh-"

The secretary let out a sigh. She subconsciously took out her mobile phone, pointed the camera at Akua above, and snapped pictures.

"Fei Shasha, what are you doing?"

The eldest lady asked, dumbfounded.

"Eh? Because, miss, look—" The secretary looked at the miss innocently, and she quietly pointed to sit on the throne, her ears were all pricked up, with a look of "ah, what are they talking about?" Why ignore me" expression, but Aqua, who was trying to pretend not to care, whispered: "This is that Aqua-sama? How should I put it, it has a feeling of local characteristics? It’s like Hachiko at Shibuya Station feels like that—”

Of course the locals don’t think much of it, but if foreigners come to travel, they will take a photo in front of Hachiko’s statue to prove that they have been here, seen, and conquered, right?


The eldest lady suddenly showed a look of surprise. She quickly took out her mobile phone from her small bag, then pointed the camera at Aqua, and took two photos.

Aqua: "???"

'what's the situation! ?What's happening here?Why did these three people react like this when they saw this great, gentle, smart, philanthropic, and capable goddess despite being dead?This is strange! ? '

There was a brainstorm in Akuya's heart, but she just sat on the god's throne for the sake of character design, and reservedly waited for Lin Qiong and others to ask proactively—anyway, you don't say "What? I'm dead?" And "where is this", I will not say the next line!


Don't underestimate the reserved mouth of the goddess!

Akuya here is sitting on the throne, brainstorming with an IQ of 2.5, and Lin Qiong over there, after hearing the conversation between the eldest lady and the secretary, can't help but suggest: "You can't do this—you are now Isn’t his behavior just that after finally arriving at Shibuya Station, he just took a few photos of the Hachiko statue with his mobile phone?”

The secretary asked strangely: "Isn't it right?"

Lin Qiong said matter-of-factly: "It's definitely not right! Don't you want to take a group photo to compete or something?"

Seems to make sense?

The eldest lady and the secretary looked at each other, and said: "But she is not a statue of Hachiko, how can we take a photo together if we want?"

"Please, although she is not Hachiko, she is Akuya!" Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows at the eldest lady, and said, "Wait a minute, I'll go to Hu...cough, negotiate. "

So what you just said was cheating, right?

Lin Qiong trotted to Aqua's throne, then looked at the blue-haired goddess above with "surprise" - although the angle was great, she had her legs crossed and couldn't be seen - and said "It's hard to see" The voice "confident" exclaimed: "This, this dignified and beautiful appearance, these eyes full of wisdom, this temperament of a high mountain flower - you must be No. 1 on the list of the most popular goddesses." The goddess of water, Aqua, right?”


Aqua was stunned, and her brain began to work more intensely——

Digging?And this list?I'm still number one?hiss!Am I so awesome?No, no, the key is why does this dead human know my name?Eh?Could it be that my fame has spread to the earth?

As expected of me!

With this thought in her mind, Aqua had the urge to transform into Kogoro Mouri, stick out her tongue and laugh "hahahaha" - but no, she is a goddess, she needs to look good!

"Uh-huh!" Aqua coughed dryly, and then said seriously: "I didn't expect that my goddess's reputation has become so obvious... showing off... wrong... showing off... it doesn't seem right either..."

Lin Qiong looked at Akuya who was hesitating, and couldn't help reminding in a low voice: "That's right, the goddess's reputation is so prominent, like thunder, but everyone who heard the name of the goddess, all exclaimed——Akuya!"


Akuya was about to turn into Pinocchio, making her nose more than ten meters long, but the last reserve of being a goddess—mainly because there were people watching below—made her barely hold on.

"You know this goddess so well, are you a follower of the Axis Cult?"

"Of course! I've always wanted to meet the goddess!"

'Wuhu, this person must be my loyal believer! Akuya's heart began to swell, and she involuntarily put her hands on her hips, showing a smug expression, and said, "I didn't expect to meet a follower of this goddess—what's your name?"

"If you don't change your name if you're going, don't change your surname when you sit down, I'm Xiaozao!"

"Then I'll call you Zaozi." The extremely bloated Aqua crossed her legs and said with a condescending expression: "Xiao Zaozi, what do you want to say when you see this goddess?"

Subtext: Come on, praise me, flatter me, say something nice!

If she was a true believer, she would probably be full of tongues at this time, flattering Akua as if the water of the Milky Way came from the sky, but even Akua's natural Lin Qiong would spoil her?

That won't be.

"Yes! Goddess Aqua, can I take a photo with you?"


"If I go to another world and meet believers of the Axis Cult, I can tell them that I have seen a gentle, virtuous, beautiful, generous, intelligent, witty and witty goddess!"


"If I hadn't met a believer of the Axis religion, I could have used this photo as evidence, saying that I had seen the goddess and knew how great she was, and then preached, wouldn't it be half the effort?"

"Makes sense!"

Akuya, who has been dizzy, has no extra brainpower to think about one thing—she seems to have only said "you are dead" to Lin Qiong and the others, but she has not revealed "you can choose to keep your memories and reincarnate to different world".

can only say……

As expected of Aqua (shock)!

'If he can give me publicity, wouldn't my followers increase further?At that time, wouldn't God Realm pay more monthly salary? Thinking that her salary could rise again, Akuya immediately waved her hand generously and said, "Then you come! This gentle, generous and intelligent goddess, you are allowed to take a photo with me!"

Lin Qiong twitched the corners of his mouth, thinking: "This guy, maybe he wanted to repeat what I just said, but he didn't remember an idiom?" '

Do you understand what it means to be mentally retarded at the T0 level of the Pyramid of All Heavens and Worlds (tactical retreat).

So, under the greeting of Lin Qiong, the eldest lady and the secretary came to Akuya with dumbfounded expressions on their faces, and took several photos with her—they even added filters and some decorations during the period. It's full of cuteness.

ah?You say beauty?

What a joke, two-dimensional beautiful girls need beauty?That’s not called beautiful face, it’s called ugly face!

"Do you still need to shoot?"

After taking several photos together, Akuya inexplicably gave birth to a star-like feeling and said, "This goddess is so merciful, I can take a few more photos with you! Ah, if you need an autograph, you can do it too!"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but glance at Aqua. He estimated that if he secretly took out a deed of sale or even a slave contract, Aqua would not be suspicious and write his name on it, right?

After all, in her heart, the three of Lin Qiong are her loyal fans, and how could such fans harm the gods she believes in?

'However, this kind of thing really should be forgotten--' Lin Qiong twitched the corners of his mouth. After all, the only thing Akuya can see as a goddess is her appearance. As for the inside?Isn't that kind of thing the same as the father of the Enderman, doesn't it exist at all?

So, let her be handed over to Ghost Beast King Hezhen!

"Enough is enough, this phone is quite old-fashioned and can't save many photos." Lin Qiong smiled, and then quickly changed the subject: "That's right! My Lady, you just said that the three of us are dead, what's going on? "

"Ah... oh..." Because the topic was changed, Akua's CPU quickly started to execute the next task, so that she scratched her head, and immediately forgot about taking pictures, and said, "This is Reincarnation Temple, if you appear here, it means that you have died, and you have received the blessing of the gods—”

"Oh, and then what?"

"You have two options, either reincarnate with your memories and start a new life in another world, or go to a place like heaven and enjoy the retirement life like a grandfather."

Speaking of which, Akuya's brain, which was not much bigger than a fingernail, actually recalled her responsibilities. After doing basic science popularization, she immediately moved in front of Lin Qiong and the other three, sharing gossip in a low voice. Said the same action.

"I see that you are my sincere believers, so I told you in secret—in fact, the Kingdom of Heaven is not as good as you make it out to be!

Because you are all souls, you don't even have a body, so you can't do anything but sunbathe, it's just a kind of torture!

On the contrary, if you go to a different world, you can experience the same treatment as the brave in the RPG game, take risks in the world of sword and magic, meet new companions, and then save the war-torn different world, and finally defeat the big devil , become a world-famous hero, embrace the beauty!

How about it?Are you excited?If you reincarnate now, there is also a reincarnation reward event, and you can also get a special ability! "

I have to say, it’s really hard for Aqua to memorize such a long list of lines!I really don’t know how long it took her to memorize them!

Thank you for your hard work, great goddess, Aqua!

Chapter 0097 acquired ability

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